Manchu traitor, how can you let me be the emperor of the ages

Chapter 219 Responses from all parties, suppress the rumors!

Chapter 219 Responses from all parties, suppress the rumors!

After crossing the room where Zhuge Liang was, Wang Mang walked through another row of rooms before returning in the direction he came from.

"It's almost enough to see today, let's go back."

Wang Mang smiled and said to the outer curtain officials: "Everyone in the middle of the night rest well, and we will come here early tomorrow."

"It's still Uncle Da Zong who is thoughtful."

Song Qiaonian patted his ass flatteringly, and then smiled and said to the outer curtain officials: "The test is a grand ceremony for the country's talents, and it has a lot to do with it."

"My lords, it's been a hard few days. Everyone comes in shifts. There are always people watching in the examination room, and any problems will be solved at any time."

He looked serious, and emphasized: "I will try it, and there will be no mistakes!"

The outer curtain officials all nodded yes, and Qi Qi said that even if everyone goes up the mountain of swords, into the sea of ​​fire, or into the frying pan, we must overcome all difficulties to ensure that the test will be held smoothly.

I don't know how difficult it is to hold a test...

A group of people passed through the rows of test buildings, lowered their voices, and walked towards Laishi while talking and laughing.

As he was walking, Song Qiaonian suddenly had an inexplicable movement in his heart, and turned his head to look to the side, but he didn't want this look to meet Zheng Guan's eyes when he raised his head.

Song Qiaonian was stunned, and Zheng Guan was also stunned suddenly.

Both of them were silent for a moment, then Zheng Guan lowered his head and continued to work on the questions, Song Qiaonian went over to call his uncle without taking the pole, everyone pretended not to know each other, and just passed by.

Wang Mang also noticed Song Qiaonian's unusual behavior, but he didn't make a sound. He just glanced in the direction where Zheng Guan was, and seemed to remember his appearance, then turned and continued walking...

After entering the examination hall, the examinees have to stay inside for three days and three nights and cannot come out.

Even if you finish the questions ahead of time, you have to wait until the last day before you can go out when you are released.

Candidates are working hard in the tribute courtyard, and in the capital, some rumors about this exam are gradually spreading under the control of an invisible hand...

Ziwei Hall, Dongnuan Pavilion.

Li Gan was half lying on the bed, holding a letter from the Generalissimo's Mansion in his hand, and was looking at it thoughtfully.

"I heard that Nancheng Bingmasi has always been very close to Zhao Kuangyin?"

Lu Bu below replied without hesitation: "There are indeed many people down there who are very close to the Marshal's Mansion, and the deputy commander of the Nancheng Bingma Division is from the Marshal's Mansion."

"These people are all coming to the Marshal's Mansion, so in the past two years, Commander Li Guangbi has also gotten closer and closer to the Marshal."

Li Qian closed his eyes and thought for a while, then nodded slightly after a while.

He picked up a pen and wrote a few lines on the paper, and handed it to Lu Bu.

"Send someone from the Habayashi Guard to deliver this to the deputy commander of the Nancheng Bing Ma Si."

The Nancheng Bingma Division will invigilate the examination in the Gongyuan, and Li Guangbi, the commander, will also be locked inside to direct all matters.

But such a big military commander, he can't stop just because he knows how to try, right?

So their deputy commander stayed outside and was responsible for maintaining the stability of Nancheng during the trial.

"Yes, foster father."

Lu Bu took the letter and nodded.

Li Gan paused for a moment, then asked again: "How is the wind in the capital now?"

"Everything is fine."

A look of excitement appeared on Lu Bu's face. Now he has gradually liked this kind of work that makes others feel uncomfortable but can't catch him.

"Now the people in the capital and the officials of the imperial court have basically heard the news."

Lu Bu already had experience in spreading rumors. From the time the examinees entered the venue to the present, in less than two days, the news had already spread throughout the capital.

"it is good."

Li Qian nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning to the present, everything is in his plan, and the whole thing is developing in the direction Li Gan wants...

Lu Bu's affairs were handled very quickly. At this moment, both the officials in the palace city and the officials in the imperial city were gradually paying attention to this matter.

Zhongshu Provincial Yamen.

Qin Hui had just watched the two servants of Zhongshu leave. At this moment, he was alone, standing in front of the window and looking at the sunset in the distance, lost in thought.

After Qin Xi sent Wang Ciweng and Wan Qixie out the door, he returned to the duty room and closed the door, carefully looking at Qin Hui in front of the window.

"Father, is what you said just now true?"

Qin Hui didn't look back, but said indifferently: "It's just a guess, I don't know if it's true or not."

