Manchu traitor, how can you let me be the emperor of the ages

Chapter 292 Cai Jing became an official, the court was shaken

Chapter 292 Cai Jing became an official, the court was shaken

Li Qian didn't care about Cai Jing's procrastination, the more he hesitated, the more desperate he was and couldn't get out...

The fact is just as Li Gan thought, Cai Jing is almost desperate now.

In this short period of half a quarter of an hour, he had almost exhausted all methods...but there was really no hope at all.

Cai Jing even had the urge to stuff these two memorials into his mouth, chew and swallow them...

But looking at the old eunuch at the side, he dispelled this urge.

Cai Jing didn't know whether Cai You and Cai Bian wrote these two memorials on their own initiative, or whether His Majesty the Emperor had ordered them.

But he knew that with the first letter, he would definitely be able to write the second letter.

The silent atmosphere in the room lasted for a quarter of an hour. Li Qian saw that Cai Jing's face was ashen by the faint light coming in from the door and window.

Li Qian was already prepared in his heart for Cai Jing to continue to resist. He was even thinking about how to weaken Cai Jing's resistance with the least disturbance, and finally took it down...

Only then did he open his mouth and say, "Cai Qing's family, what do you think?"

Cai Jing was silent for a moment, but still facing Li Gan, he handed out the two memorials with both hands.

"I would like to follow His Majesty's orders and return to the countryside to enjoy my old age in peace."

Li Gan paused when he heard the words, and then nodded. There was no joy on his face, but he let out a long sigh.

"Cai Qing's family is the ministers who hold the country. When the court is so tired, I feel a little empty in my heart after leaving Cai Qing's family."

He shook his head helplessly: "I also ask Cai Qing's family to take a good rest after returning to their hometown, and resolve misunderstandings with the family... In a few years, I will invite Cai Qing's family to come out of the mountain and sit in court."

Cai Jing bowed again: "I... thank you, Your Majesty."

Li Gan nodded: "Since Cai Qing's family is in poor health, I will keep you soon."

He turned his head and looked at the old eunuch standing beside him: "Brother, go and see off Cai Qing's family, and bring back your resignation by the way."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The old eunuch bowed and returned the memorial before coming to Cai Jing: "Please, Mr. Cai."

Cai Jing stood up, bowed to Li Gan, and then followed the old eunuch and walked out until their backs disappeared at the door.

If you just look at it this way, even if Cai Jing is finished, this matter can also come to an end.

But Li Gan knew that it was far from that simple.

Cai Jing's power lies not only in himself, but also in his party members. He once said, "Don't worry about losing your position, only worry about losing my friends."

It's not enough to just let him become an official, he must also take care of all those people.

In addition, Li Qian felt that Cai Jing was not a person who would give up so easily.

For him, there is still an extremely important hole card that has not been uncovered, has not been discovered, how could he just give up like this?

Li Qian had a feeling in his heart that Cai Jing's agreement to his request at this moment might be more similar to retreating to advance, using this incident to relax his vigilance, and then continue to plot the northeast border.

But Cai Jing certainly didn't know that Li Qian had much more information than he thought, and he had taken much more actions...

Not long after the old eunuch left, he came back with Cai Jing's resignation letter.

"Your Majesty, Cai Jing didn't say anything all the way. When he returned to Shangshu Yamen, he wrote this memorandum and handed it over to the servant girl."

The old eunuch reported: "However, the servant felt that he would not be so honest, so people continued to stare at him. This person must have gone to the Ministry of Punishment now."

Li Gan nodded expressionlessly: "After all, he is also the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, so it is normal for him to go to the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment to pack up his things."

The old eunuch had a smile on his face: "It's just that he can't see his two followers anymore."

The two attendants naturally refer to Deng Xunwu and Gao Xun. As for not seeing them...of course, it does not mean that the old eunuch sent someone to kill them quietly, but that these two people have been dismissed.

Seeing his appearance, Li Gan suddenly sighed: "Big Companion, I remember that your hometown is in Jizhou, right?"

The old eunuch was startled, with a complicated look on his face: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Li Gan took his expression into his eyes and couldn't help but sighed.

Ever since the news that the Northeast Border Pass was breached by the Jin soldiers came, the old eunuch's mood has been a little bit wrong, and he has also shown more than normal concern for this matter.

Naturally, Li Qian would not ignore the dynamics of the people around him. Later, when he learned about the old eunuch's hometown, he immediately understood it.

