Chapter 580 The Welfare of Travelers
As the order was issued, the Devil agents of the 1st combat group immediately advanced in a tactical formation under the cover of the 2nd combat group and the 3rd combat group.

As a result, as soon as he rushed out of the bunker, a dense rain of bullets poured down and covered him.

"Tu Tu Tu!"


The bullet hit the ground, immediately kicking up pieces of mud.

Realizing that something was wrong, the Devil's agents immediately rushed to the nearest bunker, but two Devil's agents still couldn't dodge in time, and they screamed and were shot, and fell into a pool of blood.

The Devil sniper immediately pulled the trigger and returned the favor.



Three clear gunshots sounded, and in the next instant, three machine gunners were shot dead in the machine gun position of the Xinyi Regiment, and the firepower was a little weaker.

Seeing this situation, the devil agents of the first combat group quickly moved forward, and finally advanced 1 meters after another 5 casualties.

At this time, the distance between them and the new group of machine gun positions had been shortened to 200 meters, and they had entered the effective range of the M3 submachine gun.

As a result, more than 1 devil agents in the first combat group immediately relied on the terrain and launched a confrontation with the new regiment.

"Tu Tu Tu!"


Within the range, the lethality of the submachine gun may be far less than that of the light machine gun, but in terms of firepower, it is not much worse.

At the same distance of 200 meters, after the light machine gun penetrates the target's body, it may be able to kill subsequent targets, but the submachine gun can also kill people.

The dense rain of bullets poured over and immediately suppressed the new group of machine gunners on the ground, who couldn't hold their heads up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the ghost agents of the 2nd combat group and the 3rd combat group immediately followed up.

And at this moment, grenades suddenly fell down with the sound of the wind tearing through the air.


"Boom, boom!—"

The grenades fell to the ground and exploded one after another, shooting up clusters of bright red fireworks on the ground. The devil agents near the landing point couldn't dodge in time, and immediately even people and weapons were thrown out.

"Tu Tu Tu!"


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the soldiers of the new machine gun company opened fire one after another, a dense rain of bullets poured over, and immediately wiped out several devil agents.

The remaining ghost agents could only find cover to avoid, and the advance collapsed.

"Baga! The artillery force of this Eighth Route Army exceeds at least one company. They must be the Second Independent Regiment!"

Kazuki Yamamoto witnessed the entire attack and was even more certain of the opponent's identity.

Matsumoto Jiro next to him comforted: "Captain, this Eighth Route Army seems to have seen through the weakness of our special agent team. You see, they retreated another 100 meters under the cover of artillery, and always maintained a distance of more than 300 meters from us." distance.

We've got one-third of our casualties now, and even if we can keep pushing forward, they can keep retreating.

Now that the opportunity to fight has been lost, it will only be more detrimental to us if we continue to entangle, so let's retreat quickly! "

Kazuki Yamamoto didn't expect the other party to be so vigilant, even though he was very unwilling to accept the unfavorable result, he had to accept Jiro Matsumoto's proposal.

Then he gritted his teeth and said: "Order, each team immediately takes cover alternately and turns towards the cliff!"

"Hi Yi!"

Matsumoto Jiro let out a sigh of relief, and immediately conveyed the order.

Li Yunlong on the opposite side has been observing the battle situation, so he noticed the Yamamoto special team as soon as they retreated, not only the corners of his mouth raised, showing a mocking smile: "Come if you want, leave if you want, you are my residence is a brothel what?"

"Pass my order, the artillery company will immediately extend its firepower and cut off the devil's retreat!"


The communicator quickly conveyed the order.

Li Yunlong knew that the artillery company's firepower was limited and it was impossible to carry out carpet bombing, so it was absolutely impossible to keep all of Yamamoto's secret service team.

Initiating a charge would mean giving up the advantage of attack distance, and would not be much stronger than the Yangcun Independent Regiment.

At that time, a large number of casualties must be paid.

This is what Li Yunlong does not want to see.

However, Li Yunlong obviously didn't want to let the Yamamoto secret service team go. After thinking for a while, he ordered Huzi next to him: "Huzi, you go back to the regiment headquarters immediately, call the first battalion and the second battalion, and say that the regiment headquarters has been attacked." The Yamamoto special team attacked, and the crisis has been resolved. At present, the Yamamoto special team is trying to break out from the cliff of the back mountain, so that the first battalion commander and the second battalion commander can quickly lead their troops back to help, cut off the opponent's retreat, and wipe them out in one fell swoop!"


Huzi made a promise, and was about to turn around and leave when he saw political commissar Zhao Gang running over in a hurry.

"Lao Li, Lao Li!"

Li Yunlong looked back at Zhao Gang and said, "Old Zhao, what are you doing here? It's not safe here."

Zhao Gang said: "The leader of the Second Independent Regiment, Wang, just sent an urgent call, asking whether our regiment headquarters was attacked by the Yamamoto Special Forces. After receiving a definite answer, he said that he was leading his troops towards the cliff behind Zhaojiayu Mountain, so that You don't need to fight with the opponent, find a way to drive the Yamamoto team back to the bottom of the cliff, and he will destroy the opponent!"

Li Yunlong suddenly looked surprised: "How did Zhuzi know?"

Zhao Gang: "Regimental Commander Wang said that he just led a special forces team to conduct night training nearby, and he heard the movement here."

Li Yunlong was stunned.

Hu Zi asked again: "Commander, do you still need to call the first battalion and the second battalion?"

Li Yunlong: "No need!"

There is the Spike Special Forces, and you can make a fucking phone call.


Things are just as Zhao Gang said.

Tonight, Wang Chengzhu is indeed leading Spikes for night training.

Of course, this training was intentional on his part.

During the day today, when he learned that Li Yunlong had set up the regiment headquarters in Zhaojiayu and also met Yang Xiuqin, he silently remembered it in his heart.

Then, he also asked Li Yunlong about the terrain near Zhaojiayu, and learned that there was a cliff in the back mountain of Zhaojiayu.

Obviously, Wang Chengzhu couldn't tell Li Yunlong that he was a time traveler.

Therefore, I can only remind Li Yunlong to strengthen precautions.

However, Wang Chengzhu was still a little worried, so he decided to come to Zhaojiayu for a field reconnaissance, so that he knew that if the Yamamoto special team really attacked Zhaojiayu, he could provide effective reinforcements at the first time.

That night, he led Langya to the cliff at the back of Zhaojiayu to conduct night infiltration training, just in time to hear the sound of firefights on the cliff, and then what happened next.

The screen is pulled to the bottom of the cliff.

As soon as Wang Chengzhu led Langya to the bottom of the cliff, he saw the 10 or so ropes hanging from the top of the cliff.

"Squads, disperse immediately and find a suitable location to hide!"

Wang Chengzhu had already told Li Yunlong about the weaknesses of the Yamamoto Secret Service, so as long as Li Yunlong's troops were warned in advance, they could defeat the Yamamoto Secret Service, and what he had to do now was to wait for the fish to climb down from the top of the cliff.


(End of this chapter)

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