Chapter 184

After the opening ceremony.

Xia Shen sat in front of the computer, drank cold tree juice, and browsed the lively campus forums of Wudu University in a relaxed manner.


[Rationally discuss how likely it is that this competition between new and old students is a script! ]
[Please act like a bit, okay? At least a score like 3:2, who will believe a series of three passes? ]
[Read the truth about the fake match from Wang Yan's tiny facial expression! ]
[The school is trying to make gods?It's been a while? ]
Unsurprisingly, after the competition, postings about "reasonable people" or venting emotions sprung up in the school forums like mushrooms after rain.

The overly exaggerated game results made them deliberately ignore the wonderful battle process.

Coupled with the fact that Wang Yanzuan, the victim of the tragedy after the game, could not come out of the dormitory and did not respond at all, the theory that the script was faked was rampant.

Looking at this series of conspiracy theories, Xia Shen was amazed.

I thought that the rhythm of my body would disappear after the match between new and old students, but who knew it would intensify.

Is it wrong to be too exaggerated?
Sure enough, people only want to believe what they imagine.

But it doesn't matter, it's almost enough to deal with this kind of thing coldly for a few days.

Those who can be admitted to Wudu University will not be so stupid as to disregard their own study and training life rhythm, and spray this and that on the Internet every day.


Xia Shen turned off the computer, looked at Pokkisi, who was training fiercely in the air outside the window, and smiled slightly.

Speaking of which, it was Pokkisi who benefited the most from this battle.

Although he never underestimated himself in the original, he has always been at the bottom of the team, which made Pokkisi's self-confidence somewhat lacking.

And in this battle, if one were to choose the best elf, he would definitely be the undisputed mvp.

The performance of a series of three also made his self-confidence after the game unprecedentedly high.

Then, under the education of Zoroak, he understood his position in the team.

So, his confidence is now in a delicate balance.

Knowing that he is no longer as weak as he was three months ago, he also kept catching up with the seniors in the team.

in perfect condition.


Except for Pokkisi, other elves are slowly adapting to the new life in the fog city during this week.

Living in the mountains, Yue Yuexiong has more things to do besides daily training.

Going down the river to catch fish, exploring in the forest, these things that she couldn't do in Zhijiang brought her back to the days when she hadn't met Xia Shenshi, which also caused her to fool around and come back very late these days.

According to Zoroyak, in just a few days, she has gained a great reputation in the forest of Qiyao Mountain. The three bees and the queen bee were all terrified when they saw her.

Fang Lusha, who has a calmer personality, did not go out like Yueyuexiong, but focused more on training.

Although Xia Shen didn't tell him that he was about to evolve, he seemed to feel a physical state similar to a critical point.

So he trained independently for longer than the previous days, and kept sprinting towards the hurdle of final evolution.

However, according to Xia Shen's past experience, it takes more time and more energy for elves to evolve when they are near the critical level of evolution.

Circle of bears, Nian Meier was like that at that time.

So for the past few days, he has been giving Fangtooth Lu Shark psychological counseling, feeding him chicken soup for the soul like "accumulation and thin hair".

As for Zoroark and Nian Meier, both of them belong to the type who don't like to go out wild, but occasionally Xia Shen will take them for a walk in the nearby forest.

Youweixuanyu was the happiest. Although there was only a mountain stream at the entrance of the villa, he could reach a rather spectacular waterfall by swimming along the stream for a while.

The black-tailed black fish that grew up in the sea has never seen such a natural wonder. It goes there every day to play, and sometimes it may not be able to come back at meal time.

Xia Shen had no choice but to install a micro-tracking chip on him, in order to prevent anyone from having any unreasonable thoughts about this dark fish with a tail tail, which is still quite rare in this world.

In general, the seven elves that Xia Shen brought to Wudu have all adapted to the new environment.

Tomorrow, it was Xia Shen's turn to adapt to the new environment.

Because tomorrow is the first day of school, which is the first day of Xia Shen's university life.


The next morning.

Xia Shen and the elves finished their morning exercises, had a good breakfast, and set off for the main campus of Wudu University.

Students in colleges and universities have plenty of time at their disposal, especially in the elf war department.

It's okay to say that the cultivation department has a lot of things to memorize.

As for the combat department, no matter how much you memorize, it's just talk on paper.

Therefore, the elves' combat department has very low requirements for cultural courses, as long as they can complete the credits before graduation.

The larger proportion is naturally the actual combat lesson of elf battles.This is also one of the advantages of a sub-top university like Wudu University over ordinary universities.

People are divided into groups, and after being admitted to Wudu University, the students who are rivals with you and make progress together will naturally have a higher level.

Of course, for Xia Shen, his goal is no longer the same classmate.

The position he was aiming for was the main selection of the school team, and even the top group of young trainers in the country.


Take Pokkis and set off.

Along the way, Xia Shen saw a lot of people who also went to school from the Qiyaoshan dormitory on flying elves, and they were basically seniors and sisters of the school team.

