Elf: I have a secret realm

Chapter 228 Then, let's talk about it like a trainer!

Chapter 228 Then, let's talk like a trainer! (5.6k)

Zoroak easily completed a one-through-three, and Wudu University also won a zero-seat victory without any suspense.

When Bankiras and the leading gopher defeated the opponent's two elves, the cheers and celebrations in the Wudu elf arena reached their peak.

However, amidst the jubilation, some discordant factors emerged.

"To be honest, I already regret participating in this exchange event, this level. Forget it, it's impolite to say some things."

In the Plymouth visiting group, a tall young man with brown hair complained to the people around him, making no secret of his disappointment with the game.

The young man seemed to have a high prestige among this group of students, and this sentence aroused constant echoes from the people around him.

"Yeah, a meaningless game, in such an environment, what can we learn?"

"With all due respect, those little thorns who just joined our school team should be able to stir up trouble in the highest league of Huaguo University, right?"

"To be pierced by a Zoroark, the competitive level of this kind of game is too low."

That is to say, these people communicated in English. Otherwise, if these words were heard by the people around them, a conflict would inevitably arise.

"Alice, what do you think?"

The brown-haired young man who brought up this topic spoke to the blonde with two ponytails, his expression and tone were quite flattering.

Alice, who was dazed and seemed to be thinking about something, glanced at him, but didn't cater to him like the people around her.

"I think you are too harsh. What can you tell from a game with a disparity in strength? Cole, if you don't want to stay here, you can go back at any time. It just so happens that you can catch the last trip back to Plymouth if you leave now." No one stopped you on the flight."

Alice responded unceremoniously. Although she is also a proud person, she never bothers to elevate herself by belittling others.

Rather, this is true pride.

Cole shrugged, not torturing himself.

Turning around and talking to his supporters, he continued to criticize Wudu University's level of elf competition.

As the game ended, the spectators gradually left.

A group of more than ten people from Plymouth was not in a hurry to squeeze out with other spectators, but stayed in their seats, talking and laughing, waiting for the leader's instructions.

Not long after, Jenny saw that the people at the scene were almost gone, so she counted the number of people.

After confirming that no one left the team, Jenny went on to say: "Okay, let's go, let's go to Wudu University."


Qiyao Mountain in the evening is the busiest time of the day.

The school team members returned from the main campus after a whole day of study and training.

Rest, rest, practice more.

In the dark and peaceful environment, a few lights are dotted, and smoke from cooking is floating every time, adding a bit of human fireworks to this Qiyao Mountain where humans and elves live in harmony.

On this normal day, Qiyao Mountain ushered in a group of foreign guests.

In the training hall next to Qiyao Mountain Waterfall.

Ye Rou was introducing the instructions for using the training hall to the guests from Plymouth.

"This training hall is the same as the one on the main campus, providing services for students 24 hours a day. The only thing to note is that because the elves and training habits are different, each training room has its own owner."

"The room number of the training room is the same as your dormitory number. There are also guidelines in the lobby, so I won't show you one by one. Do you have any questions?"

Ye Rou finished explaining patiently, added a symbolic sentence, and was about to sneak off to practice.

"No problem, thank you for your help."

As for a simple rule, it's not that the students in Plymouth can't understand Chinese, and Jenny, the leader, immediately said that there is no problem.

Brother Rou nodded, and pointed to the door of his training room not far away, "Then come to me if you have any questions, I'm in the No. [-] training room."

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly walked into the door of her training room.

Jenny also led her students into the training hall to get used to the place of daily training in the future.


"Tsk, this gym looks impressive from the outside, why is the training room inside so stingy?"

Cole looked left and right at the door of the training room not far away, complaining with his companions.

The closeness of the doors meant that the room inside was small.

Although the smallest training room here is equivalent to the standard room of the top commercial training hall outside.

But walking all the way, seeing the door getting closer and closer, still made Cole a little inexplicably annoyed.

The source of the annoyance may be the feeling that Wudu University doesn't pay much attention to me who comes from the world's top universities.

The layout of the training hall in Qiyao Mountain is different from other places. The room numbers are arranged according to the strength and status of the team.

The larger the number, the weaker the strength, and the smaller the room.

