Manchu traitor, how can you let me be the emperor of the ages

Chapter 132 Cai Jing vs. Qin Hui!Flower Street News!

Chapter 132 Cai Jing vs. Qin Hui!Flower Street News!
Fan Li was startled, glanced at Gou Jian, then quickly lowered his head: "Your Majesty, this is due to my negligence."

He leaned down and said in a bitter voice: "That day, when I asked for reinforcements from the court, I just thought that the court would not do too much for us. But I didn't expect that when the Yellow River burst its embankment, they suddenly increased their troops."

"Please the king to rule the minister's crime of dereliction of duty."

Once the grain is cut off, the capital will inevitably be short of food.

Anyone can see that the additional soldiers and horses sent by the imperial court came to Wuyue to eat food!
Gou Jian was dumbfounded, and hurriedly helped Fan Li up.

"Doctor Fan, don't worry, I'm just asking, I don't mean to blame you."

He sighed softly, and explained: "So many troops from the imperial court have come to ask for food, how dare I, the Yue Kingdom, refuse to give it?"

"It's just that the country of Yue has just gone through wars, and a lot of waste is waiting to be rebuilt. I'm afraid it's not enough to supply the 300,000 imperial soldiers and horses..."

Gou Jian tentatively said: "Why don't you go to the court army again and discuss with them."

"After the imperial court conquered the state of Wu, some of the grain and grass were confiscated from the state of Wu, and part of it was ordered to be supplied by our state of Yue..."

Fan Li's scalp tingled when he heard it.

The last time he escaped from the capital, he was already hated by those generals.

Originally, he planned to go out and hide for a year or so when the imperial soldiers arrived.

But now the King of Yue actually wants him to come over again?
This is no longer beating the dog with meat buns, but throwing the meat buns directly into the dog food bowl.


Fan Li groaned and blushed: "It's not that I don't want to go...but that I offended those generals who offended the imperial court last time. If I go this time, I'm afraid I'll never return..."

Gou Jian pursed his lips, but still said indifferently: "In that case, then Gu will send someone to persuade them, Doctor Fan should rest in Zhuji for a while."

Fan Li was startled, and hastily leaned over and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern." Then he got up and walked out.

Halfway there, he suddenly heard a vague sigh coming from behind him.

"I don't want to lack food from the imperial court, but it's just too difficult for the Yue Kingdom today..."

Fan Li quickened his steps a little and hurried out.


Dagan capital.

Today is the day when the three courts jointly interrogated Song Min, the governor of Longxi County. Li Gan still paid attention to this matter. After all, it was related to his plan and the candidate for the next governor of Longxi County.

Li Gan originally wanted to change this joint trial directly to a court meeting or a court meeting. Everyone was very lively at the court meeting, and at the same time they were stirring up trouble and chaos.

But he was afraid that the traces of his actions would be too heavy, making Cai Jing and Qin Hui realize the disgraceful role he, the emperor, played in it, so they had to give up again.

However, the three law divisions are the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Yushitai.

Since Yushitai can also participate, Li Gan felt that he might as well ask Wei Zheng to find out about the situation afterward...

Today's Yamen of Dali Temple is more lively than usual.

Anyone with a little knowledge knows that the reason why Prime Minister Qin and Mr. Cai have been secretly contradicting each other these days is because Song Min, governor of Longxi County, is the fuse.

Those who didn't get involved didn't want to get involved, but those who were already in the vortex not only couldn't avoid it, but they wanted to come over to cheer for their boss and help their prestige.

Therefore, as long as they can get some connections in the Sanfa Division, those who belong to the team of Qin Hui and Cai Jing will have to come and strengthen their momentum.

In the main hall of Dali Temple, Yan Maoqing, the Minister of Dali Temple, sat on the main seat with a sullen look on his face.

On his left is Lou Shide, the prime minister with a gray beard, and on his right is Gao Xun, the tall servant of the Ministry of Justice.

The left and right sides of the lobby were full of officials from the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple and Yushitai.

As the trial time approached, Yan Maoqing said weakly to the officials outside the hall: "Take Song Min, governor of Longxi County."

"Yes, my lord." Zao Li responded and left.

All the officials in the field cheered up, saying that the main event was finally here.

After a while, Song Min in a scarlet robe, followed by two officials, stepped into the main hall.

