Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 129 Believers Leader "Kirino Shepherd"

Chapter 129 The Leader of the Believers "Kirino Shepherd" (for subscription)
"So, they want to carve that meteorite into a Buddha statue."

"To carve a super beast with his own hands, and then be enshrined in people's beliefs, this monk's method is really insidious!"

At Beidou Xingsi's home, Beidou Xingsi walked back and forth in the living room. He was very angry about the fact that monks cheated their faith into making super beasts, but he was powerless to stop it.

Nan Xizi said: "According to Takano's speculation, the shape carved out by that meteorite is likely to be the shape of the last super beast. What we need to figure out most now is what kind of characteristics will be loaded into the statue by the deluded believers superior."

Takano Jun has some memories of the fact that humans made monsters. In the clips that flashed in his mind, most of the characteristics and attack methods of this monster are related to human thoughts.

Takano Jun said: "Your movements are too slow. Captain Ryugoro should be the first to stuff the bomb into the meteorite instead of waiting for the meteorite's texture to corrode."

"Perhaps the monks asked the believers to carve Buddha statues, which was also a temporary idea after the lines were corroded."

Nan Xizi said: "There is no way to do this, the time is too tight, and they have just started in the mountains, and the monks are aware of it."

Hearing this, Jun Takano thought for a while with his chin in his hand, and he said: "So, the monk can feel the movement of the meteorite. If that's the case, he has to keep his eyes on him."

"Once a super beast appears, it must be killed as quickly as possible. It is best to crush the bones and ashes. It is impossible in the human state..."

Takano Jun glanced at Beidou Xingsi.

"Beidou, if your guns don't work on him, then immediately turn into Ultraman Ace and step on him directly."

None of the original characters in the Tokusei drama seem to have thought about this method. To become huge at the fastest speed, and then crush the enemy, this is the way to save time and effort.

Takano Jun also used this method to kill many arrogant cosmic beings at the beginning, practicality is Takano Jun's only evaluation.

Beidou Xingsi hesitated and said, "What I'm afraid of is that he stays in the crowd all the time, and I don't have a chance to do anything at all."

"Well, then leave this matter to me."

Takano Jun rarely took the initiative to take responsibility.


Two days later.

A group of people kowtowed to the meteorite on the red cloth in public, muttering words in their mouths. After praying, these people began to discuss the image of the Buddha statue, while the monks sat in meditation at the front, indifferent to it.

"We should use the image of the Buddha to carve. The Buddha has no form, but the Buddha is a well-known image by the public."

"Why can't it be a Bodhisattva? It is said that it is a son of the Buddha, and it must not be a Buddha. So let's carve it based on Guanyin Bodhisattva."

"No, no, can't there be some innovative elements? The Buddha we believe in is different from the traditional Buddha."

"Yeah, we should combine the present and look forward to the future. How about carving a female Bodhisattva?"

"What are you talking about, even if it is carving, you should also carve the legendary Susanoo!"

"Everyone, everyone, listen to me."

While everyone was arguing endlessly, a tall, handsome man walked up to him.

Relying on his extraordinary advantages, it took only two days for Takano Jun to sneak into these believers and establish a "weak" relationship.

"Shut up and listen to Mufu Kirino." The women in the crowd shouted.

Soon the voices of the debate stopped temporarily, Takano Jun nodded slightly, and he said: "I think everyone is familiar with me, let me introduce myself, my name is Kirino Makio, and I am a non-professional designer."

"I just listened for a while, and I heard two voices. One voice is to carve Buddha statues based on traditional Buddha images, and the other voice is to be innovative, in line with the current and future aesthetics."

Everyone nodded slightly.

"What a coincidence." Takano Jun smiled slightly, took out a piece of paper from his briefcase, and said, "Just after I heard that the Buddha came to the world, I drew the Buddha in my heart. It seems to meet your two requirements very well, you can take a look."

