Elf: I have a secret realm

Chapter 231 The Great Crisis in the Dry Season of the Xicui Secret Realm and the Alien Xicui Katy Do

Chapter 231 The Great Crisis in the Dry Season of the Xicui Secret Realm and the Alien Xicui Katy Dog! (6.1k)

Cole left Wudu on the same day by plane.

No one was surprised by this ending.

Whether in front of the people of Wudu University or in front of his own classmates, he has completely declared social death.

Why stay in Wudu University, continue to be ashamed?

But even though he left, the aftermath of that incident affected many people in Plymouth and Wudu University.

On the one hand, with the suppression of Xia Shen and the amazing biting land shark, the remaining exchange students in Plymouth did not dare to be arrogant anymore, and honestly integrated into the life of Qiyao Mountain.

On the other hand, I don't know if this incident has affected it, but Plymmouth and Wudu University have signed an agreement to jointly establish an elf biology research institute in Wudu.

Wudu University provided money and land, and Plymouth provided technology.

There is no doubt that this is the arrival of Plymouth Technology Poverty Alleviation.

For this pie in the sky, Wudu University agreed without hesitation.

I don't know if the pie is poisonous, so save it first.


For the past few days, Xia Shen has been thinking about the cutting-edge elf props he got from Jennifer.

Speaking of which, that person is also strange, given such a cutting-edge technological product to himself, he is not afraid to hand it over to the country.

Then reverse disassemble and copy these things?
You know, it is difficult to create technology, but it is much easier to copy technology.

Xia Shen speculates that there is only one possibility that Jennifer does not have this kind of worry. She concludes that with Huaguo's current technology, this matter cannot be done.

But even so, Xia Shen decided to give the energy enhancer and characteristic capsules to the Xicui Research Institute for research.

The main reason is that he didn't dare to let his elves use it indiscriminately for such things of unknown origin.

It is one thing to have no side effects in the game, but who knows in reality?

As for the master ball, Xia Shen didn't give it away, but put it in the Arceus space.

Anyway, this is Master Ball.

Although Xia Shen didn't intend to use it to forcefully capture powerful elves, after all, he probably wouldn't obey his orders if he was captured in this way.

But, thinking from another angle, this is an artifact that can be used to save lives!

Just imagine that time in the Crown Snowfield, facing the evil and powerful Galar flame bird, do you still need to be afraid of him?

As soon as the master ball was thrown, the flame bird would have to kneel and beg himself to let him out.

Of course, there is another possibility that this master ball is not as powerful as in the game.

After the flame bird broke free from it, he was completely enraged, and formed an endless feud with himself.

However, the performance of the master ball cannot be tested.

Even if Yuxi was willing to accompany him to do this experiment, but he used it before, and the master ball would not be able to catch other elves.

Therefore, although this thing looks good, it should be used with caution.


After that match, Xia Shen was not rejected by the Plymouth exchange students.

On the contrary, they are more willing to exchange ideas with Xia Shen than other members of the Wudu University team.

After all, the stronger you are, the more you will be respected and admired.

Among the trainers, the master is the teacher.

In front of Xia Shen, the Plymouth exchange students who had lost their arrogance were nothing more than a group of humble juniors who were seeking advice.

Except for an outlier named Alice.

Compared with Cole, who is estimated to have returned to Plymouth long ago, Alice's strength is not inferior at all, and she is even faintly more agile in commanding.

Alice majors in the dragon department, and her trump card is a quasi-god unique to the secret realm of the Star Kingdom, three evil dragons.

In addition, her two-axe war dragon and staff tail scale armor dragon are also powerful.

Bite land sharks without mega evolution are basically not the opponents of her three main forces.

However, such a partial team obviously also has a fatal weakness, the fairy system.

Three dragons, two fairies that are four times weaker, and one pure dragon, which is also twice as weak.

In this situation, Yueyue Xiong, who can play, and Pokkisi, who is a dual-type flying demon, have a lot of room to play.

Coupled with the Nian Meilong who is not afraid of anyone, Xia Shen can barely fight Alice back and forth with these three elves.

