Manchu traitor, how can you let me be the emperor of the ages

Chapter 248 Get carried away, Yan Shifan's wishful thinking

Chapter 248 Get carried away, Yan Shifan's wishful thinking

Lord Hall!

This weight is obviously not at the same level as Shaoqing of Taichang Temple.

Although the most difficult thing in the court is to upgrade from the fifth rank to the fourth rank, the fourth rank is still not a real high-ranking official.

Only when you have reached the third rank, you will be the high-ranking official by everyone's default, and you will be regarded as the most core echelon.

Being able to participate in Tingtui is one of their privileges, and it can also represent some deep meaning.

Today, someone has completed such a leap under their noses, which makes the officials envious, and at the same time, a sense of powerlessness emerges in their hearts.

The distance is too far, and I can't envy even if I want to.

The eunuch in Tsing Yi who sent the message was named Ju Wenzhen, several wrinkles had already appeared on his well-maintained fair face, and several streaks of paleness were also mixed in his black hair.

After receiving this not-so-good errand, Ju Wenzhen didn't dare to delay, and ran over non-stop. At this moment, he was walking towards Zhao Wenhua's valet under the strange eyes of all the officials.

At the same time, Zhao Wenhua in the room seemed to have heard the movement outside and sensed a different atmosphere outside.

With a creak, the door of the duty room was opened, Zhao Wenhua snatched it out in one step, and immediately met Ju Wenzhen's eyes outside.

Although he didn't have the feeling of looking at him for a thousand years, but from this moment of looking at each other, he understood him, and he also understood him.

Ju Wenzhen smiled and nodded: "Zhao Butang, congratulations."

The guess in Zhao Wenhua's mind was confirmed, the joy on his face could no longer be suppressed, and he immediately looked up to the sky and laughed.

No matter how complicated their moods are, the surrounding officials are all coming forward to congratulate them one by one.

"Congratulations, Mr. Butang, congratulations, Mr. Butang!"

"There was a magpie croaking in front of the hall early this morning. It is God's destiny that the master of the hall should accept this joy!"

"Your Excellency is promoted to Young Situ, and he will surely flourish in the future..."

Amidst the chaotic congratulations, Ju Wenzhen suddenly heard something that surprised him.

Ju Wenzhen, who woke up, hurriedly greeted her and shouted: "It's not Shao Situ! It's not Shao Situ! You are all mistaken!"

The advantage of eunuchs is that no matter how chaotic the scene is, as long as they speak with that shrill voice, these people are the most beautiful cubs in the audience.

After being howled by him, the officials present were stunned for a moment, and they all turned their heads to look at him.

Zhao Wenhua also frowned, what does this mean?
Ju Wenzhen hastily explained: "Your Excellency did not go to the Ministry of Household Affairs, but to the Ministry of Industry to become the right servant!"

Ministry of Industry?

The expressions of the officials suddenly became embarrassed.

Although to them, there is no difference whether it is the Ministry of Households or the Ministry of Industry, both are equally distant and noble.

But maybe for Zhao Shaoqing... no, for Zhao Shilang, there is a big gap?
Zhao Wenhua was also taken aback, but Yan Shifan had reminded him that he had already prepared himself, but at this moment he didn't feel much sense of loss.

"Haha! No problem!"

Facing the apprehensive eyes of the officials, Zhao Wenhua laughed and patted his chest: "Whether it's the Ministry of Industry or the Ministry of Household Affairs, they are all fat... very useful for the court!"

"No matter which yamen I go to, I will serve the court well!"

"it is good!"

"Thank you, my lord..."

The officials applauded again.

Talking about contribution without talking about remuneration, what a high awareness this must be!
We must learn from Master Shi Lang, so that we can become servants as soon as possible!

The corners of Ju Wenzhen's mouth twitched, these civil servants have so many tricks, fat job is fat job, and now there is an extra "non job".

Well, in his opinion, isn't the abbreviation of "a job that can serve the court very well" mean "not a job"?

Ju Wenzhen rubbed her chin thoughtfully, considering whether to introduce this new concept into the palace... It's a job that can serve His Majesty, isn't it also a job?Will the ancestors like it very much...

He was facing like this, turned around and walked out.

The sorrows and joys of people are not connected, even if Zhao Wenhua becomes the prime minister, it has little to do with him as the messenger.

"This father-in-law!"

The outside voice interrupted Ju Wenzhen's contemplation. He looked up and found that it was Zhao Wenhua who called him.

"Eunuch, wait a minute!"

Zhao Wenhua was in high spirits every happy event, and said with a red face: "How can I let my father-in-law make a trip for nothing?"

