Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 397 Before Christmas

Chapter 397 Before Christmas ([-])

When it was getting dark, the four of them left the coffee shop.

Snow has stopped.

There is no wind on a winter night, and the place where the coffee shop is located is quiet, with a rather secluded feeling.


"It's only two hours, what about it?"

"Yuzi should understand how I feel."

"Huh? I think it's okay."


The footsteps of the four made the street lively.

After passing through two traffic lights, there was a bridge in front of me. The lights on the other side of the bridge were feasting, and Natsume smelled the smell of oden.

"Hungry." Yumi Sato turned to look at him.

"Go to the opposite side, find a place to eat, and talk about the party by the way." Natsume said.

"Gathering? Just right." Kodera Yuko nodded, "Today we will visit the site."

"How about hot pot in a restaurant where many people gather for dinner?" Yumi Sato said, looking at the lit street lights.

"Not good." Yu Gonghui shook her head, she didn't like to eat with others.

"What about the izakaya?"

"A large group of students going to an izakaya, will they be targeted by the police?" Natsume asked.

"Family restaurant?"

"too small."

"Is there a big one?"

"Well, there is one in Kanagawa."

"Hey, you have to run so far." Kodera Yuko dragged out her tone.

Natsume was noncommittal, passing through the block, the flow of people gradually increased.

The gazes of the four were also sweeping around.

When she was about to cross the road, Yu Gonghui staggered and almost fell.

Natsume reacted quickly and pulled her back, "Be careful, the road here is slippery."

The snow had just fallen, and the pits on the ground were covered, and no one knew what was hidden underneath.

"I know."

"Do you want to hold it, I don't mind."


Yu Gonghui glared at him, then withdrew his hand, "No, just take care of yourself."

Natsume didn't care, and continued to look around.

Across the bridge, it is like a world of difference. The level of prosperity here is not comparable to that of the coffee shop just now.

However, this is also the reason for the snow in winter.

"Ah, it's really troublesome, it's better to do it at home." Sato Yumi gave up.

"It's tiring to do at home, and there's not enough space."

This unintentional remark was adopted by Yu Gonghui.

She looked at Yumi: "Good idea."


"What you said just now will be held at home."

"Student Yugong, do you really want to listen to her?" Kodera Yuko asked.


"Who are you going to?" Natsume asked.

"Remember my villa next to Tokyo Bay?" Amamiya Hui looked at him and said, "There is almost enough space there."

"Which one? I don't remember, you have too many houses."


The passerby next to him staggered, and looked back at them in bewilderment.

"Are you a fish with such a bad memory?" Yu Gonghui said bluntly, "It's the place to take you to swim."

"Swimming? Wait, I seem to have a memory. That day, Megumi and Yumi's swimsuits were..."

Before Natsume finished recalling, he was interrupted.

"To shut up."


Kodera Yuko stood aside, not knowing what to say.

Yu Gonghui turned to face her: "What do you think?"

"Okay, okay, what kind of food do you want to prepare?" Kodera Yuko asked.

"This can be voted in the group and let them comment."

"Choose the one with the most votes?"

"No, all of them."

Kodera Tamako, who was astonished by the eldest lady's financial resources, was already speechless.

"Can I go?" Sato Yumi asked.

"Yumi is not from the support team, what are you doing there?" Natsume asked.

"What's the matter, no."

"If you are willing to come, I will welcome it." Yu Gonghui said.

"Ah, thanks."

"you are welcome."

The four of them walked for a while and realized that it was getting late, so they decided to find a place to have dinner first.

Eventually, decided to sit down at a nearby kebab restaurant.

There are many people in the barbecue shop, all of them are young college students, and the atmosphere is hot.

"It's decided, the option of barbecue will be added at that time." Natsume clapped his hands.

"You know how to barbecue?" Kodera Yuko asked.

"No, but Hui's family should have a chef, so I don't need to come in person."

The other two cast their eyes on Yu Gonghui, and they didn't look back until she nodded.

"However, there are really many people here." Xiaosi Yuzi looked around with a little unaccustomed.

Young boys were always noisy when they drank, and it was really uncomfortable for her.

What's more, there are also some extreme personnel with tattoos on their bodies.

"To the private room?" Natsume asked.


