Chapter 425 Mock Trial Contest No.1!
The gold content of this peak battle...

Everyone can see it.

It is far from comparable to the previous rounds of mock trials.

The number of legal terms alone appears hundreds of times.

Many of them are unheard of by half-baked beginners like them.

Although they watched all of Qin Mu's videos.


The law-enhancing videos made by Qin Mu are aimed at the general public, so they use simple language.

Easy to understand.

But this trial...

They suddenly couldn't understand.

Many people even feel like they are listening to a bible.

"Don't think about Zhang Wei. I feel that he has more energy than energy, and he can't keep up with the speed of speech on the court."

"Terrible, one up and nine against each other? It's still a balance of power?"

"Up speaks so fast, the other party has already drank several glasses of water, and up has never stopped."

"I don't know who will win in the end..."


As the trial proceeds.

Netizens are almost dumbfounded.

Whenever they feel that Qin Mu is going to be unable to hold on, Qin Mu will always find another way and come up with a new set of criminal law theory to refute the other party.


It's going on and on and getting more intense.


at the same time.

In the moot court.


The gavel sounded, and the trial entered the most intense part of free debate.

Qin Mu took a deep breath.

He picked up a bottle of mineral water beside him and drank it down.

Then "reasonable" with the other party.

And Zhang Wei...

From beginning to end, I didn't drink a sip of water.

Just quietly watching the situation on the field, he swallowed again.

The spittle stars splashed on the field.

He sees it most clearly.

Even Qin Mu...

Finished a bottle of mineral water.

And the other party's nine lawyers...

In front of everyone's table, there is an empty mineral water bottle.

A bottle was finished by hand.

"We believe that the basis for the crime proposed by the other party's prosecutor..."

The lawyer from Modu wiped the sweat from his forehead, gritted his teeth and continued to refute.

Facing Qin Mu...

They suddenly had the illusion that they were not facing a lawyer.

It is an encyclopedia of criminal law.

Accurately said.

Not only the criminal law, but also other laws from all walks of life, Qin Mu can easily use them as arguments.


The past punishment cases were also used by Qin Mu as evidence to support the rationality of his accusation.

A feeling of suffocation...

In everyone's heart spontaneously.

To sue this guy...

It's really hard to win.

In terms of eloquence, Qin Mu was even able to defeat them with one against nine.

In terms of legal provisions, Qin Mu quoted the scriptures and did not deviate from the provisions of the criminal law.

In terms of evidence, Qin Mu threw out seven or eight previous cases one after another to prove the criminal facts of Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu and others.


The balance of victory began to tilt.

The situation that was originally evenly matched...

It was finally broken.

Qin Mu's eloquence was eloquent, relying on his strong criminal law background and case reserves, he began to suppress and beat them.

They can only stick to their own ideas and support them hard.


"It's wonderful, it's too wonderful, but the people in Shanghai... are probably going to lose."

"The lawyers in the capital are not wronged. This is Qin Mu's real strength, right? Not only criminal law, but other legal provisions can also be mastered to this extent. Did he start studying law from the womb?"

"Horror, it's the first time in my life that I am serving someone. My teacher isn't that perverted, is he?"

"A walking encyclopedia of criminal law, no, a walking encyclopedia of legal provisions!"


The onlookers' eyes widened.

A big word "serve" was written all over his face.

this moment.

Qin Mu used his strength to completely convince them.

Can be imagined.

To achieve Qin Mu's level, it takes a lot of hard work and sweat behind the scenes.

They are gold medal lawyers.

Know exactly how much time it takes.

Most likely……

When Qin Mu walked, ate, and went to the bathroom, he was thinking about reciting these legal provisions.


two hours later.

After intense court proceedings and debates.

The mock trial has finally come to an end.

The presiding judge struck the gavel.

He glanced at both sides.

After careful deliberation, the seven members of the collegial panel announced: "This court has pronounced that Zhang San illegally manufactured counterfeit money with a huge amount, violating Article 170 of the Criminal Law, and committing the crime of possessing and using counterfeit money. The circumstances are serious and he should be sentenced to ten years in prison. "

"Li Si instigated Zhang San to make counterfeit money. The amount was huge, which violated Article 170 of the Criminal Law and committed the crime of possessing and using counterfeit money..."

