Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 393 Cultural Festival

Chapter 393 Cultural Festival ([-])

At 06:30 in the evening, it was raining moderately in Tokyo.

The evening wind blowing from the riverside passed through the bleak streets, and finally flowed into the Toyonoraku Academy.

In the brightly lit kendo hall, a gorgeous and colorful dance party is being held.

Girls in off-the-shoulder, low-cut dresses with blooming skirts walked into the hall holding the hands of their dance partners. The accompanying dance partners were dressed in elegant suits. Although their behavior was a bit cramped, no one thought they were not suitable for this place.

These are some extremely young faces, all made up of students. They may have experienced many dances in the future, but this is the only time they can remember deeply.

In the center of the museum, what attracts the most attention is not the exquisite snacks on the white tablecloth, nor the exquisite decoration, rather classical carvings and paper paintings, but a beautiful girl in a dark red dress with black hair like a waterfall .

Her skin was as white as snow, she was holding a mermaid evening dress in her hand, her waist was slender and full, and her black hair that had fallen down in the past was coiled up, as elegant as a lady.

It was difficult for people to describe the scene in front of them, because after digging their stomachs, they found that it was impossible to describe the amazing charm of this girl with their poor vocabulary.

Perhaps, the most important thing to do at this time is to lower your eyes in wonder and praise in a low voice.

"Good evening, everyone. Welcome to tonight's dance party. I'm the person in charge, Yu Gonghui." She picked up the microphone and said.

The dance process was rehearsed, and in Yu Gonghui's heart, this sentence has been said no less than fifty times.

But when she actually said it, she found that she was not as excited as she imagined, but a kind of calm.

That's right, that's the way it is. She is a famous lady, what has she not experienced?
It's just a ball, with a perfect start and a perfect end, this is a matter of course.

On the first floor of the Kendo Gym, near the dining table, several well-dressed waiters were discussing in a low voice.

"Missy is worthy of being Missy, her aura has not dropped at all." Takatomi Yamato said looking at Amemiya Hui.

"Maybe the big family holds dances every day, so this kind of scene is just like eating and drinking for her?" Natsume guessed.

"Don't you know, Natsume?"

"What do I know, does she like apple pie or pineapple pie at the ball?"

"Do we have pineapple pie here?" Naoki Yoshihara asked.

"Of course, I saw it on the logistics list, this thing is not cheap." Natsume talked eloquently.

"Yoshihara, don't interrupt." Takatomi Yamato turned his head, "Let's get down to business, that lady should take you to the ball."

"This is your prejudice. I am a poor boy from Chiba County. Why should I be taken by her?"

"Then do you think I have a chance?" Takatomi Yamato said pointing at himself.

"It's impossible for me, where did you get the chance?"


The discussion among the three was very soft, walking around the edge of the ball, no one noticed at all.

After finishing the opening remarks, Amamiya Hui bowed gracefully.

The bright lights dotted her side face with light makeup, and the black hair that was pulled up after care was gently swaying, sprinkled with a colorful halo.

She gave up the stage to the orchestra, turned and walked into the shadows.

It was also at this moment that Natsume heard the sound of the cello. There were many instruments mixed in the middle, but no one cared which ones they were.

Young men and women in evening gowns and suits stepped onto the dance floor and strolled along with the melodious and enthusiastic music, just like enjoying a musical event.

Natsume saw the person in charge of the dance retreat here, which is not a good thing.

He put down a piece of pastry he was grabbing, coughed and puffed his chest out.

Yu Gonghui walked half a meter away from him, and gave Natsume a cold look.

"Don't pretend, I've seen it all."

Natsume coughed, "Listen to my explanation, things are not what you think."

"Don't eat now, and when they rest for a while, you can go solo. The score is on the piano, just the ones you usually practice." Yu Gonghui explained carefully.

"I know."

"By the way, you can mention it for me."


Before Natsume could react, a faint scent came, and then a slender and delicate hand rested on his own, followed by the corner of the dark red evening dress.

As if relieved, Yu Gonghui lowered the hand holding the microphone, stretching his muscles and bones.

"It's the first time I know that this thing needs to be carried." Natsume said, staring at the silk fabric in his hand.

"It's okay if you don't know, just remember it in the future, consciously help me lead it." Yu Gonghui said without changing his face.

"Why did you choose such a long one? It's an unreasonable design."

