Natsume-kun just wants to live

Chapter 90 Consultation

Chapter 90 Consultation


Natsume nodded, and looked out of the window again, "I seem to hear footsteps."

Yu Gonghui looked towards the door, her expression unchanged.

Three seconds later, there was a knock on the door, probably from a doctor.


After getting the answer, people from outside pushed the door and entered.

"Excuse me."

A middle-aged man in a white coat, neatly dressed, with his name on his breastplate.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, "Shimo Nishizaki Yusuke will be Mr. Natsume's attending doctor."

"It will be in the future." Natsume corrected.


"Nishizaki-san can just call me Natsume."

Nishizaki Yusuke glanced at Amamiya Hui, who nodded slightly.

"Okay, Natsume-kun."

"The consultation is scheduled in half an hour, and now we still need to make some preparations."

"Is it here?"

"It's fine here."

Nishizaki Yusuke came over, followed by several nurses.

Yu Gonghui took a step back, and walked out of the room very consciously, not forgetting to close the door.

Natsume glanced at the things in the nurse's hand, "First draw blood?"

"Yes, Natsume's liver and kidney function needs to be tested. Next, there will be a heart function test, which requires your cooperation."

"it is good"

Natsume Zehei nodded, and asked again: "Can I eat first after the blood is drawn?"

"Of course, I have to recommend the set food for the hospital dinner, which is delicious and nutritious"

Nishizaki Yusuke patted his head and smiled, "I forgot to talk about business. If you need anything, you can call the phone by the bedside. The hospital will try to accommodate you."

"Anything is fine?"

"Illegal ones are not allowed."

".I just want to say, can I have something to eat first, biscuits are fine."

"There is fruit by the bed, if you are hungry, you can eat some first."

Natsume Zehei glanced at the bedside table and nodded slightly.

Alcohol wiped the skin, accompanied by a slight tingling sensation, and the faint sound of breathing, and the blood drawing was completed in this way.

Nishizaki Yusuke bowed again, turned and walked out.

Yu Gonghui was waiting at the door, saw him coming out, and asked casually, "How is he doing?"

"Miss, I'm not a fairy who can tell the specific situation just by looking at my face."

Nishizaki Yusuke smiled wryly.

"I know"

Yu Gonghui smiled, "I mean the information I sent you before, how do you feel after reading it?"


Nishizaki Yusuke was silent for a while, "The hope is relatively small, but it's not impossible."

"For the specific situation, we still have to wait for the experts you invited to arrive and conduct a deeper analysis. You understand that this aspect cannot be determined at a glance, and requires long-term observation."

"it is good."

Yu Gonghui nodded, "Tell me as soon as the results come out, and a preliminary diagnosis is also possible."

"The subordinate understands."

Nishizaki Yusuke glanced at his watch and left in a hurry.

Amamiya Megumi glanced at his back, lingered in front of Natsume Zeping's door for a while, pushed the door open and entered.

In the ward, Natsume took an apple and peeled it with a knife.

Seeing Yu Gonghui coming, he hesitated for a moment, then reached out and handed the apple over.

Yu Gonghui took a bite, "How do you feel?"

"I'm about to give birth."

"It seems that the mind is still very clear." Yu Gonghui took another bite of the apple.

"Just a blood draw"

Natsume Zeping spread his hands, "It's not an operation."

"It's not time for surgery yet."

"At that time, I'm not in the mood to talk to the minister, but to think about the meaning of life." Natsume shook his head, then pointed to the garden outside the ward, "For example, it's better for people's destination to be simpler or more complicated."

"Have you chosen your residence in advance?" Yu Gonghui turned her head, "When the time comes, I will arrange a Nine Dragon coffin for you?"

"I am very grateful, but the Kowloon hall is still exempted. Just be calm and play some festive music at the funeral."

Yu Gonghui put her face in one hand, showing an interesting expression, "The mentality is quite good."

"My father said that optimistic people have good luck."

"That sentence sounds great."

"No, this sucks." Natsume Zehei shook his head, "He is an optimistic person, but his luck is not good."

Yu Gonghui was silent for a while, and glanced at the sunset outside the window.

"Feel sorry."

"The minister should be more sorry for eating the apple I peeled." Natsume Zehei looked at her, "This is the first time I have completely peeled off the apple."

"It's you."

As soon as Yu Gonghui was about to make a move, she heard a knock on the door.

'Knock knock.'

Someone knocked on the door, and poked his head in again:
"Excuse me, the next test can begin."

"it is good"

Natsume Zehei responded, walked around a few times wearing a hospital gown, and looked at Yu Gonghui.

"Minister, does it feel cold outside? Do you want to add some clothes?"

"Heaters are everywhere in the hospital."

"It sounds like there could be a fire hazard."

"It's burning down and rebuilding. The Yugong family is not short of the money."


Natsume Zeping was speechless, Amamiya Kei raised the corners of his lips slightly as he watched his expression, and waved the knife gracefully: "This world is darker than you think."

"The greatest darkness is right in front of my eyes."

"Stop being so talkative, go out and I'll wait for you in the room."

"it is good."

Natsume Zehei waved his hand, turned and left.

With the door closed tightly, the girl's clear eyes were shining brightly from the setting sun.

Several projects were completed in turn, and the time came to night.

Before Natsume had time to eat dinner, Nishizaki Yusuke came over, "Please go this way."

"Mind if I bring a steamed stuffed bun?"

"I don't think there is such a thing in the hospital, but if Natsume-kun wants to eat it, no one will stop you."

Natsume Zehei nodded, looked left and right, and there was nothing in the wide corridor except the pungent disinfectant, which also dispelled his idea of ​​wanting to eat something.

I walked with Nishizaki Yusuke for 5 minutes, bypassed several buildings during the period, and finally walked along the corridor until I arrived at a large room similar to a conference room.

Open the door and go in. There are white skins and yellow skins, but there are no black skins.

Dark-skinned people generally appear in movies.

Natsume Zehei shook off his miscellaneous thoughts, turned his face to Nishizaki Yusuke softly and said, "Should I speak some English, like"


Nishizaki Yusuke smiled awkwardly, "Natsume-kun's idea is wonderful, but it's unnecessary."

"Then what am I going to do here, be a vase?"

Natsume Zehei tilted his head, "Let's show them your body."

"Actually, during the discussion, the experts will need some details of Natsume-kun's life, such as sensory pain."

Nishizaki Yusuke didn't stop talking, "There are some places that need to be discussed more. Please be patient on this point."

"I can understand."

Natsume Zehei nodded.

It didn't take long for the consultation to begin, and a large list of English words was displayed on the big screen, with Natsume's chest X-ray and B-ultrasound data on it.

Each doctor corresponds to a different specialty, and the content of what he said is also different, but this has nothing to do with Natsume, because he can't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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