Elf: I have a secret realm

Chapter 96 Who is the Master of Dirty Attributes?Talk!

Chapter 96 Who is the Master of Dirty Attributes?say!

What is loan battle?
As the name suggests, the two sides borrowed and cultivated elves with similar strengths on the battlefield to fight against each other.

What is completely tested is the lineup matching and on-the-spot command of the trainers on both sides.

Xia Shen and Xu Chong had never heard of this thing before they came to Dongdu.

The main reason is that this thing has high requirements for elves on the battlefield.

Can't the guest say that I want to rent a certain elf, right?

Therefore, only the top arenas in the big cities of Shangjing, Nandu, and Dongdu in China have the niche gameplay of renting and fighting.

Of course, the rental hall would definitely not be able to provide those relatively rare elves.

After obtaining the consent of the principal, Xia Shen and Xu Chong readily accepted Matsumoto Toru's proposal.

There are professional eighth-dan trainers to accompany you, and you can experience the thrill of playing other people's elves, and you don't have to pay for the rental money yourself.

So cool!


Under the courteousness of the other party, Xia Shen and Xu Chong advanced to rent a hall to choose elves.

"What combination to play? Weather? Space? Or an ordinary support hand with a damage hand?"

Xu Chong still fully trusted Xia Shen's tactical level, so he asked his opinion first.

"Why do you deal with these boring things?" Since it is a loan match, of course we have to play some fun routines.

Xia Shen thought carefully about the dirty routines that already existed in this world.

Guarding against poison, shrinking auspicious eggs, curling up and hypnotizing Menus.
First rule out these routines that are basically understood.

Xia Shen scanned the dazzling array of elf balls to see if there were any tricks worth playing.

Siege of the Heart of Justice?It seems that no one has played this before, but there are only two elves, and the number of sieges cannot be stacked
Suddenly, his eyes locked on the sign under one of the poke balls.

"I'll choose that elf!" Xia Shen stepped forward and took down the elf ball from the shelf.

Xu Chong and the management staff of the rental hall looked surprised.

What elf is this?Is there still this elf in the illustrated book?
But out of professionalism, the manager nodded, and then asked, "Do you need any elf props?"

Xia Shen immediately replied: "Weakness insurance!"

After thinking about it, he asked again: "Do you have the Koga Ninja Frog?"

"Of course, how could Sakurajima not have the Koga Ninja Frog?" The manager replied with a professional smile.

Xia Shen then turned to look at Xu Chong who was beside him, "Brother Xu, you can choose a Jiaga Ninja Frog to cooperate with me, chaos!"


Xia Shen and Xu Chong came out, and Song Beiche also went in with female fans to choose elves.

Songbei Toru smiled at Rotom: "Everyone wants to see what kind of elf we use, you can tell me in the barrage, and vote to decide."

"Uncle Songbei, it seems that there are more bullet screens for guarding against drugs." The female fans are helping to watch the bullet screens in real time.

"I'm tired of guarding the poison, let's get another one." Song Beiche absently glanced at the elves.

"They're brushing the basil mushrooms again."

"Sleeping again? I, Song Beiche, who is so qualified, never sleep with anyone!"

"Now the voice of the wind goblin is louder, and they also threaten to say that there will be no more than three things, and if they dare to refuse, they will cancel the pass."

"Uh well, Wind Fairy is quite playable, but it's a little cruel to the opposite kid."

Song Beiche couldn't bear it, thought for a while, and said: "Then the other elf should be normal, Saori-chan, you can choose what you want to play."

"Really, I think Mimi Q is super cute recently, can I choose it?"

Wind Fairy plus Mystery Q?
The strength is very high, and the wind goblin can drive the tailwind and provoke the opposite assistant.

Cover Mimi Q sword dance enhancement, plus Mi Mi Q and painted skin protection.

Although it is not very dirty, the fault tolerance rate is quite high.

However, there is the elf Wind Fairy in the combination, which is enough to raise the opponent's blood pressure.

"Then let's do this!" Song Beiche began to mourn for the children opposite.


The price of renting battles is relatively expensive, and usually everyone mainly trains their elves, and they don't see them several times a day.

Therefore, this loan match still attracted many people to watch.

"I'm counting on you, Mimi-Q!"

"Wind Fairy, I leave it to you!"

Saori and Matsuhoku Toru threw the Pokéball one after the other.

Xia Shen heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the two spirits that Song Beiche and the others had chosen, they were within range of my Fortress.

