Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 127 Aguru Idol, Ace Bodhisattva

Chapter 127 The Statue of Aguru, Ace Bodhisattva (Subscribe)

Japanese carpenters never thought that they would make a fortune because of wooden fish.

Because the news that the sound of monks chanting broke the nightmare quickly spread throughout Tokyo. After all, it is an island country with a small area, so it was very fast.

Japan is originally a country that believes in the theory of ghosts and gods. Coupled with the frequent appearance of monsters and super beasts, many people pin their hearts on certain things.

For example, Buddhas in temples, gods in legends, onmyojis in history, and Ultraman Ace and Ultraman Aguru that many people have seen.

When Takano Jun, who was used to nightmares, was walking on the road and saw someone praying to the Aguru toy in the toy store, he almost didn't tense up.

When he was fighting against the nightmare, what kind of changes happened in this world to make him so crazy!
What's even more outrageous is that he actually saw someone knocking on a wooden fish and watching... Altman Ace kowtowed in a red cloak while reciting Buddhist scriptures.

Far from the original!
Although Ace's design elements are somewhat related to Avalokitesvara, is it too much to regard Ace as Avalokitesvara for Buddha?

You prayed to Buddha all wrong!
This scene suddenly reminded Jun Takano of a funny picture—Namo Amitabha Buddha.

In such a comparison, there is no sense of disobedience at all, so strange, hey!
No, I have to watch it again.

Jun Takano looked up, and saw that the man had already taken off the Ace toy, put an Aguru toy on it, and then muttered: "I'll go buy Zofi, Ultraman, Seven, and Jack in the afternoon, and take all the Ultra The soldiers are all assembled, and I am chanting scriptures day and night, so no monsters or ghosts can invade my dreams."


Jun Takano couldn't complain.

What kind of weird sequelae did this nightmare world bring?

But it’s okay, after all, this kind of situation is not the majority. The most normal thing is that some people walk and chant sutras while holding a wooden fish.

Well, this is also very abnormal.

When Jun Takano saw a 1.9-meter tall man with tattoos on his arms and neck holding a small wooden fish and chanting sutras, he suddenly felt as if he hadn't gotten rid of the nightmare.

Why is the world so strange, I want to see it again.

This is a disease!

Jun Takano raised his forehead, and glanced at the people around him from time to time.

In just one day, the world has gone crazy. As a new youth in the 21st century, he still can't keep up with the changing style of the [-]th century.

The surrounding chanting sound is interesting at first, but after a long time, it becomes annoying. After all, many people will say "Namo Amitabha Buddha".

Realizing that it was very strange at this time, Takano Jun contacted Ryugoro. As soon as the phone was disconnected, he yelled: "Captain, everyone is crazy. They are all chanting sutras with wooden fish. I also saw them messing around. worship Buddha."

Long Wulang replied: "I know that this matter is related to super beasts, but there is no way to stop this situation now."

Takano Jun asked: "It's only been a day, what happened?"

"Come to my house, let's talk about it."

"...Let's go to the old place."

"If you want to eat while listening to them knock the wooden fish, then I have no problem here."

"Forget it. Listen to them knocking wooden fish. It's better to go to the temple. You prepare more food. I haven't eaten yet."

"...You can live without eating!"

After hanging up the phone, Ryugoro glanced at the wooden fish he just bought on the table, shook his head, and stuffed it into the box.


This is a period of time when the whole process is crazy, even the whole of Japan is crazy.

People in Tokyo who were affected by the nightmare began to chant scriptures, and other cities were more or less affected. Buddhist scriptures suddenly became popular in Japan, and countless people were praying and chanting scriptures.

But fortunately, this situation has not caused the previous "freedom every day" in the United States. Although all walks of life have been affected to varying degrees, the society is generally stable.

Aside from knocking the wooden fish which is a bit annoying, no one is doing anything against the law.

The Super Beast incident did not bring any damage, but instead brought social stability, which is simply a blessing in misfortune.

At the same time, Takano Jun learned about yesterday's situation from Ryugoro.

After the nightmare came, a monk walked into Tokyo with a wooden fish in his hand. He chanted scriptures day and night. Wherever he passed, the nightmare was broken, and everyone was full of energy, as if walking on spring breeze.

Since the news spread, the chanting of scriptures has been remembered by many people.

If it weren't for the monk who said that the Buddha has no form, it is estimated that every household now has a Buddha statue, and there will be no Buddha, God, and Ultraman like now.

After hearing what Ryugoro said, Jun Takano's expression was serious, and his brows were frowned.

Such a situation reminded him of the Kirielods. Yes, this classic image really impressed him deeply.

Jun Takano remembers that in the original plot, the Kirielod people used demagogic methods to make many ignorant people believe in the so-called gods and regard Tiga as a demon.

The current situation in Japan is very similar to that plot, if not worse.

People in the whole of Tokyo, and even the people of Japan, have been affected. If the spirits of these people are also controlled, it will be the most terrible crisis for human beings and Ultra fighters.

Seeing Takano Jun's pensive look, Ryugoro said: "It seems that you understand the consequences of such a thing, I am very afraid now, once these people are used, the Tucker team will become an empty shell. "

Takano Jun said: "Belief is the most deceptive thing. Under normal circumstances, there are more ignorant people than sober people. What's more, after experiencing the nightmare incident, there are very few people who can remain sober and rational."

"To deal with that monk, we can't attack rashly."

Jun Takano recalled those monster belief deceptions in his memory, and he said: "I guess the monk may show his holiness in the next step, or summon a so-called Buddha, to unify the ignorance and superstition of most people at the moment."

"He said that Buddha has no form, and the super beast hidden behind the deception of belief may not have a fixed shape, and it is likely that it will only appear after the unification of ignorance and superstition."

Long Wulang nodded slightly, and he said: "According to your guess, we have two opportunities to deal with super beasts, when the monks are about to manifest themselves, or when the super beasts appear."

Takano Jun said: "In this case, confronting super beasts head-on will have the best effect on breaking superstitions, but guys who can do belief deceptions will not be so easy to deal with."

"The Tucker team will go all out, even if it is against the bewitched."

Takano Jun shook his head: "The main problem is not this. As far as I know some guys who dare to play with beliefs, they are all very terrifying existences. Compared with hard power, Ace and I may not be the opponents of this guy."

The chopsticks landed on the soup on the plate, Takano Jun spent a circle, he said: "Assuming this is the monk, if he really did what I guessed, no matter what, the Tucker team will have to wait for him to call out After surpassing the beast, kill it directly."

"With the control of intelligent life forms, the strength of the super beast can be greatly improved. Removing this monk may also weaken the strength of the super beast itself."

Long Wulang agreed.

"The Tucker team will create this task, and the V7 missiles will always be aimed at him. As long as the monster appears, I will let it taste the power of humans!"

Listening carefully to the sound of the wooden fish outside, Jun Takano leaned back on the chair, Ryugoro nodded.

"In order to break the bad news..."

"For humanity..."

The two spoke at the same time.

"Fuck him!"

"Defeat the super beast!"

Takano Jun stared: "It's been so long, can't we two have a tacit understanding? When this kind of blood is hot, you should fuck him."

Long Wulang complained: "It's too rude, and it doesn't fit my status as the captain of the Tucker team."

"I can fuck you!!!"

……… Off-topic…………

The super beasts that will appear next are original, and there may be some imperfections. Just take a look, and I can't bear to be corrected.

Abandoned the detailed outline originally intended to write the ancient super beast sphinx, and chose to continue the original plot with the Yabo people as the super beast maker.

(End of this chapter)

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