Chapter 261 Fake... (Subscribe)
Fujimiya has been extremely happy these days, and his enthusiasm for studying Yanshan has also been particularly high. Without him, the picture of Jun Takano being cooped up replayed in his mind from time to time.

One evening, Fujimiya sat in the cafeteria of XIG enjoying dinner. As a temporary staff member, his working hours were full of flexibility.

Others don't play at work, and play after get off work.

He played as he wanted, with great ease.

After a while, I Meng, who had just finished the simulated fighter training, walked into the cafeteria. Seeing Fujimiya, he was surprised. Didn't this guy never eat the meals in the cafeteria?

I Meng glanced at the food in front of Fujimiya, and was immediately hungry. After a while, I came to Fujimiya with a plate.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Fujimiya frowned, he didn't like my dream.

I dreamed: "I don't mind."

The corner of Fujimiya's mouth twitched, you don't mind, I mind!
"By the way, how is that guy? Is he dead? Do you want to take a black and white photo?" Fujimiya said, "I know some people who do related things, and I can give him a discount."

I Meng was stunned for a moment, and looked at Fujimiya helplessly.

"Hey, you hate Takano Jun so much? Although he is a bit strong, he is still our comrade-in-arms."

"Fart comrade!" Fujimiya slapped the table angrily and said, "TMD! That thing counts as a comrade? I wish I could beat him to death."

When it comes to Takano Jun, Fujimiya's aloof and proud temperament is gone, and he looks like a small grudge.

"Uh..." I was choked in my dream. It is normal to have such thoughts in the situation that Fujimiya encountered. If it were him, it would be difficult to accept it in a short time.

You know, the members of Alchemy Star are all the smartest young people on Earth, and all of them are geniuses beyond the times.

They have different personalities, but they all have a kind of arrogance that surpasses human beings in their hearts.

This kind of arrogance is not arrogance, but the arrogance and arrogance of young people, the madness of young people.

"Takano Jun is living at my house, and his condition has recovered pretty well these few days. In my opinion..." Meng Meng stared into Fujimiya's eyes and said, "You are no longer his opponent."


Fujimiya clenched his fists.

Of course he knew that ever since he saw Ultraman Freya's new appearance, he knew that the gap between himself and Jun Takano was widening again.

He said: "I am analyzing the data of Ultraman Freya's evolution process. I believe that if the key to his evolution can be calculated, Aguru can also undergo an evolution. By then... hum!"

I Meng shook his head and said: "At that time, you may not be his opponent."

"Let's not talk about whether Aguru can evolve in Freya's way. Even if he evolves, how much stronger can Aguru be? Will he surpass Freya?"

"You have to know that when Freya first appeared, the power of his body was not comparable to that of Aguru or Gaia, but he still easily suppressed you."

I dreamed to put down the chopsticks and make gestures in the air with my fingers.

"This is not a gap in statistics, but a gap in ability and skills. If we can explode 60.00% of Ultra Warrior's power, then Jun Takano can explode 80.00% or even [-]% of Freya's power. "

Fujimiya stared at the leftovers on the dinner plate with burning eyes.

He said: "I have started combat training since last week. I can't catch up with Jun Takano in a short time, but it will definitely be possible after a long time."

Make a fist with the palm of your hand and place it in front of you.

Fujimiya said coldly: "Reality is not a game. There are no cheats or recharges here. One step ahead is only temporary. As long as I have enough time, I can..."

【Magnetic Monster Anton Ra】

The plug-in is activated, and the cards are synthesized.

Skimming over the monster cards and alien cards that are better than nothing, Jun Takano's eyes fell on Anton La, the only one who has the ability to control magnetic power.

The head of Anton La in the picture has not changed much, but the limbs have become as slender as insect feet, and have a more real insect-like biological sense.

This is a very classic monster, but the ability...

Can only be considered average.

However, its magnetic light has an unexpected effect against some metal monsters and mechanical monsters with strong defense.

Takano Jun thought about it, and planned to use this card as a backup battle card.

The other cards are all used for collection, and occasionally used for special abilities.

"Xiaochun, it's time to eat."

Outside the room, my dream mother shouted.

"Oh, here we come."



On this day, the XIG air base sounded a loud siren.

My dream hastily ended combat training and came to the war room.

"what happened?"

"There is a strong metal reaction outside the earth." Qiao Ji projected the images captured by the satellite on the screen, she said: "The metal reaction is further expanding, and it has changed into an entity."

In the picture, four silver rays of light quickly approached the earth, gradually turning into javelin-like spikes.

Dunzi quickly analyzed the data, and then reported: "Its constituent substances are very similar to the metal life form that appeared before, Apates."

"Apatai?" I dreamed, "It's a metal life form!"

The loud siren woke up Fujimiya, who was seriously analyzing Yanshan's body, and he frowned.

He hated this sudden harshness the most.

Cass on the side stopped working, and she said, "It should be that another monster has appeared, why don't you take a break?"

Fujimiya's enthusiasm kept Kath busy for a few days. Since the system of the natural transformation machine was very similar to her masterpiece, the original shield, most of the system data was completed by her alone.

Fujimiya and some researchers are responsible for the body data of the natural transformation machine.

"It's really annoying!"

Jumping off Yanshan, taking off his work protective clothing, the steaming Fujimiya let out a breath.

He would like to see what kind of guy disturbed his enthusiasm for research.


"Prolon Kalamos."

I dreamed that I was near the landing site of the metal life body predicted by XIG. The huge building in front of me was a management site belonging to Alchemy Star, and it was also the place where Fujinomiya used to study unknown particles inside the earth.

Back then, Fujimiya believed in humans so much, but now...

Here may be the turning point.

Walking into the institute, I saw an acquaintance in my dream, Dr. Inamori, Fujimiya's former assistant.

"Dr. Inamori, why are you here?"

Seeing my dream here, Dr. Inamori was a little surprised. She said, "I came here to learn the truth."

"the truth?"

Dr. Inamori nodded.

"That's right, the future of the earth that Fujimiya once predicted with an optical quantum computer..."

She raised her head slowly: "Aguru, Aguru...I have seen..."

……… Off-topic…………

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(End of this chapter)

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