Manchu traitor, how can you let me be the emperor of the ages

Chapter 134: The Buddha's Governor!Tingyi suppresses evil spirits!

Chapter 134: The Buddha's Governor!Tingyi suppresses evil spirits!

Daqian Palace.

Today, Li Gan had finished dealing with the memorial early on a rare occasion, and was stretching his muscles and bones in Ziwei Hall, continuing to practice Baduanjin.

He was also planning to go to Yulinyuan to watch Zhao Feiyan dance after practicing.

After the desk table, Wu Meiniang and Lu Zhi were sorting the approved memorials into categories and tidying them up one by one.

"By the way, what happened to that case?"

Li Qian was practicing, when he suddenly remembered this matter.

The old eunuch at the door came over knowingly, and immediately replied: "Your Majesty, there is still no evidence for that case. The rich businessman is also a dutiful son. He ran to the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion crying all day long. I heard that the court will be re-trialed in two days gone."

"It's just that Cai Tuiguan still doesn't want to close the case. He asked the fast-track yamen servants to look for clues in three shifts near the rich businessman, and he insisted on obtaining real evidence."

Li Gan was taken aback and sighed lightly.

He didn't say anything on the surface, but he felt a little admiration for Cai Bian in his heart.

In this world of imperial power, one can still strictly respect the laws and regulations, such people are not rare at all.

As for the tricks of this case... Naturally, no one knows better than Li Gan.

"Is Zhou Lei still in prison?"

"Still, Your Majesty."

The old eunuch bowed and replied: "It has been locked up with food and drink, no one dares to do anything to Qin Xiang's relatives."

"Cai Jing's son, Cai You, went to interrogation every three days, but it seems that Cai Bian never allowed him to be tortured, so nothing came out of the interrogation."

"Cai Bian..."

Li Gan broke his leg, pondered for a moment, then changed the subject: "That Zhou Lei really didn't have any bad deeds before?"

The old eunuch hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I heard that Lu Bu was inquired about by people, and it seems that there is no such thing. He lost his father when he was young, and lived with his mother in his aunt's house."

"The child's uncle is a doctor of imperial studies. He has always regarded him as his own son, and his discipline is very strict."

"Although Zhou Lei had nothing to do on weekdays, and he hasn't started a family yet, it doesn't seem bad, he's just a little lazy."

Li Qian nodded thoughtfully, and said helplessly, "In this matter, the ones who make me feel indebted are him and Cai Bian..."

The old eunuch hurriedly said: "Your Majesty can use them, so it's a blessing for them to be courtiers..."

This is the true understanding of the old eunuch.

"Eunuch Wei, what you said is wrong."

Wu Meiniang looked at Li Gan's back with her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty's benevolence and sympathy for them is naturally something that the people below can't ask for."

It is precisely because of the suffering of being adrift that Wu Meiniang wants to climb up with all her strength.

But now that she is sitting in this political affairs hall, she finds that she is no longer the former self, and she will never return to the state of mind at that time.

Why should a person who can decide the life and death of others care about the feelings of those who are decided?
But precisely because of this, Li Gan, who has never been through hardships, but is extraordinarily sympathetic to the people below, is particularly curious and admirable to her.

"Eunuch Wei, Your Majesty cares so much about the people below. You should be happy if you can have a benevolent king. How can you persuade him like this?"

The old eunuch was stunned, and hurriedly bowed: "Your Majesty taught me that the servant knew his mistake."

Li Qian turned his head and looked over, and found that Wu Meiniang was looking at him adoringly, he smiled helplessly: "Big Companion, you are my own, so I am naturally more casual when getting along with you, if you are ignored here, Maybe the other side will make up for it.”

The old eunuch was taken aback, and said to himself, Your Majesty, you haven't ignored me yet.

But to be called one of his own, the old eunuch was still bubbling with beauty in his heart, and obediently acted as a flatterer: "Your Majesty taught me a lesson."

"But people outside are different."

Li Gan sighed: "Our behavior can be concealed for a while, but it cannot be concealed forever. There are many smart people in this world, so don't treat them all as fools."

