Chapter 18 The Great Hero Fan Li

In Ziwei Hall, the lights are like beans.

Wei Zhongxian stood on one side, watching his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, motionless like a wooden man.

There was a breeze blowing from outside the hall, hitting the closed doors and windows, without causing the slightest disturbance.

Fan Li's body was already frozen, and he stared at His Majesty the Emperor in front of him dumbfounded.

Since he came to the court to ask for help, how could he not inquire about the situation in Daqian court?
Both civil and military forces are on one side, and in a stalemate, troops must not be dispatched!

Therefore, Fan Li had a plan before he came, and he also borrowed troops from the imperial court!Only in this way can the country of Yue be saved!
However, he never told anyone about this matter, how did His Majesty the Emperor know?

Could it be that he thought of it too? ?
Facing his question, Li Qian just smiled and put his hand on the teacup with light golden dragon pattern glaze.

Only then did Fan Li come back to his senses, realizing that he had lost his composure.

His face froze, and he cupped his hands with a wry smile: "I offended Your Majesty, please forgive me."

"It's okay."

Li Gan waved his hand with a smile, motioning him to sit down: "Perhaps Fan Gong is also aware of the situation in Daqian court, if the Yue Kingdom asks the court to send troops, it is tantamount to a fool's dream."

Fan Li was silent and nodded slowly.

Li Gan went on to say: "At this time, the only way to solve the crisis of Yue is to borrow troops. I also want to stop the fighting between the two countries, and I don't want to see the people of Wu and Yue create a war."

"That's right, at the court meeting tomorrow, I will ask the General, the Grand Marshal and Tang Guogong to lend troops to the Yue Kingdom. Presumably the Yue Kingdom will not refuse, right?"

Fan Li had been silent all this time, with a complicated expression on his face, but now he was finally sure of one thing.

His Majesty's thoughts are actually the same as his!
But hasn't the outside world been rumored that His Majesty the Emperor is a fool? ?

But after being in contact with Li Qian for a while tonight, Fan Li's impression of him was being subverted.

"Your Majesty, my minister... Yue Guo is willing to obey the imperial court's order." Fan Li said slowly.

He hadn't communicated with Yue King Goujian, but he also knew that Yue King would definitely agree to this request.

He even hopes to borrow soldiers from the court more than the court's reinforcements!

Borrowing soldiers only needs to pay money and food. If the soldiers and horses of the imperial court pass by...he may not be able to become the king of Yue.

"That's good."

Li Qian nodded with a smile, and Yue Guo's reaction was also within his expectations.

But opposite him, Fan Li's expression changed a few times, as if he was hesitating.

The candlelight shone on his face, flickering on and off.

"Your Majesty, the grievances and grievances between Wu and Yue have been going on for a long time. This time, relying on Your Majesty's benevolence, although they can be calmed down, they will definitely rise again in the future."

Fan Li's words were faint, as if he had made a lot of determination.

"As long as both Wu and Yue exist, the struggle will exist."

Li Gan looked at him with some puzzlement, picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Does Fan Gong want the imperial court to help Yue swallow Wu?"

"I dare not have such delusions."

Fan Li lowered his head and said, "I just feel that if the Wu Kingdom is destroyed and brought back to the imperial court, there will be no more conflicts between the two places."

Li Gan paused with the hand holding the teacup, but after thinking for a while, he shook his head lightly.

Wu Guo just sent troops to cross the country without asking the court, which is not a serious crime.

If the court soldiers and horses really use this reason to destroy Wu, I am afraid that everyone in the other princes will be in danger, and maybe they will make some radical moves.

"Duke Fan has a good idea, but the court has no reason to attack and destroy Wu."

Fan Li also knew this was the case, but he had already planned before speaking.

"Your Majesty may first issue an order tomorrow to order the Wu State to cease its troops and withdraw from the territory of the Yue State."

There was no wave between his brows, and he said slowly: "Fu Chai, King Wu, is arrogant and self-willed, so he will definitely not obey. In this way, the imperial court has the righteousness to send troops."

"In addition, the attack on Wu State was done by Yue King Gou Jian's army, and other princes can't say anything about it."

It is an unspoken rule that the princes fight each other by default. As long as the court does not intervene too much, other princes will ignore it.

Li Gan nodded slowly, considering the pros and cons.

Fan Li said it was right, this way the land of Wu could indeed be brought back to the imperial court, but what belonged to the imperial court was not equal to the emperor's.

At that time, the ministers in the DPRK will definitely quarrel over the ownership of the Wu land.

Li Qian could almost foresee that kind of situation, every minister wanted to entrust his own people to the land of Wu and monopolize that land.

"Yesterday's Zhen would definitely not agree...but now..."

If it was just himself, he would definitely reject Fan Li, because Li Gan knew that he was no match for those treacherous and cunning ministers.

But now with Wu Meiniang offering advice, it's different.

Li Qian was eager to try, and looked up at Fan Li with burning eyes: "The imperial court issued an order, but the Wu Kingdom refused. It will take a long time to come and go, can the Yue Kingdom hold on?"

"Besides, how can Duke Fan be sure that King Goujian of Yue will cooperate with the court?"

Fan Li had a bit of admiration on his face: "Your Majesty is thoughtful, and I admire you very much."

"However, please rest assured, Your Majesty. Although Yue State lost to Wu State, it can still last for a while."

"The king of Yue is a generation of virtuous kings, and he will definitely understand the pros and cons of it, and cooperate with His Majesty to bring the Wu Kingdom back to the court."

In his words, he highly praised King Yue.

Li Gan frowned slightly, but he still smiled and said: "Okay, since that's the case, I will follow Fan Gong's plan."

The two continued to talk for a few more words, and Fan Li got up to leave: "It is rude for me to enter the palace at night, and I ask Your Majesty to allow me to leave."

Li Gan smiled lightly, stood up as well, and said unintentionally, "Mr. Fan, go slowly. I hope I will see you again in the future."

Fan Li frowned, but he didn't express anything. After bowing and saluting, he walked out of Ziwei Hall.

There will be eunuchs outside to lead him out of the palace.

Li Gan stood where he was, watched the palace door open and close, and sighed faintly.

Beside him, Wei Zhongxian, who had been standing silently all this time, had already set off a storm in his heart.

'its not right!This is the Majesty I know? '

"Could it be that His Majesty has been hiding his clumsiness before..."

After listening to the conversation just now, Wei Zhongxian's world view was almost overturned, his eyes were staring, and his heart was in a mess.

How could the previous His Majesty speak like this?How can you think so much?

He will scold anyone who disturbs his sleep at night!
At this moment, Li Gan's voice came faintly: "Big Companion?"

"Here! Your Majesty, the servant is here."

After all, Wei Zhongxian is a senior old eunuch who has been in the court all his life, so he reacted quickly at this moment and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Big Companion, if someone asks you about what happened in Ziwei Palace tonight, what would you say?"

Wei Zhongxian returned subconsciously: "Slaves must keep their mouths shut..."

In the middle of speaking, he seemed to suddenly wake up, and changed his words: "Your Majesty tells the slaves to say what the slaves say!"


Li Qian chuckled a few times from above: "Big Companion, get up, there is no need for this between you and me."

"As long as you properly let the eunuchs in the palace know that Fan Li will enter the palace to offer good advice to me tonight, and you can use your troops to cross the country."

"Remember, the state of Yue's safety depends entirely on Fan Li, he is the greatest hero of the state of Yue, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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