There are private rooms in the store, but the price is expensive. Because it is Natsume's treat, I chose a room near the window, which is just right.

The bright lights of Shinjuku at night flickered outside the glass window. Through the moonlight, he saw a snowball on the ground with a girl's name written beside it.

I don't know who it is, but after being frustrated in love, I vent here.

Megumi Amamiya sat next to Natsume, and Yumi sat opposite, with Kodera Tamako.

The four of them watched the charcoal fire burn up little by little, and then put in fresh and expensive beef.

"I think Mr. Kinda likes this place the most," Natsume Zehei said.

"She came here to drink." Yu Gonghui shook her head.

"You always think about what Mr. Kinda is doing? Have you taken a fancy to him?" This sentence was said by Yuko Kodera.

Natsume replied in dissatisfaction: "Xiaodera-san, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. I'm just a student, just care about the teacher."

"That's right, it's normal to care about teachers who live in your own home and get along day and night." Yu Gonghui's words seemed to have other meanings.

"What do you get along day and night? Is that used to describe teachers and students!"

"You know it yourself."

Yumi Sato watched the two quarreling with a smile, and poked her head out to ask the waiter to bring drinks.

"Sour plum juice, green lemonade. Who ordered these?" Kodera Yuko asked.

"Sour things can relieve greasy." Natsume said.

"Then I'll trouble you, the rest of us will drink normal drinks." Yu Gonghui asked for orange juice.

The meat is grilled on the charcoal fire and is sizzling. This is the best snowflake beef. The white texture is clearly visible like marble.

After roasting, a strong aroma filled the room.

Natsume took a piece, paired it with the sauce he had prepared, and swallowed it in one gulp, showing a satisfied look.

"Yes, that's the taste."

"The corner of the mouth." Yu Gonghui glanced at him when he opened the window.

"Huh? Oh"

Natsume wiped it with a paper towel, then asked, "Is there any more?"


Kodera Yuko blinked and looked at Yumi: "The corner of the mouth."

"What are you doing, I haven't eaten yet!" Yumi Sato said with a smile.

"Ah, that's it, I'll talk about it later."


After eating barbecue, Natsume ordered special snacks, such as pumpkin pie and oden. As for why the barbecue shop sells these, it can only be said that it is a specialty of the shop.

As expected of a yakiniku restaurant on TV!

"This year has passed so quickly, it seems like nothing happened, and the time just passed by bit by bit." When she was half full, Xiaosi Yuzi suddenly became sentimental.

Natsume glanced at her, "What's wrong with you? There is nothing sad."

"Think about it, two semesters have passed like this, but I haven't had enough of my high school life yet." Yuko Kodera said shyly.

"You can repeat the grade, as long as Kodera is willing." Natsume said.

She glared at her, but the latter didn't care.

"Well, I have encountered a lot of things." Yumi Sato quickly eased the atmosphere, "like meeting people I shouldn't meet, dating boys, and"

"Also, there is an extra boyfriend." Kodera Yuko looked at her and said.

After Amamiya Hui heard this, she put down her chopsticks and glanced at Natsume.

"I don't know about it."

"What?" Natsume was eating meat just now, and didn't hear a few people discussing it.

He raised his head and looked at Yu Gonghui.

Yu Gonghui looked away again, "The meat is burnt."


Sato Yumi sat opposite, looking at this scene with great interest.

Unfortunately, Hui didn't say anything, and didn't mean to reprimand Natsume.

"I'm thinking, next semester, should I do something meaningful." Kodera Yuko murmured.

"Compared to doing meaningful things, Kodera-san, have you considered taking the college entrance examination?" Natsume interrupted her.

Kodera Yuko replied indifferently: "Of course I know, but my grades are at most like this. No matter how hard I try, I can't get into Imperial University."

Fengzhiluo College only recruits students with good grades and good family background, who have a clear understanding of what university they can go to in the future.

"If I have to say it, I want to go to the same university as Yumi and Haruna." She looked at Yumi and said.

"I'm working hard." Yumi Sato said, "I'll work hard to get into the same school as you."

"Where is Amamiya?" Yuko Kodera turned her head and looked at Yugong Hui.

She deliberately skipped Natsume because Yumi Sato said before that Natsume was admitted to Waseda University.

