Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 173 Ace's Finale

Chapter 173 Ace's Finale ([-])

Over our old place, Tokyo, dark clouds rolled in, the wind was strong, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the howling sound like a ghost reverberated in the city.

The residents of Tokyo understood the moment they saw the weather. They put down their work and ran to a nearby shelter as quickly as possible and within the shortest distance.

When the aborigines all disappeared on the street, those tourists who arrived in Tokyo were stunned and stunned in place, unable to react for a while, what happened?
"Run, what's going on with you foreigners? Monsters have appeared, why don't you run away?"

The policeman in charge of evacuating the crowd was so angry that he was still standing there like a wooden stake at such an urgent moment.

Even if you want to take a shortcut in your life, go directly to the cemetery, and bury it if you fall down, saving time and effort.

The rain tainted with resentment fell from the clouds and dripped into the city. The retreating people on the street felt that the temperature around them dropped instantly. It was bitingly cold, as if winter had arrived ahead of schedule.

Boom boom boom!
The moment the weather changed, the four of Takano Jun realized something was wrong, and they immediately launched all the V7 missiles into the sky.

Then, an emergency evacuation began.

Yamanaka and Konno ran behind the Black Panther and looked up.

"That is……"

They noticed an anomaly in the clouds.

One by one, strange faces like pythons shuttled between the clouds. Shanzhong took out the binoculars and looked at them, and his expression changed drastically.

"Super beast!"

"All super beasts defeated by Ace!"

Without hesitation, Konno reversed the car and drifted, kicked the accelerator down suddenly, and the Black Panther turned into a black lightning and rushed out of the missile base.

Yamanaka put down the binoculars, first contacted Noriko Mikawa in the base, and then looked back at...

Suddenly, he froze, turned his head and asked Konno, "Where's Takano Jun?"

Konno glanced at the rearview mirror and said anxiously: "Did he not get in the car? No way, I thought he got in the car."

Yamanaka also thought that Takano Jun got in the car, but Takano Jun didn't get in the car.

Shanzhong looked back at the empty missile base and said hesitantly, "Go back, let's go find him."

"it is good."

Konno agreed without thinking.

The Panther rushed to the grass on the side of the road to give way to the vehicles behind, then turned around and rushed back to the base.

Seeing this scene, the department leader almost stood up on the co-pilot.

"What are you doing? Can you go back at this time? Don't die!"

"Crazy, what the hell are you crazy!"

The driver next to him asks, "Are we going back?"

"What are you going back for? Are you going to die?" The department leader took a deep breath and said, "Let's continue to evacuate, don't waste time, and leave the battlefield to them as soon as possible."

The Black Panther running in the opposite direction was buzzing, and Konno had already stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

Soon, Yamanaka and Konno saw Takano Jun standing in the open space.

The screeching sound of tire rubbing exploded in the rain, and before the car stopped completely, Yamanaka opened the door and rushed in front of Takano Jun.

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"Why don't you get in the car? Why don't you get in the car?"

Yamanaka roared angrily. As he spoke, he grabbed Jun Takano's clothes and pulled towards the Black Panther.

Konno also ran over, ready to pull people.

Takano Jun raised his hand and pulled away Yamanaka's hand. He spread his five fingers, feeling the coldness of the rain.

"It's an opportunity."

Takano Jun said: "The Yawa people have made a move, and the super beast resentment has also appeared. This is the only chance to defeat the Yawa people at present."

"Also, the best chance to save Ryugoro."


Suddenly, a thunder exploded in the sky.

Jun Takano raised his head, and Yamanaka and Konno followed his gaze.

The huge black shadow broke through the clouds and came into everyone's eyes.

The terrifying face with blue-faced fangs, long green hair twisted like a poisonous snake, and fair skin as if it had been dead for a long time.

The human-shaped super beast broke through the clouds and plummeted downward.

"The strongest super beast Balor."

The moment Balor appeared, the entire land seemed to be a little colder, and hoarfrost could be seen on some green leaves with the naked eye.

Mixed with the icy cold of the rain, the overwhelming ice began to freeze in Tokyo.

"Huh... so cold!"

Konno, who was the strongest in the Tucker team, shivered.

"You guys get out of here."

"Leave the battle here to me."