"...This thing is mopping the floor." Amamiya Hui gave him a white look.

Natsume groaned, turned around, and saw two people on the left casting gossiping glances.

"Are you listening to me?" Beside, Yu Gonghui stopped talking and looked back at him.


Natsume came back to his senses and looked at her.

When seeing the girl's beautiful face with light makeup, Natsume admitted that he was shaken for a moment.

"I said, just hold on for half an hour later."

"Half an hour? Why don't you let me jump off the third floor?" Natsume whispered.

"Is there a third floor here?" Yu Gonghui began to seriously consider this option.

It seems that in order to complete this ball, she has already resorted to all means.

In order to dispel her terrifying thoughts, Natsume said again and again: "I know, I know, don't look any further, there is no third floor here."

Yu Gonghui snorted softly, turned her head and did not speak.

Natsume stared at her side face, and said in a mysterious way: "Didn't you promise me to dance together?"

"Where do you think you have time now?" Yu Gonghui frowned.

"So, is it going to break the contract?"

Natsume said that on purpose.

Originally, he didn't expect to be able to dance. After all, he was a member of the support group and was responsible for entertaining guests.

However, Natsume would only say it in order to beat Amamiya Kei and make this woman's conscience uneasy.

"...I'll see the situation when the time comes." Yugong Hui whispered as if to comfort him.


Natsume looked at the girl, her gaze remained the same from the beginning to the end, staring at the dance floor all the time.

"Of course it's true, hurry up and get ready." Yu Gonghui kicked him lightly.


Natsume responded, greeted the two people next to her, and went to the second floor.

The students present showed yearning expressions on their faces, because the scenes in front of them all made their hearts burst.

There have been many nights, they also thought about wearing a gorgeous dress and dancing a song under the eyes of everyone.
Especially with this wonderful music.

To be honest, the trip tonight is not in vain just because of the beautiful music.

But the orchestral sounds were cut short, understandably, at halftime.

It's just that the dance party can't stop, so everyone present is very curious about what kind of song will be replaced.

In the middle of the second floor, on the inside of the stands, light suddenly lit up.

A handsome and elegant nobleman in a black suit went up the stairs and sat in front of the grand piano again.

Sight, discussion, and all the focus shifted and fell on him.

His movements were very calm, as if he noticed that everyone's eyes were on him, so he showed a flawless smile.

The girls present felt that their hearts had melted a bit, like a deer that had been dusty for many years, suddenly awakened in the spring, and kept bumping into the atrium.

They looked at each other, and found that each other's cheeks were a little rosy, and they both lowered their heads in embarrassment, and looked at him, the prince again.

"What are you inking, hurry up!"

In the wireless earphones, came the dissatisfied voice of Amamiya Hui.

Natsume Zeping lowered his eyes, saw the girl in the dark red dress in the corner of the first floor, and smiled again.

Naturally, he didn't ink any more, his fingers fell on the black and white keys, and the piano played a beautiful, lingering sound.

"Second Waltz"

This song is dedicated to dance parties, full of passion and lingering, the melody is full of the comfortable state of mind on weekends and holidays, and the melodious and free-spirited melody can be heard full of optimism.

It couldn't be more suitable here.

The dance didn't stop, from when the orchestra stopped playing to when the piano sounded, there was only a 2-minute interval in between.

Naturally, a certain young lady was critical, and the 2-minute gap made her feel that Natsume had broken the law.

"Hui, there are more and more people coming to visit, the second floor may not be enough." Kodera Yuko came over and said in a low voice.

"Have someone go to the classroom to move the chairs, and make some space on the first floor." Yu Gonghui replied.


Kodera Yuko looked around, with a strange expression on her face, "They just want to go to the second floor."

"Why?" Yu Gonghui was stunned for a while, and some couldn't understand the reason.

"Because." Kodera Yuko raised her head, looking at the handsome figure playing the piano on the second floor, she couldn't help showing admiration.

After a while, she recovered from that state and patted her chest in horror, "It's terrible."


Even Megumin Amamiya had a little bit of consternation inevitably on his face.

She never imagined that the reason for the increasing number of tourists was not because of the beauty of the music or the wonderful dance, but purely because of the face.

"What should I do?" Kodera Yuko asked.

"What can we do? Meals on the first floor are provided for tourists. Let the boys come down and let the girls go up again." Yugong Huisi asked.

