Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 12 Don't be happy!

Chapter 12 Don't be happy!
After class, Natsume Zehei went to the Ghost Department and found a lot of letters in the mailbox.

After taking a few glances, he found that there were more love letters.This is a bit of a headache, if it is disposed of without the permission of Yu Gonghui, it will not take these people's thoughts seriously, but if it is not disposed of, there will be no place for ghost lovers to submit articles.

After thinking about it, Natsume Zehei took out all the love letters, put them on the shelf where Yu Gonghui was reading, left a small note on the table, and left.

After two classes, school is over.Natsume Zehei stood in front of the shoe cabinet and glanced at the sky.

The sun set quickly, and it darkened after a while, which made Natsume Zehei a little worried, whether it would rain later - the sky was full of dark clouds, it looked like it was about to fall, but there was no rain, just dragging , as if waiting for a hearty heavy rain.

Rain is nothing, but continuous rain for several days will cause problems for the old house. This house is several rounds older than Natsume Zehei. It is a dangerous building, and I don't know when it will collapse.

In a few months, the typhoon will come when the summer vacation is approaching. Can it withstand it?

Natsume Zehei was a little skeptical, but there was nothing he could do.

Bad weather and bad luck.

As he walked, Natsume Zehei found that his wallet was missing.Although mobile payment is popular, he puts most of his money in his mobile phone, but the unreasonable loss of [-] yen is also depressing. It may take a few days of work to fill the vacancy.

Moreover, the tram card and the like are all inside. It can be said that the loss was heavy.

There is no other way, I can only lower my face and ask Yu Gonghui for help tomorrow, looking for a job as a tutor.

At that time, that woman will definitely mock herself severely. Damn it!

Natsume Zeping angrily kicked the iron box on the side of the road, but he didn't realize that it contained something heavy.


When Sayuri saw Natsume, he was squatting on a stone by the river, depressed.

Natsume Zehei noticed Sayuri coming, but didn't speak.

Sayuri poked Natsume.

This is probably asking him, what's wrong with you?
Natsume Zehei sighed, "I lost my wallet."


Sayuri thought for a while, then stretched out her hand to smack his face, forcing a smile.

Although it was intended to comfort Natsume, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed to be provoking a war.

"Are you trying to fight?" He was a little annoyed.


Seeing that Natsume was not in the mood to chat, Sayuri stopped talking to him, but looked left and right, constantly looking for something.

After a while, she leaned over: "Natsume, have you seen my tin box?"

Natsume Zehei was silent for a while, thinking of the iron box that he threw into the river just now, his face was not very good-looking.

"did not see it."

Sayuri seemed a little sad, and sat beside him sullenly.

One person and one ghost are all sad.


Natsume Zeping felt a little guilty, wondering if he had gone too far.

But he quickly threw away the guilt. Who told her to throw things by the side of the road?Isn't it normal to be picked up if you don't hide it!
After a while, Natsume Zehei looked at the wronged Sayuri and sighed:

"I threw the iron box into the river, I'm sorry."

"As compensation."

He took it out of his pocket, but there was nothing.Natsume Zeping was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he didn't even have any gifts that he could afford.

"...I'll give you a gift tomorrow."

Sayuri stared at him for two seconds, then quietly floated away.

After a while, she floated back with a ten-yen coin.


"Ten yuan, I don't care about it." Natsume Zeping snorted, "But if you insist on giving it, it's not unacceptable."


Sayuri insisted on giving it to him, but he still didn't shirk, and took Sayuri's coin away.

After that, Natsume Zehei kept winking and hinting frantically.

Sayuri seemed to understand something, turned her back and floated away.

Natsume Zeping was in a better mood, and began to look forward to what she would bring back.

After a while, Sayuri came back again.

Natsume looked at her, is it one thousand this time, or ten thousand?
Sayuri wiped off the non-existent water on her clothes, and took out an iron box from behind her.

"Natsume, I got it back." She said happily.


Natsume Zehei showed a forced smile, "Oh, congratulations."

It turned out that I didn't look for money!

While she was turning around, Natsume Zehei opened the box to take a look, and found that the inside was solid. No wonder it hurts so much. Which genius came up with this idea? !
Sayuri sat next to him, holding the iron box, looking at the scenery in the distance.

Not far away, someone passed by again, and the same couple Sayuri glanced at Natsume Zehei, and found that he was also looking at herself.

With the experience from last time, Natsume Zeping hid behind the grass so that no one could see him.

The couple also had experience, first looked left and right, and then chatted with confidence.

"No one left this time"


After hearing the voice, Sayuri poked her head out again.It was less than a second after poking out, and Natsume Zehei caught him back.

She looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't look at it." Natsume Zehei said.


"Young ghosts are not suitable."

Sayuri scratched her head, not understanding what he meant, but she insisted on getting her head out, Natsume couldn't stop her.



"He's having fun with her."

"Huh?" Natsume Zeping was taken aback.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Sayuri gestured,
Natsume Zeping covered his face, Sayuri's gestures were too vivid.

Seeing that Natsume understood what she meant, she poked her head out again.

"That girl has a painful expression."

".What's wrong?"

"I don't know, she's weird."

Natsume Zeping broke out in a cold sweat, murdered for money?Intentional murder?
In the wilderness, it takes a long time for the police to arrive, what should I do?
Regardless, it's time to see what's going on.

He leaned out to take a look, then immediately retracted, blushing.

"It's not pain."

Sayuri snorted, "What is that?"


"Is this also happy?"

"It's also fun."

Sayuri nodded, grabbed Natsume Zehei's hand, and placed it on her chest.

"I want to be happy too."

"Don't be happy." Natsume Zehei stretched out his hand back.

Sayuri stared at Natsume with her jet-black eyes for two seconds.

"Natsume is a bad guy."

"Please remember, there is no one better than me in this world." Natsume Zehei looked at her.

Although she didn't understand what was going on, Sayuri thought he was right.

So, she poked her head out again, while Natsume Zeping kept a cold face, thinking about hitting the mandarin duck with a club.

When he was thinking, his fingertips touched the iron box, and Natsume looked at it unkindly, you are so honest, right?

next second.


The river was thumping, causing a large splash of water, and there were many people hiding in the grass.

The couple was frightened and ran away.

Natsume Zehei glanced at the three or four people standing up from the grass, thinking that this world is really terrible.

When he was hiding just now, he didn't notice so many people talking, wouldn't they be afraid? After all, in the eyes of others, Natsume Zeping was just talking to himself in the air.

When Sayuri turned her head back, her treasure box was gone.

"Natsume." She tugged on Natsume's sleeve.


"Where's my box?"

"Throw it away." Natsume Zeping said confidently.


Sayuri's eyes flickered, and she pursed her lips.

"You can pick it up again," Natsume Zehei said.

She didn't speak, just sat down, glanced at the distance between herself and Natsume, and quietly moved a few steps away.

She was angry.

Things can be picked up again, but a broken heart cannot be recovered!

However, it seems too far away.

After calculating the distance, Sayuri moved a little closer.

Far away, but not too far away.Angry, but not completely angry.

The guilt in Natsume Zeping's heart rose again, "Sorry."

Sayuri looked over.

"Next time I'll throw it closer."

She was silent for a while, then floated over and flipped through Natsume Zehei's pocket, and threw the ten yen coin inside into the river.

After doing all this, Sayuri ran away immediately, preventing Natsume Zehei from having a chance to catch her.


"Boring, do you think I care about the ten dollars!"

Natsume Zeping said angrily.

Seeing Natsume's sullen back, Sayuri suddenly became happy.

(End of this chapter)

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