Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 256 Sports Festival

Chapter 256 Sports Festival (13)

Later in the night, there was a wind outside the window.

The wind is mixed with rain, scattered and infiltrated the window sill.

As time passed, the rain became heavier, and the fine rainwater stringed into beads and flowed down the eaves.



"It's raining heavily, will it affect tomorrow's performance?" Sato Yumi tilted her head, looking worried at the heavy rain outside the window.

"The performance is in the auditorium, no matter how heavy the rain is, it doesn't matter."

"It seems to be the same."

"But, did you really take a good look at it?" Natsume Zehei looked away from Yu Gonghui and looked at Yumi.

"this one"

Yumi Sato looked away, "It's perfect, I can't find any faults at all. It's Megumin."

"I didn't see it."

"Oh no!"

"Yumi came here today, what exactly do you want to do?" Natsume said quietly.

Yumi Sato blushed, bowed her head and twisted her long hair, "I'll help."

Natsume glanced at her, but didn't continue.

It's not helpful, but it's also a kind of help. Probably.

In the distance, Yu Gonghui stopped to take a breath, and looked up:
"How about it?"


"What about you, what do you think?" Her gaze was on Natsume.

He pondered for a while, then slowly said: "There are a few problems, first of all, the movements are unnatural and the dance steps are not coherent."

This exchange lasted for ten minutes.

In the middle, the two had different opinions, but they never argued right or wrong.

Yumi Sato watched boredly from the side, her eyes lingered on the two of them, and finally lowered them.

I can't speak.



She looked up suddenly and found that both of them were looking at her, "What's wrong?"

"It's time to go." Natsume Zehei said.

"Is it so early?" She glanced at the time, it was only ten o'clock in the evening.

"Well, it's over soon."

"Didn't you say you're going to practice until midnight?"


Yu Gonghui was a little embarrassed, but she kept her personality reserved and didn't say the reason.

"The minister just ran 5000 meters in the afternoon." Natsume Zeping reminded.

"That's right! Sorry, Megumi!"

"It's ok."

After tidying up the exercise room, the three of them walked to the corridor.

The rain is getting heavier, blowing head-on, but not cold.

"Are you planning to go to sleep?" Yumi Sato reached out and felt some wetness on her hands.

"I'm going to review for a while."

"I handle things."

"Then do you want to sit in the living room? It's still early anyway."

The two looked at each other and nodded.

In the living room, the lights are bright.

Natsume sat down on the sofa, and soon a maid brought tea.

"You look so professional." Yumi Sato stared at the back of the maid and sighed.

He picked up the teacup, "Yumi can try it too."

"Maid? I'll forget it. I'm clumsy and I don't know how to serve others."

"No no." Natsume shook his head.

"He meant to let you wear a maid's outfit." Amamiya Kei looked directly at Natsume with contempt in her eyes.



"No, I always feel that Natsume is thinking about bad things."

"It's a hundred times worse than Yumi thought."

"Natsume is a pervert, h, pervert."

Amamiya Hui blew on the tea, "Did Yumi find out?"

"Yeah. I used to think he was a nerd, but now my impression of him has changed a lot."

Yumi Sato rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed slightly.

She also felt incredible about this matter.

When I was in the freshman year of high school, I was in the same class as Natsume, until now, almost a year has passed before I finally discovered another side of him.

However, it was more real and she liked it better.

"Nerd?" Yu Gonghui smiled.

If you treat Natsume as a high school student who doesn't know much about the world, you should be deceived by him.

"Hey, I'm still here." Natsume Zehei put down the book and said unkindly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were here just now, Mr. Pervert." Yu Gonghui pretended to be surprised.

"It's getting more and more excessive."


After chatting, Natsume and Kei quieted down, both doing their own things.

Only Yumi, chatting with her mobile phone.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore.

Yumi Sato put down her phone, showing worry, "It's almost the end of the semester, do you have any plans for Natsume?"

"You mean summer vacation?"

"No no. I'm talking about the end of term, term-end-test-test."

"As usual, it will be the end of the term."

"Then I should be hopeless."

Natsume Zeping turned his head, "What have you been doing these days? Didn't you read a book?"

"Society activities are so tiring, I don't want to watch them when I get home"

"What about during the day?"

"I'll think about it. Chatting, sleeping, and eating bentos—" Yumi Sato counted her fingers, "And there's more. Go play with Haruna sauce."

"It's time to pay attention."

Yu Gonghui reminded, "In order to enter a higher school, Yumi should also consider academic issues."

"Well, I know." Yumi Sato scratched her head.

"How about holding a study session?" Natsume Zehei asked.

"Natsume, the first condition for holding a study session is that the grades need to improve—"

Yumi Sato looked at him, "You and Kei are the second in the school, and you are only a few points away from the first. There is no need to improve at all!"

"I have reservations." Yu Gonghui said lightly.