"Afterwards, if people figure it out and realize the twists and turns here, we will be hated for doing this."

"Your Majesty taught me."

The old eunuch bowed with shame on his face: "Just as the servants are only wise for a while, your Majesty is the wisdom of a lifetime."

"Comparing your servant and Your Majesty, it's like one Mr. Neng is compared to a hundred Mr. Xiong. The difference is many, many points!"

As soon as these words came out, the two girls behind the table laughed together.

Lu Zhi covered his mouth and put the last stack of memorials into the book box: "Your Majesty, today's memorials have been packed, will someone send them to the Ministry of Education in a while?"


Li Gan nodded: "I'll let someone arrange it in a while."

Since this time, the three of them have been processing the memorial faster and faster day by day, which is why they can finish their work early and rest now.

The increasing experience of the three of them is only one aspect of it. More importantly, Li Gan has also gradually changed his mentality.

In the past, when he was approving memorials, he always had the mentality of doing it overnight, thinking that he would familiarize himself with the government as soon as possible, and try his best to deal with every memorial he encountered...

It's just that these days, the exhaustion has not achieved much, and even Li Gan feels that he has been led by the nose by Qin Hui, an old fox, in some aspects.

Moreover, worrying about the turmoil in the court also greatly consumed Li Gan's energy.

Under such double mental and physical exhaustion, he suddenly woke up.

If it was like this all day long, Li Gan estimated that he might not be able to make great achievements even if he was exhausted.

In such a huge dynasty, with a territory of tens of thousands of miles, there are countless things that happen every day.

Even if I want to be proficient in government affairs, I can't become a veteran all at once!

People like Qin Hui and Yan Song who are so talented have spent decades of effort to reach this level!

More haste less speed.

Sometimes the more anxious you want to do something, the more difficult it is to get into it, and it will be counterproductive.

And after Li Gan changed his mentality, he would no longer dwell on an incomprehensible memorial, but would think more about Qin Hui's explanation.

If you still don't understand in this situation, just write it down, and don't think about it in the dead of night.

Anyway, sooner or later, I will encounter similar things again, and then I will take them out and compare them, and I will definitely gain something!
In this state of mind, Li Qian found that his speed of processing memorials became faster, his mood improved, his food tasted delicious, and his body looked great...

And what's even better is that the Ba Duan Jin he practiced has also improved.

Now Li Gan has been able to bend his left and right thighs up to the top of his head, forming a split-horse posture.

This means that Li Gan has been able to complete the first form standardly, and is gradually working towards the second form.

As for the results, of course there are.

Li Gan said yes, and so did the concubines.

Li Gan, who has tasted the sweetness, is even more unwilling to let go of this thing. Right now, he is practicing the second style "Swinging the bow left and right like shooting a vulture" taught by Lu Bu.

Just practicing, an eunuch in red hurriedly ran to the gate of the Zhengshitang holding a memorial.

"Old ancestor..." The eunuch in red winked at Wei Zhongxian and handed him the memorial.

The old eunuch knew that something was out of the ordinary at first glance, and when he looked at the cover of the memorial, he was from Longxi County, and his heart froze.

The old eunuch nodded, and after the eunuch had gone far away, he entered the political affairs hall: "Your Majesty, this is the servant who was kept on the eye of the Secretary of the General Administration before, and reported to him whenever there was an important matter."


Li Gan, who was "opening his bows left and right", was taken aback, what could be the big deal now?
He took the memorial and saw that on the cover was the memorial handed over by Longxi County, he suddenly felt a little bad.

Longxi...could it be that there is trouble in Longxi?

After opening it, Li Gan read it word by word.

The sky fire fell again... Changping warehouse in Xiangwu County... Fubing camp...

Li Gan's face darkened when he saw it, and he slapped the memorial on the table with a bang.

"Cai Jing! It must be that bastard Cai Jing!"

The old eunuch shrank his neck, Lu Zhi and Wu Meiniang beside him were all curious, what happened to make His Majesty curse so badly?
"See for yourself!"