After speaking, Takano Jun handed the drawing paper to the believers around him.

The believer didn't pay attention to it at first, but when he looked down, he let out a hush.

I saw a golden Buddha statue appearing on the drawing paper, but the face of the Buddha statue was not a Buddha, but a face with very beautiful lines—Namo Amitabha Diga.

The believer wanted to find something wrong, but from the composition point of view, this combination seems to be very smooth, and he can't see anything wrong.

Seeing him looking at him, other people couldn't help but leaned over to look at it, and they were all fascinated by the image of Namo Amitabha Buddha.

"Hiss~ What a weird image, no, I have to look again."

Hearing admiration, Takano Jun had to admire the netizens who had big brains in the previous life.

He explained to everyone and said shamelessly: "This design element of mine has not only the traditional Buddha body, but also the image of an Ultra warrior that appeared in my mind early. It's a bit of a match."

"I don't know what you think?"

After discussing for a while, many people agreed.

Based on this, the basic appearance of the Buddha statue has been determined.

The monks in front didn't care about these things at all, so everything carved was arranged by the believers themselves.

After the drawing paper fell into the hands of those who could sculpt, they were amazed and began to design the statue in all directions.

A few days later, "Kirino Shepherd" became the right-hand man of the monk and one of the leaders of the believers because of the design of the Buddha statue.

After the gold plating was completed, a golden Buddha statue appeared in front of everyone.


Jun Takano commented secretly.

Bang bang bang!
After a while, the whole of Tokyo was beating gongs and drums, and several big men carried the Buddha statues and began to parade in the street, and they walked away slowly amidst the prayers of countless people.

At this moment, everyone is paying attention to the Buddha statue.

The Tucker team waited for the opportunity and followed the Buddha statue closely from all directions.

The corner of the monk's mouth curled up, and he put his palms together.

"Kirino Shepherd" was waiting for an opportunity with a briefcase in his hand.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up in the city.

The sky is thundering and lightning, while the wind is surging.

A bell rang from somewhere in Tokyo.


Ryugoro looked serious.

The red cloth on the Buddha statue was rolled up by the strong wind, revealing the golden Buddha body.

At this time, everyone noticed that the Buddha statue had changed.

"Buddha has no form at all!"

The monk said: "But it is tangible because of faith. The left hand holds the wind flag to disperse the haze of nightmares, and the right hand holds a thunder hammer to break through the surrounding nightmares."

"Buddhist Alimanda, descended to the world!"


The wind howled and the thunder roared.

The Buddha statue soared into the air, with its arms open, and the so-called wind flag and thunder hammer appeared in its hands. At the same time, many bags grew on the head of "Tiga".

Suddenly, the perfect image in people's minds suddenly went against harmony.

"Kirano Shepherd" fan complained: "It's so ugly!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused the approval of many people.

Someone asked the monk: "Why do you wear a bag on your head? It's so ugly!"

The monk looked at each other coldly, and then said, "Alimanda, you have come to this world..."

The monk fell down.

Takano Jun shook the briefcase in his hand, cursing: "I've been drawing the picture for so long, and I've become so ugly just because of your words!"

Stepping on the monk, Takano Jun raised the briefcase wrapped in bricks and smashed it down hard, once, twice...

Someone asked: "Mufu Kirino, what are you doing!"

Jun Takano looked sideways, and a slight smile appeared on his blood-smeared face.

"Look at the Buddha statue again, is it a Buddha, or..."

"Super beast!"

Everyone looked along his fingers, and the Buddha statue in the sky had unknowingly turned into a huge monster tens of meters high.

The originally designed Namo Amitabha Buddha's appearance completely disappeared, leaving only a huge creature with a green body and a Buddha's head, golden eyes and smiling faces.

……… Off-topic…………

Ask for a ticket today!

The Book of Two Thousands of Sacrifice——"My family's cards are too good for me, so bring Susano"

(End of this chapter)

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