"My lower official Song Min, I have met all your lords."

Song Min was obese, with a small mustache, flat eyes, almost narrowed when he smiled.

Seeing him like this, a green-robed censor in the crowd couldn't help frowning, and couldn't help shouting: "Criminal Song Min, how dare you smile in the courtroom?"

Song Min turned his head to look at him, and replied with a smile: "This Lord Yushi, I am not a prisoner."

"Today, the San Judicial Division only summoned me to inquire, but did not convict me. I came here today to assist in the investigation."

The censor frowned, and said loudly: "Several Changping warehouses in Longxi were burned, even if you did not do it on your own initiative, you are still guilty of negligence!"

"Calling you a prisoner, will you still be wronged?"

Song Min still didn't get angry, and replied to him with a smile: "People are not sages, who can do nothing? With just a momentary negligence, I will be designated as a prisoner. I am afraid that the censor is too demanding?"

"Let me ask, what official in the world has never made a mistake?"

The censor was even more angry, his face was flushed and he scolded angrily: "Several Changping warehouses, accumulated by the people for several years, are now all burned in a big fire, can't you be convicted based on this..."

Yan Maoqing was sitting in the middle, stroking his beard and listening with relish. If possible, he would like to let the two of them quarrel here for a whole day.

However, Gao Xun on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

If you continue to entangle with this group of censors, no matter whether you win or lose, you will lose your reputation in the end.

Today's matter has to be cut quickly.

"Cough cough~"

Gao Xun coughed twice, implying Yan Maoqing who was at the side, but Yan Maoqing was like a deaf person, pretending not to hear.

He glanced at Lou Shide on the left again, and found that the old man was even more drowsy.

Good guy, what kind of teammates are these...


Gao Xun had no choice but to pat the gavel himself: "In the courtroom, don't make any noise! ​​What happened to Song Min, the judge will know after the trial."

When the two heard the words, they died down.

Seeing that the two of them stopped talking, Yan Maoqing pursed her lips regretfully, then cleared her throat, and asked, "Song Min Song County Governor."

"The burning of the Changping warehouse has come to a conclusion. I wonder if you have investigated the cause and effect clearly?"

The chubby Song Min lowered his head, took out a few thin sheets of paper from his sleeves, and presented them with both hands: "Master Hui Tingwei, the subordinate officials have compiled it into a book, please read it."

A hall official took the paper and was about to go up and hand it to Yan Maoqing, but Yan Maoqing didn't intend to take it at all: "Just read it directly."

"Yes, my lord."

The hall official opened the pages of the book and began to read it slowly: "Since June, there have been frequent incidents of flooding in Longxi County. On the night of June [-], a fire broke out in the river park in Zhangxian County, and all the contents were burned; on June [-], Suddenly a fire fell from the southeast of Wushan County, burning down the entire post, killing one post officer and three post soldiers..."

As the hall officials recited slowly, the expressions of many officials present gradually became subtle.

There really seems to be a lot of things going on in Longxi?
The voice of the hall official continued to spread slowly: "...After the two Changping warehouses in Wushan and Zhangxian were burned down, a fire broke out in the Weiyuan County government office. Just as the magistrate was organizing the fire fighting, the Changping warehouse broke out again... Finally It was completely burned down. The next day, fires broke out in several places in Xiangwu County. Fortunately, the county guard led people to the Changping warehouse to take precautions and put out the rescue in time, so that no catastrophe was caused."

All the officials in the hall were speechless. According to this, you, Song Min, have not only done nothing wrong with burning so many places, but also contributed to putting out the fire?

Gao Xun's mouth also twitched.

idiot!If you talk about the situation, just talk about the situation, why do you have to add the last sentence?
You still want the court to reward you when you step on the horse?Isn't this inviting hatred?

Sure enough, another censor couldn't stand it any longer, stood up and asked with a vibrating voice: "Mr. Song, if, as you said, you burned three Changping warehouses, the imperial court will credit you instead?"

Song Min smiled and said authentically: "It's a matter of being loyal to the king to eat the king's salary. On behalf of the herdsmen and guarding the Changping warehouse, this is my job, so why should I ask for credit?"

The second half of the censor's sentence immediately choked back into his throat.

I wanted to scold him with these words, but I didn't expect him to say it himself.

