Chapter 68 Profile
At ten o'clock in the evening, Natsume Zehei was doing a math problem.

In the night, except for the corner where the street lamp is, everything else is dim.

The rain lashed against the windows, and the water droplets were scattered by the wind. Under the street lamps, they continued to diverge, merge, and finally strung together and poured into the sewer.

The warm yellow light from the desk lamp left clear traces on the notebook, and the bedroom smelled of shampoo, besides the sweetness of some donuts and the fragrance of orange juice.

Sayuri lay sprawled on the bed, enjoying the dry and warm air from the oven lamp, and took a sip of the orange juice on the table, writhing comfortably in the bed.

"Don't eat the crumbs on the bed."

Natsume Zehei didn't look back, his eyes were still fixed on the notebook when he spoke.

Sayuri glanced behind her a few times before turning over and getting out of bed.Don't forget to close the door when you leave the bedroom.

After a while, Natsume Zehei coughed.

He put down the black pen, took a sip of the medicine brewed in hot water, and looked calm.

At the top of Natsume Zehei's notebook, a big name is at the top.

'Miyagawa Suzune'

From the current point of view, she is a very normal girl. Whether it is her conversation, words and deeds, or her upbringing, she is excellent. Whether she should say it or not, she is indeed a full-time witch. no the same.

Natsume Zehei tapped the notepad with his pen tip, and added a question mark to the system note.

The [Strategy with caution, at your own risk] noted by the system may refer to danger in other senses.

For example: To warn Natsume, you may be hit with a hatchet.

Think of Miyagawa Suzune's [-]-point physical strength, and then think of her status as the leader of the Kendo Club.

Natsume Zehei felt more and more that this was very possible.

As long as he lives in peace, nothing will happen.

Excluding the possibility of being delicate, he has less resistance to contacting Miyagawa Suzune.

"Next step, what should we do?"

Natsume Zehei drew a circle in his notebook, which included Miyagawa Suzune's interpersonal relationship, personality hobbies, behavior habits, etc. Most of the circle was empty, and the details were a bit monotonous, and it was completely impossible to form a circle The appearance of a person.

She doesn't like to talk.

——Maybe the conversation didn't reach the right point, the Miko's words were very euphemistic, as if she was adjusting, adapting to the strangeness between each other, trying to maintain the dialogue with each other while trying not to be rude.If you have been in contact for a long time, you will definitely discover Miyagawa Suzune's talkative side.

Miyagawa Suzune is a person similar to Sayuri. In her words, "like" means "like", and "hate" means "not much like".Simple and straightforward. These are the things that have been discussed in campus posts.

She doesn't make contact with people.

——Maybe because of her reservedness as a girl, she is sought after by many boys in school. As a pious priestess, Miyagawa Suzune must learn to refuse and be indifferent in order to maintain her career.

Everyone is paying attention to this beautiful and versatile girl, and it is exactly the same. If Miyagawa Suzune does not put a cold mask on herself, she will fall into meaningless and empty social interaction.

Her family is rich.

--This is a fact.

In general, Miyagawa Suzune feels to Natsume as if there is a layer of cloud and mist, although it is close in front of his eyes, there is always something blocking him, and after clearing the cloud and mist, he will see her true face.

After doing a simple profile, Natsume Zehei tried the next step.



He made a hypothesis, scribbled in his notebook, but quickly dismissed it.

This was really too abrupt, let alone Miyagawa Suzune, any girl would not accept such a straightforward request.

——If passive is not considered.

"Ask for a sign and worship God?"

This is also unrealistic. Although Miyagawa Suzune is a full-time shrine maiden, you can see her when you go to the shrine, but the shrine maiden is also very busy and may not have time to entertain her.

"Join the Kendo Club?"

"Kendo Department"

Natsume Zehei was silent for a moment, drew a circle here, and put a question mark again.

It would be a good choice to join the Kendo club, because it would greatly increase the contact time with Miyagawa Suzune, and also increase the chance to get to know each other.

But the problem is that he doesn't have the physical strength. Temporarily reserve his opinion.

The mobile phone placed aside vibrated, and a message with the ID "Mei" was received on LINE.