There are a lot of people in Wudu University's school team, and the necessary resources have already been divided up, and the rest are rooms with large numbers.

So the training room reserved for these guests is naturally the smallest batch.

However, this can fully meet the daily training needs of professional trainers below the fifth stage.

Wudu University's arrangement is understandable both in terms of reason and etiquette.

After all, the relatively better training room must be reserved for the main members of the school team.

You can't just give up for a group of fellow school members from across the ocean, right?
Isn't this cheap?
Besides, in fact, the area difference between the minimum and maximum training area is not too big with the software and hardware gap, at most 30.00%.

To make a difference, the main thing is to encourage intra-team competition in the school team, so that the members of the reserve team and substitutes have the motivation to move up.


But Cole, who has too much self-awareness, thinks otherwise.

The more he walked in, the more angry he felt, and brother Rou's tone of impatience because he was in a hurry to train.

At this time, his resentment towards this "area behind the Elf Athletics" in his mind had reached a limit.

It should be your honor for me to come to this poor place to communicate, but you treat me like this as a distinguished guest?

Cole felt he couldn't take it any longer.

"Ms. Jennifer, I"

Cole called to Jenny, who was leading the way, and was about to express his resentment when he saw Jenny's eyes full of meaning.

Cole retracted inexplicably what was just on his lips, hesitated for a second, and then changed his words: "I want to go to the bathroom."

Jenny turned her head without any doubt, "Go, follow me later."

Cole responded and hurried towards the hall.

He didn't really go to the toilet, but came to the No. [-] training room, which had the most magnificent entrance and the largest floor area.

Strictly speaking, the Qiyaoshan training hall is considered a public resource of the school, and each training room is not locked.

The members of the school team know each other and train together every day, so naturally they will not use other people's training room.

want to?

Then go for it yourself.

From the reserve team to the substitute, from the substitute to the main pick, and then from the main pick to the core.

As long as you have enough strength, or show the potential of Xia Shen, training room No. [-] is your reserve.

Therefore, no one would think of Xia Shen's exclusive No. [-] training room at all.

But Cole, who had just arrived and was now frantic, didn't care about this. He grabbed the doorknob of the No. [-] training room and wanted to go in.

Although, at the moment he was dazzled by resentment and anger, he actually didn't figure out what he wanted to do when he went in.

In short, he pushed open this special door in Wudu University.


"what are you doing?"

Not far away, a loud shout interrupted Cole's movements.

He trembled his hand, which was already a little guilty, and instantly sobered up a lot.

Turning his head and looking, a tall and thin little yellow-haired man was glaring at him, walking towards him quickly.

Cole pretended not to understand what he was saying, spread his hands out, and responded in English: "Sorry, I don't understand Chinese, I just want to find a place to train, what's the problem?"

Who would have thought that the little yellow-haired man would not be so easily fooled, so he immediately switched languages ​​and continued to ask questions in fluent English.

"Didn't the guide who brought you here tell you? The only rule in the training hall is not to mess into other people's training rooms, let alone this No. [-] training room."

The little yellow hair is Wang Yan who was beaten by Xia Shen last year when he first entered school.

Of course, after such a long time, there was no animosity between the two of them.

On the contrary, Wang Yan is quite convinced of Xia Shen now, and he is even regarded as his die-hard fan.

At this moment, as he was about to train, he saw that Xia Shen's exclusive room was about to be used by outsiders, how could he bear it?
It was even more uncomfortable than being bullied, so he immediately stopped the brown-haired foreign little yellow hair.


"No one told me about this. I saw that this training room seemed to be unused, so I wanted to go in and have a look. Is this not allowed? Is this the way you Wudu University treats guests?"

Cole calmed down at this moment, and his words not only picked him out, but also beat Wang Yan upside down.

Now it looked like it was Wang Yan's fault.

At this time, more and more members of the school team came to the training hall for training, and many people also saw that the door of training room No. [-] was opened by someone who was not Xia Shen.

Either with a bad face, or to join in the fun and surround them.

After understanding the issues the two were arguing about, someone in the crowd proposed.

"This matter is easy to handle. Ask Brother Rou. She is responsible for the reception affairs of Qiyao Mountain. Did you tell me that she doesn't know?"

Justified and convincing.

For Cole, one lie needs countless lies to make up.

