Elf: I have a secret realm

Chapter 235 Rescue Private Sidoran!

Chapter 235 Rescue Private Sidoran! (5.1k)

Time is tight.

Except that it is still unknown at present, the duration of the "Beast Experience Card" of Bite Land Shark and Nian Meilong.

Xia Shen also didn't forget another point, that Sidolan, who was controlled by the fireball slate, might completely go berserk and enter the third form——

The body size has expanded several times again, "Magma version of Sidolan".

Although there is no such sign yet, he dare not bet.

If that time comes, I'm afraid it will be really powerless.

There was a lot of time pressure both internally and externally, and Xia Shen seized the time to direct the three elves to attack the layer of lava armor protecting the fireball slab.

Since Xi Duolan is now deeply trapped in a deep pit, even if Nian Meilong can't fly, he can condescendingly gather fire together.

The three beast-level elves charged up their most powerful moves, and then released them suddenly at the point marked by Xia Shen.

The infuriating bombs of Nianmeilong and Leidianyun, and the meteor swarm that bit the land shark fiercely.

Three powerful long-range moves exploded on the back of the lava Xidolan almost at the same time.

Before the smoke dissipated, Xia Shen rode Pokkisi and swooped down to the point where the three elves blasted his way out.

At the same time, he did not forget to command the three spirits on the ground or in the air.

"Bite the land shark, fly over and take me in! Nian Meilong and Lei Dianyun, don't stop attacking, don't let him have the energy to repair that hole!"

With the strength of Pokkisi, it is impossible to pass through the layers of magma to reach the position of the fireball slab.

Xia Shen can rely on the three elves.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the dark blue figure approaching rapidly, and Xia Shen jumped forward.

He hadn't experienced the feeling of weightlessness for a long time, and in the next moment, he was caught by Lu Shark's broad back as expected.

Turning back to take back Pokkisi, Xia Shen grabbed the body of Lu Shark fiercely.

"Rush in, target the fireball slab and Xidoran!"


Below him, a transparent barrier formed around Lie Bite Lu Shark, covering his and Xia Shen's bodies.

Then, he sped up again, swooping down towards the ruptured hole in Sidoran's back.


Under the solid outer layer of lava armor of Lava Xidoran, there is a gurgling flow of boiling hot magma.

But Xia Shen was not harmed under the protective shield of the biting land shark.

He looked at the transparent barrier that separated him from the magma, and thought that this should be the use of the [Hold] variant that he realized after biting the land shark to gain the power of the stone slab and his strength greatly increased.

In my impression, Xia Shen has seen many mythical beasts in the animation theater version, and they have all used this technique.

The magma didn't slow down the biting land shark's progress too much, and they arrived at their destination in just a few blinks of Xia Shen's time.

In front of him was the still body of Sidolan, who seemed to be in a deep sleep, and the fireball slate beating regularly like a heart.

Tried to use the space of Arceus mobile phone to incorporate the fireball slate into it, but to no avail.

Xia Shen said helplessly: "Bite Lu Shark fiercely, can you wrap Xidolan in too, we will take him out."

Time was running out, and Xia Shen didn't have time to think of other ways. He didn't dare to move the fireball slab overflowing with manic energy.

For the first time, I could only think of the simplest and most direct way to separate Seadolan from the Fireball Slate.


Bite the land shark super fiercely and nodded, with a thought, the protective barrier was extended to include the unconscious Xidolan into the scope of protection.

Now there is only one last step left, and that is to withdraw with Xi Duolan.

Theoretically speaking, this is not a problem for the super biting land shark whose strength has skyrocketed.

No matter how heavy Xi Duolan is, it is only about half a ton.

If the Super Bite Lu Shark, who has the strength of a second-level god, can't drag it, then he can reopen it.

Swimming under Xi Duolan, biting Lu Shark and pressing his head against his body, he was about to rush out with him.


At first, the plan went very smoothly. As Xia Shen thought, Lie Bite Lu Sha easily lifted the heavy Xi Duolan and took it towards the exit.

