Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 176 Ace's Finale

Chapter 176 Ace's Finale ([-])


Terrifying energy exploded in the air, and the violent air waves caused the already crumbling trees on the ground to collapse directly.

A raging green light beam instantly appeared in front of Takano Jun.

Ryugoro: "Takano!"

Dazzling light burst out, and huge mushrooms grew on the battlefield.


Jin Guqiao's body split into four parts and flew out of the mushroom, unsteadily merged into one body not far away, then staggered and knelt down on the ground.

The huge soles of his feet fell, stepping Takano Jun into the soil.

The tens of meters long chain tail entangled Ace, slammed it to the ground more than a dozen times, then strangled Ace's neck, and hung him up.

After finishing off the two opponents, the arrogant and angry Yabo people set their sights on the mediocre Zofi.

He resented this sixth child very much. He didn't know how many times he kept saying that he would not interfere, but he attacked again and again.

Blow him up the first time.

Blow him up a second time.

This time, he directly solved his Balor.

You call this non-intervention?
What is it to meddle in?Does it count as meddling if you just kill me?
The Yabo people felt that they recognized the Ultra warriors clearly, and each of them was duplicity, and each of them was duplicity.

sneak attack!



The green light beams erupted again, scorching heat waves spreading in all directions on the battlefield.

When the smoke dissipated and the dust fell, Sophie slowly raised her head under the entanglement of countless flaming snakes.

"I'm not going to do it."

"But you attacked me first, so..."

Sophie took a step back with her right leg, clenched her fist with her right hand, and arched her body slightly.

"I'm going to fight back!"

The silver light streaked across the sky, and Sophie's figure shuttled between the long tails of the chains.

A terrible storm swept across, and the stagnant Super Beast King crashed down.

Sophie's blow with all her strength showed a destructive power even more terrifying than a vertical guillotine.

This is the true strength of the boss of Ultra, the unknown Sophie.

Sophie didn't attack again. After all, the reason for his attack was to counterattack, and he couldn't deal with the enemies of Ace and Aguru all at once, otherwise, it would be boring.

The red Z-ray shoots out and shoots down the long tail of the Super Beastmaster's chain, and Ace gets out of trouble.

When the two Olympic Games fell, Jin Guqiao, who was covered in mud all over his body, also climbed up with difficulty. Jin Guqiao's whole body was in dilapidated condition, and the luminous body on his body glowed slightly red.

Sophie saw at a glance that Takano Jun's emotions were not right, and his thoughts fluctuated too frequently.

Thinking of the disappearance of Aguru's serious injury, he turned to Ace and said, "Give part of your light to Takano Jun, he can't last too long in the state of a monster."

Ace nodded.

He knew about it, Jun Takano had said it.

However, because Takano Jun restrained again and again and did not get lost in the rage of power, Ace didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

After such a long battle now, Takano Jun's consciousness is almost unable to bear it.

A mass of pure light gathered in his hands and transmitted into Takano Jun's body.


Takano Jun's eyes trembled, and a burst of dazzling light suddenly radiated from Takano Jun's body.

In Takano Jun's eyes, a new Ultraman card appeared in front of his eyes, and the strange light fluctuated continuously, absorbing all the tyranny in his heart.

In the light, Takano Jun saw Sophie, saw the first generation, and saw the picture of Seven, Leo and Ace giving him light.

puff puff...

Takano Jun watched in astonishment as light energy burst out from his chest, and there was also a dark red energy full of tyranny.

This is……

"The fetters of Ultra warriors."

"And the madness of monsters!"

On the Ultraman card, the light of different colors switched crazily. Takano Jun felt the warm light of hope, the thick light of the earth, and the light miracle light...

In the end, the color of the light was fixed to silvery white, with a ray of dark red surrounding the whiteness.

"Light of Pride - Beria (Natural Form)"

Under the shroud of light, Takano Jun seemed to feel the horror of power, and at the same time, the negative emotions generated by the monster card and the universe card kept flowing through his eyes.

In a daze, Jun Takano seemed to see a prison where magma flowed.