For more than a month, the two basically became regular opponents every day.

For Xia Shen, Alice's strength is much more exciting than those rotten fish and shrimp in the regional league.

Slightly stronger than himself, but not too much stronger, this kind of opponent can almost be said to be the most wonderful.

The strength that had been stagnant for two months and hadn't moved much was slowly loosening, as if it was about to break through the bottleneck.


And for Alice, her purpose is also very pure and direct, that is, Xi Cui Nian Meilong, or sticky treasure.

Xia Shen was not surprised either. As a trainer specializing in dragons, how could he not be interested in the invincible steel dragon?

This Xingguo person is very straightforward. On the first day they met, Alice said, "I'm the sticky Meilong who's greedy for you, I'm a scumbag!"

And Xia Shen also made it clear that you want to eat farts!
But Alice was not discouraged. When she found out that Xia Shen was also greedy for her own strength, she came to Xia Shen every day to be a training partner.

Just to finish typing, "Please help me cultivate a sticky treasure that can evolve into a steel dragon."

Xia Shen didn't hang on to her either, she seriously refused every time, and then the next day, this persistent girl came to her door again.

This kind of dog-licking spirit is simply shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

Xia Shen didn't pretend to be affectionate, he knew it was for Nian Nibao, not for himself.

Even so, Yan Yan, who heard the news, was inevitably jealous when he was on the phone with his little girlfriend.

If it weren't for the final of the national high school competition, Xia Shen estimated that she would come to live for another month to declare her sovereignty.

However, her actions were not in vain. One month later, Xia Shen looked at Pokkisi and Yueyue Xiong who had improved to a higher level with satisfaction, and drew a cake for Alice.

"If there is a third steel dragon in this world, it must be your slimy dragon!"

So, with this far-fetched but yearning promise, Alice returned to Star Country with the Plymouth delegation.


In April, Qiyao Mountain is already full of grass and warblers are flying.

In Xicui Secret Territory, it is a landscape that is about to be ruined.

This year's dry season came earlier and more intensely.

The sun shone fiercely on this piece of land, and evaporated the little water vapor in the swamp.

Even in the land of the Nianmeilong tribe, which was lined with trees and abundant in water in the past, there are only a few shallow patches of water left.

When Xia Shen came here again, it was already morning, when the Nian Meilongs were most active.

What he saw was a snail shell hiding under the shade of a tree.

Even the tentacles protruding from the snail's shell are listlessly raised.

It trembles subconsciously from time to time, indicating that the dragon inside is still alive.

"Hey, wake up, leader Nianmeilong, I brought water!"

Xia Shen jumped off Lie Bite Lu Sha, and knocked on Nian Meilong's snail shell like knocking on a door.


There was a muffled echo from the unusually large snail's shell.

Immediately, he got out weakly.

Xia Shen looked at Nian Meilong, whose power level was as high as eighty-odd, but was tortured by this extreme weather and didn't want to move, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

In the face of natural disasters, even the strength of a king-level elf is useless
Withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Shen controlled his thoughts and moved out the huge water tank in the space. No, the water storage that can be called a water tower.

In order to bring this gadget, which can store dozens of tons of fresh water, to Xicui Secret Realm, he spent a lot of effort.

Mainly. In broad daylight, a huge monster suddenly disappears, it's quite scary, and it's no different from magic tricks.

In order to deceive others, Xia Shen deliberately waited until the night was dark before doing anything.


Xia Shen was recalling the difficult past when a wave of dragon wave shot in front of him.


The water tower burst, and the precious fresh water that Xia Shen had been working on for a long time was slowly flowing out.

"Hey, I've been doing this for a long time." Xia Shen's eyes widened, and he was about to reprimand Leader Nian Meilong for his wasteful behavior.

But I saw sticky dragons coming out of their shells and began to use the same move together——

beg for rain!

Xia Shen suddenly realized that this was their idea.

I learned a new knowledge today, even the weather move [Seeking Rain] cannot produce rain out of thin air.

