Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 71 New 1st Regiment Political Commissar

Chapter 71

Eighth Route Army.

In order to improve Li Yunlong's political awareness and prevent him from getting into trouble again, the brigade commander decided to arrange Zhao Gang, who had just graduated from the Anti-Japanese University, as the political commissar of the new regiment.

During the Battle of Cangyunling, it was because there was no political commissar in charge that Li Yunlong dared to disobey the orders of the headquarters and chose to break through from the front.

Although Zhao Gang is young, less than 25 years old, and has no political experience, he is a top student at Yenching University and organized and led the "[-] Anti-Japanese National Salvation Movement" in Beiping. He joined the Communist Party a long time ago. An old party member with high political awareness.

It is worth mentioning that although Zhao Gang is engaged in civilian work, he has a high shooting talent. He can use a bolt-action rifle to shoot a headshot from 500 meters away and kill the devil's artillery.

It is no problem to say that he is the number one sharpshooter in "Bright Sword".

After receiving the order, Zhao Gang immediately took the guards to the new regiment headquarters to take up his post.

According to the plot of "Bright Sword", Zhao Gang originally went to the independent group to be the political commissar, but in this parallel world, because Wang Chengzhu's crossing caused a series of chain reactions, many things changed, and Li Yunlong was not pushed to the new The position of head of a regiment went to a quilt factory as the factory director.

Moreover, since Wei Dayong was rescued from the prisoner-of-war camp by Wang Chengzhu in advance, Zhao Gang did not have any episodes on the road, and arrived at the headquarters of the Xinyi Regiment very smoothly.

At this time, Zhao Gang was still recalling the brigade commander's evaluation of Li Yunlong in his mind. This guy is a thorn, he is very good at fighting, but compared to his fighting skills, his ability to cause trouble is stronger, and he often just makes a meritorious service. , he can make a mistake in no time.

Moreover, Li Yunlong's temper is also very stubborn. If he is a donkey, he will kick his son at every turn, and he can't get along well with the first two political commissars of Xinyituan.

However, Li Yunlong is stubborn, Zhao Gang also has a firm belief, can't he surrender Li Yunlong?He just doesn't believe in this evil!

The new regiment.

After an orderly tied up the army horse for Zhao Gang, he immediately ran into Li Yunlong's residence and made a report to Li Yunlong: "Report!"

Li Yunlong was drinking at that time, and he was living a very good life. He looked up at the orderly who walked to the door, and motioned: "Come in!"

The servant walked into the room, saluted and reported: "Head, the new political commissar has arrived."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Gang walked in, saluted Li Yunlong, and introduced himself: "Leader Li, I am Zhao Gang, and I am your partner in future work. Please help me a lot."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Gang stepped forward and stretched out his right hand, ready to shake hands with Li Yunlong.

But Li Yunlong didn't even look at Zhao Gang, he picked up the wine bowl in front of him and drank it, and then said to himself: "Here comes another white-faced scholar."

Zhao Gang was embarrassed for a while, and was about to say something, but Li Yunlong raised his head to look at him, then poked forward the wine bowl in his hand, and said with a smile, "Come, have a drink."

Zhao Gang said with a blank face: "Leader Li, I'm sorry, I don't know how to drink."

Li Yunlong put the wine bowl back on the table, his face darkened and he asked, "You don't know how to drink, what are you doing here at my Xinyituan?"

Although he took a big blow, Zhao Gang is not a vegetarian either. He retorted: "Xinyituan is for fighting, not for collecting wine and food."

Good guy, he led Li Yunlong's army instead, mocking him for being a dead man.

Li Yunlong was not angry, nodded and said: "Well, it makes sense! Oh, he is a cultural person after all. It seems that Commissar Zhao has fought a lot of battles. He will give us lessons in the future so that we can understand what war is."

Li Yunlong showed his big white teeth. He has never convinced anyone in terms of "reasonableness", let alone lost to anyone. He can even use all kinds of allegories proficiently. The only one who can't win is probably only Brigadier Chen.

Zhao Gang was startled, thinking that this kid is indeed difficult to deal with, but he was not intimidated, and immediately said expressionlessly: "Don't dare to be, let's learn from each other."

Li Yunlong didn't care, he changed his voice and continued: "It's the first time we meet, let's explain clearly. Ah, the military and the government are separated, and each does its own thing. I have the final say on the war, and you talk about the things in life. Calculate."

"is that OK?"

After finishing speaking, Li Yunlong grabbed a few more peanuts and stuffed them into his mouth, crunchy.

Zhao Gang: "Of course it's okay for everyone to perform their duties, but when it comes to principles, it's not up to anyone to decide. As long as it is within the duties of the political commissar, I will definitely take care of it."

While eating peanuts, Li Yunlong messed around and said: "It's the same thing, the regimental leader is in charge of fighting, and the political commissar is in charge of life."

After saying this, Li Yunlong seemed to think of something, and added: "By the way, there is still political and ideological work. As for other things, you don't have to worry about it."

Zhao Gang: "It seems that the commander's position should strengthen political study. You are purely military. The chairman has already criticized it..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yunlong interrupted impatiently: "Stop talking to me, we are a big bastard, and we can't beat the Japanese devils away just by playing tricks."

"Haha, right?"

"As for anything else, don't play around with me."

While Li Yunlong said, he also made some image movements. It's not that he doesn't like Zhao Gang, but mainly because he doesn't want to be hindered in his future combat actions.

As long as Zhao Gang doesn't participate in the war, he won't make things difficult for him.

But Zhao Gang didn't follow Li Yunlong's way: "If you can't figure out why you are fighting, then you are fighting blindly. Fighting for the devils, do you also fight?"

Good guy, this means that I want to be a traitor.

How could Li Yunlong bear this, he slammed the wine bowl on the table in front of him, and scolded: "Nonsense, aren't you talking about it?"

Zhao Gang: "Arguing? I think it's you, Captain Li, who is arguing?"


Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang refused to accept each other, and Zhao Gang didn't even want the image of an intellectual. The two were like shrews cursing the street, and they quarreled with each other.

This first meeting was quite unpleasant.

However, Zhao Gang is an intellectual after all, and he knew that reasoning with Li Yunlong would be like playing the piano against a cow, which would have no effect, so he quickly adjusted his mentality not to argue with Li Yunlong.

Of course, Zhao Gang wasn't afraid of Li Yunlong, the more difficult the job was, the more it showed that Xinyituan needed him.

Since Li Yunlong couldn't please him, he decided to start his work from a different angle, ignoring Li Yunlong, a stubborn donkey, and settling his luggage on his own.

After settling down, Zhao Gang briefly inspected the situation of the Xinyi Regiment Headquarters.

At present, the entire new regiment only has the guard platoon, the communication squad and other regiments directly under it, and there is no main combat force. All of them together have less than 50 people. This made Zhao Gang very puzzled, so he found Li Yunlong again.

"Leader Li, I want to ask, where is the troops of our new regiment? Why didn't you see it? You didn't ask for instructions, and you didn't mobilize troops to carry out some military operations again, did you?"


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(End of this chapter)

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