Natsume-kun just wants to live

Day 281 of Chapter 1 Exam

Chapter 281 The first day of the exam

Waking up from a deep sleep, Natsume touched his sore forehead and was stunned for a while.

like a bad dream
Worse than the dream were the swollen lips.

It's really scary, Xia Tian.


At the door of the bedroom, Miyagawa Suzune just came out.

Seeing that Natsume got up, she shrank her head back and hid behind the door.

"Ringtone, good morning."


Miyagawa Suzune twitched a bit, then stood up again, "What would you like to eat in the morning?"

"Sandwich, please."

"Would you like milk?"

"No pure milk."

"Don't be picky eaters~"

"Then add some honey."

She chuckled and went to the kitchen humming a song.

Looking at her back, Natsume said to himself.

"Did something good happen?"

With no time to worry about it, he went to the bathroom to wash up.

When passing by the bedroom, Natsume stopped for a moment and took a look inside.

No one was there, probably gone.

I don't know when I left. Have you had breakfast?
He just glanced at it and didn't think much about it.

Squeeze on toothpaste, and when brushing his teeth, Natsume noticed that his lips were swollen badly, probably from mosquito bites.

In addition to that, there is a little red scratch on the neck
"Mosquitoes are terrible. I need to buy mosquito coils."

"What?" Lingyin happened to pass by him.


Natsume shook his head, and said again: "Is there anything left here? The study session is over and you don't need to come back today."

"Ah, it's finished." Miyagawa Suzune pointed to the entrance, "It's all put there."

Looking sideways, he saw a pile of sundries, including three large bags, and a pile of scattered items.


Why didn't I find out before that there are so many things about ringtones.

After rinsing his mouth, he wiped his face and exhaled lightly.

Hmm. A very faint smell of alcohol.

If I remember correctly, I didn't drink alcohol yesterday.

Can the saliva still ferment?

On the eve of the exam, the classroom.

Natsume turned the pen around, feeling a little restless.

It is probably because the air pressure is relatively low today, which affects the mentality. Or it was because I did not sleep well last night, resulting in lack of concentration.

After the exam started, Suwon Zaji walked in with another male teacher, who probably taught third-year students.

The male teacher explained the test criteria, and then Suwon Soki unsealed the test paper.

When it was sent to Natsume, she lowered her head and smiled, but said nothing.


Although she didn't understand what she meant, Natsume didn't care and focused on the test paper.

".Easier than imagined."

Taking out the pencil and eraser, he settled down first and started to work on the questions.

An hour and fifteen minutes later, Natsume put down the pencil and started the first inspection.

During the inspection process, he felt Suyuan Saki's eyes drifting here more than once.

During the inspection, she often walked by her side. Even the male teacher who was also in charge of the exam kept looking at her.

In the state of immersion, although Natsume noticed it, she didn't care. She just thought it was boring and just looked around.

On the podium, Suyuan Zaji looked away again.

"Mr. Suwon"

The male teacher whispered, "That boy, what's the problem?"



"No, he's blocking the view."

"...Well, you still have to pay attention to other people."

"Of course, please don't worry."

After the exam, Natsume stood up and exchanged glances with Suwon Saki.

She blinked, then tilted her face slightly, and finally closed the sealed bag and left.


Natsume looked blankly at her leaving back, "What exactly do you want to say?"

However, thinking of the things related to her, that should be the only one.

The two exams ended very quickly in the morning, and it was almost eleven o'clock when the exam was over.

Natsume, Yoshihara, and Takatomi went to the cafeteria together. After eating, he said goodbye to the two and went to the health room alone.

'Knock knock.'

Knock on the door politely, then push it away.

Suwon Zaoji was sitting inside, seeing Natsume coming, he smiled and said, "Finished the exam?"

"The exams in the morning are over."

"How about it?"

"Well, no problem, probably."

"How did you think about what happened before?"

After Natsume finished speaking, he took out a few more lists, "I came to see Mr. Suwon today, and I also agreed to rent a house. This list is my request."

Suwon took it in the early period, flipped it over and over again, and looked at it very carefully.

After a while, she put down the list, "Basically no problem, just a little."


"Your rent is so low that it's like cheating people." Mizuhara Saki smiled, "Is it because you are worried about Yumiko's teacher status? There is no need to do this at all. If you want to get familiar with it, kill it."

".No, there's nothing wrong with that."

Natsume Zeping shook his head, "I won't show mercy just because she is my class teacher, but I personally value the previous terms more."

"Well, it's time for bathing, cleaning, and taking turns cooking at night?"


"Are you looking for a shared roommate?"

"It can also be understood in this way." Natsume nodded, "Of course, there is a very strict requirement here, that is, no drinking."

Suwon Saki smiled knowingly, "I will tell Yumiko the news."

"Then I'm sorry to bother you. As for the contract." Natsume paused, "I'll prepare after the exam. I really can't get away these few days."


Farewell to Natsume Zeping, Mizuhara Saki called Konda Yumiko.

"Hi, it's me, Zao Ji."

"I just contacted the landlord, and the price he gave is very cheap."

"What? A liar? Impossible. Impossible. Others may be liars, but he will never."

"That's right.. That's it. Then I'll hang up first, and I'll talk about it at night if I have something to do."

In the afternoon, the weather was fine.

After the test, Natsume returned to the classroom and took a look at Yumi's position.

There was no one there, probably not planning to come back.

He collected his thoughts and planned to go home.

Passing by the corridor, the students gathered together, either discussing the topic or discussing the next arrangement.

With the summer vacation approaching, it is inevitable that the restless heart cannot be restrained.

When passing by the club building, he stopped for a while and took a look at the location of the Spiritual Department.

"Go and see."

Going upstairs and pushing the door, Yu Gonghui was not there.

The department was a little quiet, he went around a few times and packed his things.

"what are you doing?"

Yu Gonghui appeared at the door.

"Clean up and see if there is anything you can take away." Natsume replied naturally.

"Take the diary away, put it on the bottom shelf, the one wrapped in another book cover."


Natsume turned her head and looked at her unkindly: "Minister still read it."


"Then how do you know where to put it?"

"I'm bored and looked through it, don't talk to me, I'm a little sleepy."

Yu Gonghui yawned and lay down on the sofa.

"I'll catch a cold." Natsume reminded.


He found a blanket and covered the minister.

After thinking for a while, Natsume still didn't go back, but took out the notebook from the bag and started to review.

It wasn't until the sun set and dusk gradually rose that he woke up Yu Gonghui and went back alone.

(End of this chapter)

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