After entering the area of ​​the main campus, there are even more people.

Flying elves shuttled orderly at high altitude or half altitude, and their speeds were not fast.

Because according to the local law of Fog City, the trainer's "pilot license" will be revoked if he exceeds the speed limit once.

So almost no elves dare to "drag racing".

Such strict laws are set naturally because "car accidents" in the air are much more serious than those on the ground.

So which elves and which altitude to fly in the air are all particular.

The endless flow of flying elves and trainers in the sky is also one of the characteristics of the fog city built on the mountain.

After Xia Shen and Pokkisi got their flight licenses, they chose to fly in the third airspace, which was relatively high but not crowded.

At this moment, compared to the common elves like Bi Diao and Toucan beside him, Xia Shen riding Pokkisi is undoubtedly the most eye-catching existence in this sky.

Pokkisi, who was rarer than a quasi-god, eclipsed the surrounding fire-breathing dragons, and even a tyrannosaurus.


"Morning, Junior Xia, yesterday's battle was awesome! When will we practice?" A familiar hearty laughter came from beside him.

Xia Shen turned his head and saw that Brother Rou was holding the claw of the warrior eagle with one arm hanging, and greeted himself calmly.

Xia Shen was stunned for a moment, then looked down subconsciously, and could vaguely see a box-like building on the ground. This is tens of meters high!

Ye Rou used this posture to hang all the way?
What Human Pokémon?

Ye Rou seemed to be used to seeing Xia Shen's expression, and grinned, "I've been flying in this position for six years. I've been training him like this since he was a fluffy eagle."

"Train yourself by the way, right?" Xia Shen couldn't help complaining.

"That's right, a real trainer can't run away when facing a battle!" Ye Rou's tone was quite proud.

Hmm. Brother Rou should also be a good player in Ye Dou.


The two were laughing and chatting in mid-air, and they flew to the main campus not long after. Ye Rou, a senior, was naturally in another teaching building, and the two said goodbye.

Going upstairs, Xia Shen found the classroom according to the news in the Bogaman class group on the mobile phone, and there were already a lot of people sitting in it.

The classroom area is very large, and the floor height is not low. It doesn't look like a classroom, but a lecture hall.

But in fact, this is just a classroom for a class of [-] people in the elf battle theory class.

With such a large design, it is natural for students to attend classes with elves.

Most of the elves are intelligent creatures, and even a special existence like the Metagross is a supercomputer, so it is not uncommon to take a class.

In many cases, the elves and the trainers take classes together, but the students and the elves can understand more deeply.

Before Xia Shen stepped into the class, in the class, the students who had just met or were old acquaintances were chatting in twos and threes about elf battles or cultivation.

And their elves also gathered separately, complaining about their own trainers. Anyway, the trainers couldn't understand.

But when Xia Shen stepped into the classroom, the air froze for a moment.

Everyone looked at the door of the classroom in unison, the boy who seemed to have a spotlight.

Xia Shen has long been used to this kind of attention, and calmly found a secluded place to sit down, waiting for the start of the first class meeting.

Fortunately, no one came to make trouble for him this time, which made Xia Shen quite relieved.

He originally thought that there would be one or two guys with excessive self-awareness among this group of classmates who were at a young and frivolous age.

Maybe it was the deterrence of the freshman vs. old student competition that just ended?

Xia Shen guessed in his heart.

As the number of people in the class continued to increase, there were also some social cows who came to strike up a conversation with Xia Shen.

Xia Shen responded neither enthusiastically nor coldly.

He knew that if there were no accidents, even though he was in the same class, almost no one in this group of peers could keep up with him.

If someone can catch up, Xia Shen and ta will naturally meet at the peak.

That being the case, there is no need for in-depth dealings.


Not long after, the bell rang, and the first class meeting of the university officially started.

On the podium, class guides and student teaching assistants introduced basic systems such as credits, course selection, and intramural competitions.

Everyone listened very carefully to the information that would be used for the next four years.

And this class may be the period when the class teacher has the most presence in the semester.

Xia Shen probably knew all of this information in the previous week.

Like the university in the previous life, credits are an important condition for graduation.

Of course, the way to obtain it is not only by passing a certain subject, such as winning honors for the school in provincial or national competitions, you can get a lot of credits.

Obviously, this is more efficient and is also available to elite students

Therefore, Xia Shen never considered the credits when choosing courses, but only looked at her own preferences.

According to his expectation, taking an elective course on the cultivation of dragon elves and intensive lectures on space-heavy tactics would be enough.

The reason why I chose the dragon-type elves is mainly because of how Moon Moon Bear and Xitri Zoroark are raised, and no school has to teach them.
On the contrary, Fangtooth Shark and Nian Meier have not yet evolved to their final form, so there are still some things to learn.

As for the intramural battle, Xia Shen, who has high ambitions, has no need to study it carefully.

In short, the only truth is that as long as you are strong enough, even the school will revolve around you.

For example, Xia Shen.

(End of this chapter)

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