Li Gan didn't even bother to shoot left and right, so he stood up and paced back and forth a few steps, with an ugly expression on his face.

It's burning the granary again, and it's burning the government soldiers' camp again!
This is a naked threat! !
Li Gan had to admit that things were already showing signs of deviating from the planned track at this point!

He also expected Cai Jing's counterattack before, but he didn't expect this group of people to attack outside the capital!
So far, the power of the emperor Li Gan is limited to the capital.

There was nothing he could do about Longxi's matter!
"His Majesty."

Wu Meiniang also finished reading the memorial, her pretty face was full of dignity: "It would be difficult to accomplish this matter with Cai Jing alone."

"There must be someone secretly cooperating with him!"

"That's what I'm most worried about." Li Gan said with a serious expression.

Cai Jing was only on the bright side, there must be others who did it secretly!
Moreover, Longxi was too close to the capital, so Li Gan had to think about it.

"Those government soldiers should have no guts to rebel, right?" Lu Zhi hesitated and said, "Even if they really rebelled, there are still forbidden troops in the capital!"

Li Gan frowned, and shook his head lightly: "The forbidden army can't stop the army, and they don't listen to me."

"The government soldiers and the imperial army are both a family. When the time comes, there will be a big show of retreating steadily, and a group of soldiers and horses from the government will be able to enter the capital."

This is true, the siege and the defenders are all my people, what do you use to fight me?

If someone really rebelled, Li Qian would be in such a helpless situation now.

"His Majesty……"

The old eunuch hesitated for a moment, but still comforted him: "The government soldiers from all over the country have long been rotten to the bone, and there shouldn't be such a situation."

The so-called Fubing, to put it bluntly, means the integration of soldiers and farmers.

Fubing is usually a farmer who plows the land, trains during the farm break, and joins the army to fight in wartime. Fubing participates in the war and prepares his own weapons and horses.

This system may seem simple and harsh, but the fighting power of the government soldiers is puzzlingly tyrannical.

The vast territory of Daqian today was fought by soldiers from every county and county.

Of course, this was the grand occasion in the early and mid-term of the Daqian.

The old eunuch is telling the truth now, the government soldiers have long been useless.

The reason is also very simple.

Li Gan felt that this was a question of who to fight for.

The Fubing system existed on the basis of the economic system of the land equalization system, and the soldiers conscripted were all farmers whose fields were equalized.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, every mansion soldier had his own field and was a veritable small landlord.

Take up the knife, pick up the gun, and fight for your own land. It's hard not to be active.

However, with the gradual deterioration of the government of officials and officials, land annexation prevailed, and the land equalization system was gradually destroyed.

The government soldiers could not share the land, but gradually became the serfs of the generals and wealthy households, and when they went out to fight, they became fighting for others.

Prepare weapons by yourself, go bankrupt to buy horses, and prepare food for the expedition by yourself, risking your life to fight against the can imagine how effective this battle is.

Who wants to fight this battle?Isn't that something wrong with the brain?

Moreover, there is another important stipulation in the Fubing system, that is, the Fubing from all over the country must be garrisoned in rotation.

Either round the capital, or round the frontier fortress.

The border of Dagan is long, the military service is heavy, and the rotation garrison, which was originally agreed, is often detained there and cannot return.

Coupled with the fact that dignitaries everywhere like to use these government soldiers as private servants, gradually, the common people feel ashamed of being a government soldier.

For various reasons, it became normal for the people to avoid service and the government soldiers to flee.

In many places, the government soldiers have long existed in name only, and there is not a single soldier left!
It's just that Longxi is too close to the capital, and still retains a part of the scale of the government soldiers.

The government soldiers are nominally under the jurisdiction of the imperial guards in Beijing, and each guard guard has dozens of government soldiers under the name of the imperial guards, and the government soldiers in Xiangwu County, Longxi County are under the command of Hubenwei!
"I know that too, but they just need a name for rebellion."

Li Gan's face was not very good-looking, he was already thinking about how to solve this matter.

