Chapter 22 Rumors (3500 words)
When school was about to leave, the rain was a little lighter, but we still had to hold an umbrella.

Natsume Zehei supported his chin with one hand and held the ballpoint pen in his hand. He didn't write, but kept spinning.

""Han Shu. Shi Huo Zhi" mentioned: "The people are rich if they are neglected, and the wealth of the service is arrogant, or even the gangsters of the powerful party use arbitrariness in the country song.

The royal family has land, and the ministers and officials below compete for luxury, and the family's house, car and clothing are over the limit.Things prosper and decline, and they change. "

"Who will tell, what is the idea here?"

On the podium, the teacher raised questions.

The world history teacher is a middle-aged man who is unsmiling. He likes to read "Three Kingdoms" and has a deep research on ancient China-only in the Three Kingdoms period. It is said that the person he admires most is Cao Cao.

The teacher left the scribbled writing on the blackboard and turned to face the crowd.

"Limited fields."

The sound came from below, not too loud, but just enough for people to hear.

"Not bad." The middle-aged man nodded, glanced at the boy sitting in the third row by the window, and showed approval.

"You are."

"Natsume Zehei."

"Very good, Natsume-san."

He turned his back and continued talking.

Seeing this scene, the people in the class didn't have any thoughts, and didn't even discuss it. They just thought it was normal-this was a common scene.

In the classroom, the voice on the stage was loud and eloquent.The same is true for the snoring in the audience, like the waves of the Yangtze River.

"Takatomi Yamato, is the teacher's class just so hypnotic?" The middle-aged teacher stopped talking and turned his gaze to the boy in the back row by the window.

The moment he heard his name, Takatomi Yamato woke up from his sleep and stood up reflexively. His newly opened eyes were a little sensitive to light. It took a few seconds to adapt to the light in the classroom. His face thumped in his heart.

"Sorry! I studied too late last night! Uncle is wrong, sir!"


There was endless laughter, and many eyes looked at the middle-aged man.

He didn't show any expression, but his tone was slightly heavier, "Go out and stand for a while."


The get out of class bell rang just right.Takatomi Yamato also heaved a sigh of relief, "Great, I escaped."

The world history teacher packed up his case and left. Before leaving, he glanced at him lying on the table, looking sad and angry at him.

"Come to my office."


"Damn it! I was scolded!"

"If you listen to the class well, you won't be reprimanded."

"I can't help it. History, whether you listen to it in the morning or in the afternoon, is very hypnotic!"

After school, Natsume Zehei met Takatomi Yamato in front of the club building, and they walked together.

He ignored Takatomi Yamato's complaint and kept silent, pretending he didn't hear it.

Although Natsume Zehei didn't have a good impression of Takatomi Yamato, but it doesn't matter if it's just chatting.

——Man is a social animal, communication is necessary.

Natsume Zeping doesn't talk much, but it doesn't mean he hates chatting. When he needs to ask for news, he will take the initiative to talk to someone.

To put it bluntly, Japan is a country that pursues distance and pays attention to "politeness". It is common to bend over to apologize or something-but it is just an apology.There is a good saying: "Admit your mistakes with an open mind, and never change your mind." That's the truth.

In such a country, people tend to put on a hypocritical face, maintain a social distance, and call it polite.

However, there will always be some strange things in life, just like Takashi Yamato standing beside him, his familiar temperament does not regard himself as an outsider at all, pulling Natsume Zehei is just talking about Dashan.

"Hey Natsume Natsume."

Takatomi Yamato suddenly stopped and looked at him nervously.

"what happened?"

"Yumi Sato, do you know?"

"It's from our class." Natsume Zehei glanced at him and said slowly, "I remember yesterday or the day before yesterday, you talked about her with me."

"Yes, that's the girl with the big breasts." Gao Chen Yamato glanced around, and sneaked in sneakily:
"She seems to have found a boyfriend recently."

"Is that so?" Natsume Zeping thought for a while, and then felt a little strange: "Our school? Why have I never heard of it."

"I'm pretty sure that person is Furukawa from the baseball club. You know Furukawa, right? A stinky guy who usually likes to be handsome." Takatomi Yamato was a little annoyed.

"Damn it, I've had my eye on Yumi-chan for a long time, she's pretty and good-looking, and I was about to launch an offensive, but I didn't expect him to succeed!"

"If I remember correctly, yesterday you said that her boyfriend changed quickly, and she had a bad impression of Sato-san." Natsume Zeping said flatly.

"The me of yesterday and the me of today are two people!"

Takatomi Yamato said triumphantly, "Didn't Natsume hear a saying, 'One cannot step into the same river twice', which means: nothing in the universe is absolutely static and unchanging, everything is in motion and Change. It has to be said, whoever came up with that phrase is a genius."


Had Heraclitus been alive, he would have beaten him.

However, Natsume Zehei thought about it for a long time, and did not understand how this rumor spread.

"Where did you hear the news?"

"Girls over there."

"Girl?" Natsume Zehei had a strange expression on his face. If I remember correctly, Takatomi Yamato has already been listed as the number one in the "This person's obscene and lecherous list". Are there any girls willing to talk to him?
——'This person is obscene and lustful list' is a new thing launched on the school forum. After dinner last night, Natsume Zehei accidentally discovered it while looking at his phone.

"Hey, what's your expression, don't look at me like this, there are many girls who like it!" Takatomi said dissatisfied.


