Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 145 Takano jumps off the cliff

Chapter 145 Takano Jumps off the Cliff (Subscribe)
Takano Jun sat on the sofa, surrounded by a large number of books, including quotations from sages, the Bible from the church, and meditation from modern science...

He kept chanting words in his mouth, and flipped through the books at a glance. He seemed to be completely immersed in the ocean of knowledge in the books, but the speed of reading books seemed to be flipping through at random.

Regarding the cultivation of mind power, Takano Jun has read many books on thought. The authors of these books are all representatives of civilizations in various countries, and what they said is penetrating.

But there is nothing that can inspire Takano Jun. Until this moment, Takano Jun suddenly realized that his pursuit of power seemed too urgent, but he himself did not have much background, and could not support him spiritually to take another step forward .

What confused him the most was that he knew which direction to go, but he didn't know which method to use to reach the destination the fastest.

"What should the cultivation of mind power look like?"

Jun Takano asked Beidou Xingsi about this question. Beidou Xingsi is now integrated with Ace, so he naturally knows the way of training the power of mind in the Kingdom of Light.

It's just that the exercise method he said is similar to what Zhu Xingtuan taught him back then, concentrating for a long time, concentrating on one thing or doing one thing.

The "long time" here does not refer to how long you can concentrate in a day, and you have to keep concentrating until your mind breaks through.

Beidou Xingsi also said that it took decades for Ace to break through for the first time.

This is almost impossible for humans.

Decades are nothing in the lifespan of an Ultra fighter, but it is basically a lifetime for a human.

Moreover, Ace is also one of the extremely talented Ou in the Kingdom of Light, and even he has spent decades, let alone Takano Jun.

However, Beidou Xingsi still gave Takano Jun a reminder. He said a sentence that the father of Otto used to train the Otto brothers.

"The existence of mind power comes from the thinking of living beings."

Of course, the thinking here is not simply thinking about problems, but the display of wisdom and the precipitation of life course.

"In the final analysis, my accumulation is not enough, and my background is too weak."

Jun Takano stood up suddenly and found a book about the relationship between stress and spirit.

It is very difficult for him to settle down slowly. He doesn't want to wait until his hair is gray before he can evolve.

So he thought of the hell training of the star clusters, the squeeze-like training can stimulate the potential of the body in a very short period of time.

But Takano Jun will definitely not harm himself, the hell training is exclusive to Feng Yuan and has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, he settled for the next best thing and chose a relatively healthy method with certain scientific basis-taking a cold shower.

Taking a bath in cold water every day and keeping calm during the cold water bath can improve human's ability to resist stress and willpower to a certain extent.

And this method is the easiest to implement for Takano Jun. He doesn't need to do anything deliberately, he just needs to insist on taking a cold shower every day.

It's just a bath in cold water, so what's the problem?

When the cold water washed over Takano Jun's body, his whole body shivered at the moment when the cold water hit him. This was a natural reaction of the human body, even though Takano Jun's current physique was already superhuman.

But the sudden low-temperature stimulation still gave him a one-second reaction, but the effect was not very great, after all, his physique was too strong.

Knowing that this method was useless, Takano Jun sighed helplessly. After wiping his body, he got dressed and walked out.

Low temperature, cold water.

Jun Takano squinted his eyes, and several places flashed through his mind, the North Pole, the South Pole, the deep sea...

These places have low temperatures, which may help people's willpower. The first choice in Jun Takano's mind is the deep sea. There is no special reason, but it is close.

After making a phone call, Jun Takano asked Ryugoro about the temperature of the deep sea, and learned that it was generally in single digits.

This temperature is already very low for human beings, but for Takano Jun, it can only be regarded as a little cold, but don't forget that in addition to the low temperature, the deep sea is also endless darkness and terrible pressure!

The combination of the three brings some pressure, which may make Takano Jun concentrate for a long time.

After nightfall, Takano Jun came to the beach.

The last time he went to the deep sea was the last time. That time he dived into the water in the form of Aguru to deal with super beasts. This time he wants to enter the water with his body.

After looking around to make sure no one was there, Takano Jun jumped up and jumped off the cliff.


The night was too dark, Takano Jun didn't notice the stone in the water, and bumped into it.

But it was not a big problem, he just fainted for a while, then sank to the bottom of the sea.


As a botanist, Ooka Shinichi recently lived in his hometown in the countryside. While recalling his childhood scenes on the grass, he inadvertently noticed a blooming wild flower.

Because the wild flower was too bright, it soon aroused Shinichi Ooka's professional interest.

He pushed his glasses and walked towards Jiulan. He was still speculating on the species of the flower while walking, but he was still not sure.

The transformed Julan is very bright and looks like a glowing rose, but Ooka Shinichi knows that it is not a rose, because there will be no white fluffy hair on the branches and leaves of roses.

After careful inspection, Ooka Shinichi preliminarily concluded that this was a new plant that no one had ever discovered, because there was no similar plant in his memory.

For better confirmation, Ooka Shinichi hurried home, brought a camera, and took pictures of Chulan from multiple angles.

After the filming, he was about to leave, but before he had taken two steps, he stopped again and looked back at Jiu Lan.

"There are so many children in the village. If anyone came here and saw such a beautiful flower, he would definitely break it."

"There are also beasts whose actions may also cause the death of this flower."

"No, this may be a new species, or even the only individual, I can't let it go like this."

So, Ooka Shinichi set up a tent next to Chulan, and observed his growth day and night.

At first, Ooka Shin was curious about Julan. After all, this is a brand new species. Maybe no one in the whole world has discovered it except him.

Only he could write about the study of this flower.

But as the research time got longer and longer, Ooka Shinichi's whole person changed. He seemed to start to pay almost paranoid attention to Qiulan, and he was thinking about Qiulan all the time.

Thinking about eating, thinking about sleeping, even thinking about it when I am with my wife.

This is a very scary phenomenon!

Finally, Shinichi Ooka could take it no longer.

One night, he appeared with a shovel and a flower pot, looked at the Qulan in front of him, made a strange laugh, then dug it out and put it in the flower pot.

A few days later, Ooka Shinichi drove his family to Tokyo.

……… Off-topic…………

Ask for a ticket today!

Ask for a reward!
It's still an original plot. The author wants to get rid of the traditional way of writing Alvin's few chapters to defeat a plot monster, but he falls into the confusion of knowing how to write the following, but not knowing how to write it well.

The flat plot unfolded, too boring, the funny description like before, and a little aesthetic fatigue, without much inspiration, and it was difficult to come up with a complete story for a while.

There should be one or two updates at around two o'clock tomorrow. In the next few days, two chapters may be updated at 0 o'clock, and another update at two o'clock in the afternoon. There will be 6000+, don't worry.

More than 100 words above, no extra money will be charged.

(End of this chapter)

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