According to the habit of thinking that has been changed in recent days, he originally thought of taking advantage of the situation to put Song Min back, and when he was free afterwards, he would clean up Cai Jing and settle accounts with him.

But then he rejected his idea again.

This is not the same as criticizing chapters!
It will definitely not work to get used to Cai Jing.

If he is allowed to soften after such a threat, it will definitely fuel the arrogance of the thief. If he pushes forward at that time, wouldn't he have to bear it? ?

But if not, so what?

A sharp cold light flashed in Wu Meiniang's Danfeng eyes: "Why don't you use this memorial to punish Song Min for his crime of not being able to govern the county, and take him down directly!"

"As long as His Majesty favors Qin Hui, then Cai Jing is definitely no match."

Lu Zhi shook his head lightly: "Cai Jing will definitely not let it go. His party members are all over the government and the public. If he wants to bring down this person, what price will he have to pay?"

She looked at Li Gan, and said softly: "Your Majesty, I think that instead of punishing Song Min, it is better to keep this person to threaten Cai Jing."

"He created such turmoil for the sake of Longxi and Song Min. As long as Song Min is under control, he won't do much."

Listening to what the two of them said, Li Qian was also considering the pros and cons.

First of all, Qin Hui must not be biased and Cai Jing should be executed.

One is that it will cause turmoil in the court, and the other is that it will make Qin Hui sit on the throne, which is not good for Li Gan.

Therefore, compared to Wu Meiniang's decisiveness, Li Qian felt that Lu Zhi's strategy was more suitable for the current situation, but there were still some changes to be made...

"Is Prime Minister Qin in Wenyuan Pavilion?"

Li Gan suddenly turned his head to look at the old eunuch beside him.

"Return to Your Majesty, Prime Minister Qin has returned to the government office today."

"It's really fast to get off work..."

Li Gan muttered: "Then let's see each other at the meeting tomorrow!"

When something like this happened, he himself was anxious, but Li Qian felt that Qin Hui might be even more anxious than himself.

If the rebels really entered the capital, something would happen to him, the emperor, but Qin Hui, the chief culprit, would definitely not be able to escape.

Of course, before that, Li Gan still had to make some preparations.


Li Gan thought well, Qin Hui was indeed a little anxious.

After so many days of fighting, he has already noticed the direction of the matter.

In terms of power in the court, he is stronger than Cai Jing.

However, due to His Majesty's intentional control, coupled with the fact that the Menxia Province was in the middle to ease, the two sides actually fought evenly.

The ruling and the opposition, the ruling and the opposition, in addition to the court, and the opposition.

Cai Jing's power in the opposition is stronger than Qin Hui's!

Just like the incident of the sky fire falling again, Qin Hui also got some rumors beforehand, but he couldn't stop it from happening after all.

"Father, what should we do?"

Qin Xi's anxious forehead was dripping with sweat: "Cousin Zhou Lei has not been rescued now, and there has been such a change in Longxi. If things go on like this, is it possible that we will lose both games?"

Qin Hui was still frowning and thinking, but Wang Feng, who was also in the room, smiled and said: "My son, don't worry."

"Cai Jing has used this trick, so we are not the only ones he offended."

Qin Hui raised his head and glanced at Qin Xi, and said in a deep voice, "That's right, neither His Majesty nor the civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty are willing to see such a situation."

Anyone can see that Cai Jing has gone too far this time.

Usually, the fire dragon burns the granary, but it only burns the granary of a county, but Cai Jing's people actually burned a county this time. Are you a bit too greedy?
Besides, burning the granary was just to cover up the deficit, but you burned the barracks to vent your anger and threaten, and the nature has changed since then.


Qin Xi nodded thoughtfully: "Then it doesn't mean that someone will clean him up without our help?"

"of course not."

Qin Hui looked helpless, and Wang Feng hurriedly explained: "Your cousin is still in the cell!"

"As long as they keep holding your cousin, we may be threatened."

"But it's been fine for a while."

Qin Xi was puzzled and said, "Didn't Cai Bian also have someone torture him?"

