Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 390 Cultural Festival

Chapter 390 Cultural Festival ([-])


"There are rumors that those who dance together at seven o'clock tomorrow night will eventually get married." Sitting on the chair in the Kendo Club, Natsume turned her head and said.

"Where did you hear that?" Yu Gonghui asked.

"Gao Chen, he's the head of the news department, so he knows a lot."

"A bunch of nonsense."

"Really, I think it's quite interesting. Why don't you just use this as a selling point and post it on the door when the time comes."

"It's a meaningless move. If you have this time, you might as well practice the piano more."

Natsume Zeping put down the paper drawing, showing a thoughtful expression: "That's right, I'm here as a staff member tomorrow, so I can't ask you to dance."

"So that's the idea." Yu Gonghui glanced at him.

With a notebook in her hand, she wandered around the Kendo club, writing something from time to time.

This is recording the process, arranging the speeches for the dance.

"Minister Amamiya, I ask for a day off tomorrow!" Natsume raised his hand.

"turn down."

"This is about the life of the staff!"

"Your life is really cheap."

Yu Gonghui sneered.

Natsume was not disappointed either. After all, Megumi Amamiya was also a staff member. He worked with her, and they were together in disguise.

"Speaking of which, why don't you call more people, just the two of us until when will we be working?" Natsume glanced at the time, it was now 07:30 in the evening.

It was pitch black outside the window, and in the huge academy, only the Kendo Department had yellow lights on.

From a distance, it looks like an isolated island.

"They are off today, and I'm not a devil. I call people to work on the day off," she said.

"what about me."

"Do you have an opinion?"


"That's it." Amamiya Hui straightened her black hair, and her clear and slender hair swayed slightly in the air, like a waterfall in a mountain stream.

"Wait, is it possible that this is preference?"

Natsume Zehei said to himself, "When I was in elementary school, boys wanted to bully the girls they liked, and it's the same when they grow up."

"You can think of it that way." Yu Gonghui showed a cold smile.

".Forget it."

Paste the paper, check the balloon, supply. Finally, call the merchant, the task for tonight is over.

"Go back." Amamiya Kei put the notebook in the small bag and said to Natsume next to her.


Turn off the lights and lock the doors.

Natsume stood at the gate of the Kendo Department, looking at the sea of ​​stars in the distance.

"The moonlight is so beautiful today."

Yu Gonghui glanced at him, then looked up again.


The academy was very dark, and there were no street lights where you couldn't see your fingers. As the two walked through the secluded corridor, every step seemed to be stepping on glass, making a rattling sound.

The sensor light occasionally turns on, and sometimes it doesn't turn on. It falls in front of the two of them, making it almost impossible to see the road.

Natsume had seen enough of the night, so he cast his eyes on the girl beside him.

Black hair like a waterfall, waist like a spring bamboo, and straight buttocks. He likes the last one very much, but he doesn't dare to look at it more.

"Hurry up, what are you dawdling about?" Yu Gonghui stopped in dissatisfaction.

"Oh, come right now!"

Natsume came back to his senses and found that his speed was much slower, so he hurriedly followed Kei's footsteps.

"Does Hui have any plans for tomorrow afternoon?"

"Arrangement?" She pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, firstly, print advertisements, then publicize in movie screening rooms, school gates, and gymnasiums where there are the most people, and then the preparations before the dance, The shift change in between, and the final cleaning”

"Really." Natsume folded his hands behind his head, "Actually, that's not what I asked."

"what is that?"

"Have you dated anyone?"

"No, you can figure out such a stupid question with a little brain work." She said bluntly.

"Oh, you don't have any friends, do you?"

Natsume mocked at first, and then said: "Although I am also very busy, as your friend, I am obliged to invite you to let you experience the feeling of the dance. Of course, this is not what I want to invite, but I just feel that you are not feeling well. Please don't get me wrong about that."


Yu Gonghui was silent for a while, the corner of her mouth curled up, and she turned her head in embarrassment, hiding her smile.

"What do you mean, give me a reply." Natsume said.

Yu Gonghui turned her face and said calmly: "Coward."


Just when Natsume wanted to refute, Amamiya Kei pointed to the left side, where was the shoe cabinet.

"I'm going this way."


After changing the shoes, Natsume waited for Kei at the door.

As if she had forgotten the content of the chat just now, as soon as she left the court, she explained to Natsume about tomorrow's work, and she left much faster than before.

A few minutes later, the two left the school gate.