It turns out that his hometown is in Jizhou, and it is still relatively north of Jizhou. Now that Jinlu has captured Yanping Town, his hometown must have fallen under the iron hooves of Jinbing...

"His Majesty……"

The old eunuch's face was a little embarrassed, and even faintly terrified: "The servant has been a little ignorant these days..."

"Oh~ it's not your fault."

Li Gan sighed and stood up from his seat: "On the contrary, I am very sorry for the elders in your hometown."

"This matter all started because of Cai Jing, and now I want to punish him, I can only find another reason, using this kind of unapproachable method, but I can't punish him with justice, and give justice to the soldiers of the frontier army and the people of Jizhou. "

In Li Qian's heart, this has always been a very regrettable point.

The officials of the imperial court made such a big mistake and did such a big disaster. Instead of justifiably convicting him, Li Gan had to cover it up for him, and had to help him hide it from the soldiers and people below...

In the past, Li Gan was most disgusted with this kind of behavior of concealing the above and below. What can't be announced openly?
But now he has become the kind of person he once hated. This has always been a knot in Li Gan's heart, and it makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, don't make this matter public."

Unexpectedly, the old eunuch was more anxious than Li Gan. After finishing speaking, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said sadly: "Your Majesty is willing to be the master for the people of Jizhou. It is really their blessing."

"But if Cai Jingming is punished for this crime, Jizhou will be over."

Li Gan looked at his appearance, and heaved a long sigh: "It's good that you can understand, don't feel resentful towards me..."

The old eunuch has been in the palace for almost a lifetime, and he knows the pros and cons better than Li Gan.

If this matter is made public, if those frontier soldiers know that they have lost so many passes, died so many comrades, and the culprit for their near-death and embarrassing escape these days is actually the high-ranking boss of the court. Something big will happen.

Maybe it won't be possible to turn the gun and go back to the capital, but it will definitely lose the morale of the army and no longer have the heart to fight.

I am afraid that the imperial court's reputation among the people will suddenly fall into the dust and stink.

This is Cai Jing's mistake, but Cai Jing is also a member of the imperial court as a whole. People will definitely be shocked by his insanity, but after the shock, they will think that if Cai Jing did such a thing, then he was an official in the same dynasty. What about the others?
Do the adults in the court have such shady plots?
There may not be many such associations, but there must be!

After this incident was exposed, the result was the collapse of the court's reputation and prestige...

"How dare a servant girl complain to His Majesty?"

The old eunuch put his head on the ground: "Your Majesty can make Cai Jing, a traitor, betray his relatives and make his heart hurt. If he ends up like this, the servants will die to repay the grace."

"If the hundreds of thousands of frontier soldiers and the people in Jizhou who were brutally poisoned by Jinlu had spirits in heaven, they would definitely chant His Majesty's kindness under the Nine Springs."

Li Qian looked at him for a moment, sighed softly, and stepped forward to help him up: "Okay, I've been with your master and servant for so many years, I won't talk about this anymore."

"A while ago, I sent people to Jizhou. After finding Prime Minister Qin, let him send people to find your clan descendants and help them go south to avoid disaster."

The old eunuch was taken aback, tears welled up in his eyes, and he was about to kneel down again: "Servant..."

"I told you all, no need to be polite."

Li Gan grabbed him again, and took Cai Jing's resignation letter into the hand of the old eunuch. Now at the end of the line, Li Gan had written a big "Zhun" with a vermilion pen.

"Hurry up and wipe your face, change your clothes and go to do business for me, cry like this in the palace, let others see you and think that I have treated you badly, and I have lost my face."

The old eunuch sobbed a few times, and wiped his face fiercely: "Yes, Your Majesty, this servant will go now."

As he said that, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed a few times, then walked out quickly...

Mr. Cai's resignation letter was first sent to the Zhongshu Province by the old eunuch. This news could be said to have no warning to the officials in the Zhongshu, and it almost caused an explosive effect in Wenyuan Pavilion.

Wang Ciweng and Wan Qixi confirmed the authenticity of the resignation to the old eunuch several times in a row, and they didn't stop until the old eunuch who asked was a little impatient.

But even so, the two looked at Cai Jing's signature and the big red "Zhun" at the end of the resignation letter, as if they were living in a dream.

"My lords, what do you think?"

