Chapter 61 Sick

The next morning, Natsume Zehei opened his eyes and sat on the bed for a while.

He froze for two or three seconds and got used to the light outside the window. Logically speaking, there was such a strong sunshine on a rainy day, but he couldn't open his eyes for some reason.

There was a little rain outside the window, and the weather was neither good nor bad. Looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you could vaguely see drops of water falling into the river.

There were a few green leaves stuck to the window, sticking wet to the glass, unable to be blown away.

Not a good, not a bad morning.

Natsume Zehei turned over and got out of bed, glanced at Yumi Sato who was still sleeping, covered her with a quilt, and walked out lightly.

The light in the living room was on, and a little tea smoke was blowing in the cool breeze.

The smell of black tea.

Drinking black tea early in the morning is not a good thing, it is easy to damage the stomach and cause stomach problems.But on the other hand, it can also refresh your mind. Whether you drink or not depends on your choice.

Natsume Zeping didn't go to the living room, but walked along the wooden floor to the bathroom that was the size of his living room.

Although there are no men's products in the bathroom, it's not a big problem. Natsume Zehei is not yet old enough to worry about beards.

When he was washing up, he spat out bloodshot again, Natsume Zeping paused for a moment, staring at the pale face in the mirror, feeling a little dazed.

【Character: Natsume Zehei】

【Age: 17】

[Intelligence: 75 (+)]

[Charm: 80 (+)]

[Physical strength: 20 (+)]

【Life: Eleven months (illness)】

[Passive skill: Frightening side (Charm value reaches 100 in a short time)]

I was sick, and even my complexion was a little pale.

Natsume Zeping frowned, his health was not good, and it was raining these few days, so it is normal to be sick.

If you have a cold and a cold, you should take medicine early.

"Good morning, Natsume-kun."

Natsume Zehei pursed his lips, rinsed his face with water, and washed the blood from his hands before slowly turning his head, "Sister Miho, good morning."

Miho Sato waited patiently at the door of the bathroom. Not only did her face not have any wrinkles, but it was more charming, like a flower that had been irrigated for a long time, growing the right shape at the right time.

"It's only seven o'clock now, Natsume-kun can sleep for a while, I've already prepared breakfast on the table, you can eat it after heating it up later."

"Sister woke up so early, are you going out?" Natsume Zeping looked her up and down.

"I have an emergency meeting to catch a flight."

Miho Sato looked at Natsume's face with a little regret.

If you don't have something to do in the morning, you must give him a surprise. Young boys have never seen the world, and when all kinds of uniforms come to the round, they will look like hungry wolves if they don't take the initiative.

"Yuanmen?" Natsume Zehei took another look, and it was indeed the clothes he wore for the trade union.

Sato Miho is wearing a formal suit, which is neat and tidy.

This dress can outline the curve of the buttocks very well.Because the weather was a bit cold, she fastened the collar buttons very tightly and didn't undo any of them.

As expected of a mother and daughter, both of them are very rough with buttons.The white shirt inside the suit was constantly pulled by the tension, and the purple clothes inside were looming.

A pair of long black silk legs, plump and enchanting, almost like a vixen.

If it was the first time they met, no one would be able to tell that this woman had given birth to a child.

"That's right, I'm going to the Amamiya family to meet the current Patriarch." Miho Sato smiled.

"The current Patriarch. What happened?"

"This can't be said to outsiders, but Natsume-kun belongs to Ms. Amamiya, so it doesn't matter."

"Last night, the Amemiya family killed a traitor in the Nishinari district of Osaka, and integrated the Kyoto area in one fell swoop. It seems that a serious riot has been caused. The specific situation will not be known until the Amamiya family."

The introduction of the XC area flashed through Natsume Zehei's mind. Except for the particularly large riots, it is known for its chaos.

It is said that it is normal to be abused by passers-by on the street. It is the most dangerous place in Japan, not one of them.

"I see."

"Natsume-kun's choice is very correct. After Miss Amamiya takes over in a few years, I will not be able to call Miss Amamiya by her name directly. I can only call her 'that adult'." Miho Sato said for Natsume Zehei Liked it.


The image of Megumi Amamiya appeared in Natsume Zehei's mind. Although she didn't want to admit it, with her ability, it is no problem to succeed the position of the Amamiya family. However, I heard that women in big families cannot inherit the position of patriarch. A husband-in-law acts as superficial control.