Natsume Zehei remained silent.

He guessed that the girls looked at Takatomi Yamato as they looked at a walking male orangutan, or some alien.

It seems a little too much to think so, but it doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't say it, Gao Chen will never know.

Soon, Natsume Zehei took back his scattered thoughts.

Although I don't know the situation for the time being, but seeing Takatomi Yamato's annoyed look, he must have liked Sato Yumi for a long time, and he was extremely sad after learning the news.

Natsume Zehei is a soft-hearted person, so he comforted him.

"Sato-san changes boyfriends frequently, so it's not like you don't have a chance."

Gao Chendahe beat his chest and stamped his feet: "The point is not this, it has nothing to do with me whether she changes boyfriends or not."

"What's that?" Natsume Zehei asked strangely.

"Furukawa and Yumi-chan have become boyfriend and girlfriend, it's impossible to hold on."


Natsume Zehei looked at him helplessly, "Let's not talk about whether it is a rumor, even if you become a boyfriend and girlfriend, it's none of your business."


Takatomi Yamato turned around abruptly, with the appearance of committing to a major event in his life.


"Please help me get back Yumi-chan. In exchange, I will give you all the little h books that I have treasured for ten years."

"Let me refuse."

Natsume Zeping ignored his invitation and walked straight forward, "Please remember, Gao Chen, I will never do such a thing as stealing love with a knife. Even if Cao thief comes, he will do it." feel guilty,

"Cao Thief?"

"Cao Cao."

Seeing that he still didn't understand, Natsume Zehei added: "The one who likes the wife."


After understanding, Takatomi Yamato wept again, repeatedly nagging about Yumi Sato's figure, face, and temperament. If it was his girlfriend, he must first go to a love hotel to have fun. In the end, the more he talked, the more jealous he was, The voice also became louder.


A cold voice came from behind, Natsume Zehei subconsciously turned his head and saw Sato Yumi's cold face.

Ji Dong's eyes were not on Natsume, but on Takatomi Yamato beside him.

"I've already recorded it, pervert." She looked disgusted, presumably because she heard what he said just now.

Takatomi Yamato opened his mouth wide, "Sorry!"

"When did you start listening?" Natsume Zehei asked with great interest.

"Start when you talked about Furukawa from the baseball club." Sato Yumi's tone was not very good.

It's normal to be bad. When hearing such rumors, normal people will explode with anger.

Natsume Zehei nodded. If he started from there, he could basically give Gao Chen Yamato the death penalty.

"気持ちが悪い (disgusting)" Yumi Sato looked at Takatomi Yamato with eyes looking at garbage, and took a picture of his face with his mobile phone, "If I hear such irresponsible words again, I will hand over the recording to the police .”

"I didn't mean to!"

His face was terrified and his tone flustered. It turned out that Gao Chen also had this look.

Natsume Zeping glanced at it a few times, but didn't say anything. It's good to let him have a longer memory, but it's not a good thing to speak out.

Yumi Sato narrowed her crescent eyes, glanced at Natsume, seemed to want to get angry but couldn't, and finally said:
"Apologies! Also, you have to contract my duty this semester."

"no problem!"

Takatomi Yamato immediately sat down with an extremely sincere expression.

"And you!" Yumi Sato looked at Natsume Zehei and said bluntly.


He tilted his head.

"It's blocking the way." Noticing Natsume Zehei's gaze, Yumi Sato panicked for no reason.

Her voice became lower and lower, "Let's go, don't stand in front."


Takatomi Yamato was stunned, why are they both human beings with such a big difference in treatment!

If this is said, Yumi Sato will definitely yell nonsense.

Natsume Zehei didn't spread rumors in front of her, saying something that was too much, of course the difference in treatment is huge!
Natsume Zehei ignored her, just glanced at the progress of the strategy, which was around 51%.

It even dropped?

Could it be that what the system wants to express is that he must be too much to Yumi Sato.

——Whip, hemp rope, candles, orthographic engraving, using these things to bully her is the correct way to attack.

Although he was very curious, because Takatomi Yamato was standing beside him, Natsume Zehei didn't say anything, but took a step back to get out of the way.

Seeing his behavior like this, Yumi Sato pursed her lips, "Thank you."

Until now, she didn't know what Natsume Zehei was thinking.

If he wanted her body, he had revealed his true nature as early as last night.But the fact is that Natsume Zehei is not interested in her body.

Yes, Yumi Sato was very sure that Natsume Zehei had no interest in her body.

If you have to say it, it's like looking at an inflatable doll, curious and excited, but always without desire.

When Yumi Sato passed through Natsume Zehei and happened to block Takatomi Yamato's sight, Natsume clung to Yumi Sato's ear and said softly:
"Thank you for saying it too early, Sato-san~"


Yumi Sato's eyes instantly became ashamed and angry.

In the Ghost Department, Megumi Amamiya was reclining on the sofa. When she saw Natsume Zehei coming, she didn't say anything, just stretched, changed her position and continued to lie down.

Natsume Zehei glanced at the form on the table and felt a headache.

There must be more than four people to create a club, and there are clear advisors, names, ministers, and activities.The content of the activities must be in line with the campus spirit full of creativity and vitality-these things, almost none of which are in the Department of Supernatural, is really a useless department.

 Thank you Fengqi Canglanying for your reward, once again set up a bowl to beg for tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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