Chapter 15 Request
The Spirit Department was as quiet as ever.

The gentle wind blows through the window, bringing the sound of shouting in the distance. Three or five green leaves are lying by the window, and occasionally they will float into the air.

The indoor water heater made a gurgling sound, and the transpiration white gas was particularly conspicuous in the sun, and the aroma of tea was diffused after flowing into the white porcelain cup.

The soft girl reclined on the sofa, and changed to a comfortable position when she was tired. At that time, the skirt would rub against the sofa and there was a slight sound.

While painting, Natsume Zehei thought of his own lifespan again - he said there was still one year left, but if he really had to count it down, the time passed quickly, and it would be over if he didn't pay attention.

If you continue to do chores and only focus on studying like yesterday, it will be very dangerous.

Natsume Zehei thought for a moment and made a decision in his heart.

——Go to Ginza in the afternoon.

Theoretically speaking, it would be better to go to Shinjuku. Kabukicho in Shinjuku has many female high school students who can spend money to date. It is convenient to find someone or fall in love.Movie theaters, video game dance halls, bars and other places are open from late at night to dawn, an absolute city that never sleeps.

But Natsume Zehei ruled it out immediately, because Kabukicho is full of fish and dragons, and the jiudao personnel hide behind the scenes, and some unknown things happen every day.

A few days ago, there were people who ate peanuts while walking-it was really sad.

Later, when the news reported that the victim was a Korean, Natsume found it funny again, and thinking about it now, he still wants to laugh.

Thinking a little far, Natsume collected his thoughts.

On the other hand, he really has no money.

It is no exaggeration to say that Natsume Zehei would not hesitate at all if he could earn [-] yen by begging. This was a helpless choice.

His physical strength is only twenty, and he can only do some jobs that consume little energy, such as tutoring, cash register, begging, etc., and considering various factors, the most suitable part-time job for Natsume is tutoring.

Just as Natsume was about to speak, a voice came from his ear.


Amamiya Hui put away the book.


"I want to ask you something, if you can, answer me honestly." Yu Gonghui folded his arms, still showing an arrogant expression.

Natsume Zehei paused for a moment while drawing the poster, and looked up at Megumi Amamiya with a serious face.

Miss Amamiya's question?

"You said."

"Do you like men?"

"Huh?" Natsume Zeping tilted his head, his face full of doubts.

"Do you like it? Have you ever been confessed to?" Yu Gonghui's expression and attitude did not change at all.

"I don't like boys, and I have never been confessed by a boy. The only thing, please remember this - although I am handsome, not all handsome people like men." Natsume Zehei said word by word explain.

She nodded and asked again: "Then do you like me?"

"I don't like it. If your questions, Minister, are all about this, please stop talking about it." Natsume Zehei lost interest, bowed his head and continued to draw posters.

If one day he will fall in love with this woman, then he must have fallen.

"I just wonder, in this world, is there really someone who doesn't like me?" Yu Gonghui showed a puzzled expression.

Although it was not the first time he heard this sentence, when he heard it again, Natsume Zehei still felt that this person's arrogance was hopeless.

Some people would hate money even if it was money. Where did she get the confidence to think that everyone loves her?
With such doubts, Natsume inspected it.

The breeze rolling along the grass slipped into the Department of Spirituality, blowing the black hair on her forehead. The naturally fluttering black hair bypassed the warm sun lightly, and floated mischievously along the direction of the wind. Megumi Amamiya naturally The black hair in front of the forehead was smoothed, and the profile of the face was facing the clear blue sky outside the window, and the white cheeks were extraordinarily bright.

——He admitted again that this woman is indeed quite pretty.

The girl raised her head slightly, met Natsume Zeping's light brown eyes, turned her face unconsciously, and said frivolously and complacently, "Does it look good?"

This is an easy question to answer, and anyone here will nod.

But Natsume Zehei didn't want to admit it, let alone lie.So he chose to remain silent in order to curb Yu Gonghui's arrogance.

In this regard, Yu Gonghui just smiled and did not speak.