All sentencing content.

They are all exactly the same as the sentencing proposal that Qin Mu complained about.


After a series of high-intensity debates, Qin Mu still convinced the collegial panel with his strength.

It won the approval of most members of the collegial panel.

The sound of the sentence continued to echo in the moot court.

The expressions of the nine lawyers from Modu were gloomy after hearing this.

They all lowered their heads.

Although they are already aware of the result.

But now hearing the verdict...

Still a little downcast.

Good thing it didn't take long.

The presiding judge announced again: "Now the performance scores of both parties are announced. The Jincheng side performed well, which fully demonstrated the reasonable use of legal provisions. The performance score is 693 points."

"Modu's legal team cooperated closely throughout the whole process, and they also did not fall behind, and played steadily, with a performance score of 681 points."

The defendant's defense attorney is on the bench.

The nine lawyers in Modu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and raised their heads one after another.

Subconsciously looked at Qin Mu who was opposite.

693 points!
This score is really against the sky, only seven points is a perfect score!

Shocked them...

In fact, it was their own performance points, which actually reached 681 points in the defeat.

"Oh, skills are not as good as people, let's admit it."

Among the nine.

Suddenly someone sighed and took the initiative to walk towards Qin Mu.

With relief and a smile on his face.

Congratulations and congratulations.

The other eight people looked at each other and followed one after another, congratulating Qin Mu.

This is the final battle.

no doubt.

Qin Mu led a team of lawyers from Jincheng to win the No.1 national mock trial.

Nine of them...

Being driven to the point of desperation by Qin Mu alone.


Hearing the congratulations from the people around, Zhang Wei blinked blankly.

This first...

It's so easy.

Before he could even exert his strength, it was over.

The opposite side is too careless.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully won No.1 in the National Moot Trial Competition, and the task completion rate is 100%."

Qin Mu was about to speak to the crowd when he suddenly heard a mechanical voice in his head.

The pupils are slightly bright.

Showed joy.

at last.

He worked hard for so long and finally completed this task.

to be frank.

In the last round of trial, he also felt a lot of pressure.

The combat effectiveness of the nine opponents in the lawsuit...

Not weak at all.

If he hadn't made up the legal provisions and case judgments of various industries in advance, it might be a little dangerous.

The opponent's performance points are also very tight.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained this task reward: 3000 wishing points!"

The sound of the system came next.

A panel visible only to him floated in midair.

There are 3000 more wishing points in the backpack.

The system prompts him to make three wishes.


at the same time.

In the venue.

in an office.

Huang Qinglin and Rao Zhengde closed the computer and looked at each other.

The excitement of the last trial...

Needless to say.

It can be called the most in the history.

This is also their original intention of organizing the mock trial competition, in order to exchange and exchange litigation capabilities among lawyers from all over the world and improve each other.

"I didn't expect... Qin Mu really became the number one."

Rao Zhengde sighed lightly, his expression was rather complicated.

very beginning.

He was the one who looked down on Qin Mu the most, and he also felt that Qin Mulang's reputation was in vain.

In the end, Qin Mu came to the end and won No.1.

"If you want me to say, the luckiest... is none other than Zhang Wei."

Huang Qinglin shrugged and said with a strange face.

Rao Zhengde: "..."

He froze for a moment.

On second thought.

It seems so.


If one's own strength is strong, it is better to hold a good thigh.

Zhang Wei attended the whole process and won a No.1.

To know.

This honor is given to Jincheng, not personal, but a group honor.

Naturally, it covers Zhang Wei.

It's like saying...

Zhang Weibai won the first place in the National Moot Trial Competition.

"Ahem, let's go, it's time to present the awards."

After half an hour.

Huang Qinglin waved his hand and left the office straight away.

Walk towards the center of the venue.

Prepare for the last link of this National Lawyers Conference and announce the No.1 of this moot trial competition.

He believed.

There should be no objection to this No.1.

Jincheng definitely deserved it for getting it.

(End of this chapter)

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