Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 293 The Taillights You Can’t See, The Big Ass You Can See


"It's a miracle!"

"In just five days, the research on the equipment for transforming antimatter was completed. It seems that our group is still stuck in the old era."

After Staff Officer Chiba got the news, he ran to Shishi's office in a panic, and praised Alchemy Star and the members of the XIG Research Institute.

"They're all geniuses."

Shi Shi sat there and said: "Didn't we discuss it before? The appearance of the Alchemy Star seems to be born to protect the earth."

"Although the energy erupted by Anchimata is not the same as the root monster, it is also a threat to the earth."

"That's right." Qianye nodded: "That's why they can create a miracle at this moment."

"Yes, this is a genius beyond the times."


Jun Takano, who was hiding under the Mir, yawned. Waiting so slowly was really tormenting.

The three fighters of the Falcons took off first, and the Mir vacated later.

Takano Jun immediately transformed and followed them in an invisible state.

They came to the calculated route of Anchimata approaching the earth, and the time passed by every minute.

Gradually, Anzimata came within range.

"Anchimata conversion device..."


Three red laser beams shot out from the fighter plane, and under everyone's expectant eyes, they landed on Anchimata's... shield and reflected.

"How did this happen? The speed of light was bounced away."

"The conversion didn't happen, damn it!"

"Retreat immediately!"

Anchimata was about to hit, and the Falcons were about to scatter, but they couldn't keep up.

Seeing this, Jun Takano immediately touched the wristband on his arm, and the huge Otto cloak instantly covered the Falcons.

With a loud roar, Otto's cloak was deflected by Angelata, and because of this, the monster slightly changed its route and entered the earth from another direction.

Takano Jun watched Anchimata leave, feeling a little strange.

In his eyes just now, this monster seemed to have popped out.

"Why doesn't the device work?"

"The shield around Anchimata seems to be protecting it from contact with the material."

I dreamed of gritting my teeth.

How can monsters that are not in contact with matter be defeated?

"Look, it's Ultraman Freya!"

Dunzi shouted suddenly, Womeng looked up.

Ultraman Freya was sprinting downward at an extremely fast speed. When the monster was about to land on the ground, he threw out the cloak behind him suddenly, covering the city.


Anzimata, who was supposed to land on the ground, kept bouncing on Ultra's cloak.

I dreamed of opening my mouth wide.


Even if he is a physics genius, he cannot explain this strange phenomenon in a short time.

"It still can't be stopped, this monster is really hard to deal with."

Jun Takano watched as the monster's protective shield continued to expand, feeling like it was going to erode the earth.

His cloak is also constantly expanding, but this is not the fundamental solution to the problem. We can't let humans live under the cloak all the time.

During this period, Takano Jun also tried to release some light trials, but every time the shield bounced off.

"This is even more outrageous than Jayden!"

At any rate, Jiedon only released the barrier when he was attacking, and the guy in front of him was always covered by a protective cover, and the protective cover was still expanding.

Takano Jun couldn't think of a way to deal with this strange monster, his poor knowledge limited his imagination.

"The charge in the shield is positive. Could it be that this monster wants to turn the earth into an antimatter earth?"

My dream felt a little unbelievable.

"How can I defeat this guy?"

For a short time, I didn't have a clue about the dream.

At this time, Shi Shi patted him on the shoulder, indicating that he can rush to the scene now.

At the same time, Fujimiya left the XIG air base.

"I dream."

Fujimiya contacted my dream.

"what happened?"

"Do you still remember the source of antimatter? At the beginning of the creation of the universe, because there was more matter than antimatter, this world was formed, but antimatter was sealed in a different dimension."

"I probably understand the purpose of Anchimata. It wants to turn the earth into antimatter, and then eliminate the protective shield, so as to..."

My dream raised my head: "Destroy the universe!"

"No, destroying the universe is only half the result, and there is a half chance that the material universe will become an antimatter universe."

"Is this monster going to recreate the universe?"

I dreamed of clenching my fists.

Fujimiya said: "If you want to defeat it, you need an Ultraman in the antimatter world."

"How is this possible? Our energy is all in the material world."