He and Xu Chong looked at each other and threw the elf ball in their hands.

A blue, slender ninja frog with a cold face and a beach castle-like elf appeared in front of everyone.

The audience was in an uproar.

The former is very familiar to the Sakurajima people, and the Koka Ninja is basically the most popular elf among the Sakurajima people.

As for that beach castle, what kind of elf is this tm?
A curious viewer took a photo and uploaded it to Kada Duck Search, and retrieved the name of the elf.

"Sand-eating Lord Bao, discovered in the secret place of Hawaii that appeared more than ten years ago."

Everyone knows the secret place of Hawaii, the hometown of the Flaming Roaring Tiger!
But has this elf called Sandcastle Eater ever appeared in professional competitions?

Not to mention the audience who are mostly amateur trainers, Matsubei Toru has played for so many years, but he has never faced this elf, and he can't even remember the attributes.

I just remember that its characteristics seem to be a bit special, and I don't know how to deal with it for a while.

Forget it, I haven't seen it to show that it should be useless, so make your own!

The game officially begins!
Songbei Toru and Saori looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Wind Fairy, Shunfeng!"

"Mimi Q, we use Sword Dance!"

According to the agreed plan, the two gave orders separately.

Under double strengthening, Mimi Q will be a lawless existence for a while.

But the instruction on the other side made Songbeiche completely dumbfounded.

"Koga Ninja Frog, use Flying Water Shuriken against Sandcastle Master!"

Not to mention Matsuhoku Toru and the audience below were dumbfounded, Koga Ninja couldn't help but turn around and confirm with the trainer.

Did I hear it wrong?
Beat my teammates?

Seeing Xu Chong's affirmative gaze, Koga Ninwa had no choice but to nod, the flying water shuriken condensed in his palm, and threw it towards his teammates beside him.

one two Three.
There were three Feishui shurikens that hit Shabao Lord, and Koga Ninja couldn't bear to look at them.

Xia Shen's eyes were filled with excitement, and he almost applauded again and again.


Matsubei Toru and Saori don't care so much, the tailwind is already blowing, and the sword dance is also done. The sharp claws in Mimi Q's skirt are already hungry and thirsty!
"Mysterious Q, use Shadow Claw on Sandcastle Master!"

Mimi Q under the wind was extremely fast, and it floated in front of Lord Sandcastle in the blink of an eye.

Yarn's fight against Shadow Claw was not because he knew that Sandcastle Master belonged to the ghost system, but it was purely a high-damage skill of this system.

Mimi Q's skirt was lifted, and a black ghost hand drilled out of it, grabbing Shabao Lord with resentment and evil energy.

At this time, the flying water shuriken that just hit the body finally reacted with the body of Master Shabao.

The sand-eating Lord's loose body made of sand came into contact with the energy of the water system, and strange changes began to appear.

The orange color that represents strengthening shines brightly, making everyone understand that the ability strengthening this time is not just a little bit

Lord Sandcastle, characteristic [solidify in water]——

When attacked by water attribute moves, the defense will be greatly improved!

And the three flying water shurikens thrown by Koga Ninja just now caused a total of three damages.

In other words, the physical defense of Sandcastle Lord has increased by six levels!
Compared with this, the double attack that triggers the increase of the weakness insurance is more like an additional reward.



The seemingly powerful shadow claws slapped on the body of Lord Sandcastle, however.
It's like using a water splash, nothing changes.

Sandcastle Master's eerie mouth opened wide, as if laughing at the little cosplay Pikachu in front of him.

"That's it? How about scraping your father's body?"

Well, but the body of Sandcastle Master is made of sand, and he is indeed scraping sand.
Mimi Q was still shocked by the opponent's defense, but realized that his body was attacked by something.

"Clap clap-"

The three flying water shurikens shot from Koga Ninja Frog's hand hit Mimi Q one after another, successfully breaking its painted skin.

Mimi Q lost this layer of skin that could withstand an attack, and his neck was broken.

"Mysterious Q, quickly protect!" The voice of the temporary trainer behind him brought him back to his senses, and erected a transparent barrier to block the shadow ball spit out from the mouth of the Sandcastle Lord who was close at hand.

"We can't touch it for the time being, come back first!"

Hearing the trainer's instructions, Mibi Q breathed a sigh of relief, beating this guy was simply torturing himself.

Borrowing the wind, they evacuated quickly.

It perfectly interprets what it means to "come with joy and return with disappointment."