She pondered for a while, then asked uncertainly, "Boys don't want to see him, do they?"


For this question, Kodera Yuko didn't know how to answer, so she could only answer vaguely.

Half an hour is like a white horse passing by, and it is confusing for a short time.

Natsume stopped, and the piano sound stopped.

After recovering from the state of immersion, he looked around and was taken aback.

"what happened?"

It turned out that when he didn't realize it, the second floor was almost occupied by girls except for the corner where he was.

And their eyes, no surprise, were all staring at him.

Although Natsume was surprised, she didn't feel out of place. She just bent down, imitated Yu Gonghui's elegant bow to the girls around her, and then turned and left.

The sound of the orchestra soon rang out, but it was almost covered by the discussions of the girls.

If Yu Gonghui hadn't come out to stop it, the scene would have been chaotic.

'Knock knock! '

Natsume knocked on the door of the office, and after hearing a voice to come in, pushed the door open and entered.

"I'm starving to death, is there anything to eat?" He said as soon as he entered.

"Eat? Aren't you working as a waiter outside? Why don't you steal some?" Yumi Sato was sitting on the sofa, wearing a light blue off-the-shoulder low-cut dress.

Her figure is already good, but wearing this outfit is even more tempting, like an elf in the dark night.

"I was thinking about eating, but Hui stopped me. She said I was lazy."

Natsume sat down beside Yumi.

"Are you not being lazy?"



Yumi Sato glanced at him with a smile and poured Natsume a drink.

Natsume glanced left and right: "Where is Suzune?"

"I'm still here, you asked where she went." Sato Yumi said angrily.

"Have you ever heard of a theory by the United States? If a person lives in a normal environment for a long time and suddenly something abnormal happens, he will be the first to notice something is wrong."

"What theory is this?"

"I just made it up." Natsume said proudly.

Yumi Sato put her hand on his waist unceremoniously, "Well, then what do you want to explain?"

"I'm just curious about where Suzune has gone, I have no other thoughts." Natsume leaned lazily on Yumi's shoulder, looking down at her towering mountain.

Half an hour of playing the piano had exhausted him physically and mentally, and now his hands were still shaking.

Sato Yumi scolded with a smile: "Do you still remember what your own job is?"

"Executive Committee." Natsume replied.

"Then where did you say Lingyin went?"

"That's right." Natsume nodded, her eyes lingering on Yumi.

"What are you doing, you can't eat it here." Yumi Sato said awkwardly.

She covered her chest with her hands and reminded: "If you want to do bad things, it depends on the situation."

"Yumi, I found that you are getting more and more perverted." Natsume showed a strange look.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I was just thinking, you look good in this dress, I have no other thoughts."

After Natsume finished speaking, he studied how to take off the evening dress, "However, I have an idea now."

"Go away, go away, all the clothes are wrinkled." Yumi Sato shyly pushed him away.

"It doesn't matter anything else, I just want to know if there are any biscuits here?" Natsume picked up the teacup on the table and drank it down.

The taste of orange juice is so sweet
"There is a little rice ball that I didn't finish at noon, but it's cold." Yumi Sato picked it up with a tissue and handed it to him.

Natsume took a bite and said casually, "Go out to dance after eating?"

"Hui is still working."

"It doesn't matter, the young lady won't notice."

"Won't you pay attention to something? A Natsume member who is good at slacking off?"

Outside the door, Amamiya Hui pushed open the door politely and stared at Natsume.

"Hui? When did you come?" Natsume asked in a low voice.

"When someone is planning to arrange me." Yu Gonghui sat down opposite the two, took off her high heels, and kneaded gently.

Natsume stared at her weak and boneless little feet, "Will you help me, I have massaged with an old Chinese doctor before."

"No need." Sensing his gaze, Yu Gonghui hid her feet under her skirt helplessly.

"If the Qi and blood are not smooth, you may turn blue the next day. How long has it been since you wore high heels?" Natsume asked.

"It doesn't matter how long you wear it for a few months, it's just that you haven't worn it for such a long time."

"After it's over, I'll press it for you to clear the blood."

"Say no more."

"You don't have to be polite to me."

Seeing his shining eyes, Yu Gonghui looked away: "It's really not necessary."

 Thank you for the reward of Dancing with the Wind o, and thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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