Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 40 No Touching

Chapter 40 No Touching
It was not halfway through the lunch break when there was a knock on the door.

"It's me, Hui."

Konda-sensei's voice.

Natsume Zeping opened the door, Konda Yumiko came in from the outside, glanced at him, "Natsume?"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kinda."

"good afternoon."

Natsume Zeping looked down, she was carrying a paper, which was the entry questionnaire.

He glanced again and found several familiar names.

"If you don't go to the office during your lunch break, what are you doing here?" Yu Gonghui looked at her.

"The roof is leaking. I told the board of directors a long time ago, but no one has fixed it." Yumiko Konda tugged at her wet sleeve, "This damn weather is really annoying."

"You don't have work in the afternoon, you can go home and rest."

Yumiko Konda sighed, "I want to go back too, but I have to finish things."

"Adventure survey form?" Yu Gonghui cast a glance.


"It is recommended that as a teacher, the help you provide is minimal. Their lives have just begun, and there are countless roads in front of them. If you don't break your head and bleed, you will not turn back."

Amamiya Hui glanced at Natsume, meaning something.

"Megumi, you still say such things?" Yumiko Konda was a little surprised.

"It's just that there are such people around." She sighed, with a hint of hatred for iron.

Natsume felt an arrow shot in the back, but made no sound.

When he becomes prime minister, he must make her look good.

"It makes sense, but isn't one of the duties of a teacher to lead the way?" Yumiko Konda smiled heartily.

"Some children have strange goals and need someone to guide them. Like this one, they want to be a handsome guy in Tokyo."

"Handsome guy from Tokyo?" Natsume Zehei looked up, "Who wrote it?"

"Well, the name can't be said, but the target is interesting, isn't it?"

"I think Mr. Kinda should tutor him well."

Natsume Zehei shook his head, "What is the goal of the Tokyo guy?"

"Probably some kind of playboy." Yumiko Konda nodded her lips, also a little puzzled.

"Actually, this one is pretty good. Others are even more weird, like this one. I want to be a *v actor. How can I persuade you?"

Konda Yumiko had a headache.

"The industry is in a downturn, so it's good to have some newcomers."

Natsume explained.

Yu Gonghui glared at him.

"It's because of students who have such crooked ideas that teachers work so hard." Yumiko Konda crossed her arms.

Natsume Zehei nodded, deeply agreeing.

"It's all good, at least fill it out carefully, I'm afraid that some nonsense will hand in the information when the time comes, and I will be the one who will be scolded."

Konda Yumiko flipped through the questionnaire and sighed again.

"Like being the prime minister?" Yu Gonghui interjected.

"prime minister?"

Konda Yumiko showed a puzzled look, "That's not true."

Natsume Zehei couldn't help interjecting, "I think the goal of becoming the prime minister is very ambitious. People who have this idea must have sincere beliefs, unyielding perseverance, and a smart mind."

"." Yumiko Konda felt a little dizzy, "It's one thing to be ambitious, isn't the point impossible to achieve?"

Yu Gonghui turned around, shoulders shrugged slightly.

Is it so funny?

Natsume Zehei stared at her, "In comparison, I think the goal of inheriting the family business is too vulgar."

Yu Gonghui just smiled and didn't speak.

But no matter how you look at it, it is a bit of irony.

Natsume Zehei drank the tea in one gulp, and Megumi Amamiya poured him a cup with a smile.

"Hui, pour me a cup of tea too."

"There's the teapot."

Konda Yumiko took out her thermos and handed it to her, "Please pour it for me."


Yu Gonghui shook her head, "Your hands are too cold."

"Huh? What's the reason?" Konda Yumiko muttered, pouring herself a cup of tea.

"The minister doesn't like to touch other people." Natsume Zehei said beside him.

He thought about it, but felt that it was not quite accurate.

"To be precise, she doesn't like others to touch her, but it's okay to touch others by herself. To sum up, she can't touch her, not anywhere."


Konda Yumiko asked, "I have some of this too, so I can understand it."

"It's not cleanliness."

Natsume Zehei denied her statement, "The minister just said very clearly, 'Your hands are too cold', this is the reason."


Konda Yumiko looked at Amemiya Kei who was silent, "This is too strange."

"It's impolite to comment too much on other people's habits." Yu Gonghui raised her head, "If you are too wordy, you won't be allowed to stay here."

"Yes Yes."

Konda Yumiko looked at Natsume, "Speaking of which, how did Natsume find out?"

"The last time someone accidentally touched the minister's hand, she vomited for half an hour."


Konda Yumiko's face turned pale, "Is that man okay?"

"What, I'm still alive." Natsume said.

" are lucky."

"Thank you, I feel the same way."

At this time, Yu Gonghui said: "His hands are warmer than others, so let him go."


Konda Yumiko stretched out her hand to touch Natsume Zehei, "It is indeed warmer, quite warm."

"Here is the face."

"Ah sorry sorry."

Natsume Zeping glanced at her, wondering if it was intentional.

"Do you want to see a psychiatrist?" Konda Yumiko looked at Amemiya Hui, "It's a serious mental illness."

"No." Yu Gonghui shook his head.

Seeing this, Konda Yumiko couldn't persuade her anymore.After finishing her work, she left quickly.

