Chapter 12 On the News

Tokyo, night.

In this metropolis, even at night, the lights are brightly lit.

There are indeed no people in the streets and alleys, but the bars and restaurants are bustling with activity.

"Heshu, let's keep drinking, keep drinking!"

On the quiet road, the shouts of drunken people sounded.

"You're all drunk."

Kazuki Yamaguchi, who was carrying the two drunks, spoke emotionally, but his face was cold.

The two drunks were colleagues with whom he had a good relationship. If it wasn't for avoiding suspicion, he wouldn't want to talk to these two humans at all.

Yamamoto Kazuki may be the calmest human being around here, because his body and spirit are really cool.

At this time, this physical body is being controlled by the spiritual body of a Kyriaelod.

In order to welcome the coming era, the Kirielod people chose to sleep a long time ago, and it was not until the last ten years that they woke up one after another.

Unfortunately, the number of waking up is much smaller than the number of sleeping dead.

Fortunately, the mountain passes and trees are no longer human.

A new era is coming, and the Kyriairods began to prepare for the future, summoning the gods and ruling the earth.

That's why Yamaguchi and Shu are so careful.

Exposure at this time will bring many unnecessary troubles to the race.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came out from the mountain pass and in front of the tree, and the inexplicable heart palpitations made him instinctively raise his head.

One person looked at the dark street, and the drunk beside him was still yelling for another drink.

When Yamaguchi Kazuki saw Takano Jun and Kirino Mufu, his heart couldn't help hanging.

Because he knew Mufu Kirino, the former super-powerful boy, according to their understanding, those with superpowers among human beings are all bloodlines left over from the ancient times.

And the light in the prophecy is among these people.

But, why did Mufu Kirino appear here?Coincidence, or...

"He should be the Kirielod you mentioned."

Makio Kirino didn't point directly at Yamaguchi and the tree, but raised his chin very slightly to signal Takano Jun.

"You can leave now, my fight with him may be very dangerous."

Takano Jun understands the strength of the Kirierods, and the cosmic being who once defeated Tiga is definitely the most difficult existence he has encountered so far.

Once it becomes huge, the scope of destruction is uncontrollable.

He didn't want Mufu Kirino to die here without paying attention.

"Mr. Monster, come on."

Shepherd Kirino is not a kid, he is very smart, the battle between monsters and aliens is not something that ordinary humans with no attack ability can participate in.

After Kirino Mufu left, Takano Jun began to approach Yamaguchi Kazuki.

"The visitor is not good!"

Yamaguchi and Shu narrowed their eyes.

He couldn't understand that an ordinary human being who had never seen him would come to him, and seemed to have great malice towards him.

"Want to kill?"

He took a deep breath.

In the eyes of the Kirielod people, humans are pigs that should be kept in captivity, so they don't have any compassion for humans.

But now they are stronger than humans, and the earth is ruled by humans. Without enough strength, the Kiriarods are unwilling to conflict with humans.

"I can have another drink!"


The drunken words around him made Yamaguchi and Shu frown, he let go of his hand, and kicked the drunken two away.

Jun Takano was getting closer, and after seeing Kazuki Yamaguchi kicking the drunk away, he rushed at him with all his strength.

"Hey, why are you attacking me for no reason?"

Yamaguchi Kazuki didn't want to reveal his identity, so when Takano Jun got close, he jumped back suddenly, avoiding Takano Jun's heavy punch.

"I didn't trouble you, but you did trouble my sister, Kyriaelod people, you are too arrogant!"

Relying on his strong physical fitness, Gao Yejun instantly stuck to Yamaguchi Kazuki, and punched wildly, extremely crazy.

With no fighting skills, he can only use this to deal with the enemy.

"It seems that there is no way out."

After his identity was revealed, Yamaguchi Kazuki restrained the panic on his face and stared at Jun Takano indifferently: "You are not from Earth, are you?"

Takano Jun didn't want to reply to him, and he appeared in front of Yamaguchi and Shu without any rules, and Yamaguchi and Shu retreated steadily.

In the human state, the Kirielod's attack methods are extremely poor, not to mention that the possessed body is still a corpse, and basic defense is very difficult.

Being kicked away, a white light and shadow immediately appeared on the mountain pass and the tree, and the spiritual body of the Kirielod appeared.

"What a hassle!"

The mental body moves toward Jun Takano's whip-like energy waves.

Jun Takano hastily dodged and stood up.

The ground was blasted by energy waves.

The huge explosion made the two drunks around them startled, and they tended to become sober.

Seeing this, the mental body raised its hand and was about to attack the drunk.

The figure leaped high and kicked towards the spirit body.

A afterimage swayed, and the spirit body appeared behind Takano Jun.

An invisible force controlled Takano Jun's body and lifted him into the sky.

"A mere human would dare to trouble me."

At this moment, Takano Jun no longer hesitated, and instantly became huge.

With a sound like a beast, Takano Jun turned into a huge Bruton.

The sudden change caused the mental body to lose control of Takano Jun.

"How is it possible? A monster!"

The mental body was extremely astonished, and even felt a sense of horror.

Never heard that monsters can turn into humans.

Facing the ordinary spiritual body, Jun Takano instantly released the four-dimensional power, distorting the spiritual body.


Accompanied by screams, the mental body split into two and entered the mountain pass and the tree.

"Who are you?"

Watching Bruton attack, Shankou and Shu roared: "My companion will not let you go!"

The four-dimensional energy burst out, and the mountain pass and trees split open.


Under Takano Jun's deliberate control, Bruton's body was not on top of the drunk. Hearing the drunk's voice, the space was distorted immediately, and Bruton, surrounded by ten blue lights, disappeared instantly.

A drunk opened his eyes, and saw a mountain-like figure flashing past. He woke up immediately, rubbed his eyes, and saw the corpse on the ground.



The police filmed the scene with cameras, and reporters filmed outside the cordon.

"It's a demon! It's a ghost!"

"I saw it, I really saw it!"

"He killed Heshu, and he wants to eat Heshu!"

The drunk who found the body yelled in fear.

The police officer who was questioning looked at his flushed cheeks and very much questioned the authenticity of the information.

"It was directly torn apart."

After examining the corpse, the forensic doctor said to the policeman beside him, "It's hard to imagine what kind of monster could create such a terrible murder scene."

The policeman had no idea, and looked back at the yelling drunk man: "What that guy said may be true. Someone saw a huge monster that flashed past last night."

At this moment, the forensic doctor noticed some purple-red spots on the skin of the corpse.

"This is……"

"Corpse spots!"

The forensic doctor's eyes widened, and an impossible thought flashed through his mind. He looked at the policeman and tremblingly said, "Victim, no, this body may not have died last night!"

"It's a mountain demon! A mountain-like monster wandering around Tokyo."

The drunk suddenly let out a growl.

 It's not easy for newcomers and new books, please follow up!
(End of this chapter)

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