Chapter 236 Flying, Flying (for Subscription)
Train the mountains.

Dagu and Masaki Keigo are competing.

Masaki Keigo, a proud guy, once let go of his arrogance, he appears extremely close.

The confrontation between the two was extremely fierce.

Dagu feels that he is the third child and cannot lose.

Masaki Keigo felt that he was stronger and didn't want to lose.

The contest between the two men is ridiculous and innocent.

Geddy lay on Takano Jun's lap, wagging his tail, enjoying the petting.

Jun Takano watched the battle quietly while stroking the dog.

The old thing brought the evil god's claws, which woke Gatanjah up.

The old man had been away for so long, and brought such a big gift as soon as he came back. He was not responsible for bringing it, so he ran away with Tongye.

It's outrageous!

This is also equivalent to the fact that darkness is about to descend on the earth.

Takano Jun glanced at the card on his waist.

These powers are definitely not enough to deal with Gatanjar, whom even Zoffy calls the "King of Black".

So, the light of the earth still needs more, more.


Dagu gasped and swung his arms.


Every battle, even if it's just a sparring session, is terribly painful.

Masaki Keigo smiled disdainfully.

With his hands behind his back, he walked leisurely to Takano Jun.

Takano Jun glanced sideways at the trembling hand, and raised his eyes to Masaki Keigo.

I can bear it!

While kneading his arms, Dagu asked, "Brother Gaoye, where did Tongye go?"

Masaki Keigo also looked at Takano Jun curiously.

Since Takano Jun came back, Kirino Mufu mysteriously disappeared.

"He was taken away by his teacher."

"His teacher?"

Dagu frowned, thinking of the teacher that Mufu Kirino often talked about, although he had never seen it, but in terms of Mufu Kirino's admiration, his teacher was probably stronger than Jun Takano.

The clever Masaki Keigo instantly had a guess.

"Is it his magic teacher?"

Takano Jun nodded slightly, put Gedi on his lap, stood up and said, "Their cosmic magicians cannot get involved in our next battle."

Takano Jun still hasn't forgotten what the Presher star said, the magic energy of the cosmic magician belongs to the evil god.

Once it collides with the pure dark energy of Gatanjah, evil is very likely to descend on this world.

At that time, the light may not be able to save the earth.

"The next battle..."

Dako and Masaki Keigo looked at each other.

After so many years of contact, Dagu still knows something more or less, but Masaki Keigo is totally ignorant.

Takano Jun explained: "Zoga is the vanguard of darkness. It is like a crow that symbolizes disaster. Once it appears, it means that the black king Gatanjae is about to wake up."

"What comes next is going to be the toughest fight we've ever had and lives could be lost at any moment."


As soon as they heard this name, Dagu and Masaki Keigo unconsciously recalled the picture they saw when they transformed into the Giant of Light for the first time.

The flames burning the earth, the darkness covering the world, the overwhelming monsters...

"If it's that darkness, can we really deal with it with just our strength?"

Masaki Keigo is more sensible.

He has trouble dealing with a Zoga carrying dark energy, let alone Gatanjah, the source of darkness.

As for Dijia, he is better than him at most, after all, he has three forms.

He continued: "This is not a fairy tale novel, nor is it a hot-blooded animation. Light may not be able to defeat darkness."

Very realistic words.

Takano Jun was silent for a moment, and said: "But we can't give up human beings, nor can we give up the earth. I have felt the pain of losing my hometown from another kid."

"That kind of despair is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

Dagu smiled.

"Isn't the point of our fighting to protect human beings? If we shrink back because of the strength of the enemy, then what's the point of being the light?"

"Such an absurd decision can really be made by you." Masaki Keigo sighed and said, "It's settled, if I really can't fight against Gatanjae in the end, I will run away."


Before Takano Jun and the others could speak, Geddy bit Masaki Keigo's ankle.

"Ah! Let go, let go!"

Masaki Keigo pulled Gedi's mouth and shouted: "I won't run, I won't run, let go!"

Takano Jun and Dagu looked at each other and smiled.