"No plans for now."

"Your grades are so good, no school will reject you." Kodera Yuko said enviously.


Yu Gonghui really doesn't have a big plan for this aspect, after all, for her who came into contact with the family business very early, it doesn't matter where she goes.

"You have nothing to say?" Yu Gonghui glanced at Natsume.

"say what?"


Natsume put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth, "You all know that it is the prime minister."

"That was before, you mean after?"

"Of course, after thinking about it for such a long time, I finally realized that this thing is a bit unrealistic." Natsume said.

Yu Gonghui commented happily: "You are not too stupid."

"I decided to start by pleasing the eldest lady, and then enter the official career. After becoming a member of Congress, I started targeting."

They listened to these words as a joke, Yu Gonghui even took out two coins from the wallet and threw them into Natsume's pocket.

"Wait, I'm not joking!"

"Yes, it's this serious expression, continue to perform." Amamiya Hui said contentedly.


Natsume stopped talking.

It seems that my plan is indeed naive in the eyes of others.

But it doesn't matter, there will always be a day when he succeeds, and when he realizes it, the first one to succumb will be Miss Yugong!

"Stop dreaming." The light words came from my ears.

"What a dream, I think my plan is going very well! Especially the first step, it's almost finished!"

Because Natsume was too noisy, Yu Gonghui asked him to concentrate on barbecue.

"Hui, what do you think of this place?" Yumi Sato looked at her expectantly.


"look at"

Looking at the picture on the phone, Amamiya Hui glanced at Yumi: "Are you going to spend Christmas here?"

"No, I just want to refer to your opinions and make a decision at that time."

"If I were to rate it, it would be five."

"A perfect score is ten?"

"one hundred."


Yumi Sato lowered her eyes in disappointment.

Natsume raised his head: "I think this place is good, and you can still fish."

"Use your brain, member Natsume." Amamiya Hui said bluntly, "In such a remote place, if there is an accident, you can't contact the outside. How can you guarantee safety?"

"Accident? What did Kei say, a power outage? Or an avalanche." Natsume looked at her curiously.

Before Yugong Hui could speak, Natsume continued: "There are no mountains that are too high in that place, and there will be no avalanches. It is only two kilometers away from the city. Even if there is a power outage, it doesn't matter if there is a snowstorm. There is a fire inside, and we can burn it." firewood."

Yu Gonghui showed disgust, but also hesitated.

"I heard that there is a public bath there, so we can soak in the hot spring together." Natsume suggested with pure eyes.

"I was still hesitating, but now I'm sure, I won't go." Yu Gonghui said angrily.


"Then where are you going? Are you going to abandon me on Christmas Eve? I won't agree."

"Member Natsume, I've told you many times that it's very busy around the New Year's Eve."

"Oh, that's okay, you can work and play at the same time, I will reserve a study room for you."

Yu Gonghui lifted the long hair on her shoulders and snorted softly: "I didn't promise you."

"Then how can I agree? This is the greatest wish of my life."

"Can you have something to do?"

"Promising? Do you mean that you want to make me famous before you go?"

The two were chatting, but neither of them took the conversation above seriously.

Yumi Sato and Yuko Kodera stared at each other in a daze, they didn't expect Megumi Amamiya to talk so much.

"Eat first." Yu Gonghui sighed.

"oh oh."

Natsume responded, then looked up at Yuko Kodera again, "Wait a minute, classmate Kodera."

"Go!" Kodera Yuko said hastily, as if she had guessed Natsume's idea of ​​chasing people away.


It's a pity that Natsume still carries light bulbs with him when he travels.

"Don't you think it's strange to be there?"

"Why, I don't think so."

"Look, Megumi, Yumi, and you are among the ringtones, isn't it awkward?"

"What's so sudden?" Sato Yumi asked.

Yu Gonghui looked over coldly, "I also want to know, why is it strange?"


As a last resort, Natsume could only agree with the light bulb to follow.

However, next he will suggest to Yumi not to bring others.

To bring them, there must be eleven people who understand the occasion and can't make light bulbs!
Like Yoshihara, a pleasing, sensible and well-behaved boy.

 Thank you Chen Luonuo for your reward, thank you for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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