Manchu traitor, how can you let me be the emperor of the ages

Chapter 251 Huiyuan Zhuge Liang, well known in the city

Chapter 251 Huiyuan Zhuge Liang, well known in the city
Compared with Jie Yuan, who is a bit of a bad street, Hui Yuan is already a very important title.

This is the only one in three years, only slightly worse than the champion.

Crowded with the examiners, the people outside tried their best to raise their heads, wanting to see who this Huiyuan was, but limited by the dim light, they couldn't see anything clearly.

"My lords, who is Jinke Huiyuan?" Someone behind couldn't help asking in a low voice.

However, none of the people who could see the name clearly answered them, and everyone seemed to be very incredible.

After a while, it was Wei Zheng who picked up the pen and wrote that person's name at the top of the list.

Zhuge Liang.

Huiyuan's name occupies three lines, which is much larger than the names of the people below, and now the peripheral examiners can see it clearly.

"This name...why does it sound so familiar?"

"Hiss! Zhuge Liang! It turned out to be him! Why did he come to participate in the test?"

"Your news is too ill-informed. I have heard that this person is coming to participate in the test, but I didn't expect him to win the guild..."

"Hindsight is the right thing to do, you shouldn't have said it earlier..."

"Oh? You young man..."


Wan Qixi glanced at these people dissatisfiedly from above: "My lord is filling out the list, please don't make any noise."

Only then did the examiners realize that the occasion was wrong, and they all died down.

When they raised their heads to look at the paper again, they suddenly found that Wei Zheng had already written more than a dozen names.

The fellow examiners were secretly ashamed, and at the same time they inevitably saw those who were at the top of the list.

Hiss~ Suppressed exclamations came from the crowd. After the surprise, the examiners were relieved.

It is only right that these people are at the top of the list...

The next day.

When it was not dawn, the outside of the Gongyuan was already surrounded by people on the inner, outer and third floors.

Most of these people are not candidates for Juren, they are either some domestic servants, or these bastards and unemployed vagrants in the capital.

Get up early in the morning, and come here just after the curfew is lifted, not because they like to do good deeds, but because they want to reward money and like money.

Although most of the candidates will come to see the rankings themselves, they still have family members and friends. The good news of the senior high school exam must be let to the relatives and friends as soon as possible.

As soon as people are happy, the reward will come.

The sun is getting higher and higher, the temperature is also starting to rise, and it is getting closer and closer to the time when the Gongyuan releases the list.

Carriages and sedan chairs rushed into the intersection and stopped in the distance. At this time, the candidates who came to see the list gradually arrived.

Li Qian held back in the palace for a long time, and took this opportunity today to leave the imperial city.

A paulownia carriage painted with varnish passed slowly through the crowd. The black body was extremely low-key, and it was not conspicuous at all among the luxury cars.

"Why can't I see you lately?"

In the carriage, Zheng Guan looked at Li Gan curiously: "I went to your house to look for you and you were not at home, where did you go?"

It has been half a month since the end of the exam today. Since the end of the exam, Zheng Guan has started to let himself go. During the period, he even ran to Li Gan several times.

Naturally he knew about this before, but these days he was in the palace all the time and never came out, so naturally he didn't meet Zheng Guan.

"I've been out for a while."

Li Qian smiled, put the topic aside, and said helplessly, "Brother Zheng, I'm afraid I'm going to make a mistake when I promised you last time. I didn't expect the imperial court to suddenly change the chief examiner."

"The news is so sudden that even He Shen and your lord can't do anything..."

Li Gan spread his hands. He had said before that he could guarantee that Zheng Guan would pass high school, but now it was obviously impossible.

Yan Zhenqing laughed when he heard the words: "Man is not as good as God, don't say that the news cannot be passed on, even if it can be passed on, do you think Mr. Wei will pay attention to it?"

"Ha ha!"

Zheng Guan even patted his chest and laughed loudly at Li Gan: "You underestimate me too!"

"As long as the examiner doesn't play tricks, is it easy to pass the test? Why use other means?"

"it is good."

Li Qian nodded with a smile: "Yongjue has plans to compete for the first prize, but I am so worried."

Who dares to make such a bold statement without two brushes?

Zheng Guan's face collapsed when he heard the words: "Don't embarrass me."

After he was overwhelmed by Yan Zhenqing in the provincial examination, he regarded the rhetoric he had put down as black history, thinking that it was sitting in a well and watching the sky.

