Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 595 Reached a deal with the Osaka Division

Chapter 595 Reached a deal with the Osaka Division
If one were to ask, what if your opponents are Arabs and your allies are Italians?
Then the result is, you killed all the enemies, but lost the whole war.

Of course, this is not to say that the Italians' combat effectiveness is poor. In fact, the Italians' combat effectiveness is not bad at all. They just don't like fighting, and they even find various reasons not to fight, that's all.

The reason for the surrender of the Italians is also notoriously weird.

One: The ammo box doesn't have a crowbar.In the North African battlefield, the British army launched a charge to the Italian anti-tank group. At the beginning, it was met with fierce artillery fire from the Italian army. However, after a few minutes, the Italian army suddenly ceased fire and erected white flags. The army did not find a crowbar to open the ammunition box, so "honorably" chose to surrender.

Two: Encountered a roadblock.Once, the Italian army led 5000 people to support the German army, but on the way, they encountered a roadblock set up by dozens of British troops, and the Italian army decisively chose to surrender on the spot.

Three: bombed.Italy stationed more than 10000 troops on two small islands in the south of Sardinia, and the Allied forces sent pilots to bomb them. After being bombed and killed more than 40 Italian soldiers, the Italian army decisively accepted the allied pilots' persuasion .

Four: Obtain a "Certificate of Surrender".During the Battle of Sicily, U.S. troops dropped "cannonball leaflets," which, it said, served as "certificates of surrender" for food and safety in the Allied rear.

So, the next day, a large number of Italians came to surrender. Everyone held leaflets in their hands, and some asked anxiously, "Is this a certificate of surrender?" All happily surrendered their weapons.

On the third day and the fourth day...At first, there were dozens of people in groups, and later hundreds of people ran over with leaflets.

Once, after two Italian soldiers surrendered with leaflets, they told the U.S. military that there were more than 60 people in their company who wanted to surrender but did not dare to come because they did not have a "surrender certificate" in their hands, so the U.S. military immediately sent someone to bring them The "Certificate of Surrender" brought all these people.

Another time, an Italian soldier came to ask for a leaflet so that his brother could come and surrender.

Five: War is boring, we want to go back and pick up girls.After losing two consecutive battles, the Italians will say: "The war is so boring, let's go back and pick up girls"!
Then, the 10000-man Italian army encountered the 25-man British army and was captured by the British army soon after more than 8000 people.

Auchinleck once proudly reported to Churchill: "The Italians we captured are innumerable, about five acres of officers and 200 acres of soldiers."

Six: To eat PASTA (pasta).Italian soldiers in a prisoner-of-war camp escaped from prison, but they did not escape because there was no pasta to eat, but they chose a prisoner-of-war camp with pasta to eat...

In fact, if you refuse the Italians to surrender, the consequences will be quite serious.

In North Africa in 1941, the famous desert fox Rommel and Britain had a war.Under the command of Rommel, Germany defeated the British army, but it was too difficult to annihilate the British army in one fell swoop.

In desperation, Rommel had to ask for help from the Italian 132nd Armored Division stationed in North Africa.

Of course Rommel knew that Italy was a veritable "pig teammate", but he could only take this risk if he wanted to wipe out the British army!
The Italian 132nd Armored Division was responsible for defending the flanks and blocking the retreat route of the British army.

The British also know that the Italians are easy to bully, so they decided to "select the soft persimmons".After discovering the 132nd Armored Division in Italy, the British army immediately dispatched an armored force, ready to eat the Italian unit.

And the 132nd Armored Division did not disappoint the British at all. They clearly had an absolute advantage, but when they saw the British driving tanks and armored vehicles to kill them, Mario, the commander of the 132nd Armored Division, immediately thought of surrendering.

Ever since, he sent his liaison officer to the British army and expressed his intention to surrender.

But these British people may feel that it is no honor to capture Italy, and they will not get any military exploits. It is better to wipe out the Italian armored division directly.The British refused to accept the surrender of the Italians, and directly beat the liaison officer to death.

In this way, it can be regarded as completely blocking the retreat of the Italians.

As the saying goes, a dog will jump over the wall in a hurry, and a rabbit will bite people in a hurry. Seeing that there is no hope of surrender, Mario will die anyway, so it is better to fight with his back.So he ordered the whole army to enter a state of combat readiness, and started a desperate fight with the killed British troops.

However, a dramatic scene happened. This time, the Italian army was so brave that it directly beat the British army to pieces and fled in a panic.

Another time, the Italians were about to surrender, but the British refused on the grounds that there were no prisoner-of-war camps.

The Italians defeated it in a rage, and then set up a prisoner-of-war camp by themselves and locked themselves up...

The book is back to normal.

Kenzo Kitano thought about it carefully, and then he believed Wang Chengzhu's words, because the other party really had no reason to deceive him.

Moreover, they won't get any benefit by deceiving themselves, but the consequences are quite serious.

Immediately, he asked again: "Commander Wang, even if your army has mastered the penicillin purification technology and can continuously produce penicillin, you are only a small regiment leader after all, and you are not even a regimental leader. What do you say? Can it count?"

Wang Chengzhu smiled, thinking that Kitano Kenzo should be ready to agree to make a deal with him, and said: "Our teacher asked me to be this contact person, which gave me absolute power, and, to be precise, this Penicillin's The purification technology is not in the hands of our Eighth Route Army, but in the hands of me, Wang Chengzhu.

What's more, judging from your Japanese army's level of killing me, it can be seen that my threat even exceeds that of our brigade commander and even the division commander.

And the combat achievements I made far surpassed most of the officers. Therefore, although I am only a regiment leader, I can definitely take charge of most of our 129th Division.

Especially for this transaction, I am not only the liaison, but also the leader. "

Kitano Xianzao thought about it too. With Wang Chengzhu's military exploits and military capabilities, it would be too unreasonable if he couldn't even do this. One great thing.

What's more, the same sentence, Wang Chengzhu didn't need to deceive himself, and he didn't dare to deceive himself.

At the moment, Kenzo Kitano expressed his worries again, and said, "Okay, Commander Wang, I believe your words, and I am willing to make friends with you, but the problem is that the reason why penicillin was valuable in the past was because there was no way to buy it." Mass production, now that your army has mastered the mass production technology, the price of penicillin will inevitably drop in the future, so is the price of penicillin..."

Of course Wang Chengzhu knew what Kitano Kenzo wanted to say, before he finished speaking, Wang Chengzhu raised his hand and interrupted: "Chief Kitano, I think you should have studied economics, right?
Since the head of the Kitano Division has studied economics, he should know that if a commodity is monopolized by a merchant, then the merchant has the pricing power.

In other words, this commodity, the merchant can sell it as expensive as he wants.

Of course, the premise is that there is a large demand for this commodity in the market, and the supply is in short supply.

And penicillin is precisely the most urgently needed drug in the world, and it is also the most desired drug, not one of them.

In other words, I don't worry about selling penicillin at all.

I just want to do this business with Commander Kitano, so I am willing to let you be my agent.

If I am willing, no matter if it is the British, Americans, or Germans and Soviets, they must all be willing to do business with me, and more willing to be my agent.

The English on the packaging box is for the convenience of selling, that's all..."


(End of this chapter)

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