However, Song Min's shameless appearance is quite unpopular, and even Cai Jingfang's officials are a little dissatisfied.

You have such an attitude when you are riding a horse, and you have no awareness of being caught as a pigtail, making it difficult for others to help you!

Gao Xun also knocked on the table, looking at Song Min with some dissatisfaction: "Master Song, now you are suspected, I hope you can correct your attitude and accept the judicial interrogation seriously."

"Other personnel in the hall, especially the censor, should also abide by the order of the court, and don't disturb the order of the court!"

After the two sides played a few big boards, he turned and looked at Yan Maoqing who was seated in the seat: "Yan Tingwei, now that Song Min has testified, please ask Mr. Tingwei."

Yan Maoqing covered his throat, looked at him apologetically, and said in a hoarse voice: "Gao Shilang, it's not that I don't want to ask, but because I caught a sudden cold last night and my throat hurts."

"Please ask Gao Shilang and Lou Yushi to ask questions."

I believe you a ghost!
Gao Xun was speechless, he was speaking well just now, but now he has a cold?
Yan Maoqing ignored him, and leaned back on the chair directly after speaking, without saying a word.

In fact, he didn't want to come for today's interrogation at all.

What is the difference between presiding over this interrogation and putting him on the fire?
Yesterday, Yan Maoqing originally planned to say that he was sick at home, but his leave slip was handed over, but was directly rejected by the Department of Literature and Selection of the Ministry of Officials.

Yan Tingwei scolded He Shen's followers in his heart, it must be their good deeds!
In fact, Yan Maoqing didn't know that he really blamed the wrong person this time, Cai Jing actually ordered someone to do this matter.

Because if Yan Maoqing did not come, today's interrogation would probably be presided over by the Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

And this person is closer to Qin Hui...

Gao Xun had no choice but to look at Lou Shide who was standing aside.

But this old man was even worse, sitting on a chair and squinting his eyes, he almost yawned.

Seeing that both of them were like this, Gao Xun heaved a sigh of relief while feeling helpless on the face.

The two of them didn't speak, so this was his home court as the servant of the Ministry of Punishment.

Gao Xun looked at Song Min below, met his eyes secretly, and then asked loudly: "Master Song!"

"Your testimony said that almost every fire in Longxi County was caused by accidents or the fall of heavenly fire. I want to ask you."

"Where did the fire come from?"

Song Min immediately leaned over and said: "My lord, I have also sought out the alchemists with profound Taoism for solutions. He consulted the book of prophecy and found a solution: Longxi is in the west of the capital, and the white tiger in the west is the king of gold. This year, it is June. Zhurong, the god of fire in the South China Sea, was fighting with the god of the white tiger in the west, and the sky fire fell, which was the aftermath of the battle between the two."

"This is a fire at the gate of the city, which brought disaster to the fish in my pond in Longxi!" Song Min had a sad look on his face.

Gao Xun looked surprised: "So?"

"Then is there any way to stop the two gods from fighting? So that Longxi will no longer be in danger from the sky fire?"

Song Min said in a deep voice: "It is necessary to fast and sacrifice to the heavens to cheer for the white tiger in Longxi, so that the white tiger god can defeat the fire god Zhu Rong, and then ask the emperor to mediate, so that the war can be stopped."

"When the official was in Longxi, he was already working on this matter, but he was summoned by the court, so he had to interrupt the fasting ceremony and return to the capital to present his speech to all the lords!"


Gao Xunqi's teeth are itchy, you want to add something to the snake, why add the last sentence?Do you seem capable?

According to what you said, all the adults who listened to your statement deliberately made trouble for you?

Believe it or not, all the officials sensed the resentment in Song Min's heart and frowned.

But at this moment, Yushi Zhongcheng Lou Shide, who seemed to be asleep all the time, suddenly opened his eyes, and asked with great interest: "Master Song, I am quite curious about this Tianhuo."

"According to your testimony, you extinguished the fire when you visited Changping Warehouse in Xiangwu County that day. You must have seen what the fire looked like that day? Can you tell me, a mortal, so that I can grow up with you?" experience?"

Song Min was stunned, and then replied: "The so-called sky fire is actually similar to the fire in the mortal world, it is burned into a ball, and there is a broken hair of the Vulcan God Zhu Rong in it, and it suddenly fell from the sky to the Changping warehouse. gone."