But after swimming for a while, a strange thing appeared, as if encountering resistance suddenly, biting the land shark with all his strength, but he could no longer push Xidolan an inch.

It seems that he is imprisoned in a certain field.

Xia Shen looked back into the depths of the magma, only to see that the fireball slab that he had ignored before was shining brightly at this moment.

The place where the light is pointing to is the position of Seadolan.

Between the two, there seemed to be an invisible and intangible rope that tied them tightly.

Xia Shen frowned, thought for a while, took out a high-level ball from the space, and threw it towards Xi Duolan's position.

Unsurprisingly, the unconscious Xidolan had no chance of struggling, and Xia Shen successfully collected the ball.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Xia Shen immediately put the high-level ball into the Arceus space.

Completely cut off the connection between Sidoran and the Fireball Tablet.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Behind him, the fireball slate, which could not sense the "host", exploded suddenly.

The frenzied fire energy continuously sprayed all around, completely igniting the already hot magma.

If we talk about the beginning, the energy overflowing from the Fireball Slate flows slowly like drops.

But now, the energy of the riot, like the water in the giant water tank that was smashed by the leader of Nian Meilong that day, suddenly burst out!

The biting land shark not far from the fireball slab was the first to suffer the first and most manic energy shock.

Countless explosions of fire-type energy swarmed towards Biting Lu Shark and Xia Shen like a swarm of meteors.

Like raindrops hitting the water surface, the energy droplets left fine ripples on the invisible protective barrier.

And something worse happened, the aura of biting the land shark beneath him had begun to fade.

The time limit for the beast experience card is coming soon!


Xia Shen sighed softly. The development of the incident has gone beyond his ability.

It's not easy to save Xidolan, as for the fireball slab, let's save the lives of myself and the elves first.

"Let's go, bite the land shark fiercely, let's meet up with Nian Meilong and Lei Dianyun first."

Underneath, Lie Bite Lu Shark, who had always obeyed the command, suddenly turned a deaf ear to it, and instead turned back and rushed towards the fireball slab.

Xia Shen's heart skipped a beat. Is this the sudden rebellion period?

"Bite the land shark, forget about the fireball slab, go!"

This is not a joke, Lie Bite Lu Shark's strength has declined to the level of a king at this time, and he has no intention of stopping at all.

If you don't leave the central area of ​​this energy riot, you won't be able to leave later.

But biting Lu Shark had no intention of changing direction at all, and rushed towards the fireball slate resolutely.

At this time, the protective barrier around the biting land shark is slowly breaking down!
Finally, sprinting with all his strength, before the protective barrier was broken, Lie Bite Lu Sha took Xia Shen to the fireball slab.


Biting Lu Sha fiercely and turning his head, he anxiously said something to Xia Shen, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Xia Shen couldn't understand Elven language, but luckily Yuxi was on the phone.

[What did he say. Same as himself at the time. ]
Biting Lu Sha in a hurry, the meaning of the expression was not clear, even when it was translated by Kexi.

A flash of light flashed in Xia Shen's mind, and he guessed: "You mean, let Katie dog contain the fireball slabs like you did back then?"

"Aw!" Biting Lu Sha nodded like pounding garlic.

Did he get the hint from the activated Dragon's Tablet?

But before taking Xidoran into the poke ball, isn't there a chance?

Or is the energy riot the opportunity?

Several questions popped up from Xia Shen's heart in an instant.

But after thinking for almost a microsecond, Xia Shen didn't hesitate at all, and chose to trust her closest partner and let Katie out.


"Wow -"

Unprepared, Catty Dog was startled by the doomsday-like environment around him, and subconsciously got into Xia Shen's arms, completely losing the bravery he showed before.

But this is also normal. Anyone who appears in this environment without any psychological preparation will feel the same panic.

Without time to comfort him, Xia Shen raised the Katie dog and said seriously: "Do you still remember what I told you at the time? Now is the most dangerous moment. If it can't be resolved, the entire Qunqing coast may be barren."

"And now, you are the last hope, so, are you willing to save this land with me?"

Xia Shen knew that such inexplicable words had no appeal or persuasion.