It is still necessary to use the energy of the water system in the surrounding environment, or to put it more scientifically, water molecules.

The water brought by Xia Shen, the leader of Nian Meilong, is the introduction of "Rainy Day" in this environment where water resources are almost exhausted.

After figuring it out, Xia Shen called out his Nian Meilong to help.

So, with the efforts of a dozen sticky dragons and sticky mei'er, a super-large-scale [heavy rain] weather covering a radius of more than ten miles appeared.

The rain curtain cut off the sky, and the bean-sized raindrops continued to hit the land that was about to dry out, awakening the long-lost vitality.

The elves who were lying in the lair and wanted to reduce resource and energy consumption through "estivation" were also awakened by the long-lost rain.

They ran out to meet this carnival of life.

Xia Shen looked at the Nian Meilongs who were also smiling excitedly, and smiled slightly.

What a bunch of gentle and kind guys.
It is obvious that they can choose to reserve this water for their own ethnic groups to survive this extremely difficult dry season.

But he still chose to save this piece of land, even though the area of ​​this small piece of land is less than one-tenth of the Red Lotus Wetland.


The carnival is short-lived. After all, it is only dozens of tons of water. Even with the water molecules in the environment, it is only enough to make the rainstorm last for a few minutes.

After the rain, the sky cleared, the cloud cleared, and the scorching sun shrouded the land again.

The leader of Nian Meilong looked at Xia Shen eagerly, and the meaning was self-evident.

Xia Shen was taken aback by the pitiful eyes of a heavenly king-level elf, but he still looked away from him.

"I'm not idle, I need a job."

It's not that he is cruel and ruthless, but what is it like to send water to Xicui every day?

Nature's porters?

And at most he can save the elves near the Nianmeilong tribe, what about the vast and boundless land of Xicui?
Treat the symptoms but not the root cause!

So far, there is only one way
Yuki, here I come again!

Saying goodbye to the sticky beauty dragons, Xia Shen took the Lie Bite Land Shark and restarted the most familiar route.

Two hours later, in the different space of Wisdom Lake.

"Come here!" Yukexi's excited voice sounded from the bottom of her heart.

The next moment, a yellow mushroom suddenly appeared in front of Xia Shen.

"Xia Shen Xia Shen, did you bring me the last few episodes of Juvenile Jump?"

"What?" Xia Shen scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Tch, tell me, what's the point of coming to me?" You Kexi crossed his arms around his chest and asked in an unexpected tone.

"This time is a big deal, Yuksi, as the patron saint of Xicui, you will definitely not just sit idly by this land, right?"

"...so I came here to ask, is there any way to deal with this unusual weather condition?"

Explaining the situation in the outside world with the shortest words, Xia Shen looked expectantly at Yukexi who was in deep thought.

After a while, Yu Kexi responded, "I don't care about this matter. Do you know the legendary elves who control the power of the weather?"

Xia Shen was taken aback, the weather?

"Fat head. Oh no, Kyoka and Gulardo?"

After the return of the original, the two elves with the characteristics of [Sea of ​​Origin] and [Land of End] are eternal t0 in the battle of gods.

When it comes to weather, no one can compare with them, right?

You Kexi slapped Xia Shen on the head with his tail hatefully, "Stupid, where did Xicui get Gulardo and Gaioka from?"

Oh, it seems to be too.

You can't go to the beach to catch a fat fish, catch him in Xicui and make him a rain god, right?
That's what Yuki said.
A flash of inspiration flashed in Xia Shen's mind, "You mean tornado clouds and thunder clouds?"


If there are any of Xicui's divine beasts that can affect the weather, it must be the fault of the Three Cloud Gods, while Xicui is the Four Cloud Gods.

Although, they were originally divine beasts in the Hezhong area.

But since it exists in the "Arzeus" game, there is a high probability that it exists in the Emerald Realm.

In the illustrated book, tornado clouds and thunder clouds are the legendary elves that can cause storms.

Legend has it that because they stir the atmosphere, the seasons repeat themselves.