Lou Shide nodded thoughtfully, then straightened up and stared at him with a smile: "According to Mr. Song said, the sky fire fell slowly on the Changping warehouse this day, everyone present at that time should have seen it, right? "

Just as Song Min was about to say something, he froze suddenly, and a drop of sweat oozed from his chubby forehead.

He made up the shape of Tianhuo casually. At that time, he only unified the caliber of Youtianhuo with the officials, but he didn't say what Tianhuo looked like.

What if everyone who came back to him saw it, and the court sent someone to investigate?At that time, there will be all kinds of sayings, wouldn't it be revealing?

"This... At that time, the fire was so fast that day, maybe not too many people saw it..."


Lou Shide was greatly surprised: "Master Song can see the sky fire that is as fast as a stream of light? Then Master Song must have very good eyesight?"

"That's natural...that's natural." Song Min wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied with a forced smile.

Lou Shide immediately wrote a word on the paper with a pen, then lifted it up and shook it quickly, then put it down, and asked with a smile: "Master Song, can you see what I wrote?"


Song Min said in embarrassment: "It's too far away, the next official can't see it clearly in the future..."

"That's weird."

Lou Shide rubbed his chin, pretending to be curious: "Back then in Xiangwu County, Master Song could clearly see a broken hair of the Vulcan Zhu Rong from such a distance, but now that he is so close, Master Song can't see clearly There are big words on the paper..."

A few suppressed laughter came from the crowd of officials around.

Song Min was sweating profusely, and hurriedly explained with both hands: "That's different... Zhu Rong is a god, as tall as a mountain, and his hair is long, thick and black... Anyway..."


"Master Song, are you sure you saw Zhu Rong's hair, or something else?"

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Song has sharp eyes and sees every detail!"

"Not only is your eyesight good, Mr. Song's mentality is also very good! When you come to the court of Dali Temple, you can still tell nasty jokes..."

There were bursts of laughter from the crowd, and the lobby was full of joy.

However, many officials of the Cai Jing party looked at Song Min in the hall with hatred.

This horse is a pig!


Gao Xun above slapped the gavel, his face darker than Zhu Rong's hair.

He really couldn't stand it anymore.

Just now Lou Shide had three holes in his sentence, but Song Min, that stupid pig, just jumped into it as if he didn't see it!
But he couldn't interrupt Lou Shide, he could only watch Song Min's ugly behavior.

"Zhu Rong is a god, and his body is naturally ever-changing, with abilities that ordinary people can't imagine! Ordinary people like us can't understand it, maybe Tianhuo is not the same in everyone's eyes!"

Gao Xun grimaced, and reluctantly rounded up his mouth for Song Min.

"Yes, yes, everyone may see it differently!" Song Min hurriedly echoed as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

Gao Xun glared at him viciously, what's the use of you reacting now?

I have said all those stupid things, how can I excuse you? ?

If you are acquitted, tomorrow I will let the bullets drown!

"Cough cough~"

Yan Maoqing, who had been silent all this time, cleared his throat and raised his sense of presence: "I want you to tell me that there are still many unclear points in this case, and there are many things that have not been investigated in time."

"Why don't we let it go today, stop the trial, wait for the court to investigate again, and continue at another day?"

Maybe the pot can be thrown out another day.


Gao Xun is still hesitating.

The task Cai Jing entrusted to him was to cut through the mess quickly, and it would be best to pick out Song Min's work on the first day.

"This officer also thinks this is a very good move."

Lou Shide echoed with a smile: "Why don't we wait for the evidence to be complete before proceeding with the trial?"

Seeing that both of them agreed, Gao Xun had no choice but to agree: "Then let's try another day!"

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to exonerate Song Min. If the entanglement continues, this stupid pig may say something silly again.

With Mr. Cai's protection, after staying in the local area for so many years, he has degenerated to such a point that he can't even cooperate with a trial!

How stupid!
Many officials from Dali Temple, Yushitai, and the Ministry of Punishment left from the door one by one. When they left, they did not forget to laugh and discuss the prestige of Master Song Min Song in the hall.

Gao Xun left the Yamen of Dali Temple, got on the sedan chair angrily, and headed towards Cai Jing's mansion.