"Don't say that, people still have to have a little dream, otherwise what is the difference from salted fish?" Li Gan patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

Even Yan Zhenqing also advised: "Don't lose your enterprising spirit."

"Ah~" Zheng Guan sighed weakly, and didn't want to talk about this topic anymore.

When a few people were talking, the street outside became more and more lively. Most of the examinees were in groups of three or four, and those who were related to the same year, hometown, classmate, and class all crowded together and squeezed in. The scene was chaotic for a while.

It wasn't until the officials of the Gongyuan posted the apricot list that the disturbance gradually decreased, but then there was a louder disturbance.

One by one, people came forward, nervously searching for their names on the list.

"I hit! I hit!"

Someone excitedly yelled loudly on the spot, crying and fussing, and someone saw his name on the apricot list, and immediately rolled his eyes and passed out...

Of course, there are too few people in high school, not even one-tenth of all candidates.

More people saw the top of the list from the bottom of the list, and then looked at the bottom of the list from the top of the list intently, or lost their souls, or couldn't believe it, and even burst into tears on the spot.

The most real life is presented here, which has attracted many people's embarrassment.

Surrounding the apricot list are not only candidates, but also some people who specialize in earning extra money.

These people look at the newly-released tributes on the list, and they don’t choose those with high rankings and good prospects. The horse ran to announce the good news.

Generally speaking, the first person to announce the good news will get the biggest reward, ranging from a dozen or so taels to hundreds of taels. For these people, it is nothing less than a windfall.

Of course, these people were not the only ones who ran out ahead of time, there were also some servants rushing to announce the good news to the master.

Li Gan and the others didn't get out of the carriage, but sent someone to look at it, and they just came back now.


After listening to the big man's report, Lu Bu turned around and said with a smile: "Zheng Yongjue is ranked first in the Five Classics, and Yan Qingchen is No. 7."

Five classics?
Li Gan was surprised, but also felt that this was reasonable. Zheng Guan must have this strength.


Zheng Guan's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand and grabbed Lu Bu's arm: "What number?"


"It's not second..." He withdrew his hand a little bit disappointed.

Li Qian curled his lips silently, just now he advised him to have a dream, for fear that he would lose his vigor, but now this situation does not seem to have lost his vigor?
Zheng Guan was excited for a moment before he came back to his senses. Realizing that there was someone beside him, he smiled apologetically at Yan Zhenqing: "Qingchen, I..."

"It's okay."

Yan Zhenqing waved his hand, with a serious expression on his face: "Before the test, I was negligent and slack, and now I failed in the test, so I can't blame others."

The corner of Li Gan's mouth twitched, is this the world of a top student?
Even if you passed the No. 7 exam, you are still negligent and slack. If you calculate it this way, do those outsiders still have a face to live?
Pausing for a moment, I decided not to discuss this topic with them before, but turned to look at Lu Bu: "Who is Huiyuan? Did you just read it?"


Lu Bu glanced at Zheng Guan and Yan Zhenqing, and then said: "Huiyuan is Zhuge Liang, who governs the Book of Changes, No.2 is Liu Gongquan, who is the chief of the study, No.3 is the chief of the Lifang Jing, Wang Hua, No.4 Even Zheng Guan, No.5 is also a Jieyuan, the one with a particularly dark face..."

Lu Bu gestured on his own face as he spoke, "It's Bao Zheng."

Zhuge Liang is Huiyuan!

Li Gan nodded slowly, his expression a little heavy.

Although he had known that such a day would come, when it really came, Li Qian still had a bit of a headache.

After becoming Huiyuan and reaching the top of the apricot list, Zhuge Liang's name really cannot be concealed. It is foreseeable that everyone in the entire capital will know his name in a very short period of time.

I am afraid that the troubles that were temporarily suppressed before will come one after another, all kinds of solicitations, temptations, and threats against him...

Li Qian felt that since Zhuge Liang was willing to do things for him, he had an obligation to help him solve these troubles and ensure his personal safety.

Some lures and the like are trivial matters. The most troublesome thing for him is that some people may ask for more than they want, and if they don't get it, they will be destroyed.

There is no such thing as a lunatic.

After thinking carefully for a while, Li Gan decided to use the safest method...

Both Zheng Guan and Yan Zhenqing were paying attention to the results of the general examination and the next imperial examination, but they didn't notice Li Gan's strange expression.

After reading the results of the examination here, the three of them went to a restaurant in Dongshi to have a good meal to celebrate the two future Jinshi.