"Minister, I remember that there are regulations in the Department of Mysteries - 'No. 90 eight rules, members need to have good grades'." Natsume turned to look at her.

"Hey, what should I do, Hui won't kick me out?"

Yu Gonghui took a sip of tea and did not answer.

"Since it's fine now." Natsume went out, "I'll give you some tasks."


She just wanted to refute, but when she saw Natsume Yohui's serious expression, her words got stuck in her mouth and she couldn't speak anymore.

"Eat chestnuts at night, and the moon rises from the top of the mountain. When the paper window is broken in October, you will know the golden wind and cold. The meaning of this sentence is"

Yu Gonghui, who was still enjoying the rain, suddenly felt his shoulders sink.

Yumi Sato woke up from a lethargic state with a jolt, "Sorry! I accidentally fell asleep!"

Yu Gonghui opened his mouth, but did not speak.

"Is it okay?" Natsume looked worried.

"Yeah." Yu Gonghui shook his head, "It's okay."

"Oh, Natsume's class is so hypnotic." Yumi Sato complained.

Natsume Zeping twitched, "You didn't listen at all."

"It's already 11:30. Don't blame me."

"So, what happened before this? How much have you heard?"

"Hey hey" she laughed.


Putting the lesson plan on the coffee table, Natsume Zehei picked up the teacup, but just as he was about to drink it, he found that the tea was gone.

"I'll get it!" Yumi Sato volunteered.

"Natsume, Kei, what do you want?"

"black tea."

"Me too."

"It's so late, drinking black tea is not good for sleep."

"Then, let's have a drink suitable for staying up late." Natsume lay back.

"Suitable for staying up late."

Yumi Sato walked out of the living room, thinking constantly in her mind.

"Suitable for staying up late should refer to the kind that makes people sleep better?"

"Well, it can make people fall asleep."

She paused, "Beer seems okay?"

"it should be OK."

There are stars in the eyes, the world is combining, arranging, and finally changing.

Natsume Zehei gritted his teeth, feeling that he was being calculated.

"Natsume is fine."

"What is this you have?"


"Who asked Yumi to take this?"

Amamiya Hui raised her eyelids, expressing her admiration for Yumi's ruthlessness.

"He himself said that he wanted a drink suitable for staying up late." Sato Yumi pointed to the reddish Natsume on the sofa and said.


Yu Gonghui rubbed her forehead, not knowing what to say for a while.

"All in all, let's send Natsume back first, I'm going to sleep too."


Because Amamiya Hui doesn't like being touched by others, she arranged for a maid to help.

After being sent back to the bedroom, the maid said hello and left.

Yumi Sato was about to go out when she suddenly heard Natsume calling herself.


"What's the matter, I'm here."


"I'm going to get a drink."

"No beer!"

"Of course I know!"


When he came back from the kitchen and opened the door, the light in the bedroom was already turned off.

"Asleep?" Yumi Sato took a closer look and found that he hadn't closed his eyes, just lying on the bed.

"What about the water?"

"Drinks only."

“Drinks are ok”

Natsume sat up on the bed, the world was spinning in front of his eyes, and everything had double images.

Fortunately, I only drank a little
Speaking of which, do I have a problem with alcohol? Why is my drinking capacity so bad?
After drinking cold water, it improved a little, but the headache was still there.

He tossed and turned, his head hurting unbearably.

"Natsume, are you okay?" Yumi Sato turned pale, thinking that something happened to him.

"Can't die."


Natsume took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "It's just a headache, it's not a big deal."

Sato Yumi sat down on the edge of the bed and put her hand on his forehead.

It's a little warm, it doesn't feel like a fever, but... a little worried.

She lowered her head and pressed her forehead against it.

"I'm not sick. Probably."

Warm air flowed over Yumi's neck.

She opened her eyes, and her pupils, which were so close at hand, were so bright that they were scary.

Yumi Sato turned her eyes, her face was a little hot.

"It's too cunning to open your eyes at this time."

"Feel sorry."

She tried to sit up, but her hands were held.


"do not move."

It's getting closer, the palms are sweating, and it's getting hotter
Yumi Sato felt that her heart was beating faster and faster, and the thumping sound almost jumped out.

He put his forehead on it again, but his eyes were fixed on the girl's soft lips.

"It's so hot." Yumi Sato whispered.

"Well, it's hot."

After a while, the two separated.

Natsume laughed at himself, "Only in this kind of time can I be brave."


"No, it's okay." Natsume let go of her hand, rubbed her head and lay back.

Yumi Sato could almost hear her own heartbeat, and turned her back to Natsume, "Go to sleep, it's getting late."


"Then, shall I go first?"

"Good night."

"Good night."

When she went out, she put her hands on her chest.

"What did he mean just now?"

Friday, sunny.

At the door of the bedroom, Yumi Sato stretched her waist.

It rained last night, and today's temperature has turned a little bit, and there is an indescribable coolness.