That is……

Seeing the disappearance of Jinguqiao, Jun Takano's body erupted with a powerful light, and Sophie felt a palpitation vaguely.

Obviously he could feel the energy of the Ultra brothers from Jun Takano, but for some reason, the light erupting from Jun Takano made him shudder.

The dark red light ball fell to the ground, and the intense energy exploded.

The light dissipated, and Takano Jun's figure was fully revealed - a little strong white Beria. (Definitely not as powerful as the main body, but stronger than the Aguru card, but its strength is not constant, because it can absorb the negative effects of other cards)


Zuofi looked at Takano Jun in horror, he never thought that Takano Jun would turn into Beria's appearance.


Ace also searched the giant's name from his memory, that almost taboo name.

Compared with the terrified Kingdom of Light's two Austrians, the Super Beast King who got up didn't care. If the Yabo people can lift it up, the new giant's power is much stronger than Aguru, but it is far inferior to the Super Beast King.

"Uh ang!"

The destructive light shot out from the hundred eyes on the neck, and the green light occupied everyone's sight.

"Hehe, Aguru!" Yabo injected energy into the light crazily, "Die!"


Takano Jun was still immersed in the complex energy in Beria's body. When the light hit, his body reacted almost instinctively, and the dazzling light emerged from the raised arms.

The powerful destructive light was firmly blocked by the dark red barrier.


The people of Apo did not understand.

The protection period of the new card is the best.


Takano Jun turned around slowly and looked at the tall Super Beast King, his whole body was still emitting a terrifying light.

"This force is really powerful."

"The tyranny of monsters, the resentment of super beasts..."

Under the unbelievable gazes of Sophie and Awa, Jun Takano soared into the air with his arms outstretched.

"Focus on me!"

woohoo hoo...

A new storm appeared, and the resentment left between the heaven and the earth and the resentment in the Super Beastmaster's body all emerged, heading towards Takano Jun from all directions.

Even the Yabo people in the Super Beast King's body couldn't help but want to get close to Takano Jun, if it wasn't for his strong will that made him stay.

The Super Beast King has existed in name only.

Violent energies collided, exploded and fused continuously behind Takano Jun, the entire sky was filled with endless dark red, and cracks began to appear in the space around him.

Jun Takano formed a cross with his hands.

"Distium light!"

Mixed black and red, spark-like destructive light entangled with lightning exploded.

Feeling a great sense of oppression, the Yapo groaned, and exhausted all the power of the Super Beastmaster to emit the most powerful light.

The rays of light collided, with violent impacts.

The light of Dissum, which drove the endless energy storm, broke through the green light and appeared in front of the Yabo people at an unimaginable speed.


Shrouded in the terrifying light, the Yapo let out an unwilling roar, the intense energy almost burning out his resentment.

A moment later, there were explosions from all parts of the Super Beast King's body, and he collapsed quickly.

The black clouds over the sky dissipated, and Tokyo, which had been troubled by disasters, regained its calm.

In the days to come, Tokyo will also continue to be peaceful for a long time.


"We are victorious!"

The members of the Tucker team cheered loudly. They almost thought that the earth was over.


They excitedly looked at Beria in mid-air, and called out Aguru's name.


Sophie's emotions are rarely complicated, but since he chose to form a bond with Takano Jun, he will trust this human being who shuttles among the Ultra fighters.

As the light slowly fell, Belial's figure disappeared.

Takano Jun didn't smile, because there was still a "pendant" that was biting him firmly on his middle finger - the Resentment of King Red with the size of a thumb.

"You haven't disappeared yet?"

Takano Jun felt very outrageous.

Logically speaking, in the wave of absorption just now, the resentment closest to him should disappear the fastest.


Noticing Takano Jun's eyes, Little Red King made a threatening sound.

……… Off-topic…………

Ask for a ticket today!

Ask for a reward!
Tomorrow there should be tens of thousands more, even if not, there will be an update of eight or nine thousand words, just like today, it will be updated in two times, at midnight and after two o'clock in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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