Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 380 Monthly Test Date

Chapter 380 Monthly Test Date

The third drop in temperature in autumn was on the day of the monthly test.

November 29, light rain, overcast.

It was raining in the sky, and the cold wind blew into the neckline after exiting the subway exit. Students wearing coats and scarves were everywhere on the way to school.

The difference between this and winter is probably that there is no snow.
When Natsume came out of the tram station, he smelled the unique smell of autumn, which was the earthy smell mixed with rain and cold wind.

From the tram station to the gate, it took 10 minutes.

Since entering the school, the surrounding temperature seems to have warmed up.

Natsume changed his shoes, wondering if there might be something wrong with his senses, but he couldn't find the answer after much deliberation.

Change your shoes, put your schoolbag in the classroom, and then rush to the supernatural department.

The support group activities have been suspended for a long time, thanks to the summer training and the diligence of the school, even if you don't have to call everyone, you can practice consciously.

Pushing open the door, the window was still closed, and the air conditioner in the corner was blowing hot air, Natsume saw a figure lying on his side with drooping eyes.

Black jeans and a beige shirt wrapped her slender body, a healthy blush appeared on the girl's fair face, and a thick little fox fur was hanging on the hanger next to her. This dress is not cheap at first glance, whether it is Natsume has never seen the coat color or style.

"Morning." He said, pulled out the wooden chair and sat down at the table, fumbled in the bag for a while, and took out a hardcover book.

Megumi Amamiya's slender and elastic legs overlapped, showing a charming arc. She opened one eye, looked at Natsume at the table, and didn't bother to speak, but closed her eyes again.

She has been a little tired recently.

There have been a lot of trivial matters in the past few days, and even in the middle of the night, I can't sleep well, and I am often awakened by the cold.

Only by staying in this room can I barely fall asleep.

"Knock knock."

There was a very polite knock on the door, Yumi Sato pushed the door open, glanced at the two of them, and came in.

"Rare customers." Natsume said.

"What are you so angry about?"

"It's just that I haven't seen Yumi in the Spirit Department for a long time, and I'm a little surprised."

Yu Gonghui listened to the chatter between the two, breathing evenly.

To her, Natsume's words are like the wind in the mountains, the waves on the seashore, and the weeds by the lake. It is a kind of white noise and does not affect sleep at all.

"Which exam room is Yumi in?"

"My own class, how about you?"

"I don't need an exam, but if Yumi asks, I can ask Kinda-sensei."

"Tsk, is this showing off?"


The sound of flipping a book.

This is probably Natsume flipping through the book, Amamiya Kei thought.

The zipper of the schoolbag was unzipped, and a stack of things inside was taken out, which should be materials. This is Yumi's voice, she is reviewing.

After that, the sound stopped.

It's not that she didn't hear it, but Yu Gonghui fell asleep.

She slept comfortably, the hair on her forehead fell on her face, and was gently blown and fell by the warm air blown by the air conditioner.

It's a peaceful morning, she thought.

Maybe not calm.

At eleven o'clock at noon, as the bell rang, Yu Gonghui also woke up from a deep sleep.

There was someone in Yumi Sato's seat, but it wasn't Yumi.

"Are you awake?" Miyagawa Suzune was pouring tea for herself, when she saw Amamiya Hui woke up, she turned around and asked.

The latter did not answer, but turned his gaze to Natsume who was reading a book in the distance.

He sensed the gaze from the Minister, and Natsume spread his hands, expressing his innocence.

"You're not staying in your own department, what are you doing here?" Yu Gonghui rubbed her drowsy forehead.

"Do I have an obligation to answer you?" Miyagawa Suzune said unhurriedly.

"Huh?" Yu Gonghui frowned.

Because he was worried that the two would quarrel, Natsume quickly explained: "Because it's more lively here, and it happens that Suzune doesn't have to take the exam, so I asked her to help."

Miyagawa Suzune smiled and poured Natsume a cup of tea.

Just waking up from a deep sleep, Minister Yugong's words were not so cold, but softer.

"Does Hui know about the executive committee?"


Natsume took out the poster and pointed at it: "I'm in charge of the publicity work, and I wanted to add elements of the support team's dance party to the poster, so I asked Suzune to help design it."

Yu Gonghui looked away disinterestedly, "I don't need her, go out now."

"Okay, let's go, Natsume." Miyagawa Suzune stood up, took Natsume's hand and was about to leave.

His body froze and he felt the pressure from the two eyes, but he soon woke up and said, "It's really getting late, let's go eat first."