But now there is no time to be sensational, he can only hope that Katie Dog is willing to believe in himself, and is willing to do this stupid thing with himself at first glance.

The magma from outside kept beating against the protective cover that was about to shatter. Under him, the breath of biting land sharks had almost decayed to the fifth stage of his initial career.

Xia Shen looked at Katy Gou, who seemed to be stunned by himself, and waited for his reply.

It's useless to be anxious, it's too late to escape now.

If Katie still chooses to refuse in the end, Xia Shen can only take the two of them back into the elf ball, and use his body to resist the energy riot of the fireball slate.

Anyway, he can't die, at most he will be tortured in the magma for a while.

Even if Lei Dianyun couldn't save him, plus Emrido and Yaknom who were coming, the three second-level gods could always fish him out.


Still thinking about the final retreat, Katie Dog's firm bark suddenly woke him up.

Xia Shen smiled slightly, without Kexi's translation or eye contact.

He knew that Katie had given him the answer he wanted.

"Let's go, let's save the world!"


Bite Lu Shark's last strength before disappearing with the power of the slate, and built a final protective barrier for Xia Shen and Katie Dog.

Then, Xia Shen took the ball back.

Bite Lu Shark has done everything he can to the best, and then it all depends on Katie Dog.

Xia Shen thought so, hugged the Katy dog ​​in his arms, and led him to the stone slab.

The closer you get to the slate, the more affected you are by the overflowing manic energy.

The last protection left by the fiercely biting land shark exploded the second the Katie dog dripped blood on the stone slab.

The turbulent magma mixed with the manic overflowing slate energy instantly submerged Katie and Xia Shen.

Smother, burn, broil.
Xia Shen's body was instantly wrapped tightly by these painful feelings. In the magma, he couldn't even cry out to relieve it.

But he knew that his physical fitness and defense were not as good as his own katti dog, and it would only cause more pain.

Blessed with the power of Arceus, he is immortal in Xicui, but the life of Katie is only once.

Thinking of this, Xia Shen endured the pain, and tightly wrapped the Katy in his arms in the way of a baby curling up, protecting him from injuries from all directions.

There is only one thought in Xia Shen's mind at the moment.

I dragged him into this catastrophe that shouldn't have been borne by him, no matter what, I must let him live!
Until he passed out from the pain, he didn't let go of the hands that held the dog.

And not long after he lost consciousness, the long-awaited news finally came to his mind.

[Xia Shen Xia Shen, Emrido, they are finally here! ]

Blowing Fire Island.

Over a piece of broken scorched earth, the long-lost cloudy clouds ushered in, and thunder flashed among the clouds.

If you look carefully, you can vaguely see a dragon-like figure appearing amidst the lightning and thunder.

After a catastrophe several times more terrifying than a natural disaster like a volcanic eruption, the elves who survived the catastrophe happily waited for the rain to come.

Although there was no rain in just ten days, these ten days were much more difficult than any dry season in previous years.

Not only Blowing Fire Island, Tranquility Bay, Windward Forest, the entire Ultramarine Coast, and even further away, the Red Lotus Wetland.

The keen elves noticed it immediately, and the weather finally returned to normal.

And just as all the elves were cheering, they fell into a deep pit on Huohuo Island.

Several elves surrounded a man who was naked like a newborn baby, waiting for him to wake up.


A handsome elf with a golden body, black petal-like hair around its neck, and a tail like auspicious clouds, lowered its head and sobbed, with sadness in its eyes.

From time to time, she sticks out her tongue to lick the man's tender cheek like a baby.

Finally, when the rain in the sky fell, the man finally woke up.

The raindrops hit Xia Shen's body in a series of lines, which also awakened his consciousness.

has it ended?

The scorching magma and violent energy around him disappeared, and what appeared was the comfortable wind and cool rain.

If it's not a hallucination, it should be over.
Xia Shen tried to move his body. Unexpectedly, he easily made the movement instructed in his mind, and it seemed that there was no serious problem.

You must know that he was seriously injured under the ravages of the steel and slate field last time.