A car was parked on the side of the road, and the headlights of the car shone on Yu Gonghui, making her shadow very long.

Before getting into the car, Hui Gong turned around and faced Natsume as if thinking of something, "She's coming to visit tomorrow."


Natsume knew who she was talking about.

"So, I don't really want to be surprised, especially to lose face in front of her."

"I know."

"Tomorrow is not only me, you are too, no rest." Yu Gonghui said.

She waited for a while, confirmed that Natsume had no objection, and then said: "What you said, let's forget it this time."


"Sad?" She laughed.

"How is it possible? You also said it was this time." Natsume replied easily.

"Will I still refuse in the future?" Yu Gonghui asked.

Natsume put his hand on his chin and pondered: "It must be my way is wrong."

"Sometimes it's good to learn to let go."

"Can you hear that?" Natsume asked back.

"Of course not." Yu Gonghui said as a matter of course, "What I want to do, I can definitely do it."

"Can you stay up five days without coffee?"


"No, I can."

She sighed and turned to get in the car.

After the door was closed, the car did not move.

The rear window was lowered, revealing the girl's pretty face.

She stretched out her hand and gently shook Natsume: "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

December [-]th, the third and last day of the Cultural Festival.

During the daytime, the students play as usual, and in the afternoon, there will be a bonfire party, a dance for the support group, etc.

On the way to school, Natsume heard many people discussing this matter.

"Have you figured out who you want to dance with?"

"The class next door."

"Which boy?"

"It's a girl."


Hearing this, Natsume quickened his pace and passed the girls in front of him into the school.

In the classroom, Yoshihara Naoki and Takatomi Yamato were still clearing the table.

"Morning, Natsume." Seeing Natsume coming, the two greeted each other.

"Morning, Yoshihara, Takatomi."

"What's wrong with you, listless." Yoshihara Naoki asked.

"The evening show is so tempting, I didn't sleep until midnight." Natsume yawned.

What he was watching last night was a TV series called National Producer, in which a trainee Natsume paid close attention to it.

"Cheer up, the work in the afternoon is tough." Naoki Yoshihara said.

"Well, I know."

While the three were still chatting, Kodera Tamako suddenly appeared at the door.

"Are you free?" She knocked on the door politely.

"What's the matter?" Natsume turned around.

"Of course I'm free! Kodera-san!" Takatomi Yamato was much more enthusiastic than he was.

Kodera Tamako was obviously not used to the warm greetings from Takashi Yamato, so she put the leaflet she was holding on her chest on the table, and said:
"These, please."

Natsume took a few glances, it was from the support group, he picked up one and asked, "Are you going to send it out?"

"Well, it has to be finished before noon, and there are still a lot in the afternoon." Because of yesterday's help, Kodera Yuko's attitude towards Natsume has improved a lot.

"Do we have so much money?" Takatomi Yamato complained.

For this sentence, Kodera Yuko just smiled awkwardly.

"Stop talking, go and distribute leaflets, I still have performances I want to see." Naoki Yoshihara tugged at his sleeve.

"Oh, here we come."

The three started from the classroom and went out to the school gate.

"Wow, it's so cold!"

Takatomi Yamato shrank his body and said exaggeratedly.

"It's not as cold as you act." Yoshihara Naoki said helplessly.

"Yoshihara, come here."

"Ah, what's the matter?"

"Come here."

Takatomi Yamato put his hand on Yoshihara's neck as if playing a mischief.

"Hiss high minister!" Yoshihara Naoki's lovely face flushed.

Natsume Zehei yawned and watched the two fight.

Leaflets were distributed until 09:30, when an episode interrupted Natsume's work.


A curious voice came, Natsume turned his head and saw Ms. Xi standing behind him, looking at him.

Ms. Xi is wearing a kimono today. She is dressed dignifiedly and elegantly. From her appearance, it is impossible to tell that she is in her 30s this year. Even standing next to Megumi Amamiya, she looks more like her sister.

"You know?"

Takatomi Yamato and Yoshihara Naoki looked over.

"Well, it's Hui"

"Ah, just right, I'm not very familiar with the school, can you guide me?" Yu Gongxi walked over with a happy face.

She is lying.

This was Natsume's immediate reaction, but this charming face made it impossible for anyone to refuse.

"I still have work to do." Natsume looked at the two people beside him.

"It's okay! Two people are enough to distribute the leaflets! You and your sister can go and have fun." Naoki Yoshiwara took the initiative to come over and took the leaflets from Natsume's hand.