However, when he came here, Song Min had already explained to Cai Jing aggrievedly.

"My lord, it's not that I don't work hard, it's that Lou Shide is too cunning!"

Song Min cried loudly about what happened during the interrogation today: "Gao Shilang has tried his best to help the lower official to excuse, but Lou Shide is just holding on to the lower official..."

Gao Xun heard his cries from a distance, and his anger subsided a little.

Even if you still have a conscience!
"My lord has seen you." Gao Xun saluted Cai Jing after entering the door.

"Dingchen, come and sit!" Cai Jing smiled and beckoned him to sit down.

Dingchen is Gao Xun's word.

Gao Xun was ashamed, and he didn't even touch the tea served by his servants: "I'm ashamed of my lord's entrustment, and I didn't absolve Lord Song..."

"There's no need for that."

Cai Jing smiled and said: "Today, Lou Shide suddenly launched an attack, and it is difficult to deal with it without preparation. You have done a good job."

"Lou Shide..."

Gao Xun gritted his teeth for a while: "This person didn't ask random questions at all, he must have come prepared!"

"Yes, my lord!" Song Min also cried, "He has clearly thought about how to make things difficult for him!"

"My lord, what should we do next? I'm at a loss what to do, I can only rely on my lord's far-sighted wisdom!"

Gao Xun looked at Cai Jing, Master Cai had been smiling since he entered the door, apparently in a good mood.

Intuition told Gao Xun that he must have a solution.

"You're still smart!"

Cai Jing pointed at him with a smile: "Then Lou Shide's sudden attack, it is impossible to say that it has nothing to do with Qin Hui."

"As long as Qin Hui is solved, everything will be destroyed!"


Gao Xun was stunned: "Could it be that your lord has made a decision?"

Cai Jing stroked his beard with a smile: "Ding Chen, I'm afraid you don't know yet? The old man's younger brother has already given in to the old man."

"Ah?" Song Min on the side had question marks all over his face, not understanding the meaning of this endless sentence.

However, Gao Xun's face was full of joy, and he immediately stood up and bowed his hands to Cai Jing: "Congratulations, my lord! Congratulations, my lord!! My lord is of the same heart, and its strength can break gold!"

Cai Jing waved his hand, motioned him to sit down, and then said with a smile: "At such a critical moment, he had someone arrest Qin Hui's wife's cousin, who was involved in a murder case. Interrogation!"


Gao Xun was startled, and actually pinched Qin Xiang's braid!
He frowned subconsciously. How could a thoughtful person like Qin Xiang let people catch his flaws so easily?

He just looked at Cai Jing, who was immersed in brotherly love and overjoyed, but he still didn't mention this matter.

Song Min asked weakly from the side: "My lord, how can such a person coerce Prime Minister Qin?"

Cai Jing was in a good mood and patient, and explained to him with a smile: "Hasn't he been under Qin Hui's shadow? Didn't he do something illegal by taking advantage of Qin Hui's prestige? As long as it falls into the hands of the old man, This old man will be able to involve him and Qin Hui!"

Gao Xun also smiled and said: "Since Lord Cai Bian has shown his favor to His Excellency, should he also come to see His Excellency?"

Cai Jing smiled and shook his head: "You don't understand, this brother of the old man, the old man knows him best. He just has the best face, and I can't shame it!"

"However, since he has given in to the old man, then the old man should give in to him. Who calls me a brother?"

Cai Jing stroked his beard with a smile: "Just now, the old man has asked Ju An to visit his uncle with a gift, and he should be back by now."

Ju'an is the name of Cai You, the eldest son of Cai Jing.

The smile on Gao Xun's face was wider, and just as he was about to say more, he heard hurried footsteps coming from outside the door.


A middle-aged man with delicate features ran in from the door and said with a smile, "Father, the child is back from Second Uncle."

Cai Jing put away his emotions, took a sip from the celadon bowl inlaid with jade, and asked casually, "What did he say?"

Cai You smiled and replied loudly: "Second Uncle said, he will enforce the law impartially, and will never let anyone who commits evildoers go!"

On the word "justice", he specially emphasized a little bit of tone.

"Good! Good!"

Cai Jing put down the teacup, stood up and walked around the room for a few steps, his face was overjoyed!