As for the "God of Bugs" Land Cloud.
It is responsible for the growth and harvest of crops after the rain waters the earth, which has little to do with the weather.

I don't have much impression of being attached to Yun Xiashen. In my memory, it seems that he is called the "God of Spring", which should be related to life and sowing.

Eh. Wait.

Looking at it this way, isn't Siyunshen equivalent to the Four Seasons?

The god of Yangchun is attached to the cloud, which corresponds to spring.

The thunder cloud that controls the thunderstorm weather corresponds to the thunderstorm-prone summer.

The land cloud, known as the god of farmland, corresponds to the autumn season full of joyful harvests.

Finally, the tornado clouds that only appear in the game in blizzard weather correspond to winter.


Hearing Xia Shen's guess, Yu Kexi nodded with a teachable expression.

"Okay, go find them! Good night~" Yukexi yawned, as if going to sleep.

Xia Shen quickly stopped it, "No, wait a minute, you haven't told me where they are yet?"

"How do I know where they are? I don't know them well. If you ask where Emrido and Aknom are, I will know."

Yu Kexi's tone was straightforward.

Xia Shen was at a loss for words for a while, but he asked unwillingly: "You are both the beasts of Xicui, do you have some contact information or something?"

"Don't ask, I'm really unfamiliar." Yukexi spread his hands.

Xia Shen sighed, it seems that he can only rely on the memory in the game to find a way.

In the game, these cloud gods are particularly difficult to catch, so Xia Shen still has a good impression of their positions.

However, there is a big difference between the game and the secret realm, and whether they can be found in the same location is another matter.

Even if found, how to get them to help is another difficult task.

Xia Shen sighed, the road was obstructed and long.
He was about to say goodbye to Yukexi and set out to find Yunshen when he suddenly remembered something.

"Yukshi. It seems like you have rested for a year when you come back here?"


"Hey, no one told you that kidnapping a beast is against the law!"

"Kidnapping, why did I kidnap you? Didn't you follow him out?"

"You kidnapped my soul with an anime manga game novel!"

Yuxi in soul form was chattering loudly on Arceus' cell phone.

"Just ask if you want to see it?"

"It's really good to see the new summer reappearance!"

In the sky above the pure white frozen soil, Xia Shen and You Kexi started their long-lost and familiar noisy routine.

"Okay, stop making trouble, don't you really know the approximate location of Tornado Cloud?"

"I don't know, but if I'm nearby, I can sense it, and he can sense me too."

Xia Shen breathed a sigh of relief, that's not bad, there is a short-range animal radar sensor, so it won't run around like a headless chicken.

"However, I suggest that you go to Thunder Cloud first. This season, he is most likely to be active."

As if thinking of something, Yukexi added another sentence.

Sure enough, as Xia Shen guessed before, these four cloud gods are really related to the seasons.

That's right, in this way, my goal is more clear.

In the game, the lightning cloud appears on the sea surface of the Ultramarine Coast.

Well, the destination has been confirmed, departure, Ultramarine Coast.


Two hours later, Xia Shen returned to the vicinity of the Red Lotus Wetland on the Bite Land Shark.

"Strange, biting the land shark, do you feel that the more you fly here, the higher the temperature will be?"

Wiping the sweat from his head, Xia Shen asked the biting land shark beneath him.


Lie Bite Lu Shark in flight nodded, his cry was weak.

It seems that this is not my own illusion. It stands to reason that the temperature difference will not be so obvious.

Xia Shen pondered slightly.

He suddenly recalled that the pure white frozen soil, near the foot of Tianguan Mountain, seemed to be no different from the usual temperature this season.

And the more you fly to the east, the more you can feel the sharp rise of heat.

Even the wind blowing from the Ultramarine Coast was going to be hot.

When I was in Nianmeilong's territory before, because I was on the ground, I didn't feel very deeply.

But flying in the sky, Xia Shen can be sure that the source of the vision must be in the Ultramarine Coast.

