Chapter 262
This is not a move, if you have to say it, it can be regarded as Lucario's "Ping A".

However, with the blessing of enhanced punches, even if it is a flat A, the deliberate punching of the punches to the flesh makes Mama Eel King miserable.

To make matters worse, Pokkisi's attack was also late at this time.

A purple-pink light flashed in the sky, and Lucario stepped back in time, allowing the power of the moon to completely wrap the slender body of the Mama Eel King.

Although the Mama Eel King has no weakness, and even resists the steel type, but under the attack of the two elves' moves, he is already scarred.

And over there, Toad King, who had just been replaced, had just released Qiuyu at this time.

It's not that he turned a blind eye to his partner, but the Toad King, who has the characteristic of being free and easy, would have cut off his own arm without the assistance of the rainy day.

What's more, there is a distance between him and the Mama Eel King who just appeared on the stage. The so-called sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood. In a rainy day, he can use leisurely speed to speed up, and the time is about the same as going directly to help.

But Toad King obviously underestimated the output of Lucario and Pokkisi.

When the giant blue frog covered with tumors finally entered the battlefield in the rain, the state of Ma Ma Eel King was already in the wind.

In addition to speed, Ma Ma Eel King is also an all-around pentagonal fighter.

Although it is not slippery, it also means that his durability is not bad among elves of the same level.

But even such a Momo eel king couldn't stand the beatings of Lucario and Pokkisi.

After Lucario's ora ora for a while, he directly resorted to the melee combat of breaking the boat!

Her confidence is still the fierce-looking but extremely reliable big brother, Pokkisi.

In the seventh game, the audience didn't remember how many times they watched me.

But they knew that this Pokkisi had carried too much for Menus and Lucario.

Although in the previous few games, Menus, who was curled up and hypnotized, really played well.

But without Pokkisi standing in front of Menus, all tactics were castles in the air.

On the field, water cannon, thunder, two powerful moves precisely hit Pokkisi's white body.

The water cannon in rainy weather and the thunder with double restraint still failed to break through Pokkisi's defense line.

It was hard for the audience to imagine that this Pokkisi was already on the battlefield, fighting almost endlessly for an hour!
Even if your body is made of iron, you can't stand it, right?

Although Pokkisi's body is not made of iron, his never-ending tonic of steel and stone makes his physical fitness stronger than that of a steel elf.

After forcibly eating the thunder and water cannon, he acted like a normal person, with a backhand shot with a flash of magic.

The pink-purple light group enveloped the very close Toad King and Mama Eel King, and exploded in the next instant.

Numerous bright and moving, but extremely deadly fairy-type energy overflows from the light, like a bewitching blooming rose.

But obviously, under the beauty, there are thorns and thorns piercing the two elves like needles in a rainstorm.

The Ma Ma Eel King, who had already been caught in the wind, finally fell down.

The elf who was replaced was a nanny whose strength was not as good as the Mama Eel King.

The nanny who is four times weaker than fire and weaker in flight department has no temper at all when he sees Pokkisi.

Lucario sensibly approached Toad King singles, creating a "two-person world" for the remaining two elves.

Although the nanny doesn't really like this object who spends the two-person world with him.
But just like in life, on the battlefield, elves who are not as skilled as humans are often involuntary.

King Toad really wants to help the nanny, but he is also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, so he can't protect himself.

Facing this Lucario whose output exploded after two enhanced punches, he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest.

He couldn't help his teammates, so he was punched indiscriminately and fell to the ground.

Therefore, although the opponents exchanged spirits, the rhythm was still in the hands of Xia Shen and Yan Yan.

Pokkisi looked at this nanny who was four times restrained by him and whose strength was still a thousand miles away from his own. He smiled charmingly, and apart from anything else, he used an air slash as a meeting gift.

An ordinary air slash without any strong energy blessing, but it directly knocked down this babysitter who had just appeared and was still in full condition.
One kill!
The speed is so fast that the white light produced by the release elf has not completely dissipated
So far, the results of the seventh round of the Royal Challenge are still settled.