"The old man said long ago that Yuandu didn't realize it when he beat the tiger's brother! Now that he has come to his senses, the prodigal son has turned back. This old man really doesn't know what to say..."

Gao Xun and Song Min also hurriedly got up and congratulated him repeatedly.

After being happy for a while, Cai Jing calmed down, and said with a smile: "Now that I have Qin Hui's handle in my hand, it will be much more convenient to plan the layout of the story!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Gao Xun said with a smile: "As long as Prime Minister Qin can no longer meddle in this matter, Mr. Song will be able to get through this crisis safely."

"Don't be careless."

Cai Jing sipped the clear tea in his cup, his eyes lit up: "Qin Hui is the most cunning person, and he will definitely not stop there."

"But now that the old man is holding his tail in his hand, no matter what tricks he has, the old man just needs to continue!"

However, Cai Jing never expected that Qin Hui's back move would come so quickly...

Two days later, in Ziwei Hall.

Li Gan is discussing memorials at Qin Hui.

He took the memorial to impeach Cai Bian, the governor of the Jingzhao Mansion, from Feng Youyi, the right admonishment doctor, and asked Qin Hui curiously, "President Qin, is there any problem with this memorial?"

"This Cai Bian is the capable minister and official you recommended to me last time. You also said that he is brave enough to do things and is not afraid of power. I remember your words, so I approved it like this!"

Zhu's commentary on the memorial clearly stated: "Reject!"

Qin Hui was speechless, not knowing what to say for a while.

The last time Li Gan asked him to recommend capable ministers and officials, he recommended a bunch of relatives of He Shen, Yan Song, and Cai Jing.

Now Qin Hui has finally experienced what it is like to shoot a rock at his own foot.

"His Majesty……"

Qin Hui thought about his words, but still pinched his nose and said, "Your Majesty, please punish the minister for his crime. I was deceived by this person."

"In recent days, someone looked through the files of the Jingzhao Mansion and found out that Cai Bian is attached to the powerful and has repeatedly committed crimes. It is really useless!"

Before Qin Hui heard that Cai Bian and Cai Jing were at odds, he sent someone to negotiate with him in hopes.

But the only response he got was Cai Bian's cold words: "I will only handle the case impartially, and I will never let any traitor go!"

Qin Hui was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Sure enough, this kind of gossip in the officialdom is all nonsense!

When it comes to matters, who would ignore brotherhood?
Therefore, he can only let people impeach Cai Bian and get him down.

"A fu dignitary?"

His Majesty the Emperor grasped the key point at once: "Who is he attached to?"

Qin Hui subconsciously put eye drops on Cai Jing: "Of course it's his brother, Cai Jing!"

"This person is the younger brother of Cai Qing's family?" Li Gan was startled.

Qin Hui subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but he still reported: "This person cooperates with Cai Jing and commits a lot of corruption and corruption."

"Your Majesty thinks that this trend cannot be fueled, and please punish this thief severely."


Li Gan hesitated for a moment, then frowned and said, "Master Qin, is there some misunderstanding here?"

"Cai Qing's family is so loyal to the country, how can they let their younger brother do evil?"

Qin Hui felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard this.

Your Majesty, isn't it a little too much for you to use Gongzhong Tiguo on Cai Jing, an old thief?Please recognize his true colors!

Li Gan continued helplessly: "Besides, since he is the younger brother of Cai Qing's family, he should be as loyal, honest and capable as Cai Qing's family!"

"You specially recommended him to me before, and I still want to promote him!"


Qin Hui was taken aback. In fact, promotion and demotion did not make any difference to him, as long as Cai Bian could get out of his position as an official in Jingzhao Mansion, anything would be fine!


Qin Hui hesitated for a moment, and immediately changed his words: "If you follow what your majesty said, then there may really be some villains who sow discord among them and confuse the officials."

"This Cai Bian may really be a minister!"

"Your Majesty, what position do you plan to promote him to?"

Li Gan hesitated for a moment: "I haven't thought about this yet..."

Qin Hui leaned forward, and immediately suggested: "This person is still at the sixth rank, why not promote him to the Ministry of Punishment to be a doctor, so that he happens to be in cahoots with Cai Jing..."

As he was talking, he slipped the tongue, Qin Hui hastily coughed twice, and changed his words: "It's a perfect match."