"Clarify who we are." Yu Gonghui looked at him and sneered.

"Yeah, I'm also curious, who are we?" Miyagawa Suzune stared at Natsume with a smile.

"Who could it be? Me, Hui, Lingyin... aren't you hungry?" He pretended not to understand, and asked back.

Yu Gonghui glanced at him slowly: "Come back to me, sit here, and don't go anywhere."

"Natsume, don't listen to her, go have lunch with me." Miyagawa Suzune held his hand, but looked at Yu Gonghui.

Just when the atmosphere became tense, a person's arrival broke the Shura field.

Ms. Sato opened the door and saw the three people who were at war, and couldn't help laughing: "What are you doing? Are you arguing at noon?"

Natsume breathed a sigh of relief, and said without changing his face: "Actually, we were discussing where to eat, but Kei and Suzune had different opinions, so there was a conflict."

"Lunch? Add me." Miss Sato walked in with a smile, and hugged Natsume's right hand: "How about eating ramen?"

"do not want!"

The other two said in unison.

"Ah?" Yumi Sato looked at them strangely, then turned around, looked at Natsume and said, "What do you like?"

"Me? I can do it all"

Looking at the three smiling faces, Natsume swallowed and said, "I think izakaya is fine."

"Okay, then the izakaya." Amamiya Kei got up from the sofa, her jade feet wrapped in white socks were faintly visible, like the moonlight that hadn't faded from last night.

"Is Yumi all right? Aren't you going to have an exam this afternoon?" Miyagawa Suzune asked, turning her face to the side.

"The second door, almost three o'clock, the time is too late."

After finishing speaking, the four of them left the school, took the car of Yu Gong's family, and headed for Chiba County.

The car stopped in front of a spacious, unique-looking izakaya.

Natsume has an impression of this izakaya. He saw it when he was watching the news the other night.

It is said that this izakaya has a history of [-] years, and the service is extremely considerate. The specific situation is not clear, anyway, it is his first time to come.

"It looks good." Miss Sato said with her head raised.

"I heard that Michelin has looked for it before." Natsume added.

"The tire seller?" Yu Gonghui asked.


"It's hard to imagine." She clicked her tongue and said, "Go in, it's so cold outside."

Miss Yugong, who was wrapped in a white fox fur, looked exquisite and luxurious. Her black hair fell in the wind and hung on her tight jeans, making her figure uneven.

Miyagawa Suzune was the last one to get out of the car. She was dressed elegantly. She wore a light white long dress, her hair was rolled up and fixed with delicate flowers. stocking legs.

She helped Natsume straighten her hair that was blown by the wind, and said thoughtfully: "When you go out, pay attention to your image, don't let people see the joke, just like some young lady who doesn't know how to be polite."

Even if Natsume didn't look back, he could still imagine Miss Amamiya's face as cold as frost.

"Only a pedantic person like you will value etiquette. A truly confident person will never care about other people's eyes." Yu Gonghui said coldly.

"Oh? Who secretly put on the face cream?" Miyagawa Suzune said with a smile.

"This is my freedom, Ms. Miyagawa is too lenient."

Yumi Sato sighed and looked at Natsume: "They're arguing again."

"Wait, let's take a look at the scenery first." He looked at the surrounding scenery.

Although he has lived in Chiba for so many years, he has never actually been to many places, such as this place.

As the cold wind blew, Yumi Sato flinched, "The temperature has dropped a bit fast these days."

"Is it cold, do you want me to lend you your coat?"

"Well, thank you."

As the two talked, they suddenly felt that the surroundings were much quieter. Turning their heads, Amamiya Hui and Miyagawa Suzune looked over in tacit understanding.

"Are you finished chatting?" Natsume didn't feel anything.

"What about your side?" Miyagawa Suzune asked back.

"Actually, we can talk a little longer"

Yu Gonghui glared at him and walked in: "Come in first."

The izakaya is unique, not only not narrow, but divided into many private rooms.

Miss Yugong is a regular customer, and a waiter came to guide the four of them as soon as she entered.

In a spacious private room, the head chef is a girl, wearing a white chef's hat and dressed in a very serious manner.

The heating was turned on in the room, and the cold air all over his body was driven away when he entered, leaving only the warmth surrounding his body.

"I want orange juice." Sato Yumi found a place to sit down, and then told the waiter.

"For me, barley tea is fine." Natsume also said.

The remaining two eldest ladies had the same taste, and they both ordered sweet milk.

