Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 70 Wasabi Sundae

Chapter 70 Wasabi Sundae
The sunset outside the window.

Natsume Zehei turned his head and took a few glances, feeling that time passed a little fast.

In fact, when it was close to the meal time, he was seriously thinking about whether or not Amamiya Megumi would pay for the meal when he came out this time, but before the thought came to a conclusion, the woman ordered a lot of desserts.

A large table was full of things, and Natsume Zeping ate a few pieces to stop his mouth.

He stared at a large pile of things on the table and fell into thought. He raised his head and glanced at the girl in the seat opposite who was reading a book.

"Want to pack?"

Yu Gonghui smiled and raised her beautiful eyes, which reflected the sunset outside the window so beautifully that it almost made my heart stop.

"Come on, Minister. You were lying just now," Natsume Zehei said.

"What lie?"

"Mind reading. Your answer was wrong just now. What I really think in my heart is that it should not be wasted."

"That's called reading Natsume art." Amamiya Hui poked a small tomato with a fork, and her feet in Martin boots shook slightly.

"I never said that I can read minds, it's just your own imagination. What I really do is to calculate the approximate possibility based on people's facial expressions and body language through observation."

"I see." Natsume Zeping sighed softly.

He thought about how human beings have such terrifying skills in an afternoon. If they really have mind reading skills, everyone will be like paper in front of Yu Gonghui, and there will be no secrets at all.

"Some people say that the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie. I don't agree with that. Because some people are not worthy of my lying, and I don't bother to lie." Yu Gonghui bit the tomato twice with her mouth in her mouth.

"Just like just now, member Natsume was troubled by a few misleading words I said casually, but did I lie? I didn't. What does this mean? Member Natsume's thinking is too simple."

". There are a lot of fallacies."

Natsume Zehei rubbed his temples, thinking that there is a reason why this woman is not liked by others, her mouth is really poisonous.

"Would you like some wasabi sundae, the taste of this family is not bad, something you must taste once in your lifetime."

"Ah." Natsume Zehei didn't answer Amamiya Kei's words for a while, holding his right hand lightly to support the side of his face, leaning his elbows on the table, tilting his head and looking at the slowly moving evening clouds outside the window.

In your lifetime?
The word wasn't very kind to him.

"I don't seem to like it very much, so how about this one? It tastes like matcha tea, it's light and delicious." Kei Amamiya looked at Natsume while scooping up a mouthful of ice cream, "I thought your taste was too strong."

"Normal people won't like wasabi sundaes no matter how heavy their tastes are."

"Maybe." Yu Gonghui stuck out a small part of her tongue.

This scene happened to be seen by Natsume Zehei, and he couldn't help asking:
"The minister will have such a girly time?"

"The beauty is very energetic no matter what she does, not to mention that I am not old. Did member Natsume have some fluctuations in his heart when he saw the scene just now?"


"My wonderful gesture."

"In the words of the minister, this idea is really terrible." Natsume Zehei looked out the window casually, and said lightly.

The two fell into peace again, and could only hear the slowly swinging hands of the ancient clock, and the dusk with the skyline was getting farther and farther away. This kind of silence lasted for about a few minutes, and Amamiya Hui suddenly stretched out his hand to spoon the sundae Natsume Zeping mouth.

".What are you doing?" Natsume Zehei turned his head and said dissatisfied.

"Seeing that you are very preoccupied, I will give you some sweets to relieve the pressure."


Natsume Zehei took two sips and suddenly felt a little spicy in his throat, even tears came out.He pursed his lips and stared at Yugong Hui, and there was a bit of resentment on his originally plain face.

Yu Gonghui smiled.

"This look looks much better, and this is the expression you should have on the weekend."


Yu Gonghui stood up and stretched, and walked out the door, not forgetting to wave while walking.

"You still owe me a favor, remember it now, and pay me back later."

Natsume Zehei looked at her back and angrily took a sip of the wasabi sundae.

On Sunday, Asakusa Shrine.

The blazing sun visited the border of Tokyo in the morning. It is undoubtedly a gratifying thing to have such a sun in April.

The white light illuminated the side face of Natsume Zeheira standing in front of the Asakusa Shrine. He slightly lowered his eyes, a little uncomfortable with the overly enthusiastic light.

Going up through the torii gate, Natsume Zehei is walking in the silent mountain forest, there are some birdsong around, but there are no birds in the sound.

Perhaps because of the suspension of the opening, there are few people who came today.

Less is a good thing, noisy human voices always make people feel a little irritated.

Yesterday he also asked Yugong Hui what kind of person the Miyagawa Patriarch is.

But when the other party heard this, he was just silent, and then smiled, and didn't say anything other than that.