Natsume Zehei withdrew his thoughts, picked up the phone and saw the following:
【Tomorrow afternoon, meet at the old place】

Natsume Zeping: "What does the minister want from me?"

Hui: "The tutor you asked for has been found."

Natsume Zehei: "Really, thank you very much."

Megumi Amamiya sent a picture of a penguin waving. Although she couldn't understand what it meant, Natsume Zehei also sent back a picture to show her respect.

The other party was silent for a while, and then sent another picture of an angry penguin.

For some reason, looking at the penguins in the picture, Natsume Zehei always felt a little embarrassed.

After the rain, there must be sunny days.

Natsume Zehei still wanted to bring an umbrella when he went out, but he silently put it back when he saw the uphill road in the distance.

Shibuya, Harajuku Cafe.

In a corner in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the store, a soft-looking, intellectual, and noble black-haired girl held a coffee cup in her hand and silently took a sip.

Natsume Zeping pushed the door and entered, subconsciously noticing her figure.

"You missed a lot. The last song was "La Vie en Rose" by Lisa Ono. The tune is romantic and has a soothing rhythm. It is best paired with coffee. This is why I admire the owner of this coffee shop the most. She has great taste."

Holding the coffee, Amamiya Megumi could not stop looking at Natsume Zehei, her dark and clear eyes were full of regret.

She is wearing a dark blue straight dress with a black cardigan today, and a brown bag is placed on the chair next to her. She looks intellectual and beautiful.

"I'm sorry I missed this song. If I did it again, I would definitely arrive earlier." Natsume Zehei pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Black tea or?"

"Black tea, the one I ordered last time."

Megumi Amamiya nodded, "I hope Natsume members can taste something this time."

"Then it's better to change it to something cheaper. I think barley tea is good. It's fragrant and soft, and you can chew the wheat grains."

"Cow chews peonies."

Natsume Zehei shrugged his shoulders and said he did not deny it, "Let's talk about business?"

"Don't worry, you need a good entry point to talk about anything. If you say something bluntly, it's as boring as plain water. Adults always communicate with some 'secret signs'. If you can understand this A 'code', and the communication will be a little more interesting."

Kei Amamiya held her face, and said in a neutral tone.

Natsume Zehei took this very seriously. Japanese people always beat around the bush when they speak, and always mention the most important content inadvertently. Only the most experienced people can understand the meaning behind the words.

"It's interesting. I always thought that the minister's skills in conversation were very superficial. Now it seems that the minister just doesn't want to."

"Normal people's language can carry out ordinary communication. It is not necessary to beat around the bush in daily life. It is not a good thing to be a riddle." Yu Gonghui raised the coffee.

"I don't like to talk just because you can understand what I mean. I thought this kind of tacit understanding would communicate better than the paleness of language."

Natsume Zeping subconsciously wanted to pick up the cup to touch her, but he just put down his hand helplessly before the black tea arrived.

Yu Gonghui glanced at his gesture a little funny, "Do you think this is beer?"

"It's not impossible."

Natsume Zehei replied.

Not long after, the waiter brought black tea.It can be seen that this coffee shop is of a high grade, and no one came in after sitting for a few minutes. Under such circumstances, it takes so long to serve tea.

Natsume Zehei took the black tea and thanked him. After tasting it, he didn't feel that the taste was high-end, but the taste was a little bit more bitter than other teas.

Just because he doesn't like sweetness doesn't mean he likes to drink something bitter. In the end, he just took the teacup, picked it up and put it down again, but he never drank it.

"First of all, I would like to remind that the employer this time is a bit weird, and the place of work is also a bit special. He has to accept an interview before he is allowed to become a tutor."

Yu Gonghui crossed her arms, "Even if it's my recommendation, they have to think about it."

"There will be no problems in the interview. I have confidence in my teaching ability."

Natsume Zehei took a sip of black tea, "The employer's temper is a bit strange, why is it so strange?"

"Gods talk about it, some god sticks. Let me ask you in advance, do Natsume members believe in gods?" Amamiya Hui said with a smile.


Natsume Zehei repeated it, savoring it carefully.

After a while, he spread his hands, showing a noncommittal expression.

(End of this chapter)

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