Chapter 60 This happiness came too suddenly
Follow the normal process.

The procuratorate's evidence collection this time will give priority to investigating several evidences presented in his indictment.

For example, fabricating false housing information, contracts suspected of violating the rights and interests of buyers and sellers, etc.

Then follow the tripartite accountability model to carry out responsibility implementation.

Whoever made a big mistake and violated many regulations should bear more responsibility for this dispute.

And although he was the first to propose not to sell the house...

The breach of the contract came first, but because Lin Zhen was the main fault party, the responsibility he needs to bear is actually very small.


The intermediary industry is a public domain, and the scope of the investigation will also involve the intermediary companies behind Lin Zhen, causing a series of chain reactions.

"There are still six days until the trial."

Qin Mu put down his phone and stretched.

During this time, he has been reading various types of codes and laws.

With the help of [Photographic Memory] skills, he has already read the laws and regulations in several fields such as economic law, contract law, and criminal law.

For litigation and other processes...

Also had a detailed understanding.

"Xiao Qin, someone outside the courtyard is looking for you."

in the afternoon.

Qin Mu was reading the latest articles of the "Civil Code", when suddenly Zhang Qingyuan found him.

"Looks like an old couple."

Qin Mu was stunned for a moment.

Soon he thought of the old couple who bought the house, got up and walked out.

Outside the nursing home.

The old couple was stopped by the security guards and stood there agitated.

Both of them looked sad and sighed.

After being hung up by Lin Zhen, they went to the store to find Lin Zhen.

But Lin Zhen changed from his previous kindness, and his attitude was very bad.

It seems that they are under some investigation and they are directly driven out of the store.

In desperation.

They could only ask Lin Zhen for Qin Mu's address, and found it here.


The two are in a very uneasy mood now.

According to Lin Zhen, Qin Mu's attitude was worse than his, and he was determined not to sell the house.

"Uncle Yang, you... looking for me?"


Qin Mu came out of the nursing home and saw these two elderly people with sad faces.

"Mr. Qin, hello, we... We are here this time, mainly to ask why the house is suddenly not sold. Haven't we signed all the contracts?"

Uncle Yang and his wife looked at each other.

Hastily stepped forward.

He looked at Qin Mu nervously, with worried eyes.

"Is it because we don't have enough money? We can increase the money. The loan came down two days ago. It's no problem if it costs [-] to [-]..."

next to.

Uncle Yang's wife also stepped forward and asked nervously.


Qin Mu frowned, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

He remembered what was written in the contract...

Obviously, the full payment is 75 yuan, so why do you need a loan?

Uncle Yang and his wife are both retired and have no stable jobs.

As usual, it is impossible to complete the loan.

"Yeah, 30. Lin intermediary helped us get the loan. We have money. This school district house is really important to us."

Uncle Yang nodded quickly.

With a pleading expression on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "The total price of 100 million is [-] more expensive, in fact, we can accept it..."

After the death of his son and daughter-in-law in a car accident.

The grandson has become the meaning of their life.

They must raise their grandchildren.

And this relatively good high school in Jincheng is about to start school, and the number of registration places for the school district room is very important to them.

Qin Mu listened to the words of Uncle Yang and his wife.

The originally gentle look gradually turned cold.

He had no idea at all...

Lin Zhen, a black intermediary, in addition to fabricating false housing information and scrapping contracts, actually tricked the old couple in front of him!
On the one hand, he lowered the price on his side and let him sell it for 75 yuan.

on the other hand……

On the other hand, Uncle Yang sucked blood crazily, and with the help of their eagerness for a house, they sold 100 million yuan!

"Mr. Qin?"

Seeing the change in Qin Mu's expression, Uncle Yang mistakenly thought that Qin Mu didn't like the two thousand.

He and his wife looked at each other.

Gritting his teeth again, he said his bottom line: "It's really not possible, we are willing to add another [-]!"

This fifty thousand is already the limit for them.

They originally borrowed 30 yuan, and after deducting the agency fee and buying a house, they still have some left over.

If it is really sold at 105 million...

They even have problems eating.

But in order for their grandson to be able to study, they were mentally prepared before coming.


Just when they were anxious and waiting for Qin Mu's answer.

Qin Mu, who had been silent just now, suddenly laughed.

Harmony said: "Don't be nervous, I didn't say I wouldn't sell the house, I just said I wouldn't sell it with an intermediary."

The two were stunned.

Some did not understand what Qin Mu meant.

What Qin Mu said next made them even more confused.

"Besides, you bought this house...someone paid for it for you, so you don't have to pay for it yourself."

"Someone help us?"

Uncle Yang's eyes widened, disbelief written all over his face.

The two of them don't know any rich friends on weekdays.


Which friend would be so nice to help them buy a house?

Qin Mu looked at the puzzled two people, and continued to explain: "I originally sold this house for 75 yuan, but the black intermediary forced them to buy high and sell low, and finally raised it to 100 million. I have already sued them, and now The court has filed a case…”

"As the buyer, the actions of the intermediary have also harmed your interests. You can apply for double compensation from the intermediary, asking for 200 million..."

in fact.

In this case, he was not the only one whose rights and interests were damaged.

And Uncle Yang and his wife.

In contrast, they suffered more damage, were maliciously driven up housing prices, and were deceived into taking loans.

It is entirely possible to sue with him and take the other party to court.

The amount claimed, the upper limit can also reach 200 million.

40 higher than him.

Even if the final judgment of the court is not 200 million, at least the money for buying his suite can be lost.


After listening to Uncle Yang, he couldn't help swallowing.

From Qin Mu's narration, he gradually learned about Lin Zhen's heinous deeds.

But I didn't expect...

Qin Mu directly sued the other party, demanding 200 million in compensation.

a time.

He even forgot the purpose of his trip.

"Let's go, sooner rather than later, let's go to the nursing home to discuss in detail, and write out the indictment today and hand it over to the court."

Qin Mu smiled slightly.

He took two old people who were in a dazed state and walked into the nursing home.

Find a study.

Start helping them write the indictment.

after an hour.

A brand new indictment was released and presented to Uncle Yang and his wife.

"This... this Mr. Qin, can we really win the case?"

Uncle Yang is holding the indictment.

Looking at the distinct "200 million" in the column of the prosecution request, I couldn't help but ask.

Qin Mu nodded: "The procuratorate has already started an investigation, and you should be able to receive the money after the court makes a verdict."

Uncle Yang swallowed, and glanced at his wife.

I feel more and more that the scene in front of me...

It's a bit unreal.

This happiness came too suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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