Could it be related to the tornado clouds that may live in the sea?
Or, in the game, Xidoran, who lives on the island of blowing fire, and the fireball slab?
Xia Shen, who has traveled to most places in Xicui Land, has also been to Chuihuo Island.

But that was about a year ago, when he was fishing wild bass off the Ultramarine Coast, and he took a trip to Fireblown Isle.

Except for some ordinary elves such as Longlongyan and duck-billed fire beasts, there is no figure of Sidoran on the island.

The temperature is indeed slightly higher than other places, but it is not an exaggeration.

At the time, Xia Shen thought this was another difference between the secret realm and the game.

Thinking about it now, maybe the time has not come yet?

So now, do you want to take a look at Blowing Fire Island first?


Xia Shen was hesitating whether to go to Tranquility Bay to find Tornado Cloud first, or to go to Chuhuo Island to see the situation first, when the Lie Bite Lu Shark under him suddenly called out.

"What's the matter, are you too tired, then let's go down and have a rest first."

Xia Shen glanced at the coastline not far away and suggested.


Lie Bite Lu Sha shook his head, but still responded, and then sped up and dived to the ground.

Xia Shen was a little surprised. Looking at the reaction of biting the shark fiercely, what did he find on the ground?
As the flight altitude decreased, the things on the ground continued to magnify in Xia Shen's eyes.

Xia Shen guessed right. A small conflict, which is not uncommon, was taking place beside a small pond on the ground.

Two groups of elves are confronting each other for the precious fresh water resource in this environment.

The battle is imminent.

Among the group of elves guarding the pond, a golden figure firmly attracted Xia Shen's attention.

Because this is a rare elf that Xia Shen likes very much, but has never been able to meet.

Different Color Wash Tricatty Dog!

I don't know if it's Xia Shen's bad luck, or because there are too few Tricatti dogs.

In short, after nearly two years in Xicui Secret Realm, and even traveling twice to collect illustrated books, Xia Shen has never encountered a Katie dog.

Although Xicuicati Dog's fire rock dual attributes are a bit lame, not only the water system is four times weaker, but also the two super popular large systems of the ground system.

There is no god-level characteristic of the giant charcoal mountain, which is also of the fire rock attribute, [steam engine]——

When receiving a move of water attribute or fire attribute, the speed will be increased by six levels!

It can be said that, just looking at attributes, Xicui Fengsugou can be regarded as hip-pull compared to his colleagues, Yueyue Xiong, Nian Meilong, and Zoroark.

But in fact, Xia Shen thinks that the fire-type exclusive move shared by Xicui Wind Speed ​​Dog and Flaming Monkey [Great Indignation] is quite good.

In the game, this is a fire-type physical move with a power of up to ninety.

The additional effect is that after using it, enter a state of enthusiasm for one round.

In the state of enthusiasm, the damage caused by Great Wrath is increased by 50.00%.

Although the price is that the damage received by the wind speed dog will also be increased to 50.00% of the original.

There is no doubt that this is a double-edged sword.

In a turn-based game, this somewhat rigid move might not be that strong.

But in reality, the ever-changing tactics and applications make this move infinitely possible.

Xia Shen always believed that no matter how dangerous the double-edged sword was, it was better than being completely uncharacteristic.


In terms of appearance, Xia Shen feels that Xi Cui Feng Speed ​​Dog is not inferior to the original form at all.

Even based on his aesthetic evaluation, he prefers the Emerald Emerald form.

The body shaped like a stone lion looks more majestic than its original form, and the fluttering gray-black hair is even more majestic.

A ring of hair around his neck spread out like petals, and the tail, and the cloud-like hair on his feet, made him look more like a divine beast that brought auspiciousness.

And the shining Xicui Fengspeed dog, with its golden body all over, doesn't want to poke Xia Shen's aesthetics too much.

Back in the game, Xia Shengan was so listless that he went to work for several days in order to brush a different-colored boss, Feng Speed ​​Dog.

And today, I finally met a Katie dog, and it was a different color!

Xia Shen made up her mind the first time she saw him.

No matter what, I have to abduct him to my side!

(End of this chapter)

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