The huge root system grows rapidly underground and spreads.

Absorb, grow, break ground, and bloom in places unknown to everyone!


The Feiyan of the victory team landed on a grassland. They came to investigate the abnormal plasma reaction.

Lina looked at the endless green grassland, feeling comfortable physically and mentally.

"There's nothing here."

Xincheng said: "We must investigate clearly, after all, the means of invasion by the aliens are becoming more and more subtle."

Drop drop!
The detector in Dagu's hand rang.

He looked down and saw a yellow flower blooming at his feet.

With just this glance, the super-ancient memory dormant in the ancient DNA was awakened.

"The demise of the ultra-ancient civilization has something to do with this kind of words. In other words, the abnormal reaction here is..."

Looking around, Dagu reported to the base.

"Captain, I think I have discovered the source of the abnormal plasma reaction, which is a kind of flower."

Ju Jianhui said, "Flowers?"

After uttering this word, Takano Jun immediately thought of Qijiela.

Among the flowers in Tiga, the most famous one is Qijiela.

"This flower..."

Just as Da Gu was about to describe Qijiela's appearance to Ju Jianhui and the others, a female voice sounded behind him.

"This is Zigera."

As soon as the words fell, Qijiela in Dagu's eyes and Qijiela on this grassland competed to spit out yellow pollen mist.

Within a breath, Lina and Xincheng entered the dream world, moving slowly, as if no one was there.

Dina looked at Dagu curiously.

"Why didn't you enter the dream world?"

"The world of dreams..."

Dagu turned around and looked at Lina and Xincheng.



"If it was opened on the earth 3000 million years ago, it would represent the extinction of mankind."

Everyone learned the meaning of Qijie Lahua's appearance from Dina's mouth.

"Instead of representing the demise of mankind, it is better to say that it makes mankind indulge in hallucinations, makes them die in dreams, or has no power to resist in the face of darkness."

Takano Jun said: "Death without pain is the simplest and most comfortable ending it gives to human beings."

Looking at Dina, Takano Jun said: "You, and your father, only know Qijiela."

He turned back and said to Jujianhui: "Captain, we must find a way to locate Qijiela and uproot him."

Dina blinked. As a biochemical cyborg, she didn't understand such a choice. She said to Takano Jun: "Isn't it good to let human beings make their own choices? Isn't it a better choice to perish in happiness than to struggle in pain? ?"

"It couldn't have been a better option."

As soon as Takano Jun was about to refute Dina, Jujianhui and the others appeared in hallucinations and entered the world of dreams.

The influence of Qijielahua has spread here unknowingly.


Junjianhui spread his arms and hovered beside the table.

Jun Takano immediately picked up his phone and started shooting.

Dagu was anxious: "Brother Gao Ye, it's already this time, and you still take pictures!"

Takano Jun replied: "This is a rare picture."

At this moment, Dagu already doubted whether Takano Jun also entered the dream world.

After taking ugly photos of each team member, Takano Jun put down his phone and looked outside the door.


Dina's father, an ancient cyborg, arrives.

"It's really surprising. In addition to the prophesied Tiga, there are other Ultra fighters on the earth."

Jun Takano looked at the ancient cyborg and asked, "Since you have already left the earth, why are you coming back at this time?"

The ancient biochemical cyborg said: "Come back and take a look at our former hometown, and at the same time, in order to obtain more Qijiela essence, to continue our life."

Dagu looked at him in astonishment: "You actually regard Qijiela as something that extends your life, who are you?"

"Biochemical cyborg." The ancient biochemical cyborg said: "Tiga, and this giant of light whose name is unknown, you should not interfere with human choices."


Takano Jun nodded and said: "As a human being, my choice is to interfere with the choice of human beings."

The ancient cyborg was startled by the roguelike words.


Masaki Keigo came with Geddy in his arms.

"What happened? The outside world is in disarray."

"Another giant of light, and a giant of light."

The ancient biochemical cyborg looked at the three of them blankly. Why is there such a big gap between the reality and the prophecy?
……… Off-topic…………

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(End of this chapter)

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