"Ah, I'm really sorry to bother you, do you want to come to my house some other day?" Yu Gongxi asked with a smile.

"Where, this is what friends should do! It's nothing at all!" Takatomi Yamato replied enthusiastically.

After finishing speaking, he winked at Natsume again: "I didn't even know that Natsume had such a beautiful sister."


Natsume whispered in his heart, at her age, she can be your mother, but she is also a sister.

However, he glanced sideways at Yu Gongxi, who looked at him with a smile, and couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.

"Ah, um" After the vagueness passed, Natsume took Amamiya Xi around.

The atmosphere of the cultural festival was strong. On the way to the club building, there was a huge crowd, almost all of them were tourists and relatives from outside.

It is undoubtedly a difficult thing to walk through such a crowd.

"Where is Hui? What are you doing?" Yu Gongxi took the initiative to hug Natsume's hand and asked kindly.

Feeling the warmth and softness on his arms, Natsume didn't dare to breathe: "Megumi seems to be in the Kendo club, maybe she's sleeping now, or maybe she's drinking tea. I won't know until I arrive."

"She, child, go to rest by herself and let you suffer outside." Yu Gongxi said complainingly.

"It's okay. After all, Hui has more important things to do. Does Ms. Xi want to see her? I'll take you to see her now." Natsume said quickly.

"Ah, who said I'm going to see her?"

Yu Gongxi puffed up her face in anger: "Hui even refuses to answer my phone, and she usually shows a reluctance to chat with her. Today, sister, I just came to play, so I don't want to see her."


Natsume was silent for a while, and introduced the program here to her.

Thanks to him being a propaganda committee member, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to tell the whole story.

The two first went to the illustration department. This department is relatively cold, but the strength is still there.

Yu Gongxi admired it for a while, then smiled at Natsume and said, "Are you interested in learning, sister, I will teach you."

"That's right, then I'll go to your place another day." Naturally, Natsume would not refuse.

"Don't tell Kei, this is a little secret between us." She winked at Natsume.


"Be quiet~~"


Next, is the shogi department.

There are shogi for tourists. Natsume learned the rules on the spot, and then played against Yu Gongxi.

The first game was a fiasco.

Yu Gongxi smiled triumphantly: "Natsume is still far behind."

In the second game, Natsume understood a little bit, but still lost miserably.

Yu Gongxi smiled without saying a word.

In the third round, Natsume didn't lose as badly as he lost just now. Correspondingly, Yugong Xi's expression became more serious.

The fourth game, a draw.

Yu Gongxi looked at him in astonishment: "Have you learned it before?"

"No, today is the first time." Natsume shook his head.

"Natsume's talent in chess is outstanding." Yu Gongxi commented.

In the fifth game, the two fell into a stalemate. When Natsume had the upper hand, Nozomi Amamiya suddenly stretched her waist: "Suddenly I feel a little bored. Let's go play somewhere else."

"Leave after downloading." Natsume said.


Yu Gongxi blinked her beautiful eyes, and put her hand on the side of her face, "Does Natsume want to force me to stay?"

"It's just playing chess."

"Since you insist on bullying me, you can only follow your wish." Yu Gongxi sat back.


This showman.

Natsume gave up and took the initiative to draw.

After coming out of the shogi club, the two walked towards the 'Commercial Street'.

The commercial street is next to the gymnasium, specifically the road from the playground to the club building.

Yu Gongxi fell in love with the shooting game at a glance. After Natsume paid the money, she shot a few times at the target and hit the target.

"Amazing." Amamiya Xi turned around and smiled at Natsume.

She put down the gun in her hand and said to herself: "It's just that Hui's talent in this area is better than mine. I never beat her when shooting guns before."

"She still understands this?" Xia Mu's forehead was sweating.

Seeing his cold sweat, Yu Gongxi couldn't help but chuckled: "What are you worried about, it's just a toy gun."

"Oh, that's it." Natsume breathed a sigh of relief.

He took Yu Gongxi to play in the "Commercial Street" for a while. During this period, Yu Gongxi behaved like a pure female college student, and his appearance of laughing and playing was cute.

Walking beside Natsume, she is often mistaken for Natsume's older sister.

At this time, Yu Gongxi always smiled and said nothing, watching others misunderstand.

Natsume couldn't say anything, so he could only let the rumors of "As expected of a family, Natsume-kun's sister is also very good-looking" spread.

Finally, around noon, Amamiya Nozomi proposed to go to the Kendo Club to meet Kei.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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