When class was about to start, Natsume Zehei got up and exchanged glances with Amamiya Kei.

He wanted to say something, but gave up, and just left quietly.

After he left, Yu Gonghui was silent for a long time.

She thought of the cold hand she touched that night, which was still a little clammy and sticky.

Looking out of the window, Yu Gonghui felt scared and disgusted, like a nightmare that hit like waves in many nights.

After school in the afternoon, Natsume Zehei forgot the time because of his immersion.

Surrounded by students in school uniforms, they finally brought him back to his senses.

After arranging her schoolbag briefly, Natsume walked to the atrium and headed to the club building.

It was raining outside, and Natsume Zehei planned to wait until the rain was lighter before going home.

On the wide corridor, a girl came directly opposite.

Yumi Sato arched her injured leg and half-hopped towards the infirmary. When she saw Natsume, she was a little stunned.

"Natsume Zehei."

"Sato, classmate?"

Natsume Zeping was a little puzzled.

This scene seems familiar.

Every time I see Yumi Sato, she is either injured or on the way to injury—are the two of them destined to meet each other?

Withdrawing her thoughts, Natsume lowered her head and looked at her legs.

There was blood around the knee, and there were a few deep scratches. He probably fell down and touched something sharp. If he straightened up, he would touch the injured skin.

Look, it should be caused by club activities. Since when is swimming so dangerous?

Natsume Zehei is not a nosy person, but in her state, she would die of pain before going to the infirmary.

"Let me see"

"Need not!"

Seeing him coming, Yumi Sato shrank back subconsciously and took a step back.

Natsume Zehei stood where she was, looking a little funny at her actions.

Are you so scary?

"I'm fine."

Yumi Sato lowered her head, avoiding his gaze.

She jumped up and down, tried to move forward, and her feet were empty. She almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, Natsume supported her, otherwise she would cause secondary injuries.

Natsume said calmly, "Is it really all right?"

". Long-winded."

Feeling his body temperature, Yumi Sato's whole body tensed up.

too close. what to do?
Because she wanted to stay away from Natsume, her legs straightened unconsciously, and there was severe pain from the touch of the wound.


Yumi Sato frowned, her center of gravity was unsteady, she fell to Natsume, and gave him a headbutt.

This time, it was Natsume Zehei's turn to cry out.


His complexion was a little pale.

If you lift your clothes, you may see a bruise on your collarbone.

"Sorry." Sato Yumi's heart skipped a beat, and when she realized that she had caused trouble, she quickly apologized.

"You'd better support me." Natsume Zeping glanced at her with a 'murderous look' in his eyes.

"That. Thank you."

Yumi Sato lowered her head, her face was a little red.

In fact, even she herself thought it was a coincidence that every time she was injured, she would always run into Natsume Zehei.

On the way to the infirmary, both of them were silent.

Yumi Sato was in pain, and so was Natsume Zehei.

Push open the door, the health teacher is not inside.Natsume Zehei looked around and said:

"I'm looking for medical alcohol. There doesn't seem to be iodophor here."


Yumi Sato pursed her lips, " hurts."


"Alcohol, it hurts when you rub it on the wound, can you change it to something else?"

"Hold it." Natsume Zehei raised the corner of his mouth.

I am only happy when you are in pain.

"Natsume Zehei!"

She was a little annoyed, "Can't you comfort me?"

"First of all, I didn't cause your injury. Secondly, comforting is useless. It's troublesome if you should disinfect or disinfect the infection." Natsume Zehei held a cotton swab, "It's just a little pain at the beginning, just bear it."


Yumi Sato turned pale, "Then be gentle."

"As much as possible."

Natsume Zehei pressed lightly.



He stopped and glanced at Yumi Sato.The latter obviously noticed Natsume's gaze, blushed, and whispered, "I can't restrain myself."

"No, I want to ask if the force is too heavy?"


He tried again, harder.


Natsume Zehei looked left and right, but unfortunately there was no mouth. Ball, otherwise I would give her one.

It's too noisy to click and call.

While bandaging, Yumi Sato made a humming sound again, which was a bit ambiguous.

The students passing by the infirmary blushed when they heard it, but because the door was locked, they couldn't see what was going on inside.

"I don't think this will be the last time to bandage you." Natsume Zehei put down the bandage and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It was actually an accident."

Yumi Sato scratched her head, a little embarrassed, "I fell down during training, and my knee hit the edge."

"The one on the neck is also an accident?"


She looked at Natsume and remained silent.

If he didn't want to say anything, Natsume Zehei was not interested in forcing him to talk about other people's privacy, and he had no intention of inquiring.

Natsume Zehei sat next to her, and bent down to look at the wound again.

"The dressing is not very professional. If you walk for too long, the wound may open."

"Thank you."

"No, just be whole when you see me next time."

Yumi Sato said in a low voice, "No one is so unlucky every day."

The two were so close that they could feel each other's warmth.

Yumi Sato pursed her lips and held her breath.

"Probably no problem." Natsume Zehei raised his head and met her gaze.

Yumi Sato's eyes flickered, and she turned her head slightly.

"Then I'll go first."

"Wait for me a while." Natsume Zeping pushed open the door of the infirmary and walked outside.


Yumi Sato covered her face and buried her head.

"Really, what am I thinking?"

 Yanzu, are you reading again?Get a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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