Chapter 79 This crime, the highest death penalty

During these two anxious days.

He specialized in high-altitude parabolic.

Although this behavior has been sentenced in the previous two years, it is generally within one year, and most of them are detained and controlled.

The most dealt with is a single fine.

He felt that if he did not cause any consequences, a fine of 500 would be regarded as the best.


The corner of Shen Dao's mouth twitched as he looked at Gao Feng who "knew about" the high-altitude parabolic crime in front of him.

If he really understands...

Then you won't even be able to understand the crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means on the subpoena.

On the subpoena, Qin Mu was sued for the crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means, which was clearly written on it.

But Gao Feng just regarded this case as an ordinary high-altitude parabolic.

Shen Dao shook his head and did not explain to Gao Feng again.

He waved his hand directly.

He said to the policeman behind him, "Let's take it back to the office first, and take another fingerprint and compare it with the fingerprint on the beer bottle."

Although Gao Feng admitted the crime, the law enforcement recorder that was turned on throughout the whole process also recorded this scene.

But fingerprints still need to be compared, which is a necessary process.


After half a day.

Jincheng, police station.

After fingerprint comparison, the identity of the parabola was finally determined to be the peak.

The police station has also begun to issue criminal reports, and submit the process and judgment results to the court.

Before the trial, the defendant in a building...

Changed to peak one person.


He came to the guard room and reminded Gao Feng to get a lawyer.

"Look for a lawyer? How much will it cost? It's just a lawsuit, I just admit defeat, and you just tell me how much I have to pay."

After hearing this, Gao Feng shook his head again and again.

An attitude that I don't want to find a lawyer at all.

Seeing this, Shen Dao's mouth twitched slightly.

I couldn't help reminding: "This time, you committed two crimes in one act. Not only the crime of throwing objects from high altitudes, but also the crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means. The other party is prosecuting you for the latter."

"And the latter... the punishment is very serious, you'd better hire a lawyer."

Although the law does not require a lawyer to be in court, the probability of winning the case with professional lawyers during the trial is much higher.

A Professional Lawyer...

It's much better than a person who doesn't understand the law to justify indiscriminately.

Even if the case is lost, the penalty can be reduced as much as possible.

"Punishment? Don't scare me. I haven't caused any consequences, so I won't be sentenced to a few years?"

Gao Feng pouted, somewhat disapprovingly.

Shen Dao glanced at him, and said lightly: "This crime, if it does not cause serious consequences, if it is more than three years but less than ten years, if it causes serious consequences... the maximum penalty is death."

The voice fell.

Gao Feng's eyes widened and his face changed slightly.

The look of disapproval just now has completely disappeared.

He did see this crime of endangering public safety in a dangerous way in the summons.

But no time to find out.

In his mind, no serious consequences were caused, and no matter what the crime was, it was probably nothing more than a loss of money.

But Shen Dao told him...

If there are no consequences, it will be more than three years and less than ten years!

He swallowed, and hurriedly asked: "Then... If I find a lawyer, can I win the case?"

Shen Dao's face was full of black lines, and he was a little speechless: "You should think about how to reduce your sentence first."

this case...

It's an iron case, and the evidence is conclusive.

A series of evidence such as residential surveillance video, Gao Feng’s confession, fingerprints, etc., are sufficient to prove that Gao Feng constituted the crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means.

There are three elements to this crime.

The first and most important point is behaviors that are socially harmful enough to endanger public safety.

At that time, it was time for a walk after dinner, and the community was full of people.

There is no doubt that Gao Feng's behavior violated this point.

The second point is a natural person who has reached the legal criminal age and has independent criminal responsibility.

At this point, Gao Feng has already turned 18.

The third point is intentional subjectively.

There is no doubt that a beer bottle crossed the green belt and hit the aisle of the community, it must have been thrown out deliberately.

There is no way it was an accidental fall.

With these conditions, the crime of Gao Feng can't escape at all!
But Gao Feng still wanted to win the lawsuit...

In fact, what he should be struggling with now is whether he should be sentenced to three years or ten years.


That night.

Inside the jail.

Gao Feng's friend and colleague Zhuang Huarong heard that he was detained, so he hurried over to visit him.

He hated iron and said: "You let me tell you how good you are, Yanzi is a gold digger, why do you insist on hanging on her tree?"

"You actually drank yourself like that. For her, you ruined your bright future!"

"The company heard that you were taken away by the police station, and has issued a notice. You have now been fired."

"A job with a monthly salary of [-], if you don't have it, you don't have it. Is it worth it for Yanzi?!"

After being scolded by Zhuang Huarong, Gao Feng turned blue and red.

It never occurred to him...

A wine bottle that was thrown down casually would have caused such serious consequences.

He sighed softly, and said to Zhuang Huarong, "Stop talking about that, can you help me find a lawyer, the more powerful the better."

Zhuang Huarong was taken aback.

Can't help but ask: "Are you crazy? A great lawyer is very expensive. A lawsuit costs at least tens of thousands. In order to save hundreds of dollars, you actually want to hire a lawyer?"

"It's not a matter of a few hundred dollars, I sentenced."

Gao Feng looked at his friend and almost burst into tears.

Zhuang Huarong was in a daze, not knowing what happened.

After the high-altitude parabolic happened, Gao Feng told him about it.

He also helped to check the legal knowledge at that time, only thinking that he would lose a few hundred yuan at most.

Why did it suddenly have something to do with sentencing?
Gao Feng sighed, and continued: "The court will be held in seven days. I have saved some money by working part-time for the past few years. You must help me find an awesome lawyer..."

Zhuang Huarong nodded blankly, expressing that he would definitely help.

the next day.

Zhuang Huarong walked into the police station with a lawyer.

"Brother, let me tell you, this lawyer is very good. He has handled many big cases in Jincheng. After hearing about your case, he took this case decisively, and even said that he can get a [-]% discount!"

Listening to his friend's introduction, Gao Feng couldn't help swallowing.

At the same time, he looked at the lawyer next to him.

The well-dressed lawyer smiled slightly and held out his hand: "Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Wei. I am best at defending commutation of sentences, and I am also well-known in the lawyer circle in Jincheng."

He was still a little dazed when he saw Gao Feng.

He continued to promote himself: "Don't look at me losing lawsuits all the time, but my main focus is actually reducing sentences. There should be no one in Jincheng who is more suitable for your case than me."

(End of this chapter)

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