Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 51 Delayed plans

Chapter 51 Delayed plans

Purple cake inlaid with gold leaf and lots of fruit.

Natsume Zehei poked it, "It doesn't seem to move."

"Is this the latest joke?"

Yu Gonghui was a little amused, "Which cake can move?"

"That's true. Does the minister want a piece?" Natsume Zehei picked up one.

Amamiya Hui pursed her lips, glanced at the cake, and then at Natsume.

"No, take it away."

"Give it all to me?" Natsume Zeping was surprised.

"Give you all."

"Minister, this thing is not cheap. It's only in the department store in Ginza. I saw it on TV a few days ago."

"I'll give it to you, so why talk so much nonsense." Yu Gonghui curled her lips.

Natsume Zehei was a little happy holding the gift box.

Selling the cakes would bring a lot of income—he should be able to get the water heater he has been thinking about.

However, you can't let Sayuri see
Natsume Zehei turned his head and found that Amamiya Hui was looking at it with a cautious attitude.

"...I don't think it's poisonous, and Sato-san's mother wouldn't do such a thing."

"You think of people too simply, member Natsume."

"It's the minister who thinks too badly of people." Natsume Zehei stood up and put the cake back into the gift box carefully.

Amamiya Kei shook her head, looked at Natsume Zehei's excited face, and asked:

"Would you like to eat a piece, member Natsume?"

"No, it's all money." Natsume Zehei said.

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes." He didn't deny it.

Megumi Amamiya frowned slightly, and couldn't help laughing, "That's true, it fits the image of a Natsume member very well. The future Prime Minister must be fair and honest."


Natsume Zeping stopped talking, his eyes were dim.

The eldest lady of the capitalist, you really speak too much.

After Amamiya Hui finished laughing, she left immediately.

Natsume Zehei sorted out the gift boxes and took them all back.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon when I got home, and the sky was a little dark.

The sun fell from the horizon, completely invisible.There are crows fluttering in the distance, which seems a bit out of place in this season.

Natsume Zeping walked around the door a few times, looking a little cautious.

"Natsume." Saiduri waved behind her and hurried over.


Natsume Zehei turned his head, "Are you back?"


She nodded heavily, "I'm off work and I want to have dinner."

"it is good."

Natsume Zeping smiled and walked home.

Sayuri followed behind and saw the gift box in Natsume Zehei's hand.

"What's in it, is it a gift for me?"

"This is a water heater, not for you to eat."

Sayuri scratched her head, "Why does it smell so good?"

"Beautiful things are all in common. Don't mention this, what would Sayuri want for dinner?"


"it is good."


Natsume Zehei agreed so happily, which made Sayuri suspicious.

After dinner, one person and one ghost chatted in the living room.

The weather forecast was broadcast on TV, and the beautiful host reminded everyone to prepare for disaster prevention in advance.

Japan is a disaster-prone country. Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, mudslides, typhoons, floods and droughts, low temperature and freezing damage, etc. Among them, typhoons are the most serious.

"Calculate the time. The typhoon is coming soon."

Natsume Zehei was thinking about his future plans, "A typhoon will visit Tokyo in almost June. The home should also be renovated."

Last year, due to lack of preparation, there were water leaks everywhere in the house, not to mention the broken windows. Replacing the wallpaper was a big expense.Although there is insurance, it is not safe.

And this year, the aging of the house has become more serious, and I don't know if it can withstand it.

"Does Natsume have any plans?"

"Stock some emergency food."

Sayuri looked up, "Is it delicious?"

".It's okay. As for biscuits, they'll be the same no matter how you eat them, right?"

"Then buy more."

"Okay." Natsume Zehei nodded.

"Also, it's time to contact the decoration company."

"Decoration company?"

"The roof is old."

Natsume Zehei walked to the balcony and glanced at the dilapidated roof.

This house was built early, using tiles. Later, it was renovated several times, but it was not completely replaced. By Natsume Zehei's generation, it was no longer usable.

In a few years, even if there is no typhoon, it will collapse.

"makes sense."

Sayuri looked up a few times, although she was a little distressed, she still took out coins from her clothes and put them in the piggy bank.

"I've saved a lot in the past few days. If Natsume is short of money, I can take it. That's all I have."

"Need not."

Natsume Zehei shook his head.

Even if she picks up 100 coins a day, Sayuri's daily salary is only [-] yen. (The exchange rate is one to eighteen, almost more than [-] RMB)
Natsume Zehei never planned to ask Sayuri for money, and that little money was just a drop in the bucket.

"Then where is Natsume going to get money?"

".work to earn a living."

"Can you find a job?"

"Difficult, but not hopeless."

"If it doesn't work."

Sayuri took a bowl from the kitchen, "Let's go beg for food, I will be in charge of crying, and you will be in charge of singing."


Natsume Zehei showed an awkward yet polite smile.

"There won't be a day."



Because Sayuri chatted to death, so the two went their separate ways.

Natsume Zehei went to the storage room and turned on the light.

It has not been used for many years and it is full of dust.If you don't clean it, you can't put your things.

Natsume Zehei opened the window, swept the dust, and then wiped the inside with a rag.