"If he used torture, I have a way to let other famous criminal officials fish him out."

Qin Hui's expression was gloomy: "The circumstances of the case are unknown, if he is sentenced, if he wants to forcibly convict him, it will be torture!"

"Master, didn't you say that Cai Bian was framed by his brother? Why does he still accept death like this?" Wang Feng wondered from the side.

"I don't know either."

Qin Hui frowned, got up and took a few steps: "Cai Bian was originally a very talented person. He was once an official to the right servant of the Ministry of Rites. Later, because of the turmoil in Mu Zong's 19 years, he was demoted to Jingzhao Mansion as an official. "

From being a third-rank servant to being demoted to a sixth-rank official, this fell from the sky to the ground.

"Others don't know, but I know it very well."

There was a sneer on Qin Hui's face: "This matter is caused by his elder brother Cai Jing's secret operations, slandering him everywhere, because Cai Bian has a political disagreement with him!"

Qin Xi took a breath: "This... this brother..."

"So what about brothers? Throughout the ages, have brothers turned against each other and become enemies?"

Qin Hui glanced at him, and continued: "I have already sent someone to tell Cai Bian the news, and I promised him that as long as he let go of this case, I can give him a promotion."

"I can give him what Cai Jing took away from him, and I can even make him stand taller."

Now Qin Hui has changed his mind.

Is there anything more refreshing than supporting Cai Jing's own younger brother to deal with him?
Even his own younger brother openly came out to sing against him, so how unbearable is Cai Jing? ?
"He didn't agree?" Qin Xi asked tentatively.


Qin Hui sighed: "Either he wants to pinch Zhou Lei, continue to curry favor with Cai Jing, and go the other way."

"Or he doesn't even care about Cai Jing, and only accepts death."

"Then if my cousin's case goes to court again in a few days..." Qin Xi frowned.

Qin Hui shook his head gently: "No matter what kind of person he is, this case is very troublesome."

"A few days ago, I had someone look for Wang Jin again."

Qin Xi grinned in pain, "Father, are you going to help him build a Buddhist temple again?"

Qin Hui was a little depressed: "He won't agree to build a Buddhist temple this time. Let's find another way to see my father."


Jingzhao House, Hou Ya.

As the official official of Jingzhao Mansion, Jingzhaoyi Wang Jin is the only one who can justifiably clamp down on Cai Bian, the pushing official.

In the simple meditation room here, the incense burner produces smoke, and the clouds and mist curl up. On the table, there is a golden Buddha with a forearm height, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, looming in the smoke.

Wang Jin was dressed in khaki-colored sackcloth and sat cross-legged on the futon with his bare feet, holding a string of rosewood beads in his hand. , and the heart of the Tathagata does not increase or decrease, and the mountains, rivers and earth are born without shape..."

On the other side, Cai Bian was dressed in plain clothes, kneeling in front of the table, holding a pen in his hand, and wrote a sentence of round and beautiful gatha on the plain paper: "In the great awakening of the void, it is like a sea of ​​hair. There is a leak. The kingdom of dust is born from the void..."

The two looked solemn and meticulous.

It wasn't until the sun went down that the two stopped chanting scriptures and worshiping Buddha.

"Fu Zun."

Cai Bian first saluted Amitabha, then frowned and said, "I have read the Shurangama Sutra in depth recently, and my doubts have deepened in my mind."

Perhaps because of his many years of practicing Buddhism, Wang Jin also looked benevolent and kind-hearted. He smiled slightly: "Yuan Du, is it a question of Buddhism?"

Cai Bian shook his head lightly: "Yes and no."

"The lower official feels that he has achieved the first level of strictness and great determination, and has seen the truth about the treachery of the court. But when the current official has a calm heart and wants to step over, he does not see the dark clouds disperse, and the sun and the moon are shining brightly? What is this? Why?"

Wang Jin smiled and shook his head: "Yuandu, you misunderstood the meaning of the Buddhist scriptures."

"If it was originally a straw rope, and you mistaken it for a snake, you will naturally be able to see that it is a grass rope after you calm down."