The two local challengers also knew in their hearts that the remaining Toad King and the armored warrior who was still in a semi-disabled state in the elf ball had no possibility of defeating their opponents, so they freely chose to surrender.

In an instant, the audience applauded thunderously.

Because the victory in this game also means that the royal battle, which has been silent for a long time, can finally restart!

However, the royal battle is also a few days away, and now the audience is more curious about
How far can this wonderful couple's doubles combination, who were not favored at the beginning and have great disparity in strength, go?

Of course, Xia Shen's goal is to win [-] consecutive victories and obtain the treasure of the king's treasury that is said to have never been touched by outsiders!
No one has ever achieved it, and it sounds like a great sense of accomplishment.

Every Pokémon player is more or less a collection addict, and Xia Shen, as the chosen son of the "Arzeus System", is even more so.

It is impossible to subdue all the elves in this world, but Xia Shen is still very interested in challenging something that no one has ever accomplished, such as winning twenty consecutive victories in the Royal Challenge.

However, in a doubles match, it is definitely not enough to rely on one person. Taking advantage of the fact that the next pair of challengers have not yet played, he discussed the next countermeasures with Yan Yan.

"I'll still ask Pokkisi to cover later. Try to let Lucario use less melee combat and use more punches to ensure his battery life."

Yan Yan instantly understood what Xia Shen meant. His goal was... that elusive [-]-game winning streak!
A little bit of unconfidence in myself that remained in my heart subconsciously came to my heart.

But before she showed it, she felt the feeling of her right hand being held tightly by the person beside her.

"Don't think too much, give it a go, didn't you play well before?"

Xia Shen didn't say anything about believing what he said, it was typed, not spoken.

It is enough to defend against everything and concentrate on the battlefield in front of you.

"The important thing is the process of fighting side by side, isn't it?"

Yan Yan was startled, then smiled and nodded.


With the passage of time, the number of consecutive victories between Xia Shen and Yan Yan increased, and more and more viewers watched the Royal Challenge.

It was only then that people discovered that the goal of this pair of doubles was far more than simply winning seven consecutive victories to participate in the royal battle.

Seven consecutive victories?Seventeen consecutive victories!

Of course, they are still far from being as exaggerated as reaching seventeen consecutive victories, and now they have barely broken the half line of ten consecutive victories.

But it's not quite accurate to use "but" or "just" to describe it. Since the establishment of the ten-game winning streak, the Royal Challenge has only been a few dozen times.

The number twenty seems to be a lot, but for the time scale of 30 years established by the Royal Challenge, it means that there may not be one time in a year.

And that Pokkisi trainer hasn't even used the second elf yet!
How confident is this?
Of course, the audience would not naively think that apart from Pokkiss, that trainer would no longer have any elves he could handle.

This idea is as ridiculous as previous Pokémon animation fans speculated that the man named Dakdo at the Suzuran Conference, except for Dakley and Latios, the rest of the elves are the carp king.

If an elf is strong, it is never just that elf that is strong.

The source is always the trainer who cultivated the elves.

Therefore, in addition to how far the couple can go, waiting for the last elf to unveil the mystery is also a question that all audiences are curious about.

And this mystery finally had the possibility of revealing the answer in the subsequent No.13 game.


"Let us give warm applause to welcome this special pair of challengers, Alice, and our proudest bright pearl, His Royal Highness Liliv Canila!"

Hearing the suddenly impassioned tone of the commentator, and the deafening applause and cheers from the audience, Xia Shen was a little puzzled.

With his level of cultural knowledge, most of them can understand. This is obviously a welcome speech, but why are you so excited?
What kind of big star can there be in this small fish pond?

Alice. The name is a bit familiar, but the name is similar to Cuihua abroad, and it is normal to have the same name.

He was looking forward to the arrival of this special pair of challengers with a confused face, Yan Yan reminded in his ear: "There seems to be a royal princess from Hawaii among the challengers."

Xia Shen suddenly realized, princess, it's no wonder, there really is a big star here.