"Minister, can you do me a favor?" Natsume Zehei asked.

"If it's a marriage proposal, I will refuse." Yu Gonghui smiled triumphantly, her willow eyebrows curved softly.

"Not a proposal."

"From friends to couples, I will refuse."

This woman should really be single for the rest of her life.

"Please listen to me." Natsume Zehei felt a little headache. Although she had known for a long time that she had such a temperament, she still couldn't avoid being ridiculed.

"How do you want me to listen to you, member Natsume?" Amamiya Kei tilted her head, her eyes shining brightly: "Everyone says this before confessing their love, I don't have the patience to distinguish the sincerity. "

Natsume Zeping lowered his head and remained silent.

Seeing him like this, the corners of Yu Gonghui's mouth curled up, holding his beautiful side face with one hand, and resting his head lazily on the half-opened glass window.

"However, if it's you, I'm a little patient. Come and listen, Natsume members who need help."

"I need a job, a job as a tutor."

She crossed her arms and looked slightly surprised, probably because she didn't expect Natsume Zehei to make such a request.However, it fits his personality quite well.

"Tutor?" Megumi Amamiya pondered for a while, then glanced at Natsume Zehei again, and asked calmly, "Lack of money? Or is there another reason."

"Just a lack of money."

"I can borrow it from you, and you will pay me back when you graduate and have a job." Yu Gonghui showed the temperament of a rich woman at this moment.

The eldest lady of the Yugong family has never bothered to talk about money, she would not like such vulgar things.

"Graduation is too far away. You may have forgotten about it at that time." Natsume Zeping said.

"I do not care."

"I care."

He looked up and looked at Yu Gonghui seriously, but the latter just tilted his head and didn't speak.

People with lofty goals have the tenacity and tenacity that are hard to extinguish when the rain hits the lamp, and the wind blows the color more brightly.Natsume Zeping doesn't need pity from others, nor does he need charity.

After a while, Yu Gonghui nodded to show that he understood.After that, I stopped talking to Natsume Zehei, stood in front of the bookshelf and carefully selected, and replaced the book in my hand with "Snow Country".

"So, what's the price?"

She unpacked it, "If you ask someone to do something for you, you have to pay something, right?"

Natsume Zehei was at a loss for words, if he wanted to talk about his value, it would be nothing more than studying well, and other than that, it would be this face—if I remember correctly, the Yugong family's property also includes the Niulang shop.

It is impossible to be a cowherd, and it is impossible to be a cowherd in this life.Natsume was unwilling to sacrifice her luster to coax a mature wife, and for a little reward, she got into the arms of a rich woman.

"If Minister Amamiya is interested, you can take it from me." Natsume Zehei replied after thinking.

"Including the body?"

".Does not include the body."

This sentence is a bit light, and Natsume Zehei said it reluctantly.

"This makes it difficult for me." Yugong Hui brushed her long hair, "The family motto of Yugong's family is--if you borrow, you must pay back."

"I haven't heard that the Yugong family has family training."

"It started today."

The hateful woman Natsume Zehei pursed her lips, planning to find another way out.

Yu Gonghui looked at his depressed look, her smile became more and more wanton, and even her eyes were full of joy.

"However, I am in a good mood today, so I will remember it first, and let Natsume members pay back slowly in the future."

After finishing speaking, Amamiya Hui lost interest in speaking, and the Department of Spiritual Mysteries became quiet again.

Her light and sparse shadow was reflected on the corner of the wall, and the blue sea-like sky reflected a blue light and shadow on the girl's neck.

"Thank you." Natsume Zeping nodded, packed up his things and left the Department of Mysteries.

Megumi Amamiya kept her head down until Natsume Zehei walked out of the Ghost Department, and then read the part she was reading.

'Human feelings are inferior to the most fragile crepe.Because those silks and satins can be preserved for at least 50 years, and people's attachment is much shorter than that. '

 Thanks to those who voted monthly!Seeking investment, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket again!
(End of this chapter)

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