Qin Xi hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Father, is Your Majesty really as sophisticated as you say?"

Qin Hui didn't look back, but said indifferently: "Are you saying that you are worrying about your father?"

Qin Xi was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hands to explain: "Of course not!"

"Father, the child just thinks that His Majesty is so young, so he may not have such profound skills..."

He can't forget what Qin Hui said to the two central servants just now, why did he discover his long-term layout, what is the fatal blow that may come...

Just thinking of these words made Qin Xi numb.

He couldn't believe it, or he still didn't want to believe it, that His Majesty the emperor in the palace who was younger than himself actually had such a long-term vision, such superhuman patience, and such a strong ability to control the situation...

His methods even deceived his father, who he always thought was a wise man, the entire Zhongshu Province, and possibly even all the officials of the imperial court.

In this case, Qin Xi began to doubt subconsciously, irrespective of his status or position. This was a suspicion of common sense.

Could it be that there are really geniuses in this world?Can you do this at such a young age?

Is the gap between people really bigger than people and dogs?
Qin Hui was silent for a moment when he heard the words, then turned his head, the red sunset outside the window cast a shadow on his face.

"Is it too much thinking? No one can be sure now. When the test is over, everything will be known."

The south of Miyagi, the imperial city.

It's almost time to be on duty, but the atmosphere in each yamen is getting more active.

Everyone's minds on work have faded, and now they are either busy bragging with the people around them, or chatting for a while and where to go for a meal after they are off duty.

But at this time when people's hearts were scattered, suddenly several servants in scarlet robes met on the street and bumped into each other.

"Guan Shilang, long time no see."

Gao Xun looked at Guan Peng in front of him with a non-smiling smile, while Deng Xunwu on the side also looked unkind.

In the past few days, gossip about the appointment by the deputy examiner of the general examination has gradually spread, not only the servants know about it, but even the officials below have heard about it.

After many inquiries, Cai Jing's henchmen discovered that the original source of the news was Guan Peng, so when they met again at this time, they naturally didn't like him very much.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Guan Peng just said something polite and continued to walk forward.

The two sides were not in the same way, and they couldn't urinate in the same pot. Guan Peng's plan at the beginning was to be an internal response in the Six Departments. Now seeing these people, he naturally doesn't feel any guilt.

Deng Xunwu looked at Guan Peng and saw that he was not going south to work, but was going west, so he asked abruptly, "Where does Guan Shilang want to go now?"

Guan Peng originally wanted to have a good laugh and deal with it casually, but seeing the direction of Deng Xunwu and Gao Xin, his heart was also moved.

"Go to the Ministry of Industry."

He stopped in his tracks and looked at the two with a smile: "Where are the two brothers going?"

Deng Xunwu paused for a moment, then said: "Let's go to the Ministry of Rites."

Then, the two of them had no intention of talking to Guan Peng in detail, so after hurriedly replying, they hurried towards the Ministry of Rites.

Guan Peng looked at the backs of the two men, thought for a moment, and then turned around and left...

The general examination has already started, and everything is going on in an orderly manner, and everything must be done according to the rules, so the burden on the Ministry of Rites is much lighter now.

Many officials from the Ministry of Rites who were busy with their work walked out of the Yamen talking and laughing, planning to slip away a little earlier.

But at this moment, two officials in scarlet robes came hand in hand, and the officials of the Ministry of Rites who saw them all bowed their heads and greeted respectfully: "I have seen Mr. Shao Sikou!"

"Free gift!"

Deng Xunwu, who was walking in front, waved his hand: "Where is your department hall?"

A small official who was stopped in front was stunned for a moment, then turned around and pointed in the direction of the second floor: "Master of the Ministry should still be in the duty room."

Now Wang Mang and Song Qiaonian are both in the tribute courtyard, and only Sima Guang, the left servant, sits in the Ministry of Rites and handles all matters.

He must be the hall these two servants of the Ministry of Punishment are looking for.

After answering the words of the two of them, the little official did not leave directly, but bowed and said: "Lord Shao Sikou, I will guide the two of you here."

Without waiting for Deng Xunwu and Gao Xun to speak, he turned around and led them to the second floor.

Gao Xun frowned slightly, walking so fast, how could this seem to be leading the way?More like a report.

It's just that this is his territory after all, and the two of them couldn't say anything, so they had to follow behind.

After stepping on the second floor and walking a few steps forward, the little official greeted him back from the front, bowed with a smile and said, "Master Department Hall is already waiting for the two young commanders."

Deng Xunwu didn't care, and nodded noncommittally.

Sima Guang also greeted him with a smile in front of him: "Brothers, we are far away from you."

