Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 566 Taking down Shouyang County, Kong Jie: Why am I the one who gets hurt every time?

Chapter 566 Taking down Shouyang County, Kong Jie: Why am I the one who gets hurt every time?

It is difficult for ordinary light and heavy machine guns to penetrate the defensive armor of armored vehicles.

Although the intensive rain of bullets from the New Second Regiment killed many devil infantry who were advancing in coordination, it failed to stop the advance of the armored vehicles. On the contrary, under the counterattack of several vehicle-mounted machine guns, many people were injured or injured.

The soldiers of the New Second Regiment did not back down, but hid behind the bunkers and launched a tenacious resistance to the advancing devils. The battle was unprecedentedly fierce.

Dense bullets flew back and forth, and people on both sides of the enemy and us were constantly shot and injured, or died on the spot.

Kong Jie, the group leader who had an overview of the situation at the back, quickly discovered the abnormality here, and couldn't help frowning and scolding: "Damn it, these devils probably want to break out!"

The battalion commander next to him said: "Regiment commander, did these devils decide to break out of the encirclement so soon?"

Kong Jie: "They must have learned the experience of the Battle of Jinzhong. They knew that the casualties would be too great if it was delayed for a long time, and they would have no chance."

After a pause, Kong Jie's face became more and more gloomy: "These bastards, actually use our new second regiment as a breakthrough. Do you really think that Lao Tzu's new second regiment has the shortest time to form, and it is a soft persimmon?"

This point was really hit by Kong Jie. Yoshida Yan saw that the offensive in the direction of the railway entrance and exit was the weakest, so he chose to break through from this direction.

The first battalion commander: "Looking at the attitude of the devils, the devils should have come out in full force. Their strength is at least two brigades, and they are fighting trapped beasts. In order to survive, they will definitely explode with unprecedented fighting power.

Even if our new second regiment can stop it, I'm afraid it will suffer heavy losses. "

Kong Jie nodded, agreed with the analysis of the first battalion commander, and said, "So, we can't confront this devil head-on."

"Pass my order, the first battalion, the second battalion, and the third battalion immediately look for suitable positions and switch from offense to defense, blocking layer by layer, weakening the devil's strength little by little; at the same time looking for opportunities to use Molotov cocktails to destroy the devil's armored vehicles, and a little bit to attack all around Retreat, give way to the devils, and finally encircle them with the Fourth Battalion!"

"Si Battalion, immediately build a fire blockade on the city wall, and blow up the rails and the city wall near the entrance and exit of the railway!"


As soon as the order was conveyed, the battalions and companies of the New Second Regiment immediately switched from offense to defense, blocking the attack layer by layer.

At the same time, the fourth battalion as a reserve team quickly climbed up the city wall and built the last blockade line, which was also the strongest blockade line.


"Boom, boom!—"

Accompanied by several earth-shattering explosions, several clusters of dazzling flames up to tens of meters rose near the entrance and exit of the railway, almost illuminating half of the sky.

When the flames dissipated, I saw that the rails had been blown off in the middle, leaving several terrifying craters several meters in diameter and more than half a meter deep on the ground.

The city walls on both sides also collapsed several meters, and all kinds of bricks, stones, and rammed earth were scattered everywhere.

At that time, the breakout troops of the Japanese army were only less than 300 meters away from the entrance and exit, and they were about to rush out of the city. With the sound of these explosions, their way out was completely blocked.

"Baga! Damn it!" Yoshida Yan was so angry that he scolded his mother directly, but he calmed down soon.

Although the explosion just now destroyed the passage of the armored vehicle, people could still pass through, so the old devil immediately commanded the troops to launch a final onslaught.

For a moment, dense machine gun bullets poured towards the city wall and covered it. A large number of bullets hit the city wall, and clusters of smoke and dust immediately splashed and fell down.

There were also some bullets that flew directly over the heads of the soldiers of the New Second Regiment and disappeared.

At the same time, the devil's grenadiers also opened fire. Most of these grenades fell inside and outside the city wall, but many of them also landed on the city wall.

Some soldiers from the Fourth Battalion of the New Second Regiment happened to be near the point where the grenade fell, and were immediately blown away by the explosion shock wave, including their weapons and men, and died on the spot.

Under the cover of the firepower of the machine gun team and the grenadier team, the devil infantry immediately launched a full-scale advance.

The soldiers of the Fourth Battalion were not used to it either, and broke off their fire decisively.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Da da da!--"

"Crack, clap clap clap!—"

The soldiers of the Fourth Battalion used whatever they wanted, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, rifles, and pistols. They opened fire one after another, and in an instant they flew out densely like raindrops, pouring down on the oncoming devil infantry.

The fourth battalion was condescending, and there were no shelters near the city wall as a cover. The Japanese soldiers of the 33rd Infantry Regiment suddenly fell down a large piece of screaming like a knife cutting leeks.

At the same time, soldiers from the other battalions also rushed out from everywhere, launching a frenzied encirclement attack on the devils.

For a while, there were gunshots and explosions.

The 33rd Infantry Regiment was eager to break out of the encirclement, but fell into the encirclement circle deployed by Kong Jie.

At this time, the 33rd Infantry Regiment, under the command of Regiment Captain Yoshida Yan, broke out unprecedented combat effectiveness.

They divided the two infantry brigades into two parts, one part blocked the first, second and third battalions of the new second regiment, and the other part launched a fierce attack on the fourth battalion guarding the city wall...

The fierce fighting here quickly attracted the attention of the rest of the Japanese and puppet troops, as well as the regiments of the 386th Brigade.

After learning that the former enemy commander-in-chief Yoshida Yan had abandoned them and led the 33rd Infantry Regiment to abandon the defense, the morale of the Japanese and puppet troops retreating from the major strongholds was suddenly low, and they had no idea of ​​continuing to fight at all.

Then they retreated towards the direction of the railway entrance and exit together.

The Second Independent Regiment, the New First Regiment, the Independent Regiment and the 772nd Regiment took the opportunity to cover up and kill them.

Looking at the army of devils rushing from all directions like a wave, the 33st, [-]nd, and [-]rd Battalions of the New Second Regiment, which besieged the [-]rd Japanese Infantry Regiment, couldn't help being a little confused. In the end, because of the difference in strength, they were torn apart by the Japanese and puppet troops. There was a hole.

Then, the massive Japanese and puppet troops joined forces with the 33rd Infantry Regiment. Under the attack regardless of casualties, they forced a hole from the entrance and exit of the street, and immediately swarmed out of the city like wild dogs off their ropes.

Although the Fourth Battalion of the New Second Regiment tried its best to stop it, it still allowed hundreds of Japanese and puppet troops to escape.

Just when a group of Japanese and puppet soldiers felt that they had escaped from the sky, that they could let birds fly in the sky and fish leap in the sea, in the night ahead, countless tongues of fire suddenly flickered.

Immediately afterwards, dense bullets poured towards them like costless stones.

At that time, the 771st regiment and the 4th mixed brigade were used as reserves.

After Xu Shengji and Sun Yuliang learned that the rest of the Japanese army broke out from the direction of the railway entrance and exit, they deployed their troops here in advance.

So far, the Battle of Shouyang has been reduced to a one-sided massacre.

About 10 minutes later, all the Japanese and puppet troops who broke out of the city were wiped out.

There were still some devils hiding in the city, but they were also purged by the regiments of the 386 brigade.

So far, the battle of Shouyang has come to an end...

(End of this chapter)

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