"But if it's a snake, no matter how calm you are, you can only see a snake. If you still want to step over it, you can only hurt yourself."


The confusion in Cai Bian's eyes was even worse: "Your Majesty, what's the use of learning the Shurangama Sutra? Who should clean up the filth that is full of court?"

"The purpose of studying Buddhist scriptures is to gain insight into the Buddha's will, save people in the world, and see the state of great compassion."

Wang Jin smiled with kindness and serenity: "If everyone can achieve the state of great compassion and the Buddha's light shines everywhere, what place will there be for the filthy in the court?"

"Is that so?" Cai Bian was even more confused.

Wang Jin shook his head lightly: "Yuandu, you should be patient with him, let him be, the monster has its own way of perishing."

"Fu Zun...I..."

Cai Bian shook his head in puzzlement, this was completely at odds with his ideas.

"Yuan Du, your mind is disturbed."

Wang Jin sighed softly: "The world of mortals can only be casted into the golden body of an Arhat through training in the fire of karma. It's time for you to go to the world of mortals to experience it."

"Only when you have washed away all the lead will you be able to see the Mahayana and realize the true meaning of compassion."

Although Cai Bian was puzzled, he respected Wang Jin very much. He bowed and said slowly, "Yes, Fu Zun, I understand."


The next day, the meeting.

In the early morning light, in Qianyang Hall, just as the officials in scarlet robes were sitting firmly, His Majesty the Emperor came out from the back of the hall and sat on the dragon chair.

"See my emperor."

The adults stood up one after another to salute, and at the same time they were secretly curious.

Why did His Majesty the Emperor come so early this time?

Could it be that he also heard about Longxi and became anxious?

"Be flat!"

Li Gan glanced down, and said indifferently: "Everyone, do you have something to play?"

If no one came forward to speak up, he was going to bring it up first.

It didn't start with the matter of Longxi, but with the chaos in the court since this time...

It's just that when Li Gan was still thinking wildly, Yan Maoqing jumped out like a rabbit, for fear that others would take the lead.

"Your Majesty, Yan Maoqing, the Minister of Dali Temple, has something to play."

Li Gan frowned, but he didn't expect it to be this guy: "Yan Qing's family? Tell me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Yan Maoqing bowed and said, "Recently, there have been frequent incidents of 'heavenly fire falling into the world' in Longxi County, and there has been no conclusion for a long time about the interrogation of Song Min, the governor of the county."

"As the Minister of Dali Temple, I hold an important position in the Sanju Judiciary. I have been unable to get the truth out of this case for a long time. I am anxious and feel extremely guilty."

The main reason is that the fined salary was too much.

Thinking of those salaries, Yan Maoqing's face became heavy: "Yes, I would like to ask the court to discuss this matter, so that the adults in the court can make a public decision on this matter."

"Tingyi?" Li Gan rubbed the armrest of the dragon chair with his hand. In fact, he was also thinking about this matter today.

Unexpectedly, Yan Maoqing had the same idea.

It seems that the small amount of salary that was fined is really useful, and he will be fined more in the future...

Having made up his mind, Li Gan turned to the ministers below: "What do you guys think?"

The ministers have already started an uproar.

Before everyone could react, Luo Longwen, the coordinator, got up and said, "I think this plan is feasible, and everyone will work together to settle this matter as soon as possible, so as to calm down the chaos in Longxi."

Guan Peng, the left servant of the household department, also got up and said: "I second the proposal."

The officials of Yan Song's party stood up and agreed, and many people saw it and immediately recalled it.

It was premeditated!

But at this time Wei Zheng also got up, and he clasped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the minister also seconded the proposal, the chaos in Longxi must be contained as soon as possible."

Wei Zheng's move moved many people, and the civil servants also felt that this matter should have an end.

Only the members of Heshen's party looked distressed after thinking about it.

The reason lies in this court system.

In the past, things were discussed and decided by the bigwigs in the court, but the main purpose of the court meeting was to accept the words and listen to the ideas of the officials below.

There are three main differences between the court meeting and the court meeting. One is the participating members.