With a big wave of his hand, the long follower immediately ran over and handed an object to the eunuch.

Ju Wenzhen was taken aback for a moment, and took it in a somewhat rusty manner, but something in the eunuch's nature made him subconsciously rub it with two fingers.

It seems... a lot...

Although the movements were very unfamiliar, Ju Wenzhen still estimated what was inside and the approximate quantity with a blissful mind.

"Haha, it's my duty, it's my duty, it's my duty..."

Ju Wenzhen laughed dryly, but looked at Zhao Wenhua with a strange gaze, and turned to leave after thanking her.

The other officials also exclaimed in amazement, thinking that this man had already wrapped up the money in advance, how confident must he be?

"My lord, do you have the money I'm waiting for?" A small official on the side joked.

Now there is no such thing as a red envelope. Everyone calls it pleasing money. It is common in the announcement of good news after the imperial examination, promotion and appointment, and so on.

Zhao Wenhua, who was asked for money, was not angry either. He laughed and said, "Yes! I have them all! I have them today!"

As he spoke, he greeted the commander behind him to hand out the money, and he himself reached into the sleeve under the official robe, took out half a handful of broken silver and threw it into the crowd.

There were cheers one after another, and the lively atmosphere in the yamen rose several levels in an instant.

Good guy, other people's wedding money is copper coins, and the person who snatched it just wanted to celebrate it, but Mr. Zhao is throwing away silver coins!
Not only him, but his long entourage also carried broken silver with him, and scattered several handfuls of it all over his face.

The responsibilities of Taichang Temple are mausoleum sacrifices, ceremonies and rituals, etc., which are not lucrative jobs, so the officials here don't have much extra money on weekdays.

Now that someone is handing out money, is there any reason not to pick it up?
Therefore, when Taichang Siqing came here with several other officials, what he saw was such a scene.

Almost all the officials of Taichang Temple came to the yamen lobby, looting the broken silver at the bottom, and in the center of the crowd, Zhao Wenhua, who was dressed in scarlet robes, was still smiling like a fool, throwing money away.

This scene was so eye-catching that several people were all stunned.

Except for the Minister of Taichang Temple, these people are all officials of the strict party.

Now that Zhao Wenhua has been promoted to minister, everyone naturally wants to congratulate Zhao Wenhua for finally taking a crucial step.

But I didn't expect to see this scene directly.

Zhao Wenhua was also attracted by the sound of opening the door, turned his head and his eyes lit up: "Wanli, Jingqing... are you here?"

Only then did the officials picking up the money notice that there were so many servants standing outside the door, they all woke up from the joy of picking up the money, and retreated silently with pale faces.

Guan Peng strode forward with a dark face, looked around at the mess around him, and the flesh on his face twitched: "What are you doing?"

"Naturally, it's the happy money!"

Zhao Wenhua said as it should be: "Brother Wanli, every scholar in the country has to give out happy money. Now that I have been promoted to be a servant, my younger brother, naturally I have to give some happy money to the adults present."

The implication is that we can't be inferior to poor scholars in the countryside, right?
Guan Peng's eyes darkened, it's fine to send out happy money, you go outside to send it out, and no one cares about sending out all your wealth.

But this is the palace, this is the Taichang Temple, where are you throwing wedding money while riding a horse? ?
How many people in the entire imperial court are as flamboyant as you?

Guan Peng took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.After all, Zhao Wenhua is now the servant of the third grade, no matter what Guan Peng thinks, he must be given enough respect in the public.

At the same time, Yan Maoqing and others from behind also came up.

Taichangqing saw that the atmosphere was not right, and smiled in the middle: "Zhao Butang, everyone is on duty now, it's fine if you can't leave, you must come when you are free, our Taichang Temple My lords want to have a practical meal with you."

"That's natural." Zhao Wenhua laughed and nodded.

He seemed to have noticed Guan Peng's attitude, but he didn't say anything.

Yan Maoqing said with a smile on the side: "I'm just here to take a look and congratulate Zhao Shilang on his promotion. There's nothing else going on now, so Zhao Butang should go to the Ministry of Industry to get busy with the job transfer, and get the right servant of the Ministry of Industry as soon as possible. "

"Master Xie Tingwei, I understand."

Zhao Wenhua saluted with a smile, then said goodbye to everyone present and rushed to the Ministry of Industry.

"Lord Fengchang, I will also take my leave."

"Everyone, go slowly."

The Minister of Taichang Temple sent off a group of officials of the strict party with a smile, and turned around to meet the expectant eyes of a group of officials of Taichang Temple.