This is also the reason for the son-in-law.

"Is the minister there?"

"Yes, Miss Amemiya will be present for such a big event."

Natsume Zehei nodded, and glanced out of the corner of his eye, Sato Miho was still standing there, not moving.

"Didn't you say you have to catch a plane?"

"Before the farewell, Natsume-kun has nothing to do?" Sato Miho pursed her lips, her face flushed with the blush of first love.


Natsume Zeping shook his head, but in the next second, he had something more to say.

"Can I ask my sister for a favor?"

"Tell me, Natsume-kun, as long as I can do it, I can do it for you."

Her expression was infatuated and crazy, like a dog licking.

However, licking a dog will never end well.

Natsume Zehei whispered in her ear: "Your daughter is my property. I won't allow others to touch it anymore."

Sato Miho frowned subconsciously, but after seeing Natsume Zehei's indifferent expression, she readily agreed.

"of course."

Sato Miho squatted down and knelt in front of Natsume Zehei, "As long as Natsume-kun wants, the slave house can be yours."

Slave family?

It's an interesting word.

But Natsume Zehei just sneered, feeling that this woman was extremely disgusting.

A mother who can give a woman to someone else is already the scum of scum.He doesn't need to have a good face when dealing with this kind of person.

Natsume Zehei frowned, and subconsciously moved away from Sato Miho, just because her hands had reached his waist.

He looked back, a little indifferent.

Miho Sato posed a very standard Dogeza, which created a very large visual effect under this extreme compression.

Her breathing was rapid and there was a look of obsession on her face.

Natsume Zeping said disgustedly: "Stay away from me."

"That's it. Just keep looking at me like this!"

Until Natsume Zehei's sense of disgust reached the highest point, Miho Sato finally made a sound of satisfaction, breathed white air in his mouth, his legs were clamped, and he trembled a little.

"Go away." Natsume Zeping said coldly.

"Okay, Natsume-kun!"

Miho Sato was moved to tears.


"This is it!"


He stopped talking and didn't even want to talk to this person.

After satisfying her with something cold and dark, Miho Sato drifted away.

Natsume Zehei continued to brush his teeth, but the scene just now occasionally appeared in his mind.

Somehow, with the emergence of the system, my own desires are getting more and more.

Things that I didn't pay attention to before are now naturally remembered in my mind.

After a while, Yumi Sato came out of the bedroom with messy hair.

"Good morning, Natsume."


Natsume Zehei stepped aside and walked out of the bathroom, "Wash up and come to the living room for dinner."

"it is good"

Yumi Sato yawned, her eyes were a little hazy, "Have you prepared breakfast yet?"

"Barely count."

In the living room, Natsume Zehei and Sato Yumi sat opposite each other, with a hot breakfast in between.

"It doesn't look like it's in the kitchen."

Yumi Sato glanced at the hot miso, opened the milk bottle, licked it first, and then drank it in small sips.

"Just eat it, don't care where it came from." Natsume Zeping's face remained unchanged.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" Yumi Sato picked up the sashimi.

"No appetite."

Natsume Zeping looked at the dazzling array of meals on the table without moving his chopsticks.

Just pick up a small piece of whole wheat bread and eat it with warm water.

After eating, he rested his face in one hand, stared at the system panel and lost himself in thought.

Sickness may accelerate the loss of life, which also means that I must contact Miyagawa Suzune as soon as possible.

He tapped on the table lightly, showing a difficult look.

The priestess of the shrine is not so easy to pursue. If you are not careful, if you are rejected, you will lose everything.

Time and life are nothing.

"what happened?"

The girl sitting opposite raised her head, looking at Natsume Zehei's frowning expression and expressing her doubts.


"Look at your depressed face." Sato Yumi whispered.

"I was thinking, Sato-san is very childlike."

".childlike innocence?"

Yumi Sato was stunned for a moment, and looked down at the nightgown that was a little bare, and immediately realized that she was ashamed.

"Natsume Zehei!"

"I'm going to school first."

Natsume Zehei smiled, picked up the drying clothes, and walked out the door.

"Pervert!" Yumi Sato waved at his back.

 The Sato Line came to an end.Thank you that this disease is swine fever, the city of the sky that will never meet again, a lot of boring, readers 20201027194049687089082 for your rewards, thank you for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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