This time the energy riot of the fireball slab was even more frenzied, but nothing happened?
Soon, he sensed something was wrong.

Physically. Why is it chilly?


Xia Shen slowly opened his eyes, and saw red, blue, purple and black elf heads all surrounding him.

The worried eyes seemed to say, "You are awake, the operation went well, you are already a."

He hurriedly straightened up and took a look. After confirming that it was correct, Xia Shen heaved a sigh of relief and lay back down again.

Only then did he have the time to look at the four elves surrounding him.

The red and blue two are of course Emrido and Yaknom, who arrived late.

The purple one is Nian Meilong who entered Xido Lanen's body before he had time to collect the goal.

And the last black Xia Shen looked intently, it was a wind speed dog in Xicui form!

Kitty Dog Evolved?

But I didn't use Fire Stone either.

So, because of the fireball slate?

This is easy to explain. As the original fragment of the universe, the fireball slab, if it can't even replace the function of the fire stone at a high level, then forget it.


Seeing that Xia Shen finally woke up, Fengspeedgou excitedly stuck out his tongue and licked it up again.

"Feng Speed ​​Dog, stop making trouble, itchy"

It's okay to lick twice, but the wind speed dog has no intention of stopping at all, and Xia Shen can't stand it anymore.

Helpless, he could only ask Nian Meilong for help, "Nian Meilong, pull Feng Suogou away!"


Nian Meilong has also been upset to see this dog licking from the beginning to the present.

Two thick and long tentacles stretched out from the top of her head, wrapping around Wind Speed ​​Dog's body and pulling him out.

To her surprise, the wind speed dog, which doesn't look heavy, is as heavy as the densest metal.

You know, the tentacles on top of the head are the most powerful part of Nian Meilong's body.

With Nian Meilong's current strength, even without using energy, it is easy to lift things weighing several hundred kilograms.

And now he can't afford to pull this wind speed dog?


Nian Meilong was wondering, Feng Speed ​​Dog also recovered from the excitement and joy of Xia Shen's early awakening, stopped licking the dog, and was obediently pulled aside by Nian Meilong.

Feeling the cool rain washing against his body, Xia Shen realized that he was naked.

He quickly took out the spare clothes from the space and put them on, although the clothes were soon soaked by the rain.

[Is there anything to cover, isn’t it just that? ]
Emrido's disdainful voice reached Xia Shen's heart.

Xia Shen pouted and didn't respond, what was there to say to this mushroom that didn't even have Ou Jinjin.

He turned his head to the wind speed dog to confirm and asked, "Has the fireball slab been contained by you?"

Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still wanted to get the answer from Feng Speed ​​Dog himself.

Wind Speed ​​Dog raised his head proudly, "Wow!"

[It’s really thanks to you and the wind speed dog this time, otherwise most of the Ultramarine Coast would have been burned to the ground by the fireball slabs. ]
Emrido sighed with lingering fear, and then pulled the blue mushroom who had been listening quietly to his side.

[By the way, let me introduce you, this is Yaknom, who likes to stay at home and never come out, so you didn’t see him last time. ]
Xia Shen greeted politely: "Nice to meet you, Yaknom."

Aknom, who looks similar to Emrido in appearance, but has a very different color and temperament, nodded and said via voice transmission.

[Hello, God Envoy Xia Shen, you and Feng Speed ​​Dog have very strong willpower. ]
Xia Shen was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Yaknom should be talking about himself and the wind speed dog fighting the energy riot and containing the fireball slab.

He accepted Yaknom's compliment frankly, "Thank you for your compliment, I am also very proud of Wind Speed ​​Dog."

Xia Shen smiled and rubbed the dog's head of the wind speed dog, and heaved a sigh of relief.

It's cool, I finally touched this round dog's head.

Seeing the warm scene of human-dog affection, Emrido smiled slightly.

[That matter is also settled, Yaknom and I will go back first. ]
Xia Shen just wanted to nod, but suddenly felt as if he had forgotten something.

He looked at the space again worryingly, and finally found the source of what felt wrong in his heart.

The Poké Ball containing Seadoran!

(End of this chapter)

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