Chapter 587 The Funny Osaka Division

Wang Chengzhu said: "It's simple, because we captured the devil's artillery mirror before, and we can easily map out the target parameters of the devil, so that we can use the walkie-talkie to bombard the devil's assembly area on a large scale.

It can even carry out precise shelling on the devil's firepower point. "

Commander of the 385th Brigade: "Oh? Can we also conduct precise bombardment of devil targets at night?"

Chen Liandao, head of the 769 regiment: "Yes, brigade commander, during the Battle of Jinzhong, the Spike Special Forces used the guidance of the artillery mirror to conduct precise bombardment of enemy targets several kilometers away."

"It is precisely because of this that we were able to easily capture Jinzhong County."

The brigade commander of the 385th brigade naturally didn't doubt Chen Lian's words, so he nodded immediately and said, "If that's the case, we have the superiority in military strength and firepower, and we can indeed easily penetrate the devil's blockade."

In this way, the anti-sweeping plan that was originally divided into parts and dispersed to break through was completely negated.

Next, Wang Chengzhu and others stayed at the division headquarters and began to re-formulate the anti-sweeping combat plan.

Time flies, a week passed.

The anti-sweeping operation plan of the 129th Division has been formulated. At the same time, the head of the Kenzo Kitano Division also led the Osaka Division, that is, the 4th Division, which successfully arrived in Taiyuan from the northeast.

Speaking of the 4th Division, we have to mention their glorious history.

In the battle of Nomonhan, the Japanese side originally planned that the 2nd Division and the 4th Division would attack the Soviet Union together, but the Osaka Division has been procrastinating.

The peace-loving Osakans suffered from various illnesses or acclimatization along the way, so that the marching speed was surprisingly slow. In the end, the battle on the front line was over, and the Osaka division had not yet arrived on the battlefield.

The funny thing is that the Osaka Division and the 2nd Division met on the road later, and the defeated 2nd Division was like a bereaved dog, without any energy.

However, the Osaka Division, who learned that the war was over, was elated, and even more arrogant on the way back to the army. People who didn't know the reason thought they had won the battle.

You know, the head of the Osaka Division at that time was the famous Yamashita Hokumi, who was later known as the "Malay Tiger".

Even this famous (and notorious) old devil has nothing to do with the veterans of the Osaka Division, and can only let them do their jobs...

Of course Shinozuka Yoshio knew the glorious history of the Osaka Division, and he also knew that these Osaka people were unreliable.

But even so, Shinozuka Yoshio brought the top leaders of the 1st Army out of Taiyuan City to welcome them, and gave the Osaka Division the highest courtesy.

Shinozuka Yoshio's thinking is very simple, that is to let the Osaka Division blockade on the periphery, as for the task of mopping up, it will be handed over to the 41st Division and the 27th Division transferred back from Jinnan.

Yoshio Shinozuka was also worried that these Osaka people would procrastinate on the way and delay the fighter plane just like going to Nomonhan.

Therefore, as soon as the Osaka Division arrived in Taiyuan City, Shinozuka Yoshio ordered the Osaka Division to set off early the next morning...


The 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

The 129th Division had already learned that the Osaka Division had arrived in Taiyuan City and was marching from Taiyuan City to the southeast of Shanxi, and the atmosphere in the division headquarters suddenly became tense.

Because this means that the Japanese raid is about to begin.

Although Wang Chengzhu has cooperated with the division staff to formulate a set of careful anti-sweeping plans, and even conducted many war games, the division staff still couldn't help feeling nervous.

Wang Chengzhu's expression was extraordinarily relaxed, and he asked: "Chief of Staff, you mean, the reinforcements for the 1st Army are the 4th Division, that is, the Osaka Division?"

Chief of Staff: "Yes, why, Zhuzi, do you know the Osaka Division?"

As a time traveler from the 21st century, Wang Chengzhu knew the Osaka division very well. They were a wonderful flower of the Japanese army and one of the few peace-loving ghost troops.

Historically, they not only delayed their fighter planes in the Battle of Nomenhan, but in the later stages of the Battle of Xuzhou, the Osaka Division was ordered to block the 5th theater.

General Li Delin finally led the main force of the 5th theater to break out of the encirclement, but encountered the blockade of the Osaka Division. At that time, the exhausted General Li Delin was almost desperate.

Because they are no longer sure that they can defeat the blocked Osaka division, once the main force of the Japanese army pursues them, they will face a catastrophe.

But at this time, the Osaka Division on the opposite side did not attack them. Even, in order to avoid unnecessary friction, the Osaka people deliberately retreated for a while, maintaining a certain degree of safety with the main force of the 5th theater distance.

General Li Delin was stunned when he saw this scene. Not only Li Delin, but also General Bai Jiansheng, known as the little Zhuge, was also stunned. He didn't understand what kind of poison was sold in the gourds of the people in Osaka.

I even wonder if this is a trap set by the people of Osaka.

But at that time, General Li Delin had no time to think so much, even if there was a cliff ahead, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and jump off.

At that moment, he gritted his teeth and led the troops to break out of the encirclement.

Then, they naturally did not encounter any resistance, and easily broke through the devil's blockade.

Afterwards, the commander of the Central China Expeditionary Army who became angry from embarrassment asked why the people in Osaka did not fire to stop them, but their answer was that they had not received the order to fire.

During the Battle of Changsha, the people of Osaka also pretended to be sick and tortured foreign workers. Not only were they not ashamed, they were proud of it, and then occupied the medical resources of the field hospital and laughed at the wounded and sick who had retreated from the front line.

Moreover, it's fine if these Osaka people don't actively fight. They even often sell the weapons and equipment in their hands, and then report to the superiors that they were consumed in the battle.

I have to say that these Osaka people are really business-minded.

In August 1945, Emperor Hirohito of Japan announced his unconditional surrender, and the whole of Japan fell into crying.

Many Japanese soldiers and senior Japanese generals planned to follow the so-called Bushido spirit and commit seppuku.

But there is only one Japanese army that is different. They all have red faces. They are in stark contrast to the skinny Japanese army that lacked clothing and food in the later period of the war. Their equipment is so brand new and beautiful. Like a war.

There are even many people who have a lot of wealth, just waiting to get married and have children, live and work in peace and contentment after returning to Japan. They cooperated extremely well when they accepted the surrender, and they did not show any resistance. It is an army of a defeated country.

On the second day after returning home, this army ran to the side of the US military base to sell war souvenirs in their hands. The US military evaluated them as peace-loving.

This Japanese army is the famous Osaka Division.

The corners of Wang Chengzhu's mouth rose slightly, and a different kind of smile appeared: "If the Osaka Division participated in the mopping up, I think our battle plan can be slightly revised..."


(End of this chapter)

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