"I believe that with their brothers around, my punishment will be lenient and decent, and there will never be an unjust case in the whole country."

"Not right, not right..."

Li Gan got up with his hands behind his hands, walked back and forth a few steps, and seriously considered this question: "Both of them live in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, isn't it a waste of talents?"

Qin Hui was speechless, Your Majesty, throwing these two pieces of rotten meat into a pot can prevent them from harming more people!
After thinking about it, Qin Hui thoughtfully suggested again: "Should we let Cai Bian become the Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple?"

In charge of those who make big pots of rice, they can also use some waste heat.

"Not right." Li Qian shook his head lightly.

Qin Hui frowned, thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth: "How about promoting him to be a fourth-rank Shaoqing and go to Taipu Temple to show off?"

Going to Taipu Temple to raise horses is a decent job, right?

Li Qian was obviously moved.

Seeing this, Qin Hui hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, from the sixth rank to the fourth rank, jumping four ranks like this, I am afraid it will cause great controversy! If you want to take action, you can only lay the groundwork as soon as possible, or let the minister do it?"

The official fourth grade of the Beijing official, how many people are staring at this seat? ?
If Cai Bian was really put into operation, Qin Hui would have lost all his money!

But Li Gan's intention was not for Cai Bian, but for Gao Shilian.

But after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea.

If it is brought up now to replace Cai Bian with Gao Shilian, Qin Hui will definitely notice something is wrong. Wouldn't it be revealed by then?
He turned his head to look at Qin Hui, frowned, and suddenly said, "Isn't this embarrassing you too much? Prime Minister Qin?"

"How can hundreds of officials be convinced? How can those fifth-rank officials who are waiting for promotion be convinced?"

Qin Hui's heart was bleeding: "Cai Bian is the younger brother of Master Cai Jing, so he can only suffer for the officials. This is the imperial court's plan, and I believe they can understand."

Li Gan shook his head again, and said helplessly: "If that's the case, wouldn't it make others suspect that Cai Qing's family abused their power and promoted them?"

Qin Huixin said that this is what I want.

"Of course not, Your Majesty."

He said loudly: "Cai Bian is brave enough to do things, he is not afraid of power, and getting along with him is like drinking sweets and sweets without knowing it. I believe the adults in the court will definitely not think so."

Anyway, Cai Jing's reputation is already rotten, and I believe he won't mind if it gets worse.

Li Gan ignored it, he was still hesitating, thinking about it, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"By the way, Prime Minister Qin! I thought of a perfect solution!"

Qin Hui was taken aback, suddenly feeling bad in his heart.

You came up with a perfect idea, so wouldn't what I said before be a fart?

However, Li Gan said excitedly: "Suddenly promoted to the fourth rank of Beijing official, it is too ostentatious and arouses criticism!"

"I heard that the rank of foreign officials is one rank lower than that of Beijing officials, why not promote him to the fourth rank of foreign officials? Wouldn't it be too ostentatious?"

Excitedly, he took a few steps forward, looked at Qin Hui and said, "Isn't that guy called Song Min not good enough? How about asking Cai Bian to replace him as the Governor of Longxi!"

Li Gan became more and more excited as he spoke, clapping his hands and saying, "In this way, everything will be right! Not only has Cai Bian been promoted, but also the careless Song Min has been replaced!"

"It's the best of both worlds!"

Qin Hui stared blankly at His Majesty the Emperor.

Sure enough, His Majesty's thoughts are so wild that no trace can be caught.

Qin Hui couldn't even imagine how he had a big turn in his thinking and suddenly connected Cai Bian with the governor of Longxi County.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this move is inappropriate." Qin Hui persuaded in a deep voice.

"Why not?" The perfect solution was denied, and Li Qian frowned and stared at Qin Hui.

"His Majesty."

Qin Hui hastily explained: "There are many things that need to be decided on the fly, and rich experience in making decisions is needed!"

"Although Cai Bian has the courage to take charge, he has no experience as an official. Why don't we let him practice in the two counties in the capital first, and then send him abroad?"

When Li Gan heard this, he was obviously moved, but he still frowned and said, "But the magistrates of Yongshou and Xing'an counties are only rank six, and Ping Tiao is too wronged for Cai Qing's younger brother!"

Qin Hui wanted to jump in a hurry, why did Cai Qing's family become your favorites?

