Chapter 89 Does the police station take care of meals?
If this is a person with a weak mental capacity...

It's good to be called autistic.

Maybe he will do something stupid that commits suicide.


Shen Dao raised his head and glanced at Qin Mu who was calm and breezy.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He suddenly felt sorry for the group of people who hated Qin Mu.

"I took a closer look. The rider's behavior was mainly instigated by these eight people."

Qin Mu pointed to this floor of the comment area, and continued: "According to the criminal law, they are joint abettors. They are also guilty of the crime of poisoning."

in criminal law.

In fact, there is no concept of abetting crime. Every abetting crime...

In the end, it will all be implemented, that is, what crime the perpetrator is carrying out, and the abettor is the same crime.

shall be punished with the same penalty.

And on this floor.

These eight people are particularly active, claiming to be a walker for the sky, and have provided many "constructive" opinions to the riders.

If the parties did nothing, they did not commit a crime.

But if the parties committed a criminal act under their instigation and instigation, they will all be guilty of the same crime as the parties!

for these people.

One counts as one, and he doesn't intend to let it go.

"There is a third case. In this comment area, people who like a lot... I plan to sue them for insult and defamation."


Qin Mu swept through the comment area again, and listed all the ones with more than [-] likes.


A total of 21 comments, that is, 21 accounts.

Shen Dao saw Qin Mu's movements.

A few black lines appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but said: "Insult and defamation are private prosecution cases, you can go directly to the court to sue, we are not responsible for this."

This is a personal accusation.

The kind that doesn't complain.

If the parties do not prosecute, their public security organs will not intervene.

After the prosecution is also a matter for the procuratorate.

The first two cases are public prosecution cases.

Once the crimes of poisoning and abetting are established, they will arrest the suspect, detain him, and launch a public prosecution.


Because these three cases belong to the same incident, the court will conduct a unified trial when trying them.

"I know this. It's not that the court has not been working for the past two days. Let me list it for you first."

Qin Mu nodded.

As if I was thinking of you, I continued: "You can also use these, I will make a record with you later, so that I can have a full understanding of the whole case."


It took him 10 minutes to sort out the information of these 21 accounts and hand it over to Shen Dao.

The movements are skillful, and the car is familiar with the road.

He has long been extremely proficient in these steps of transcripts, evidence collection, and case review.

Although this matter is not under the control of the police station.

But the case involved those who committed defamation, and Shen Dao would need to write a case summary report when the time came.

And Shen Dao stretched out his hand.

Passively received the information.

I always felt something was wrong.

Seeing Qin Mu's "understanding" appearance, he suddenly had the illusion that Qin Mu was an insider of them.

"Come on, aren't you going back to the police station?"

When he was stunned.

Qin Mu was already standing at the door, actively urging him.

Shen Dao: "..."

Take the police car on the way to the police station.

Qin Mu couldn't help asking: "By the way, it's already noon now, are you in charge of the meal?"


after an hour.

After finishing the notes, Qin Mu spent a meal at the police station.

Then he returned home.

First, it took some time to complete the indictment and prepare to submit it to the court on Monday.

Unlike the police station, the court implements a two-day weekend system.

Unless there are serious cases, the court is not open to handle cases on weekends.

After writing the indictment...

He called Wang Dahammer and told him about his plan to prosecute the three crimes.


on the phone.

After hearing this, Wang Dachui couldn't help but swear.

In his career, he had never encountered such an exciting case.

Put yourself in his shoes, if he ordered takeaway and encountered such a thing...

His first reaction must be to seek compensation from the other party and demand civil compensation.

But Qin Mu...

But he directly found the other party a crime of poisoning!

And in terms of constituent elements, it is completely in line!
Once the public security agency detects the infectious disease pathogen from the sputum, the charge is almost confirmed!
More than three years, less than ten years!

"I took this case!"

"Another case that a pig can win!"

There was little hesitation.

Wang Dachui immediately agreed and decided to represent the case.

Although the crimes of poisoning and abetting are public prosecution cases, the public security organs will initiate the proceedings.

But during the trial...

The criminal defense lawyer from the public security organ, the plaintiff's lawyer, and the defendant's lawyer will participate together.

After Qin Mu hung up the phone.

He lay on the sofa again and continued to check his phone.

Patiently waiting for the test results from Shen Dao.

Five p.m.

He received a call from Shen Dao himself, informing him that he had indeed detected the pathogen of the infectious disease.

Pathogens in everyday life…

Also very common.

It is the common cold pathogen.

If you don't pay attention, you will be infected by people around you who have a cold.


In this particular case, the other party committed the crime of poisoning for spitting in his takeaway!


within a neighborhood.

Liang Shuqi was lying on the sofa, comfortably swiping his phone.


He only delivered a takeaway and came back.

Now he feels very comfortable.

"The suggestions from these netizens are really good. I don't know if the person who made a bad review has eaten my spit?"

He grabbed a tissue and wiped his nose.

There was a hint of expectation in his expression.

Yesterday, he did have something wrong.

But he begged to come to the door, explaining the impact of a bad review on him.

But this customer...

It is still unrelenting, just refuses to cancel the bad review.

Originally, he planned to admit that he was unlucky.

That night, I recorded my experience into a video, intending to win the sympathy of the audience.

Attract a group of fans.


The video suddenly went viral.

As of now, his video playback volume has reached 600 million.

There are also many kind-hearted netizens who expressed their desire to reward him with crowdfunding.

among them.

There are also a few netizens who proposed a way to let him relieve his anger, that is, spitting in the takeaway!
The area where he took the order was near the customer who left the bad review.

As long as you focus on the order address, you can find Qin Mu's order.

to this end.

He didn't go to deliver food all day today. He swiped the rider's app the whole time, and finally received the order from that customer.


According to the suggestions of netizens, I spit in the yellow braised chicken.

Although this can't sanction the other party, it can disgust the other party.

Even if found out...

At most, it is just to compensate the other party for 16 yuan of braised chicken and rice.

(End of this chapter)

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