This is to prevent him from taking the royal treasure and sniping him?

Thinking of this with a little evil taste, Xia Shen looked towards the opposite side, but saw a familiar figure.

A few months ago, my partner, the exchange student from Plymouth, the dragon-specialized trainer, Alice.

It was not surprising for Alice to see Xia Shen. After all, if she hadn't seen Xia Shen on TV by chance, she would have dragged Liliv to this Royal Challenge.

When she came to the scene and saw so many people lined up in front, she was worried that Xia Shen and the others wouldn't be able to persist in her performance.

What she didn't expect was that Xia Shen not only persisted, but even kept an elf from playing.

Alice couldn't help being even more surprised off the court.

Surprised, of course, because of the speed at which Xia Shen's strength increased, happy. Happy for a while, and finally a hearty battle.

This guy, in just a few months, is even Pokkisi so strong?

"Long time no see, Xia Shen!"

On the opposite side of the ring, Alice did not rush to start the match immediately, but greeted Xia Shen with a smile.

Although it is a bit strange to say, when Alice saw Xia Shen in this strange place of Hawaii, she still had the mentality of "meeting an old friend in a foreign land".

"This is a friend I met when Plymouth came to our school for exchange study half a year ago. I told you about it."

Although Yan Yan didn't say anything yet, Xia Shen still consciously greeted his little girlfriend and explained his attitude.

Yan Yan smiled lightly, she wasn't really worried about Xia Shen's things, but her boyfriend's subconscious little details made her happy, and the catkin gently wrapped her warm palm around her.

"Long time no see. I came to Hawaii with my girlfriend to relax during the summer vacation. I didn't expect to meet you."

Mentioning this, Alice had a dumbfounding smile on her lips.

"I came to her hometown of Hawaii to play with a school girl with a good relationship. I didn't expect her to be the princess here. I live in the palace every day for the past few days, and I'm almost suffocating."

Xia Shen couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. This experience sounds like it was made up.
He subconsciously looked at the girl with wheat-colored skin next to Alice. This should be the princess of the Hawaiian royal family, right?
Princess Liliv is as enthusiastic and unrestrained as the local residents of Hawaii, showing off her hot figure without hesitation, and showing a cheerful smile on her healthy and beautiful face.

She looked at Xia Shen curiously and wanted to join the chat, but she spoke English with a Hawaiian accent and spoke extremely fast, making Xia Shen feel like she was listening to a bible.

Xia Shen smiled politely, and half-jokingly said: "Let's talk after we finish the fight, and the audience thought you came up to release water on purpose."

That's true. After chatting for a few minutes, both Lucario and Pokkisi slowed down a lot.

Alice shrugged indifferently, and said something to Liliv next to her, and the princess immediately nodded to the referee on the sidelines.

The referee saluted respectfully, and then blew the whistle to start the game in a very solemn manner.

Two white lights flashed, and two elves suddenly appeared in front of Alice and Liliv.

They are Liliv's sniper tree owl, and Alice's aluminum steel dragon.

Alice also has an aluminum steel dragon?

Xia Shen only remembered her three main elves at that time, the three evil dragons, the battle-axe dragon, and the stick-tailed scale-armored dragon.

In other words, this is at least not her main elf?

Before the fifth stage of a professional trainer, the three strongest are generally considered to be the main elves.

As if seeing what Xia Shen was thinking, Alice smiled slightly.

"I'll wait for you to replace your main elf."

This means that she doesn't think she needs to send her main elf to deal with Pokkisi.

Xia Shen couldn't help but laugh, it seems that she also has her own pride.

However, an aluminum steel dragon with only a professional level four, do you really think it can hold my Pokkisi?

Xia said in a deep voice, "Pokkisi, did you hear that?"


The clever and competitive Pokkisi naturally understood what Alice meant.

Already a little tired, he was full of fighting spirit in an instant, hooked his wings towards the steel monster, and made a provocative gesture.

You three big brothers can't take advantage of me, so I'm still afraid of you!
(End of this chapter)

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