Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 272 Fujimiya: I don't want to see you My Dream: Don't

Chapter 272 Fujimiya: I Don't Want to See You My Dream: Don't (Please Subscribe)


In the violent collision of the three monsters, Fujimiya and I Meng flew straight up, turned 720 degrees in mid-air, and flicked their tongues freely for a second, and then hit the ground full of gravel.


I Meng let out a long breath and slowly got up from the ground.

"Pain Pain!"

"This guy Zhong Naier, can't you think about whether there are people around you when you are fighting? Oh~" Fujimiya grabbed his thigh and got up, almost, just a little bit, the sharp stone was poked...

I Meng complained: "If your control machine didn't work, we wouldn't be chased like this."

"It's just something temporarily made based on some data, and I don't expect it to last forever."

Fujimiya searched the thigh meat, and said: "But it got out of control so quickly, Zhong Naier's will is stronger than I imagined."

"But we're also thanks to it now."

I Meng looked up and looked at Zhong Naier, who was suppressing the two Sigmaciguls with his own power.

I dreamed: "So strong! It just..."

Fujimiya gritted his teeth: "You're playing tricks on us!"

He lowered his head and glanced at his wrist, the silver seal hadn't disappeared yet.

"It seems that only by defeating the two monsters can we recover our ability to transform. It's an unprecedented embarrassment!"

Fujimiya's fists rattled.

"The power of the earth should not know this!" I suddenly thought of something in my dream. He looked at Fujimiya and said, "Our power, Gaia, Aguru, they are not all the light of the earth, maybe there is still a chance."

Fujimiya looked into my dream eyes: "You mean..."

My dream said: "Get the approval of the earth again, and get the light again to break this seal."

Fujimiya nodded, then realized a problem.

What's special here is the land, not the sea!
I Meng didn't realize this, and said with a smile: "Let's do our best together, Fujimiya."

As he spoke, he lay down on the ground in a "big" manner, uttering a middle-two voice.

"Give me light again! Earth!!!"

His yelling gave Fujimiya a headache, and then it was covered by the roar of the monster.

Fujimiya twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

He touched the controller on his face and said, "Zhong Naier, follow my command for now. With your fighting style, you will be defeated by them in a short time."

The body swayed, and Zhong Naier knocked away Sigmacigul who was holding him. It stared at Fujimiya and roared, and huge spittle stars flew across.

Fujimiya didn't even think about it, and quickly avoided.

But lying on the ground next to him, my dream of calling the earth was not so lucky, and I was spit on...

Looking at the wriggling pool of liquid on the ground, Fujimiya frowned and covered his nose.

He decided that he would not talk to my dreams for the next week.

too disgusting!

"Zhong Naier, recognize the situation. If this continues, you will lose. You don't want the light of the earth to be brought to the source by these two guys!"

Fujimiya had no choice but to oppress Zhong Naier out of righteousness.

According to his research, the monsters on the earth attach great importance to the light of the earth, even if they have hatred, they will not kill them, such as Zhong Naier.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Zhong Naier stopped his movements, stared at the two Sigmatziguls, and stood there deadlocked.

"Then follow my command!"

"Now, release the fireball..."

"Puff puff!"

In Zhong Naier's saliva, I Meng held my breath to resist the pungent stench, and then crawled out of it.

He touched the stain on his face in disgust, then took a big breath, and almost jumped out immediately.

This smell is simply stimulating the limit of his body.

The violent collision made him temporarily forget the stench, and when he turned his head, he saw Fujimiya directing Zhong Naier to fight.

The wisdom of human beings combined with the powerful power of monsters has exploded to 120% strength.

The two Sigmacigul, as cosmic captive robot beasts, were not good at fighting. After the combination of Fujimiya and Zhong Naier, they were quickly defeated.

Fujimiya put her finger on her ear and smiled.

"It's now!"

"Come on, Zhong Naier!"

"Release the destructive light!"

The ultimate light was released from Zhong Naier's back. Although it was far less powerful than piercing Digrob, it was still extremely terrifying.

The two Sigmacigul were swept by the light beams, their bodies broke directly and fell down.

Fujimiya let out a breath, then covered his mouth, almost yue!
Because I dreamed and ran to his side happily.

"You...yue...don't pass...yue..."

Fujimiya ran back in embarrassment, wishing he could grow two more legs.

I dream of opening my arms.

"Don't run, Fujimiya, let's celebrate."

"I congratulate you beep beep beep!"

The two fled into the distance.

Zhong Naier stared blankly at them leaving, and then suddenly remembered that he still had a controller on his body. It tilted its head and tried to bite it off, but found that its neck was not long enough.

It stuck out its tongue, trying to push the controller off, but it was always only a little bit short.


Zhong Naier impatiently raised his forelegs and stepped heavily on the ground.

Seeing that Zhong Naier didn't come after him, Fujimiya leaned against the tree, put his hands on his knees and panted heavily.

I held my throat in my dream, half dead.

He is in an embarrassing situation now. If he wants to breathe, he will feel easy, but if he doesn't want to, he will feel uncomfortable.

Fujimiya covered his nose, and said in a muffled voice, "Hurry up and wash in the water, we'd better not see each other for the next week, it really stinks."

"One week?!"

The tone of my dream rose, and he said: "This is too long! How about three days? Don't worry, I will definitely wash it off."

"Six days."

"Come on, four..."

"Five days!"

"Well, five days is five days."

I dreamed that I took off the Lightning uniform and said: "I remember there seems to be a stream next to it, I'll go wash it, you can contact the base."

Fujimiya watched him leave speechlessly.


Takano Jun crawled out of the shattered ground, covered in dust, like a beggar.

He was lying on the ground, looking at the blue sky and white clouds.

"If it weren't for the cloak, it would be really cold. Fortunately, Mr. Ao Wang has the foresight."

"After such a big handwriting, the root should be quiet for a while."

"It's exhausting."

XIG's search and rescue team moves through the city.

Commander Ishishiro rarely came to the battlefield. According to his investigation, he came to Takano Jun's location and saw the dusty hero.

He stepped forward, leaned down and looked down at Takano Jun.

"Even if you're lying down, you shouldn't be lying here. Your identity will be easily exposed."

Takano Jun said angrily: "If I had strength, I wouldn't be lying down. Besides, my identity is no longer a secret."

Shishi knows.

That Klaus knew too.

Just do a random survey and it will be clear.

"Join XIG."



Shishi waved in one direction and called, "Come here quickly, there is a wounded person here, hurry up and send him to the medical center of the XIG air base."

"What am I..."

The exhausted Takano Jun was forcibly held down by Ishimuro, and then two people carried him onto a stretcher, and Ishimuro carefully restrained him with belts.

Patting the shoulders of the two search and rescue personnel, Shi Shi said, "Hurry up, this person is very important, very important."


The commander personally ordered and patted himself on the shoulder. The search and rescue personnel were as excited as Erha, full of energy in an instant, and Pidianpidian carried Takano Jun away.

……… Off-topic…………

Ask for a ticket today!

Ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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