The old eunuch looked impatiently at the two people with round eyes: "No matter what your opinion is, please give me an approval as soon as possible, and stamp it with the seal of the Ministry of Education, and your majesty will send us to the door for a visit." !"

The two just woke up like a dream, and Wan Qixie nodded his head and said to the chicken pecking at the rice: "Cover, of course we will!"

Not to mention stamping one chapter, the two of them can't wait to stamp ten chapters on it at once!

Cai Jing's resignation must be finalized!

Qin Hui is not in the yamen, and to use his right minister's seal, both Zhongshu Zuoshilang and Zhongshu Youshilang must agree, but this problem is not a problem at all.

But in a short time, the old eunuch came to Menxia Province across the street with the resignation letter stamped with the approval and seal of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.

After Yan Song saw this resignation, he was as shocked as Wang Ciweng and Wan Qixie, but because he had prepared himself before, he remained calm on the surface.

But the movement of his hands still exposed his excited heart.

Yan Song took the resignation from the old eunuch's hand, picked up a pen and wrote a line of approval on it, and then took the big seal of the left prime minister and slapped it on it.

The corner of the old eunuch's mouth twitched, looking at Yan Song's posture, it seemed that he was afraid that if he moved a second slower, the words on the paper would fly away.

"Yan Xiang, since the Zhongshu and the disciples have all checked and found out that there are no mistakes, then the resignation is a foregone conclusion."

The old eunuch smiled and said: "The rest is left to the family, so we won't bother you any more."

Yan Song nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Eunuch Wei just needs to go back and report to His Majesty, and the rest will be left to the truth."

As soon as the imperial edict arrives, it is usually issued by the sect and sent to the six ministries for execution.

The old eunuch did not leave immediately after hearing the words, but said to Yan Song with a smile on his face: "Mr. Yan, Your Majesty asked us to bring you a sentence."

"When people are panicking again, the stability of the imperial court is the top priority, and the war in Jizhou is the top priority. There is no need to worry too much about other things."

Yan Song was stunned for a moment, carefully savored the words, then nodded to the old eunuch, bowed his hands and bowed: "Please reply to your majesty on behalf of the truth, I understand."

The old eunuch nodded, didn't say any more, and turned back.

Afterwards, this resignation letter was sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and a storm broke out from the inside out without warning...

Cai Jing's resignation was like a bomb, which exploded in the tense situation in the capital, stunned all the court officials.

There was no sign, no rumors before, and no one would have thought that he would resign from Yipin Shangshu Pushe who had done a good job!

Moreover, his resignation was quickly approved by His Majesty the Emperor, Zhongshu, and his disciples!

You should know that there is a procedure for ministers like Shangshu Pushe to retire from office, and it usually takes three words and three concessions.

That is to say, the emperor generally would not agree to the minister's first resignation or begging for bones, but refused his resignation, and then sent someone to persuade him to stay.

The minister first expressed that he was persuaded, and then waited for the turmoil to pass before submitting his second resignation.

At this time, the emperor still disagreed, unable to let go of the relationship between the emperor and his ministers, and once again persuaded him to stay.

This time the minister was persuaded again, but after a while there was a third resignation letter. At this time, the emperor knew that the minister had made up his mind to go and could not keep him, so he had no choice but to agree to his appointment.

This process usually lasts for one month or several months, and the specifications are not limited to three words and three concessions, but also five words and seven words.

In Dagan, there was even an emperor who resigned dozens of times in a row in order to keep his prime minister, but he would continue to keep him.

This procedure is to show the virtuousness of the ministers and the kindness of the emperor, and the two sides continue to give way.

But now Mr. Cai was accepted after only handing in his resignation once. This is probably the first time in history!

And within one day... not in one morning, he successfully resigned and became an official. Mr. Cai may have set the record for the fastest resignation in history.

To say that there is nothing tricky in is definitely impossible.

There must have been some conflict or conflict between Lord Cai and His Majesty the Emperor, which led to the current situation.

His Majesty the Emperor, Zhongshu Sheng, and Menxia Sheng quickly agreed to submit his resignation just once. How stiff is the relationship that led to the current situation of disregarding face at all? ?

Also, why was Master Cai overwhelmed by His Majesty the Emperor?Handed in his resignation?
Would he accept his fate so easily?Will his henchmen agree?
The whole thing is full of puzzling places, and the possible changes that will happen next make the ministers in the court smell a sense of tension that is about to come...

(End of this chapter)

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