This bizarre scene made the barrage in the live broadcast room and the audience off the field more and more.

Everyone is discussing the [Sandcastle] of [Sandcastle], a magical feature that no one has paid attention to.

First, this elf has only been in the world for more than ten years, and it is really unpopular. Second, the skill of flying water shuriken can only be learned by Koga Ninja and Agile Bug.

Until today, Sandcastle, who is invincible against the chopper team, officially appeared in front of the world.

Of course, if the opponent knows how to clear the dense fog, it will be another move to dispel and strengthen the ability.


On the field, calling back Mimi Q, Saori hurriedly asked for help and looked at the professional eighth-dan master next to him.

The master scratched his head, "Uh, why don't we try special attack moves, what will this Mimi Q do?"

Because it was not her own elf, Saori thought about it for a while, and replied uncertainly: "One hundred thousand volts?"

Pikachu will be [-] volts, and cos Pikachu's Mysterious Hill will also be [-] volts, which is very reasonable.

"Mimi Q, use [-] volts on Lord Sandcastle!"

The thick and bright yellow Thunder Snake went straight to Lord Sand Eater, making a precise hit, however.
Master Sandcastle remained motionless, without a single scar on his body.

Lord Sandcastle is a ground type!

Matsubei Toru gritted his teeth and said, "Let's set fire to that Ninja Frog first, and then wait until the elf's strengthening time ends!"

"Wind Fairy, help!"

Saori nodded, carried Mimi Q with the help of her teammates, and floated on the wind to Koga Ninja on the other side.

Under Mimi Q's skirt, the Shadow Claw is charging again!
"Koga Ninja Frog, self-motivation!"

Song Beiche's heart skipped a beat, he broke down, and was stunned by that Sandcastle Eater.

I forgot that the characteristic of Koga Ninja Frog is [Change Freely]!

Using the normal move [Self Motivation], it turns into a Koga Ninja Frog with normal attributes, and is completely immune to the ghost-type Shadow Claw.

This wonderful operation of Koga Ninja Frog not only avoided the shadow claw that might cost him half his life, but also helped Sword Dance double strengthen it.

It also improved his double attack ability.

Do you think I'm just a tool man?
You frog brother is not easy to mess with!

"Koga Ninja Frog, shadow attack!"

In front of Mimi Q, the figure of Koga Ninja Frog disappeared instantly, and appeared behind it again.

Self-motivation, this department bonus, double restraint.

A triple-blessing of a black frog's heart, caused very good damage to Mimi Q.

Before it's over, the shadow ball that has been stored for a long time by Lord Sandcastle also strikes Mimi Q again.

Mimi Q couldn't dodge in time, and the ghost-type energy full of resentment poured into its body again.

After two hits with excellent effects in succession, the enigmatic Q with one against two seems to be on the verge of failure.

But in this situation, what the wind goblin can do is really limited.

Apart from setting up a light wall to reduce some damage, or throwing a parasitic seed to disgust the opponent, there is really nothing else to do.

Seeing that there was really no possibility of winning, Songbei Toru had no choice but to admit defeat.

It's a done deal, whether you surrender or not, you can't change the established fact that you capsized.

After this game, I should be completely reduced to a comedian.
Thinking so, Matsubei Toru had already made up his mind.


At this time, the popularity of Toru Matsumoto's live broadcast climbed to a new peak.

It's rare enough for professional trainers to go fishing in an amateur field, even if it's a loan match.

Then it turned the boat over in the gutter, and the effect of the show exploded.

In addition, what overthrew the professional trainer was a combination of routines that everyone had never heard of.

All of these superimposed one by one, making Songbei Toru, who is already very popular, completely famous.

It is estimated that by tomorrow at the latest, this live broadcast video of his black spots will appear on the screens of countless people in the world who are interested in elf battles.

Songbei Toru completely thought about it.

Arceus closed the door of the trainer for me, but opened the window of the cross talk anchor.

In the future, let's put more energy on the live broadcast business.

He walked to the opposite side and greeted his "guiding person", "It's a good call, can you add a contact information to facilitate the exchange of new ideas in the future?"

Xia Shen understands, it seems that the opposite person is also a "dirty" Taoist, and a professional eighth-dan trainer is still very worth getting acquainted with.

After exchanging the Bogaman number, the two looked at each other and smiled.

 Added a little setting.

  It is to set up secret realms according to the division of generations in the game, and adjust the appearance time to pave the way for Zhu Zi after she comes out.

(End of this chapter)

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