Chapter 9 Assigning Development Tasks
"Break the whole into parts and develop separately?"

Li Yunlong is a vigorous and resolute person who doesn't like to procrastinate. He listened to the method proposed by Wang Chengzhu, pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "This is a good method! I will do as you say!"

Wang Chengzhu: "Chief, I gave you such a good idea and let you escape punishment. Do you think you have to repay me?"

Li Yunlong's face darkened: "Good boy, I have promoted the company several levels, and you are not satisfied with promoting you to be the platoon leader of the artillery platoon?"

Wang Chengzhu complained: "You have been promoted, but the question is, what is the difference between me, a platoon leader, and a big soldier?"

"It's okay for me to pull the team, but if I meet devils and puppet soldiers, why don't you let me deal with them alone? Besides, I don't have a gun in my hand. Even if I want to develop the army, I can't develop it. You At least you have to give me some start-up capital, right?"

Li Yunlong: "You mean, you want me to assign some people to you?"

Wang Chengzhu nodded: "That's right, Captain, that's what I mean."

Li Yunlong was rather puzzled: "Zhuzi, you should be very clear about the situation of my new regiment at the moment. Not only your artillery platoon, but also the other platoons suffered serious casualties, and some platoons didn't even have a single brother left."

Wang Chengzhu: "Commander, of course I know about this situation, and I don't want more. Just give me 10 brothers and 10 guns. Isn't that too much?"

"Okay." Li Yunlong pondered for a moment, considering what Wang Chengzhu said was indeed true, so he agreed to his request.

In the Battle of Cangyunling, it is true that the Xinyi Regiment suffered heavy casualties, but it is not a big problem to allocate 10 people to Wang Chengzhu.


A day without incident.

The next day.

At dawn, Li Yunlong assembled all the battalions and companies of the regiment, except for the seriously wounded.

What is different from the past is that today's Xinyi Regiment has one more unit, that is, the artillery platoon.

It's just that the gun rank is a platoon in definition, but there are only 11 people including Wang Chengzhu, the platoon leader, which is less than the number of people in a squad.

Of course, the rest of the company platoons were not full, and some even lost the entire platoon.

It is worth mentioning that although the Xinyi Regiment has suffered a serious reduction in personnel, and many soldiers even have thick bandages on their heads and bodies, the morale of the soldiers is very high.

Standing on the wooden platform in front of the playground, Li Yunlong's gaze was like a torch, and he was very satisfied with the spirit and spirit displayed by his soldiers.

After a while, Li Yunlong withdrew his gaze and said loudly: "Brothers, you all performed bravely in the Battle of Cangyunling. I am very satisfied. You are worthy of being my Li Yunlong's soldiers. I am proud of having soldiers like you. "

It has to be said that Li Yunlong is very good at mobilizing the morale of the troops. A simple sentence made the soldiers of the new regiment feel excited, and their eyes on Li Yunlong became hot.

Adoration, pride!
Immediately, Li Yunlong asked again: "Also, brothers, do you know what Li Yunlong likes the most?

I like wolves.

Animals like wolves are fierce and slippery, especially packs of wolves, and tigers are also afraid of three points when they see them. "

"In the future, you have to let the devils know that when you meet my new group, you will meet a pack of wild wolves, a pack of howling wolves."

"In the eyes of our wolves, any opponent who dares to scream is a piece of meat in our mouths. We are a group of wild wolves, drinking the devil's blood, eating the devil's flesh, and chewing its bones!"

"Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit, when will our wild wolf group improve our lives? When we meet devils!"

"In the battle of Cangyun Ridge, although we won the battle and killed that old devil Sakata, our Xinyi Regiment also suffered heavy losses.

In order to restore the establishment as soon as possible and complete the replenishment, I decided to take the platoon as a unit, break it up into parts, and develop independently! "

"And I have already issued a military order in front of the boss. In three months, I will develop the new regiment into a reinforced regiment with 358 troops like the 5000th regiment of the Jinsui Army.

Therefore, you must develop your troops as quickly as possible! "

"Leader, what does it mean to break up the whole into parts and develop separately?"

Zhang Dabiao, the commander of the first battalion, was the first to speak and asked everyone's doubts.

In fact, it's not his fault, after all, Xinyituan had never done such an operation before.

Li Yunlong turned his head to look at Zhang Dabiao: "The first battalion commander asked a very good question!"

"It's very simple. The so-called taking the platoon as a unit and breaking it up into parts to develop separately means that you can develop your own troops and solve problems such as soldiers, food and salaries, weapons and equipment."

"During these three months, you don't need to ask the regiment headquarters for all your combat operations, and you don't need to turn in the spoils you seized. You can play them all freely!"

After a pause, Li Yunlong continued: "Also, during this period, if you develop less than one platoon, get out and become the squad leader.

If the developing unit has a company, then three months later it will be the company commander!

If the developed unit has a battalion, it will be the battalion commander after three months! "

After Li Yunlong finished speaking, the soldiers in the audience started discussing immediately.

It has to be said that if Li Yunlong travels to modern times, even if he does not join the army, he will definitely become an excellent salesman.

The so-called superiority of the capable.

The reward and punishment system he proposed is not only novel, but also very avant-garde, completely ahead of this era.

It can greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of the soldiers in the development of the army, and it will not bury talents.

After a while, Shen Quan, the commander of the second battalion, asked another key question: "Regimental Commander, you said that each platoon will develop individually, but some platoons only have a few people left, and I am afraid it will be difficult to complete some combat tasks."

(To explain, in the TV series, Shen Quan is the second battalion commander of the independent regiment and Kong Jie's old subordinate. In order to facilitate the approval of benefactors, the third child slightly changed Shen Quan's identity.)
Li Yunlong: "This time it is divided into parts. In principle, the platoons are used as units to develop independently, but when necessary, such as when completing some difficult combat missions, the companies and platoons can also fight together!"

"To put it simply, I have one request, that is, within three months, each of your battalions must expand to about 2000 people!
If you can't complete the task, then you three battalion commanders don't do it either! "

First Battalion Commander Zhang Dabiao: "???"

Second Battalion Commander Shen Quan: "???"

Third Battalion Commander Wang Huaibao: "???"

Captain, you are not very good at math, did you teach it from your physical education teacher?

For a reinforced regiment of 5000 people, excluding the units directly under the regiment, such as the guard platoon, artillery platoon, communication squad, cooking squad, etc., isn't it enough for each battalion to have about 1600 people?
Not only did the three of Zhang Dabiao look dumbfounded, but the faces of the rest of the cadres also showed ugly expressions as if they had eaten flies.

The Eighth Route Army has a three-three system, that is, one regiment governs three battalions, one battalion governs three companies...and so on.

Now that a battalion needs to be expanded to 2000 people, wouldn't it mean that a company also needs to be expanded to 700 people, and a platoon needs to be expanded to 240 people.

This officer does not seem to be promoted well.

Commander, what are you doing? You want to be a brigade commander... Oh no, do you want to be a division commander?


 PS!There will be two more changes tomorrow, benefactors please support!
(End of this chapter)

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