"It can be done. Since I have the V2 form, combined with my understanding and knowledge of the antimatter world, I can release the light that transforms matter."

Fujimiya said, "What needs to be determined now is whether it is you or Freya who is fighting the monster."

I was silent for a while.

"I think... it's better for Freya, after all, he is the strongest."

"How can you make decisions for others without authorization?" Fujimiya said coldly, "But I believe that Ultraman Freya, a righteous warrior, will do his best to protect human beings."


Takano Jun released the light bullets, but they all bounced back without exception.

This energy is almost free, but fortunately he can absorb the energy of the earth, otherwise it would have turned into Guangyang long ago.

Facing Takano Jun's attack, Anchimata remained motionless, and it didn't think the attack of the material world was useful to it.

Even if there is a strange cloak in the way, it is only a matter of time before the complete transformation of the earth will succeed.

Jun Takano had nothing to do, and released magic attacks from time to time. Although it didn't have any effect on the monsters, this time the attack was not reflected, and directly sank into the protective cover.

"Is magic energy close to antimatter?"

Takano Jun didn't understand, and couldn't figure it out.

"call out!"

After a few seconds, two cracking sounds came from the sky.

Takano Jun can feel it without turning his head, Gaia and Aguru have arrived.

In this case, there is no need for him to waste energy and try to attack.

Just when Takano Jun was about to fall on the cloak, a burst of transformation light came and landed on Takano Jun's body.

He raised his head and felt everything around him blankly, as if the whole world was completely against him.

Don't even think about it at this time, he was turned into anti-matter Ultraman by Aguru and Gaia by inexplicable means.

Unprepared, Anchimata was blatantly ridden on the face by Takano Jun.

Boom boom boom!
A "sandbag" the size of a fist fell on the monster.

If it is said that Anchimata is invincible in the face of the material world, then Anchimata in the face of antimatter Freya is useless.

Pai Daxing, who came from the anti-matter world, has almost no strength in close combat, and is simply weak.

If it weren't for the effect of antimatter, I'm afraid it wouldn't last long under the attack of humans.

Gathering energy and preparing to kill the monster, Gaia and Aguru shouted outside the protective shield.


Takano looked at them strangely.

Gaia explained: "If Anchimata dies in the material world, then this shield will disappear, and matter and antimatter will collide together. At that time, the entire earth and even the entire solar system will disappear."

What the hell!

Takano Jun was dumbfounded.

This monster is a nuclear bomb!No, nuclear bombs have no such power.

The monster under its feet still wanted to resist, but a giant silver foot stepped on it heavily.

The terrifying force crushed part of the monster's body, and the body fragments fell on Otto's cloak.

Aguru wanted to convert, but if he did it now, there would be no energy to convert Freya into matter.

call out!
At this moment, the Falcons arrived.

They have nothing to do with the monsters inside the shield, but the body fragments that fly out can still be "bullyed".

Three conversion light beams shot out, and the antimatter body exuding distorted colors was converted into a material body.

Gaia raised her hand and blasted these skin fragments into powder.

Holding the monster with one hand, Jun Takano asked, "What should we do now?"

"From where to where." Gaia said: "Through the wormhole, send this guy back to the antimatter world."

Takano Jun said: "Then lead the way."

Gaia and Aguru took to the air, leading the way.

Takano Junti stalked the monster and followed closely.

In the process of going to the wormhole, Anchimata was very dishonest, but after a few pure Ultra slaps by Takano Jun, this highly intelligent "Pai Daxing" resolutely admitted his cowardice.

After rushing into the wormhole, Gaia and Aguru released light to close the wormhole.

call out!
Takano Junfei flew out with distorted colors on his body, and he looked at Gaia and Aguru.

"Turn me back quickly."

Gaia and Aguru looked at each other.

Takano Jun said: "Believe it or not, I will rush to your side now and hug you."

Aguru stepped back a little calmly, and then released the conversion light.

As soon as he switched back, Takano Jun rushed towards them immediately.

"You two boys!"

Aguru, who took the initiative, retreated immediately. Gaia turned around in fear, and saw Aguru's big ass flying far away.

"Depend on!!!"

……… Off-topic…………

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