"According to the usual practice in previous years, the ranking in the palace examination will not change much compared to the general examination."

Zheng Guan drank a glass of wine and said cheerfully: "As long as it is the top ten in the competition, it is possible to compete for the number one prize!"

He raised his wine glass to touch Yan Zhenqing, and made an agreement proudly: "Qingchen, you and I can't admit defeat, try again for the palace exam, even Mr. Wolong, we will step on the beach by us."

This is a word I learned from Li Gan, and I am using it now.

Li Gan, who kept stuffing things into his mouth, was not let go.

"The number one scholar takes turns. This subject is me or Qingchen, and the next subject will be your turn!"

Zheng Guan poured another glass carelessly, and slapped Li Gan in the face.

Li Qian was stunned for a moment, then raised his cup to drink with him, and said with a smile: "You guys can go and fight, don't drag me into it."

Before Zheng Guan could say anything, Li Qian continued: "You two must take the imperial examination seriously. The number one scholar is given the same treatment, the top three is the same treatment, and the No.1 and the people behind are the same treatment."

"The higher the test, the easier the road ahead, but you must pay attention to it."

Speaking of this, the two were immediately attracted attention, and the topic returned to the palace examination.

While the three of them were eating, the results of the test spread throughout the capital.

Zhuge Liang is Huiyuan!

Hearing this news, those who followed the examination and those who followed Zhuge Liang fell silent.

Most of the former are civil servants, while the latter are people who chased after Zhuge Liang before, both civil and military.

There have been too many changes in the court these days, from the fierce battle between the Cai party and the emperor, the competition for the deputy examiner of the examination, to the end of the court push between the two ministers, one after another, it is breathtaking, making people breathless gas.

Some people even forgot the news of Zhuge Liang's appearance.

Some people can remember, but they can't care about him.

How can an outdated Xie Yuan be as important as a real servant?
Besides, the reputation of the folk belongs to the folk, but since Zhuge Liang passed the Jieyuan exam, he hasn't taken the imperial examination for so many years, which makes people think that he has exhausted his talent.

But once the apricot list came out today, no one doubted it anymore.

There is only one remaining problem, and that is how to find Zhuge Liang.

At this time, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers. Some traced back from the place where the Ministry of Rites registered, some searched for people through the traces left in the tribute courtyard, and some mobilized soldiers in the capital to search for them secretly...

They had found out the previous footholds of Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jun, but even so, they couldn't find him.

Some people don't give up, even if they dig three feet, they still want to find them.

But some people just laughed it off and let it go for the time being.

Even if you can hide it again, can you still hide it in the palace test?
I didn't know about you in this test, and I didn't prepare in advance. When I waited for the palace test, wouldn't I be able to squat you?
Of course, there is a downside to waiting until the palace test is over.

The Sanding Jia in the palace examination will be directly awarded an official, and the No. 1 of the Second Jia will also be directly awarded an official. If you have an official status... many things will be inconvenient.

The day of the palace examination is approaching day by day, and the mentality of the "prospective Jinshi" who will take the high school examination has also undergone a series of changes.

From the joy and ecstasy when the results were first released, to the panic and hard work later, to the calmness and even failure at the end.

At the beginning, I was happy to celebrate for the exam, but I remembered that there was still a palace exam waiting, and I had to study hard.

But at this moment, they are so impetuous that they can no longer read the book, and then look at the people around... Well, it turns out that not only I am not prepared, but everyone is not prepared!
That's fine!

Anyway, the palace examination only ranks, if you don't get rid of people, then let's put them down together!

No matter how bad it is, it is nothing more than a fellow Jinshi.

This is also the helpless move of the students.

Because the things in the palace test are completely different from those in the general test, everyone has to put all their energy into preparing for the general test before the test.

Otherwise, you prepared a palace test in advance, and you didn't even pass the test in the end, then you would be a fool.

But after the general examination, it took less than a month from the release of the results to the opening of the palace examination.

How does one prepare for this?Everyone just gambled symbolically, hugged Buddha's feet temporarily, and then played on the spot at the Golden Temple.

As long as you don't write any rebellious articles, you will be able to walk around the palace in a glorious way when the rankings are released, and become a glorious Jinshi...or a fellow Jinshi.

Of course, if you write a rebellious article, you can also go to the palace, and go earlier and faster than those of the same year.

It's just that people are going to accept the highest honor, and you are going to enter the Zhao Prison of Dali Temple...

In this way, amidst the undercurrents in the capital, the day of the palace examination quietly arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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