After all, Takano Jun bowed his body slightly, the ice under his feet shattered, he kicked his feet hard, and the whole person rose into the air.

The golden light shot straight into the sky, and collided with the falling Balor.

Terrible energy erupted between the two, presenting a ring-shaped heat wave spreading around.

The golden ball of light collides with the green light stream.

Jin Guqiao firmly grasped Balor's arm with one hand, and swung his fist heavily on Chao Beast's face with the other hand.

Balor was not to be outdone.

The purple to black sharp claws waved wildly on Jin Guqiao's chest, and the terrible corrosion instantly made Jin Guqiao's chest scarred.

Jun Takano raised his hand to block the sharp claws, the luminous body on his head flickered, and the destructive light blasted out.


Balor opened his bloody mouth wide, and a purple vortex appeared in his throat, swallowing all the destructive rays of the Golden Ancient Bridge.

Then, his long green hair stood up and turned into sharp spikes, piercing Jun Takano's face and arms.

Fortunately, Jin Guqiao is a robot and doesn't feel pain at all, otherwise Takano Jun would have screamed at this time.

When the Volcanic Monster Bird Barton card is loaded, the face of the Jingu Bridge changes, and the metal beak protrudes.

Jun Takano opened his mouth, and the fireball spurted out, burning along his long hair to the top of Balor's head quickly. He didn't stop because of this. The moment the fireball flew out, his upper body leaned back, and then he pushed forward violently.

The reflective bird's beak was directly inserted into Balor's forehead, the light on Jin Guqiao's chest floated, and a strong toxin was injected into the super beast.

The blue color on Balor's face turned purple at an extremely fast speed, and the long hair on the top of his head also withered, but in the blink of an eye, new life gushed out from his body.

Wounds heal and long hair replaces.

Balor broke free from Takano Jun's palm, raised his leg, and kicked Takano Jun down.

The heavy body of Jin Guqiao fell heavily, causing the earth to shake and the soil to splash.

The second card switches Bruton.

When Balor's flying kick came, the four-dimensional energy exploded, and Takano Jun teleported behind Balor.

The heavy fist wrapped in dimensional power threw Balor forward, and the card switched to the Zuluk.

When his wrist turned into a sharp blade, Jun Takano disintegrated directly, his body was divided into four, and the upper body was the core, launching a siege to Balor.

In Balor's horrified eyes, cut off the head of the super beast from its neck.

Clang clang!
When the parts fit together, Takano Jun gasped heavily.

The high-intensity battle with Balor caused the side effects of the card to come quickly, and his mind is now full of thoughts of tearing everything apart.

And when he was distracted, Balor behind him grew a new head, he grabbed the first head, and his life merged.

The long hair hanging from the first head twisted and intertwined, turning into a long sword in his hand.

With a roar, the long sword slashed at Takano Jun's back, and all the parts in Jin Guqiao's body flew out.

Takano Jun was attacked and rolled on the ground quickly, dodging Balor's next sword.

The heavily damaged Jinguqiao could no longer support it, and coupled with the influence of the monster card, Jun Takano had no choice but to replace it with the Aguru card.

A blue light shone, and Takano Jun revived on the spot.

But he understands that even if the Aguru card is in its prime, it is still no match for the super beast in front of him.

In the hands of the Yawa people, Ryugoro's body was developed to the extreme, becoming Balor with almost no weaknesses.

Stab it!

Light sabers and long swords flashed alternately, splashing sparks.

Jun Takano responded to Balor's attack with superb swordsmanship skills, but the counterattack did not have much effect, because the wound on Balor's body has been recovering.

As a result, Aguru, who has almost unlimited energy on the earth, and Balor, who can continuously recover and regenerate, launched a protracted battle on the earth.

But the power gap is still too big, the card only has a fixed strength, there is no so-called idealistic explosion, Takano Jun can't exert a stronger power.

But his opponent, after constantly adapting to the attack, his body changed, and the vulnerable parts of his body grew scales similar to Barabbas.

This made Takano Jun's attack even weaker.

After heavy blows and slashes again and again, Takano Jun finally half-kneeled on the ground powerlessly, struggling to support.


The silver light came in a flash and fell on the super beast.

Disc-cut cards buzzing in Balor's flesh...

……… Off-topic…………

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[-] words are updated, and there are still [-] words to be updated at around [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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