What are you thinking about him all day?
"It's not right, it's still not right..."

Li Gan frowned: "Wait for me to think about it for two more days, and see if I can give Cai Bian a good place to go!"


Qin Hui wanted to persuade him again, but he kept his mouth shut.

If His Majesty the Emperor wants to get Cai Bian to Longxi again, it will be a bad thing.

Just took away one of Cai Jing's henchmen, and then took Cai Jing's own brother over there?
It would be better not to change the horse!
"Yes, Your Majesty!" Qin Hui nodded slightly, and continued to talk about the next memorial.


This impeachment memorial was not submitted by the Secretary of General Administration, but was directly submitted by Qin Hui, so it was not circulated before.

But after the results of the memorial came out, it quickly spread...

The officials of the Manchu Dynasty were stunned, they did not expect the matter to come to this point.

Doctor You Jianyi is a subordinate official of Zhongshu Province. If you think about it, you will know that this impeachment must be written by Prime Minister Qin!

Has the conflict between the two reached the point of irreconcilability after the last joint trial by the three courts?
There was even a gossip that Cai Bian, the younger brother of Mr. Cai Jing, had arrested Prime Minister Qin's wife and brother, and that was the reason why Prime Minister Qin made such a move!
Regardless of civil and military officials, everyone has begun to realize that the war seems to be coming...

Cai House.

"Qin Hui is a thief! You are really insane!"

Cai Jing angrily threw all his beloved teacups on the ground!

Gao Xun also wiped off his cold sweat: "Fortunately, His Majesty is protecting you, otherwise this thief will definitely make a successful sneak attack!"

"How bold he is!"

Deng Xunwu, the left servant of the Ministry of Punishment, also said in a dark voice: "Don't he know that he has something to do with Mr. Cai?"

"If you don't give him some color this time, I'm afraid he won't take Master Cai seriously in the future!" Song Qiaonian, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, is also one of Cai Jing's henchmen and Cai Jing's in-laws.

Cai Jing looked sullen, looking at the broken teacup in front of him with hatred.

"Just started digging from his wife's cousin. I don't believe that I can't find any flaws in Qin Hui! And his henchmen who are stained with shit, do you really think others don't know?"

"He, Qin Hui, is in the first grade of junior high school, so don't blame the old man for being in the fifteenth grade!"


As soon as the news of Qin Xiangyu's impeachment of Cai Jing's younger brother came out, something happened in the capital that made the civil officials more sensitive!
Zhang Tao, the right admonishment doctor, stayed overnight in Huajie, and was jealous of the younger brother of the deputy commander of Dongcheng Bingmasi. He was beaten by the latter's entourage and thrown into Bingmasi prison!

As soon as this matter came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the officialdom in Beijing!

What does the official admonishing the doctor do?

This is a blunt and satirical remonstrance. The position of discussing government affairs belongs to the Qingliu sequence.
You are not upright yourself, and you still criticize a woolen thread?
Moreover, this position is a fifth-rank official. According to common sense, if you stay in this position safely and accumulate prestige, you will be promoted to Shizhong in the next step. Not only the right to "remonstrate and discuss", but also the right to "refute correctness and violation" of memorials and edicts!

If the ancestral grave smokes, he can even become a fourth-rank Zhongshusheren, step into the ranks of high-ranking officials, and have the "patent right" to draft edicts from then on!
But now that this incident happened, Zhang Tao's hope should not be raised, either resign from office, or seek a job transfer!

Even if he was transferred, he would not even be able to get the position of a county guard in his situation, so he could only go to another place to be a second county magistrate.

It is really embarrassing that a promising advising doctor of Zhongshu Province has fallen into such a situation overnight.

Of course, more civil servants suspected that this was the revenge of a minister who was not convenient to reveal his name.

The characteristic of this lord is that he has a wide network of contacts, and he can enjoy both civil and military fields.

With his energy, it couldn't be easier to create such a coincidence.

Many officials didn't know how Prime Minister Qin would react, but they heard that Zhongshu Zuo Shilang Wang Ciweng, who was also Prime Minister Qin's confidant, had a gloomy and terrifying expression when he went to the Bingma Division prison to scoop up people.

A storm seems inevitable...

 The ten thousand word chapter, I made up what I owed a few days ago^_^
(End of this chapter)

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