The specialty of the izakaya is grilled chicken skewers, and then eaten with salt, soy sauce, and prepared sauce.

Naturally, the parts of the chicken are also different. Chicken hearts, chicken livers, chicken breasts, etc. can all be grilled. Some people especially like lanterns (chicken ovaries and immature eggs are strung together on bamboo sticks, like a lantern). , so you must order it when you go to an izakaya.

Not long after, the cold dishes came to the table, and Natsume added a small piece of tofu and preserved eggs as an appetizer.

Followed by sashimi.

The main fish in this season are rockfish. Naturally, most of the outstanding ones are farmed. After all, this kind of fish is poisonous if it is not handled cleanly.

Miyagawa Suzune took a fish fillet as thin as a cicada's wing, squeezed out the water from the lemon, poured it into the soy sauce dish, and dipped it in soy sauce and wasabi to taste it.

"Hmm..." Her eyes were already huge, and there seemed to be a lingering mist in the pupils.

Now, Lingyin's eyes are even more watery, like spring water flowing.

"Too much wasabi?" Natsume looked at her.

"Sorry, guest." The head chef turned pale. She has been in this industry for four or five years, and she should not have made such a mistake.

"No, you've done a good job." Yu Gonghui said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Miyagawa Lingyin again: "Miss Miyagawa, please be careful, the food I eat is rough."

This sentence was obviously a satire on the etiquette that Lingyin said when he was at the door.

Miyagawa Suzune wiped the corners of her eyes gracefully with a tissue, and replied casually: "Thank you for the reminder, Miss Amamiya, but why don't you eat? Are you not hungry or dare not?"

"Don't dare? Who do you think you are talking to?"

Amamiya Megumi snorted, picked up the sashimi, dipped it in the soy sauce, and then bit down lightly.


Miyagawa Suzune looked at her amusedly: "Cry if you want to, it's not shameful."

"Do you think I will be ashamed like you?" Yu Gonghui said to herself with tears in her eyes.


Natsume couldn't hold back, and laughed softly.

The two of them cast their eyes on Natsume at the same time, with fierceness in their eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?" He was a little guilty.

"We've all eaten, and it's your turn." Lingyin and Hui said in unison.

After finishing speaking, they seemed to feel embarrassed, and they fell silent again.

"I don't like to eat sashimi." Natsume was not a fool, and refused again and again.

"It's not good to be picky eaters, come, I'll feed you."

Miyagawa Suzune sat down, took his chopsticks enthusiastically, dipped the sashimi in soy sauce vigorously.

Yumi Sato looked at this and was terrified, and quickly made excuses, saying that she was going to the toilet.

"Will it be too much?" Natsume Zeping broke out in a cold sweat.

"A lot?"

Miyagawa Suzune tilted her head, "I think it's just right, come on, open your mouth, ah~~"

The corner of Natsume's mouth twitched, he closed his eyes and opened his mouth.

The sashimi is sliced ​​very thin and transparent, and it tastes very good with soy sauce and wasabi.

It's just that, swallowing this spicy mustard, it's like a mouthful of hot air coming straight up the nasal cavity.

"Cough cough."

Natsume choked to tears.

"It's okay, here you are, tissue." A concerned voice came from beside him.

"No problem," Natsume said, taking the tissue.

"Since there is no problem, let's have another slice." Yu Gonghui sat on his right side at some point.

She took the chopsticks from Suzune and took a piece for Natsume.

"Huh?" Natsume was stunned for a moment, his brain spinning rapidly.

As soon as he thought of an excuse, Yu Gonghui had already stuffed the sashimi into his mouth.


Starting today, Natsume decided not to eat wasabi again.

When Ms. Sato came back, the cold food had been served, and the baked goods had already arrived.

"How?" she asked.

"Almost died here."

"It's a good thing I left early."

"Would you like to try it, the chicken breast you just copied." Natsume handed her a bunch.

Yumi Sato sniffed it cautiously, and after making sure there was no problem, she took a small bite, "Well, not bad."

Compared with the harmonious atmosphere here, the other side seems to be tense.

The cause of the incident was that Miss Amamiya mocked the Miko for drinking milk at such an age, and the latter was naturally not to be outdone, and asked her why she also drank milk.

Around the topic of milk and childishness, the two quarreled for nearly 10 minutes, and finally decided to resolve the dispute in an adult way.

"Serve the beer!"

So, after the Mahjong Cup, the two started a new war.

Natsume thought that Yumiko Konda was out of work in the afternoon, so she secretly called her, hoping to stop the two of them.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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