Chapter 98 How to have a good relationship with inmates?

Even with the clean net campaign, it is impossible to clear up these negative comments overnight.

When she was puzzled.

In the group of water friends, this "net cleansing incident" is also being discussed fiercely.

"Have you seen that, under the video of Xiaoliang's takeaway, there are now all our comments!"

"I never expected that we would actually win this battle. The troll ran away overnight with the train on his shoulders, and he couldn't even see his shadow!"

"These trolls probably have seen the video of Up, ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​these trolls!"

"I just checked. The plaintiff wanted to pay the legal fees in advance. Up sued 80 people and paid at least [-] in advance!"


Watching the discussion of water friends.

Qing Lan blinked her eyes and suddenly understood.

Dare to love all this...

It's all because of Qin Mu's video yesterday.

the other day.

She led the water friends who did not win the "Internet violence army" with five sprays in one second, as if falling apart.

Disband in situ.

"Sure enough, the only way to silence trolls... is to scare them."

She couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It is almost impossible to try to wake up the trolls and make them look at the problem rationally.

Especially on the web.

These trolls have always been self-centered, and when they see people who have different opinions from their own, they crazily refute.

Naturally like to stand on the commanding heights of morality, standing and talking without back pain.

The so-called empathy...

It's just the empathy they want, and they don't even consider the feelings of those who have been bullied by the Internet.

After all, to condemn others in reality, one needs to worry about being beaten.

And on the web.

Across a layer of screens, everyone put on a mask and could speak freely.

Almost at no cost.

And the appearance of Qin Mu...

Then he slapped them hard, reminding them of the consequences of trolling people on the Internet.

It's a pity that there are too few people who are more serious and uncompromising in life.

And no one will be so crazy as to spend 80 to sue the entire comment area!


A small county town.

Postal express sales point.

Han Suiyue opened a courier document, and the recipient on it was exactly him.

And the sender...

It is Jincheng People's Court.

His current complexion is very ugly.

After watching Qin Mu's video yesterday...

He had a premonition that something was wrong, and he did not expect to receive a subpoena from the court the next day.

In this subpoena...

It was clearly stated that the court session would be held in Jincheng six days later, and he was summoned to arrive at the Jincheng court on time six days later to participate in the trial as a defendant.

And Qin Mu sued him for defamation!
The constituent elements of the crime of defamation are relatively simple, as long as it insults, slanders, affects the personal dignity of others, and the circumstances are serious, it can be constituted.

And that comment he made...

With tens of thousands of likes, the spread is directly capped.

The exposure is amazing.

In other words, if he loses the case, he will be convicted of defamation and go to jail!

thought here.

As a defendant for the first time in his life, he took out his mobile phone and started searching one question after another.

"I was sued, can I not go to the court hearing?"

"To attend the trial, can you reimburse the travel expenses?"

"As a defendant, do you want to hire a lawyer?"

"Slandering others, with more than [-] likes, how will the general court judge?"

Looking at the answer on Baidu...

His face became paler and more regretful.

After a long silence.

He sighed lightly, as if he had resigned himself to his fate and prepared for the worst.

Then click on the search bar to continue searching for new questions.

"How many years do you usually spend in prison for defamation?"

"What do you need to prepare before going to jail?"

"Before going to prison, do you want to bring a change of clothes and toothbrush and toothpaste?"

"How to build a good relationship with the inmates in the prison?"

"If I behave well in prison, can I come out early?"

"If you escape from prison, what punishment will you face if you fail?"



Zhang Wei Law Firm.

Xiao Fang looked at lawyer Zhang Wei in front of him, and explained the cause and effect of the matter.

Nothing to hide.

After her boyfriend was detained, the police station reminded her to prepare to find a lawyer.

And she weighed it carefully.

After comparing the lawyers in the Jincheng circle, I finally found the well-known Zhang Wei Law Firm.

I heard that although this lawyer has never won, he is very good at reducing sentences.

Can help defendants minimize damages and sentences.

She looked up.

Looking at Zhang Wei, he begged, "Lawyer Zhang Wei, you must help me. My boyfriend just spit out a mouthful of phlegm. The sentence shouldn't be so severe, right?"

According to the criminal law she inquired about.

The crime of poisoning is more than three years, depending on the circumstances, up to ten years.

And Zhang Wei heard what happened.

Also interested.

Mostly because of the plaintiff's name...

It's called Qin Mu.

"Don't worry, Qin Mu and I have fought many lawsuits, and we are old acquaintances."

He smiled slightly and comforted: "Since he sent it in, I will definitely do my best to help the client reduce his sentence within the scope of the law."

Xiao Fang was taken aback for a moment.

Couldn't help swallowing.

Always feel something is not right.

"Actually, the best way to reduce the sentence is to seek a criminal understanding, but based on my understanding of Qin Mu, he will not issue a criminal understanding."

Followed by.

Zhang Wei said again: "So we still have to start from other aspects."

"This case is suspected of the crime of poisoning, and the sentence for poisoning crime is more than three years and less than ten years. Regardless of whether there are consequences, it constitutes a crime."

"However, the crime of poisoning is also divided into the crime of negligent poisoning and the crime of intentional poisoning. The strength of the two sentences is completely different."

"Therefore, during the trial, the parties can insist that they just want to disgust the other party, and they didn't intend to let the other party catch a cold..."

From a professional point of view, Zhang Wei began to analyze the poisoning behavior in depth.

Generally speaking.

The crime of poisoning does not distinguish between intentional and negligent, as long as the act is carried out, it constitutes poisoning.

But when sentencing, will take into account the fault or not.

Malicious poisoning...

Generally speaking, at least seven years in prison.

In the case of Liang Shuqi, killing himself just to disgust the other party, he is sure to reduce the sentence to three years.

This is the most ideal situation.


It also depends on the level of the opposing lawyer.

Even if Liang Shuqi insisted that the cold virus was spread unintentionally, legally it needs to be presumed intentionally.

The situation at that time will be simulated, and the general public's psychology will be used to make inferences.

For example, Liang Shuqi was given a bad review, knowing that he had a cold...

The purpose of carrying out this behavior is that there is a high probability that Qin Mu will eat the takeaway and catch a cold.

This is a legally allowed presumption.


This lawsuit is actually not easy to fight.

If the other party characterizes the case as deliberate poisoning...

That's at least seven years!

After listening to his analysis, Xiao Fang's expression turned ugly.

"The sentence was reduced to three years?"


She was not very satisfied with the result.

(End of this chapter)

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