Today's goal - lose weight, learn!

Come on, Yumi!
You're the best!

Her thoughts spread, but her movements didn't stop. She walked forward along the wooden corridor, and at the corner, she happened to meet Yu Gonghui.

"Ah, good morning, Megumi." Yumi Sato stepped forward and stood beside her.

"Morning, didn't Yumi wake up?" Amamiya Megumi shifted her eyes slightly, staring at Yumi's legs.

"what happened?"

"The stockings are wrong."

Yumi Sato lowered her head, one black and one white, very conspicuous.

"Ah, no! Wait for me!"

The rash girl blushed, turned and ran away.

Seeing Yumi leaving in a hurry, Amamiya Hui shook her head slightly.

After she changed her clothes, the two stopped by and went to the restaurant together.

When passing Natsume Zeheira's room, Yumi Sato slowed down a bit.

She turned her face and glanced at the closed door.

"Natsume isn't up yet?"

"Morning exercise." Yu Gonghui counted the time, "Now, I should have finished three laps."

"Three laps. How did Hui know?"

"Guess, but it shouldn't be a problem."

"Hui Hao understands him."

She pushed open the door and took a look inside.

The room is neat and orderly, and there is no one there. The shoulder bag on the bed has been packed early.

"That's right, Natsume has indeed gone out."

"Well, do you want to take a look?" Yumi closed the door.

"Let's have breakfast first, even if you pass by now, you can't do much." Yu Gonghui stared at her stockings for a few moments.


After dinner, come out of the villa and walk along the sidewalk full of oak trees to the lake.

The rising sun mischievously passed through the shade of the trees and landed on the faces of the two of them.

Yumi Sato frowned, covering the sun with her hands.

"How did you sleep last night?" Yugong Hui rarely asked.

"Well, it's okay, but the bed feels a bit soft, and my shoulders are so sore when I sleep."

"Then I will change next time."

"Too expensive!"

"It's okay." Yu Gonghui shook her head and fell silent.

After the conversation was over, the lakeside was a little quiet, and the footsteps of the two were particularly obvious.

For a moment, Yumi didn't know what to say.

The time she spends alone with Hui is still too short.
No matter how hard I searched for the topic, I still couldn't find it.

The morning wind blew, and there was a rustling sound on the tree.

"Don't move." Hui said suddenly.

"Ah, what's the matter?" She stopped walking.

Yu Gonghui reached out, picked up a green leaf from Yumi's head, shook it, and threw it away.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Also, it's already here." Amamiya Hui called Yumi who was walking forward.

"Well" she stopped, and she looked into the distance.

The sound of radio gymnastics came from the lakeside, attracting Yumi Sato's attention.

After going down the stone steps, I saw a group of old people doing radio gymnastics by the lake.

The leading figure at the front is quite familiar.

"What is he doing?"

"Rest. Probably." Amamiya Hui guessed, "It should be stretching after running. It is debatable what to think about."

"Can Radio Gymnastics Stretch?"


Walking through the cobbled path, Kei Amamiya saw the school jacket and milk bottle on the chair next door, and immediately walked over.

"Natsume?" Yumi picked up her coat and took a few glances.

"Well, there is his initials in the lower left corner." Yu Gonghui clicked on the corner of his clothes.


Yumi Sato saw that there were indeed a few lines of delicate handwriting.

"Do you want to wear it? It's still a bit cold now. It will be better if you put it on."

"I don't have that idea, I'm just curious. The clothes are so big. I can't usually tell that Natsume wears such a big size." Yumi Sato held the coat with both hands and unfolded it.

"He's too skinny so he looks a little smaller overall, and that should improve in a couple of months."

"Shouldn't you lose weight in summer? I heard from my elders that a too hot environment will lead to a loss of appetite"

"That's not the reason."

Yu Gonghui put her hands on her knees, wearing a bright yellow floral dress blowing in the wind, she looked dignified and beautiful.

Yumi Sato took a few glances, a little envious: "Megumi, you are so beautiful."

"Thank you." Yu Gonghui nodded politely.

"I don't mean to be flattering, it's from the bottom of my heart!"

"I know, but I've heard too many people say that."

Yumi Sato smiled, "Before I met you, I couldn't imagine being as good-looking as a girl. It should be difficult for someone not to like you."

"Yes." Yu Gonghui twisted the green leaves on her skirt, which had just fallen from the tree.

She threw it aside, and the leaf wobbled and landed in a gap between the pebbles.


"A person who doesn't open his eyes."

Yumi Sato looked at Natsume Zehei with erratic eyes: "Could it be?"

no answer.

In other words, it was because she thought that she had already guessed it, so she didn't bother to say it.

 Thanks to Tudou Xingchen and Assault Cannon Fodder for their rewards, and thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets! (This chapter is two in one—there will be no division.)

(End of this chapter)

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