Although he is guilty and wronged, he has reached this point, and he can only continue to be stubborn if he bites the bullet.

So, someone in the crowd who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement immediately knocked on the door of the No. [-] training room not far away.

After a while, Ye Rou, who was sweating profusely, opened the door of the training room.


"That's right."

Ye Rou nodded, and looked thoughtfully at Cole, whose face was slightly flushed.

This matter is not big or small.

Let's say it's a major event, that is, the wrong door to the training room was opened.

Let's say it's a trivial matter, just after Ye Rou told her not to enter the training room indiscriminately, a provocative person came around.

As for Cole's explanation, he can't understand Chinese.
Brother Rou sneered, you think I'm stupid?

Take a step back and say, even if you really don't understand, why are you running back alone now?
Where's your teammate?Didn't they tell you the only rule?
What's the matter, do you have any objections to me by running back and stealing the No. [-] training room?

However, although Ye Rou was a little upset about this matter, she also understood that it would not be good for the newly formed relationship between the two schools if there was a big fight.

My brother Rou is brave, but not without plan.

She immediately dismissed the onlookers, and then called Xia Shen, who was not present in the incident.

Although it's not a big deal, it has something to do with Xia Shen, so it's better to mention it to him.

There were two "beeps" from the other end of the phone, and then it was connected.

"Hey, is this Xia Shen? This is Ye Rou. Do you have time to come to the Qiyao Mountain Training Center? There is something here that needs you to deal with."


Ye Rou was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was Mu Muxiao who answered the phone.

"Is Xia Shen not here? Please tell him, just say that we are waiting for you in the No. [-] training room of the training hall."


On the other end, Mu Muxiao hung up the phone, listening to the sound of splashing water in the bathroom.

After thinking about it, I decided to wait until he came out of the shower.


Cole felt he couldn't take it any longer.

How could he, who had already looked at Wudu University and even Huaguo with colored glasses, endure the continuous humiliation.

In this backward and savage area, this group of elves whose competitive level is not worthy of lifting their own shoes
How dare you look at me like that!
Now, let yourself stand here like a monkey, being scrutinized by these bumpkins passing by!
"Enough!" Cole's face was ugly, and he snorted, "Explain clearly, I'm going back."

Cole's sudden anger startled Ye Rou and Wang Yan, and Ye Rou frowned at Cole.

I didn't understand why he was so angry, nor did I understand what he was talking about.
"Translate for me." Zhang Yurou calmly asked the younger brother beside him for help.

"He asked if we could go." Wang Yan, a good student with good character and academics, replied quietly.

Ye Rou frowned, and said to Cole: "No, although this matter is not serious, you still need to say hello to the owner of this training room. This is the most basic respect and courtesy, and you can't leave yet."

As soon as the words fell, Cole's face was completely gloomy, and he ignored the two people in front of him without saying a word, and wanted to bypass them and break into the interior of the training hall.

"I told you, you can't leave yet." Ye Rou stopped in front of Cole with a serious face.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a bad tone, "Besides, you can actually understand Chinese, right?"

Chang Wei, you also said that you don't know martial arts!
If the chain of lies is broken in front of key evidence, then the nature of this matter is even more serious.

Cole's self-reported inadvertent mistake turned into a deliberate crime.

And when the lies are exposed, it means that the faces of both parties are completely torn apart.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Cole's mouth, and he said in pure Chinese: "Stop talking nonsense, just talk like a trainer!"


As soon as Xia Shen entered the Qiyaoshan training hall, he felt the unusual atmosphere inside.

The acquainted members of the school team hurried in one direction.

Not the training area, but the battle area.

You don't need to ask to know that there is definitely an extraordinary battle going on there.

Reminiscent of Mu Muxiao telling himself that Ye Rou wanted to find him for something, Xia Shen had a faint premonition in his heart
The source of this battle is related to him.

The footsteps quickened unconsciously, and after a while, he rushed to the public battle area.

Very recognizable, only one match is going on in the battle zone.

Seeing the two sides standing on the court waiting for the referee to arrive, Xia Shen frowned.

Because one of them has a very special appearance, and the facial contour features are significantly different from those of the Hua people.

There is no doubt that he is an exchange student from the mission of Plymouth University.