"Uncle Shao Zong is too polite."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the host and guest entered the room to sit down and serve tea, and then Gao Xun got straight to the point and got to the point.

"I don't know if Shao Zongbo has heard the rumors coming in?"

Sima Guang raised his brows: "Rumors? Uncle Da Zong and Song Shilang are not in the yamen recently, and I am busy with the affairs of the Ministry of Rites every day, so I don't have time to pay attention to any rumors."

Gao Xun was depressed for a while. He couldn't believe that Sima Guang hadn't heard about the leaked test questions, so he was still playing stupid?
"Naturally, it's the leakage of the test questions."

Deng Xunwu added from the side: "Recently, there have been some inexplicable rumors in the capital and the imperial court, claiming that the exam questions have been leaked, and they are still openly purchased and circulated among candidates, making this exam unfair."

Sima Guang was startled when he heard the words, and then laughed out loud: "So it's such a rumor. To tell you the truth, I have heard many such rumors recently, and even people in the Ministry of Rites said so."

He shook his head lightly, and said nonchalantly: "But rumors only stop at wise men, this kind of nonsense is just a listener."

"Every time there is an exam, some dubious people spread these messages, but when the truth is revealed, there will naturally be no room for these rumors."

Deng Xunwu and Gao Xun looked at each other, thinking that they were afraid that when the truth was revealed, there would be no room for the imperial court.

"Uncle Shao Zong, although these rumors are groundless and not worth mentioning, but if there are too many rumors outside, some foolish men and women may believe it and lose the prestige of the court."

Gao Xun said: "In my opinion, it's better to let the Ministry of Rites take action to suppress the rumors outside."

Deng Xunwu also sang a double reed with him: "Of course, where righteousness lies, our Ministry of Punishment will not just sit idly by."

"As long as the Ministry of Rites puts up notices, the Ministry of Punishment and the Jingzhao Mansion will warn those who are still spreading rumors."

"Quiet the rumors?"

Sima Guang looked at the two men puzzled: "You two ministers, why do you care about these rumors?"

"As long as the test is over, all the rumors will be self-defeating. It is really unwise to spend energy on this matter."

Both Gao Xun and Deng Xunwu sighed in their hearts, this is what the court did in previous years.

But not this year, if this rumor is allowed to continue to develop and gradually become a trend, troubles will come if nothing happens.

The most urgent thing to do is to cover up, and we must firmly cover up this incident of leaking the question, and cover it up tightly!Can't leak a little wind!
"Uncle Shaozong's words are wrong. It is related to the reputation of the imperial court, so we must not be careless."

Gao Xun persuaded: "Let the rumors spread this time, and someone will be more unscrupulous next time."

Deng Xunwu also said kindly: "After all, the examination is hosted by the Ministry of Rites, and such a message is not good for the Ministry of Rites. If Uncle Da Zong knew about it, he would not sit back and watch such rumors spread."

The meaning inside and outside the words is that this is the fault of the Ministry of Rites. It is kind of us to come to help you, so I agreed quickly...

When Sima Guang heard Wang Mang's name, he also hesitated: "It's the same..."

"However, I can't be the master of Uncle Da Zong. I can only wait for the end of the first test and ask Uncle Da Zong for instructions before making a conclusion."

Are you still waiting for the first test?By then it will be too late!

Deng Xunwu and Gao Xun's original intention was to reduce the enthusiasm for leaking the questions after the first exam. Now you wait until the exam is over before lowering it. Isn't this taking off your pants and farting?

But before the two of them continued to persuade, Sima Guang continued: "And after the first test is over, all the examinees will come out. By then, they will naturally know what the test questions are, and it will be easier to clarify the rumors."


"Furthermore, since the rumors need to be clarified, the Ministry of Rites will need some time to prepare."

Sima Guang didn't give the two of them a chance to continue talking: "Tomorrow the show will be over, and then the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Punishment will work together to quell the rumors."

Deng Xunwu opened his mouth, and Sima Guang blocked all the conversation at once. He couldn't think of any reason to refute for a while, and Gao Xun was the same.

While the two were in a daze, Sima Guang had already stood up and cleared the documents on the table.

"Since we want to quell the rumors outside, I have to discuss it with my colleagues in the Ministry of Rites. How to issue this notice and what to do with the regulations. I won't leave two more people today."

Gao Xun hesitated to speak, but at this moment Sima Guang had already left the duty room door, looking at the two of them with a smile.

At this time, no one knew that they were going to see off the guests and lock the door.

"Hey, if that's the case, then see you tomorrow."

The two had no choice but to compromise, and it was better than nothing if it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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