Chapter 52 The middleman earns the difference
After hearing this, Qin Mu frowned.

After hanging up the phone.

He took out his mobile phone, logged into a certain guest app, and searched for the listing information of his house in the Fourth Ring Road.

He wanted to see if there was something wrong with the intermediary that caused so many people to look at the house but no one was willing to make a deal.

Before selling the house.

He specifically inquired that houses of the same type as his near the Fourth Ring Road generally sold for 85 yuan, and some even sold for 90 yuan.

And I have the same conditions...

The bottom line has been reduced to 75.

Still haven't sold, no matter how you think about it, it's not right.


Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

"Why is my house priced at... 95?"

Looking at his listing information and price introduction, Qin Mu was taken aback for a moment.

He remembered very clearly that in the house entrusted sale contract...

His intended transaction price is 80 yuan, which can be lowered by about [-] to [-] yuan.

But the property introduction on the app clearly stated 95!
Even tens of thousands higher than the market price.

Thinking of so many people looking at the house, but no one has the intention to make a deal...

Qin Mu's expression suddenly darkened.

This can only show that Lin Zhen secretly edited the house information and raised the price to those who inspected the house.

Only then did no one make a deal.

thought here.

He called Lin Zhen again and asked why.

But Lin Zhen cried bitterly: "Mr. Qin, it's like this. The 95 yuan is evaluated by the company based on the value of your house. It's just a display data. We show customers the house, but it's all according to your requirements. .”

"Every time I introduce a bottom line price of 75 yuan, the final transaction price will also be based on 75 yuan, but customers are difficult these days."

"It's either that the furniture is old, or that the house doesn't have an elevator..."

on the phone.

Lin Zhen was full of grievances, as if he had suffered a great injustice.

Qin Mu frowned after listening.

All of a sudden I'm not sure again.

Is it possible...

Is it really his house?

"Mr. Qin, don't worry, we have found interested users and are showing them the house. I can guarantee that the house will be sold soon!"

On the phone, Lin Zhen continued to reassure.

"As soon as possible."

Qin Mu yelled, and hung up the phone coldly.

But his intuition told him...

There's definitely something tricky in here.


at the same time.

Jincheng, Fourth Ring Road.

Lin Zhen and his apprentice Zhao Ludi are leading an old couple to inspect the property on the spot.

"Look at the old man, isn't this house not bad? Facing north and south, the lighting is transparent."

"There is a vegetable market outside the community, it is very convenient to buy vegetables and cook."

"Turn left when you go out and you will find a park, where you can take a walk after dinner and dance in the square."

"Besides, it is close to the subway, and the traffic is very convenient. You can walk 200 meters and you will arrive at the subway station."

"This house is still in the school district. There are junior high schools and high schools next to it, and the educational resources are abundant."

"The homeowner said that all the furniture will be kept, and none of them will be moved, even the house will be given away."

"There's more..."

Lin Zhen pulled the white-haired old couple on crutches and introduced them enthusiastically.

After the old couple looked at the room.

looked at each other.

Obviously moved.

This house...

Almost met all their needs.

They just want to buy a house in the city and take care of their grandchildren by the way.


The expressions of the two were still a little hesitant.

With a face full of confusion, he said: "Your house is good, but it's a bit expensive. Our only 80."

Part of the 80 was saved by their frugality over the years.

main part……

It is the compensation for the son and daughter-in-law.

That's right.

in the first few months.

Their son and daughter-in-law were involved in a car accident, and the only survivor was their teenage grandson.

There is no greater tragedy in the world than a white-haired person giving a black-haired person.

But after the grief.

They still have to live, and can only shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking care of their grandchildren.

After serious consideration, I decided to buy a school district house in Jincheng.

Taking care of my grandson who just started high school.


The house they are fancying now is too expensive to buy.

According to the intermediary, the homeowner will not sell the house below 100 million.

"Not enough money? It's okay, pay 80 yuan, and the remaining 20 yuan...can we mortgage it?"

Lin Zhen's voice sounded quietly.

The old couple froze for a moment.

Can't help asking: "We... are all retired, and now we live on pensions, can we still apply for a mortgage?"

Lin Zhen smiled kindly, and said kindly, "Of course."

"Our company has cooperative relations with several banks. As long as you apply, the money will definitely be approved!"

"I just did some calculations. The landlord sold this house for 100 million yuan. The whole set will cost about 110 million yuan, which means you need a loan of about 30 yuan."

"Let's choose ten years, that is, one month, and the repayment is less than 3000 yuan."

"The combined pensions of your two elders are enough to pay off..."

Listening to Lin Zhen's suggestion, the two looked at each other.

Obviously moved his mind.

This suite...

It really fits their needs.

Before that, the intermediary showed them many houses, but they were not very satisfied.


The combined pension of the two is almost four thousand.

After removing the monthly mortgage, save the remaining money...

Totally enough.

As for grandson's tuition and living expenses...

"At worst, I'll look for a way to live as a gatekeeper, or pick up junk. I should be able to afford it."

One of the old men gritted his teeth and said to his wife.

"How about... Let's go home first and then think about it?"

The wife's expression was also a little tangled, but she still didn't make a rash decision.

"It's time to think about it more, after all, buying a house is a lifelong event."

Lin Zhen saw this.

There was no urging, and he quickly said: "Then we will wait for the good news from your elder brother."

After viewing the room.

Supporting them all the way, they enthusiastically sent the two of them out of the community.


The stumbling figures of the two disappeared from sight.

Zhao Ludi, an apprentice next to Lin Zhen, couldn't help asking: "Master, are you sure they will buy it?"

Lin Zhen snorted coldly: "I don't think people miss it. They obviously have ideas about this house, and school will start soon, so they will definitely buy it!"

There was no trace of politeness and humility on his face.

Before this.

He knew about the couple.

They will absolutely buy this home for their grandkids to go to school!

final price……

Of course it is in 100 million.

As for whether they will take out a loan or not, these are not his worries.

"After this order is closed, I can earn at least 20 yuan!"

Lin Zhen took a deep breath and looked a little excited.

The old couple paid 100 million, Qin Mu received 75, and they made a net profit of 25.

of course.

There are still [-], which need to be distributed to all parties, and the rest can belong to them.

These are all common practice in the industry.

As long as they operate well, both buyers and sellers will be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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