The other party was Wang Yan, who had had conflicts before, but now had a pretty good relationship with him.

How could they suddenly fight?

It can't be a nonsense "the trainer's eyes meet, that's the signal to start the battle" right?

Under the battlefield in the center of the arena, many people have been surrounded by eloquence.

Most of them are members of Wudu University's school team, while a small number of people.
Judging from their appearance, they should be other members of the Plymouth University delegation.

Confused, Xia Shen immediately went to Ye Rou who had called him, and asked about the inexplicable situation.


"...After Cole invited the battle, that idiot Wang Yan said something stupid like [I won first before I am eligible to challenge our captain]."

"Then the woman named Jennifer happened to bring the exchange students out of the training hall, and after hearing the cause and effect of the incident, she also agreed to the unknown battle between the two."

"Really, so what if he wins, so what if he wins all of us? Does that mean what he just did was right?"

"The team leader teacher is also ignorant. She was also there when she said the rules, and now she turns her face and denies anyone? Don't come if you look down on our school, as if we begged them to come."

After listening to Brother Rou's narration, Xia Shen frowned.

Judging from the existing conditions, this is a battle of face.

To put it mildly, it is the face of Cole and Wang Yan, and to put it in a big way, it is the face of Wudu University and Plymouth University.

Wang Yan is a smart person, he knows that Ye Rou can't be easily played without knowing the details of the opponent.

Ye Rou's status in Wudu University is self-evident, she is the strongest among the students in the school.

The banner figure of Wudu University!
If she loses, everyone in Wudu University will be ashamed!

And the teacher who led the team named Jennifer didn't stop the match, perhaps for similar reasons.

It is not only the thinking of Chinese people that family ugliness should not be publicized, but also human nature.

If one's own child has done something wrong, scolding or punishment is also a matter of one's own family behind closed doors.

If Cole apologizes to Wang Yan and Ye Rou because of this incident, it will only lose face to the Plymouth delegation.

Although the two schools seem to adhere to the principle of equality and mutual assistance, how could Plymouth, a world-renowned school, lower its high head.

Even if you want to apologize, you have to win the battle before apologizing!


Xia Shen was guessing the reason behind this incident, and the battle had already begun on the battlefield!
He withdrew his guessing thoughts, raised his head and began to watch the match that he was not optimistic about.

The rule of two-person dating is the most common 3v3 among professional trainers.

1v1 cannot show the true strength of the trainer, and 6v6 is too long and tiring.

What's more, at this stage of university, the main combat power of most people is the three that were focused on training in the early stage.

Wang Yan is still his third oldest, Giant Pincer Mantis, Armor Bird, and Sonic Dragon.

And Cole Xia Shen didn't know until the end of the game.

Because, he only used the first elf rogue crocodile in the whole process, and he completed the one-through-three against Wang Yan!

Cole was even so arrogant that the rogue crocodile started to fight back after suffering three moves from the giant pincer mantis.

Then a malicious pursuit, followed by another bite, Wang Yan, who was about to be promoted to the third-level professional mantis at this time, just fell down.

This is especially true for the Armor Bird and Sonic Dragon, although the two flying elves have a slight attribute suppression against the ground-type rogue crocodile.

But in fact, their performance in actual combat was even more stretched, and they fell into the same tactic.

The rogue crocodile first uses rock blockade to slow down and limit the opponent's actions.

Then, a precise and ruthless sharp stone attack hit the opponent, so powerful that it stabbed the two elves to the ground.

After another blow, the rogue crocodile easily won the game.

The entire 3v3 game didn't even exceed 5 minutes.


"Easy game"

Cole retracted the rogue crocodile with a mocking smile on his face.

Looking at Wang Yan on the other side of the field, whose face was flushed into a pig's liver, he seemed to be a little bit unsatisfied.

He spit out two words in Mandarin: "garbage."

The whole place was silent.

The students of Wudu University off the field only felt that the humiliation and resentment were about to explode in their chests, but no one had the courage to say a word.

Cole turned his gaze to the audience, looking at Ye Rou.

The mocking expression was still half a smile, "Do you still want to hide? Ms. Ye Rou, the team captain of Wudu University?"

 Sorry, I went out to play today
  So today is short and late,
  Payback starts tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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