Now that Zhao Wenhua is gone, there is a vacant position in Taichang Temple.

Positive four products!Beijing official!What a rare position! !

Countless people will fight for their scalps!

Although there is no fifth-rank official in Taichang Temple, they are not qualified to compete for this precious opportunity, but they also have friends they know and connections.

Now as long as you get a little inside information, you can exchange favors, gold and silver...

It's a pity that the minister of Taichang Temple just smiled and turned back to the duty room. He didn't intend to say anything to them, and the officials didn't dare to ask more questions. There were only a few slight sighs left in the lobby.

Zhao Wenhua left from Taichang Temple first, and Guan Peng and several others left behind, but the two groups of people walked in different directions.

The former went to the Ministry of Industry, while the latter left the imperial city hand in hand and rushed to the Yan Mansion.

This time the court did not get the position of the right servant of the household department, which was a mistake for several people. They always have to discuss how to explain to Yan Song.

After arriving at Yan Mansion, Yan Shifan had already been waiting for them here.

A sumptuous banquet was placed in the small courtyard. The table was full of rich delicacies from mountains and seas, and the aroma was tangy. The few ministers who watched were stunned.

If Yan Song was still here, he would definitely not be able to eat this kind of food.

"My lords have worked hard."

Yan Shifan raised his glass of wine with them with a smile: "Today's victory is due to the credit of your lords!"

He had already learned about the result of this court push from other sources.

Several ministers were not surprised by this, Guan Peng said helplessly: "Young Master, it's not a successful start, this time I still failed to get the seat of the right servant of the household department."

"Just do your best."

Yan Shifan comforted them with a smile: "Things can't always go according to people's wishes. It's not bad to get a position as a servant. After all, it's something we earned for nothing."

This makes sense, isn't this position just earned for nothing?He should be happy that there is an extra servant position out of thin air.

Several people also understood this truth, and sat down at the table one by one.

"It's just Prime Minister Yan..." Guan Peng said with some hesitation.

In Yan Song's letter before, he repeatedly emphasized that he should try his best to take down the right servant of the household department. If he can't take it down, then he must not let Heshen's people take it down.

But what are they doing now?Neither of these two requirements were fulfilled.

"It's okay."

Yan Shifan waved his chopsticks to signal everyone to start eating.

But since I have worries in my heart, even if it is delicacies from mountains and seas, I still don't like it.

Seeing this, Yan Shifan sighed softly, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and comforted Guan Peng: "Guan Shilang, my father has me to talk to, so don't worry anymore."

"The right servant of the household department was Han Mulu before, this is Cai Jing's man, but why should he obediently listen to us in the household department?"

The minister of the household department is Yan Song, and the left servant is Guan Peng. If the remaining right servant is disobedient, then these two people have ways to deal with him.

Several other people also understand this truth, but what they are most worried about is that they will not be able to pass Yan Song's test. Now that they have Yan Shifan's guarantee, everything will be fine.


Guan Peng was still a little worried: "Su Ling is not of Han Mulu's generation. This person is extremely treacherous and has no bottom line..."

To this day, whenever Guan Peng thought of being eavesdropped and coerced by Su Ling'a at the Zhengdan Grand Court that day, his blood still surged and he gritted his teeth.

Several other people laughed and persuaded him, no matter how shrewd this Su Ling'a is, he can turn into a monkey if he touches his hair, but he can't escape the Tathagata Buddha's Wuzhi Mountain.

Listening to this, the few people gradually relaxed. No matter what, picking up a servant for nothing is always a good thing, and the banquet ended in a happy atmosphere.

It wasn't until the waiters left and the servants removed all the messy tables and tables that Zhao Wenhua arrived late.

In the clean-up courtyard, without leaving any traces or smells, Yan Shifan was sitting on a chair, and a mallard duck was still squatting beside his legs, maybe it was pressing Yan Shifan's hand with its green duck head.

"I thought you, Minister Zhao, were not coming..."

Yan Shifan stared at him with one eye, and his voice was a bit cold, which made Zhao Wenhua shiver slightly.

"how is this possible?"

With a dry laugh, he leaned slightly and explained: "My little brother just ran back and forth between the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Officials, and even went to the palace, just to get the position of Minister of Industry as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, it will be delayed any longer, and the night will be full of dreams. If there is any accident, won't it be a disappointment to my brother and all the adults?"

Yan Shifan snorted coldly, obviously knowing his virtue, and didn't continue to haggle with him.

"It's fine if the affairs of the Ministry of Industry are done well. If you want to make a fortune in the future, you can't leave this place."

(End of this chapter)

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