Natsume Zeping leaned on the railing and was slightly distracted. What does it mean to laugh? Is it easy to get along with?
Or do you have an unknown hobby?
It's meaningless to cover your head and think about it, but he has no good way other than thinking about it, all the information is very vague.

He has nothing but this invitation from Yu Gonghui.

If he had to say it, he knew the young lady of the Miyagawa family, but that young lady might not be able to help him.

At the top, along the path, before going far, a girl came out from the main hall, wearing a red and white priestess costume, and her manners were in place.

Seeing her coming, Natsume Zeping knew what she wanted to say, and before she could open her mouth, she took out the invitation card from her clothes. The bronzing invitation card was shining in the sun, slightly smoky.

The witch just took a look and knew that this was a guest invited by her palace master (somewhat weird).

"Guest, please follow me." She nodded slightly, and led Natsume Zehei across the approach, all the way to the inside of the shrine.

Natsume Zehei stepped on the wooden corridor and made a thumping sound. He glanced sideways and saw a courtyard that looked like a Buddhist temple. A Zen-like sentence was engraved on the adjacent granite:

'All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such'

The corridor was wider than the one in the school, and after walking for nearly 5 minutes, he didn't arrive at the location. Natsume Zeping glanced at the red and white priestess directly in front of him, and suspected that she was doing something.

But not long after this idea appeared, a Japanese room sliding door appeared in front of my eyes, and the priestess gently opened the Japanese room door, revealing the scene inside.

A very ordinary Japanese-style living room, with tatami mats and a square table, and a porcelain bowl of soft rice cakes stacked on the table.

Natsume Zehei took off his shoes and walked in. The witch poured him a cup of hot tea and said slowly:
"Please wait for a while, the Palace Master will be here soon."

"it is good."

He nodded slightly, then turned his eyes to the scenery outside the window, felt bored after looking at it for a long time, and then stared at the teacup for a few more times.

While waiting, footsteps came from outside the door, and following the shift of sight, a middle-aged man in black pattern Fuyuori came walking on wooden shoes.

After arriving at the Japanese room, he showed an apologetic smile: "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Very ordinary face.

This is Natsume Zehei's first impression, this middle-aged man is like an unusual social animal.

"Let me introduce myself, Miyagawa Yamato, you are the tutor here, right?" The middle-aged man was sitting in front of Natsume Zehei.

When she sat down, Natsume also smelled a faint smell of smoke.

"Yes, my name is Natsume Zehei."

He reached out and shook Natsume's hand.

"Please forgive me for setting up an interview, because the little girl has a weird personality. If I'm not careful, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary impact."

"Where is it? It's normal and I can understand it." Natsume Zehei nodded, and said, "Before the interview, please let me ask first, what are the basic requirements you have for a tutor?"

Miyagawa Yamato let out a hearty laugh, "I didn't think about it. The person recommended by this little girl, Megumi Amamiya, will have no problem in ability."

"is that so."

Natsume Zehei smiled, and praised the reliability of his minister.

"Let's have a drink first?" Miyagawa Yamato raised his glass, "It's always weird to have less wine when talking."


Natsume Zeping was stunned for a moment, but he bumped into the middle-aged man politely, "I don't drink alcohol, I can only use tea instead, sorry."

"It's a good thing. I'll be in trouble if the tutor who comes drinks." Miyagawa Yamato said with a smile.

He took a sip of tea and put down the teacup to show some deep thought.

"I don't know if Natsume-kun heard it when he came here. The little girl has a relatively withdrawn personality. If she uses the normal teaching method, she will not pay attention to it."

"I've heard it from Hui. If I ask, what kind of aspect is this eccentricity?"

Natsume Zehei stopped talking and stared at Miyagawa Yamato.

"Natsume-kun can be understood as social difficulties, which is often referred to as social phobia by young people. Of course, you don't need to worry about any psychological problems. This is purely genetic, and I don't know why. My two daughters both I don't like talking."

"I see." Natsume Zehei let out a sigh.

"The specific content of the interview is also related to this point. After all, if you can't even talk to her, then don't talk about teaching. This will be very difficult. Even as a father, it is difficult for me to integrate into her world. "

Miyagawa Yamato scratched his head with some headaches.

"I see, then, let's start the interview now."

While Natsume Zehei was speaking, his mind was constantly running.

Social fear is a subtype of phobia, formerly known as phobic neurosis. It is mainly manifested by excessive and unreasonable fear of certain objective things or situations in the outside world. Currently, there are two methods of psychotherapy and drug treatment.

Considering that it is hereditary, then there is only psychotherapy. Natsume Zehei does not have a good way to deal with social fear crowds. Without any prompting, he finds it very difficult.

At this time, footsteps came from outside the door.

"Father, mother asked me to ask you what you have for lunch?"

Miyagawa Suzune stood at the door, looked at Natsume Zehei who was sitting in front of the wooden table, and blinked.

(End of this chapter)

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