In addition to the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, almost all officials with the right to speak, such as admonishing the doctor, giving things, and the imperial censor, can participate in court discussions.

On the contrary, it was the emperor. Since Yingzong, it has gradually become a practice for the emperor not to participate in court discussions. The officials only need to agree on a result, and then hand it over to His Majesty the emperor for review.

The second is the venue.

This court meeting is not held in Qianyang Palace, it is usually held in Chengtianmen Square.

The third is the host.

That's right, this court meeting needs a host, or the chief writer.

Its duty is to preside over the court meeting, and then record everyone's speech, and send it to the imperial examination.

In the unspoken rules, the Daqian court is divided into the inner court and the outer court, and it is easy to distinguish them.

The Zhongshu Province and Menxia Province, which worked in the previous dynasty, belonged to the inner court and had the most frequent contact with the emperor; while those departments in the outer imperial city, such as Shangshu Sheng and Wusi... these belonged to the outer court.

And the court conference is based on the outer court, and its chief writer has to choose from the outer court.

The Outer Court regards Shangshu Sheng as the most respected, but the status of the two Shangshu servants is too high to be suitable for presiding over such things, otherwise the original intention of the court discussion will be lost.

Among the six departments of Shangshu Province, the Ministry of Officials is respected.

Therefore, court discussions are generally presided over by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

However, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials was also co-authored by He Shen, and he could no longer preside over it, so he had to hand it over to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Dagan regards the left as the most respected, and the unspoken rule in the officialdom is that the left servant is half-ranked higher than the right servant, so naturally the left servant of the official department will preside over the court discussion!

In Qianyang Hall, all the ministers looked at a figure in the front row.

Wang Quanwang, the left servant of the Ministry of officials.

Good guy, take the pot man!

At that time, no matter what the sentence is, there will be no good money there!
Before Guoxia could speak, Qin Hui suddenly stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I also think that a court meeting is feasible!"

"I invite Your Majesty to come to the court meeting in person to promote righteousness and deter treacherous evil."

Anyone who knows who this evil is.

Cai Jing's face darkened.

After all, this kind of thing has been done, and it must not have left a good impression on the emperor.

If the emperor is allowed to pass, it will definitely not be a good thing.

But before he had any reaction, Wang Danwang stood up first, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I believe that Qin Xiang's plan is feasible. Your Majesty's candle will illuminate thousands of miles, and he will be able to restore the truth."

All the courtiers recalled it all at once.

If the Emperor's Majesty goes down, then he, the chief writer, will have no sense of existence, or even not at all.

Who is active if he is not active? ?

He Shen's party members got up one after another and reported: "Your Majesty, the ministers and others seconded the proposal..."

At this time, you must support yourself.

At this moment, three-quarters of the courtiers agreed, and Cai Jing looked to the other side.

The sparsely populated generals haven't responded yet!
Li Qian also looked over, his eyes playful.

The generals definitely wanted to continue the chaos, and those who cooperated with Cai Jing to cause trouble were probably among them.

Who will cooperate with him?

Under the eyes of everyone, Li Yuan stood up first, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I also think what Qin Xiang said is reasonable."

"Your Majesty should come to the court meeting in person, set the record straight, clear up the chaotic situation in the court for many days, and make a big effort to make things clearer!"

As soon as these words came out, the civil servants looked at Li Yuan with approval.

Tang Guogong really knows the general situation, he is a loyal minister, not like those thieves who fear the world will not be chaotic...

Yang Jian and Zhao Kuangyin frowned together, stood up and echoed Qin Hui's words, and the military officers behind them also expressed their views.

In this way, most of the forces in the DPRK have already made a decision.

Cai Jing's complexion is not very good-looking, but now, he can't help it.

He straightened his official robe and was about to get up.

But Li Qian's voice suddenly came from above.

"Since you all feel that what Qin Xiang said is right, then let's do it according to your wishes!"

"Today is not the time, outside the Chengtian Gate, bring Song Min, the governor of Longxi County, to discuss with the court!"

(End of this chapter)

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