Half an hour later, he was done. Looking at the clean storage room, he felt a little satisfied.

It's ventilated here, and it's not that dirty. If it's only left for a day, the cake shouldn't go bad in the current weather.

Taking advantage of Sayuri's inattention, Natsume Zehei brought the gift box over.

Tomorrow, I will go to the department store to exchange money. If I am lucky, I will get the money for the water heater and part of the house decoration cost.

Sayuri hid in the shadows, staring at Natsume curiously.

He worked hard for a long time, took a few pieces of cloth to wrap the gift box, and after checking it several times, he was completely relieved.

After Natsume left, Sayuri quietly floated down, opened the box and took a look.

"small cake"

She looked around, scratched her head again, and floated out.

The light was on in the living room, and Natsume Zehei was cleaning the living room.

Idle is also idle, just to get things done.

"Natsume Natsume, it's bad, the water heater has turned into a cake!" Sayuri hurried over.


Natsume Zeping was speechless.

"What should I do? It smells so good." Sayuri tugged at his sleeve.


Natsume Zeping pursed his lips, "That can't be eaten."

Sayuri didn't speak, but looked at him eagerly.

The eyes are pitiful, and the emotion is very good.


Natsume Zeping made up his mind and pretended not to see her.

Sayuri blinked and followed beside her without saying anything.

For the next two hours, Sayuri watched Natsume clean the house.

After Natsume Zehei took his clothes and walked into the bathroom, he discovered the crux of the problem.

"I want to take a shower."

"Yeah." Said Baihe looked innocent and took a bite of the senbei.


Natsume Zeping stared at the little female ghost with a gloomy gaze.

"Can you go out?"

"I'll take a look."


One person and one ghost, their expressions were a little stagnant.

After a while, it gradually became vicious.

"go out."


"Greedy female ghost!"

"Stingy Natsume!"

After arguing for more than ten minutes, Natsume Zeping was a little tired.

"Rest awhile."

"." Sayuri smiled.

She won.

Do whatever you want, quarrel No.1.

"Only one piece." Natsume Zehei gave up.


After hearing the permission, Sayuri left in a hurry.

After Natsume Zehei took a shower, he came out and saw a piece of purple cake on the table.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Give some to Natsume." Sayuri cut him in half.

"I don't want it anymore"

Natsume Zehei sighed, "It's easy to get sick if you eat too sweet at night."

"Then I'll eat it all."


Natsume Zehei rested his chin on one hand and stared at the night outside.

The wind hit the glass and made a bang bang sound, making people chill for no reason.

"good to eat."

"Expensive things are good except expensive." Natsume Zehei smiled.

The plan to buy a water heater should be postponed.

Thursday morning, the weather was neither too hot nor too cold.

The classroom was as quiet as ever, which may have something to do with the list that Yumiko Konda will announce soon.

Yesterday's preliminary test made Yumiko Konda understand how much her students are worth.

"Takatomi Yamato, Sato Yumi, Toshima Ryo Natsume Zehei, all the above members need to participate in the counseling!"

"Natsume Zehei?"

Yoshihara Naoki raised his hand, "Mr. Kinda, did you give the wrong name just now?"

"That's right."

Konda Yumiko glanced down the stage, "Natsume Zehei is a teaching assistant and has an obligation to help."



"Can Natsume-kun tutor me alone?"

A girl raises her hand.

Natsume Zeping pursed his lips, wondering if he should run away.

"Me too," someone beside him responded.

"No!" Yumiko Konda tapped on the blackboard.

"This is a school, not a place to fall in love. Please remember this, students!"


Everyone nodded.

"The above is what I want to talk about. After school this afternoon, these students will stay."

Kinda Yumiko said again: "Your lists are all recorded in the academic system, don't even think about running away."


After class, Natsume Zehei was stalked by Takatomi Yamato before he left.

"Natsume, help me."


"Can you let me go in the afternoon? I still have club activities. As a teaching assistant, you should have this right?"


Natsume Zehei shook his head, "If I let you go, that woman will not let me go."

Naoki Yoshihara who came over was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized.

"Is it Teacher Konda?"


Takatomi Yamato sighed, "He's almost 30 years old, and he still has such a bad temper. If he speaks ill of her, he will be blacklisted."

"Do you really think so?"

Voices came from behind.

"Yes." Takatomi Yamato replied subconsciously.

Natsume Zehei sensed something was wrong and immediately retorted:

"No, excellent people always have their own personality. Age can't be used to judge beauty. I don't think there is anything wrong with Kinda-sensei's education method."

"very good."

Takatomi Yamato turned his head, his face was a little ugly.

Konda Yumiko smiled and stood behind them gently.

She looked at Natsume, her tone softened.

"Natsume, come have some dessert with me after tutoring in the afternoon. I asked someone to buy the dessert that has become popular recently."

"it is good."

"Student Gao Chen, please come to the office with me, the teacher wants to tell you something."


"Speaking so softly, didn't you hear it?" Yumiko Konda narrowed her eyes slightly.


 Thank you for your recommendation tickets. Although it was fluttered, there are still many people watching it.


(End of this chapter)

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